• ElJefe
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See page block below.  I need to filter data returned based on Billing_Status__c value.  What is the best way to accomplish? 




  <apex:pageBlock title="Services" >
        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Projects__c.Time_Sheets__r}" var="item" border="1" width="100%">
            <apex:column value="{!item.Billing_Status__c}"/> 
            <apex:column value="{!item.Project_Task__r.Start_Date__c}"/> 
            <apex:column value="{!item.Project_Task__r.End_Date__c}"/>
            <apex:column value="{!item.Project_Task_Resource__c}"/> 
            <apex:column value="{!item.Project_Task__c}" /> 
            <apex:column value="{!item.Project_Task_Billing_Rate__c}"/> 
            <apex:column value="{!item.Total_Line_Hours__c}"/> 
            <apex:column value="{!item.Total_Line_Amount__c}"/>        
  • August 26, 2010
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Master: Project 
Time Sheet Line Item 
Time Sheet Line Item formula field
Total Line Amount (Total_Line_Hours__c * Project_Task_Billing_Rate__c) 

I am trying to create a Roll Up Summary field on
Project to SUM Total Line Amount field on Time Sheet Line Item, but Total Line Amount is not available in the drop-down (other formula field Total Line Hours is available). What am I doing wrong here?

How can I SUM data returned in a pageBlock, or do I need to use another method to do so?  I am trying to create a Billing Report, returning Project data and N line items for Time & Expense, and I need to summarize the Time and Expense sections, then add those subtotals together.  

Any approach advice is appreciated as I am brand new to VisualForce.

How do I reference a child custom object from my Projects object, as I get a "is not a valid child relationship name for entity" when I attempt to reference the related object Expense from project via relatedList.

I have created a series of custom objects (projects, project task, expense, timesheet, timesheet line items) and am creating a visualforce page for a billing detail report, and the standardController = SFL5_Projects__c.


A lookup relationship exists on the Projects (SFL5_Projects__c) object to Account via field Client__c, but I cannot reference Account object via standard syntax to pull back the name of the Account (SFL5_Projects__c.Client__c.name errs out, as standard syntax is .Account.name if I were referencing from a standard object like Opportunity.Account.name).


So, my question is how does one reference both standard and custom objects to pull fields (where lookup relationships exist) when the standardController =  a custom object?



See page block below.  I need to filter data returned based on Billing_Status__c value.  What is the best way to accomplish? 




  <apex:pageBlock title="Services" >
        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Projects__c.Time_Sheets__r}" var="item" border="1" width="100%">
            <apex:column value="{!item.Billing_Status__c}"/> 
            <apex:column value="{!item.Project_Task__r.Start_Date__c}"/> 
            <apex:column value="{!item.Project_Task__r.End_Date__c}"/>
            <apex:column value="{!item.Project_Task_Resource__c}"/> 
            <apex:column value="{!item.Project_Task__c}" /> 
            <apex:column value="{!item.Project_Task_Billing_Rate__c}"/> 
            <apex:column value="{!item.Total_Line_Hours__c}"/> 
            <apex:column value="{!item.Total_Line_Amount__c}"/>        
  • August 26, 2010
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How can I SUM data returned in a pageBlock, or do I need to use another method to do so?  I am trying to create a Billing Report, returning Project data and N line items for Time & Expense, and I need to summarize the Time and Expense sections, then add those subtotals together.  

Any approach advice is appreciated as I am brand new to VisualForce.

How do I reference a child custom object from my Projects object, as I get a "is not a valid child relationship name for entity" when I attempt to reference the related object Expense from project via relatedList.

I have created a series of custom objects (projects, project task, expense, timesheet, timesheet line items) and am creating a visualforce page for a billing detail report, and the standardController = SFL5_Projects__c.


A lookup relationship exists on the Projects (SFL5_Projects__c) object to Account via field Client__c, but I cannot reference Account object via standard syntax to pull back the name of the Account (SFL5_Projects__c.Client__c.name errs out, as standard syntax is .Account.name if I were referencing from a standard object like Opportunity.Account.name).


So, my question is how does one reference both standard and custom objects to pull fields (where lookup relationships exist) when the standardController =  a custom object?





I have an object of custom type: Company

I have anohter object called: Department which has a Master-Detail field -> Company

My third and last object is Employee and it has 2 Master detail relationships ->Company & ->Department


Now, I have a few companies and a few departments (each of the departments belong to a specific company).


When I open a new Employee I need to choose a company on the company field and a Department on the department field of the Employee.



After choosing a company that the employee belongs to, I want the option list for choosing the department to only hold departments that belong to the company I choose.


How can I do that?

If someone know, I could really use the help,

