• vandemanjw
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I would like to create a formula field that populates based off of another picklist option



"800-444-4444","Marketing House Ad", 
"800-444-4445","Marketing Home Page", 
"800-444-4446","Trade Show Ad", 
"800-444-4447","Magazine Ad",...)


The phone number selected would automatically populate the program name where the lead originated.  However, there is a 5000 character limit when using a formula field, and that is not enough for the number of programs that our organization offers.  Is there a way to recreate this same functionality, but do so in a way that would allow a larger list of programs?




I currently have a text field that is used to contain a 10-digit numeric expression (ex. 1234567890).  However, the number is often copied and pasted from another program with dashes in the format (ex. 123-456-7890).  I currently have the field being available for 12 characters, using a validation rule that only allows for 10 characters, forcing the user to manually remove the two dashes.  How can I keep it so the user can paste the 12-digit number, but when it is saved, it only saves in the 10-digit format that I need for reporting?

I'm working on calculating an amount to be billed to a client, which is different based on the service:


CASE(Payment_Terms__c, "Hourly Rate",(Billable_Hours__c*Amount), "50% on Contract, 50% on Completion", (0.5*Amount), "Monthly Reoccurring Rate", Amount,0)


Picklist: Payment_Terms__c

Picklist Options: Hourly Rate, 50% on Contract, 50% on Completion, Monthly Reoccurring Rate


Each is calculated differently:

Hourly Rate = Billable_Hours__c multiplied by Amount

50% on Contract, 50% on Completion = Amount multiplied by 0.5

Monthly Reoccurring Rate = Amount 


Any thoughts?  Thanks! 

When converting a lead to an account, there is an option to have a reminder for the task that is created at that time.  This box is checked by default.  Is there a way to remove this as a default?



I have a picklist for different types of service that are offered:


Web Design

Search Marketing




I have a second picklist for billing options, with options dependent on the above picklist:


Prepay Invoice

Post-pay Invoice

Prepay Credit

Post-pay Credit


If Web Design is selected, there are multiple billing options in the second picklist.


However, if Search Marketing is selected, there is only a single billing option.  In this situation, is there a way to make the billing option picklist default to that single value?  Not a big deal, but would save a couple of clicks for the user.



Message Edited by vandemanjw on 01-30-2010 11:59 PM

When converting a lead to an account, there is an option to have a reminder for the task that is created at that time.  This box is checked by default.  Is there a way to remove this as a default?



I have a picklist for different types of service that are offered:


Web Design

Search Marketing




I have a second picklist for billing options, with options dependent on the above picklist:


Prepay Invoice

Post-pay Invoice

Prepay Credit

Post-pay Credit


If Web Design is selected, there are multiple billing options in the second picklist.


However, if Search Marketing is selected, there is only a single billing option.  In this situation, is there a way to make the billing option picklist default to that single value?  Not a big deal, but would save a couple of clicks for the user.



Message Edited by vandemanjw on 01-30-2010 11:59 PM

I have a picklist value named: Negotiation Status and an item named - Terminated that is within the picklist. 


I setup another field called Termination Date.


What i'm trying to accomplish is when a user selects Terminated from the Negotiation Status picklist, the Termination Date field must be a required field in which the user must enter a date.   


Can someone help me in the correct validation rule - error condition formula I can use to execute this? 


Salesforce API Names: 

Negotiation Status: Negotiation_Status__c

Termination Date: Termination_Date__c 



Message Edited by nickfs92840 on 01-14-2010 11:01 AM

I'm kinda new to apex, and im fairly stranded. Trying to basically create a trigger that on the completion of a log a call task, reads a particular field, and updates status based on it. More specifically, I'm not sure if what i want to do is possible.


To update  the lead shouldn't be too difficult. I would just run a SOQL on the lead Id and update the status field. I do this all day long from the API. The problem I'm really having is how to get information out of the current task. That is, how do i know what lead and what the contents of the tasks field are. 


Any help or direction would be much appreciated!

  • November 30, 2009
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