• sean*harrison
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I need to rerender visualforce when a user selects an item from a picklist.  I only want to show the records related to the item chosen.


<apex:page standardController="Repository__c" extensions="PrinterDetails" >
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock id="thePageBlock" >
          <apex:actionRegion >
              <apex:pageBlockSection title="Printer Information" columns="1">
                  <apex:inputField value="{!Repository__c.name"/>
                      <apex:outputLabel value="Address Name"/>
                          <apex:inputField value="{!Repository__c.Address_Name__c}">
                              <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="thePageBlock" status="status"/>
                          <apex:actionStatus startText="applying value..." id="status"/>
            <apex:pageblockTable value="{!PrinterDetails}" var="printers" id="table">
                <apex:column value="{!printers.name}" headerValue="Serial Number"/>
                <apex:column value="{!printers.Address_Name__c}" headerValue="Address Name"/>



Is there documentation on the standard components available in the Lightning App Builder?

At the moment I'm interested in what, if any, control we have on the runtime_sales_activities:activityPanel

Not finding anything in /componentReference/suite.app
"Filling Out the Rest" section reads, "By default the content will fill the screen width. Use one of the slds-container--* helper classes if you would like to position your primary content horizontally on the screen or constrain it to a particular width."

Where are the .slds-container--* helper classes documented specifically?  The Grid section of LDS documentation also mentions them but I'm not clear what my options are for the modifiers when styling the "slds-container" element.  Or is the text above referring to modifiers one can use with .slds-grid--*?
Getting familiar with Einstein Vision by doing the tutorial at https://metamind.readme.io/v1/docs

Everything fine until I try to predict against the demo image and I just get:
That's no fun. I've checked & refreshed my token; the modelid is correct; I can access the sample image...

Anyone have insight on the specific meaning of this message?
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer a48a051c9d1110099999999914b42042df96f" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "sampleLocation=http://metamind.io/images/546212389.jpg" -F "modelId=1101631" https://api.metamind.io/v1/vision/predict

Using the Force.com Migration Tool (Ant) v1.9.4 to deploy from one sandbox to another both on Spring '17 results in 

21.  profiles/Admin.profile -- Error: Unknown user permission: ManageSandboxes
22.  profiles/Finance.profile -- Error: Unknown user permission: ManageTranslation

If the orgs are on the same release, how is the target returning an error here. 

Lots and lots of migrations to do so any help appreciated!


We've been finding that, intermittently, the Site.createPersonAccountPortalUser(userObj, newUserOwnerId, recordTypeId, password) method is retuning a null value, instead of a valid Id for a new User record. No exception is thrown; just a null value is returned.


When this happens we look at the org and find that a User record WAS inserted, as well as *multiple* Account records.


We have been unable to reproduce this using identical input data. 


Has anyone else seen this behavior? 

I can't get past this error message using an class generated from a WSDL. There's one or two threads that touch on this but nothing helpful. What does this message mean?


Web service callout failed: Failed to get next element

Error is in expression '{!doWSDLCallout}' in component <apex:page> in page simplewscallout
From debug log:

14:06:51.976 (976692000)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[99]|WebServiceCallout.invoke(APEX_OBJECT, APEX_OBJECT, MAP, LIST)
14:06:51.982 (982105000)|CALLOUT_REQUEST|[99]|searchReqType:[apex_schema_type_info=(http://xxx.xxx.com:7502/services/salesforce/service, true, false), clientId=, clientId_type_info=(clientId, http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema, string, 1, 1, false), clientTransactionId=, clientTransactionId_type_info=(clientTransactionId, http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema, string, 0, 1, false), field_order_type_info=(clientId, clientTransactionId, searchKey, ), =Type:[apex_schema_type_info=(http://www.xxx.com/services/salesforce/service_v1.0, true, false), field_order_type_info=(prescriber), prescriber=null, prescriber_type_info=(prescriber, http://www.xxx.com/services/salesforce/service_v1.0, prescriberType, 1, -1, false)], _type_info=(, http://xxx.xxx.com:7502/services/salesforce/service, Type, 1, 1, false), searchKey=, searchKey_type_info=(searchKey, http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema, string, 1, 1, false)]::SFDC_STACK_DEPTH=1 SOAPAction="http://xxx.xxx.com:7502/services/salesforce/service" User-Agent=SFDC-Callout/25.0 Accept=text/xml Content-Type=text/xml; charset=UTF-8
14:06:52.050 (1050268000)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[99]|System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: Failed to get next element

I'm providing the third-party with a self-signed client certificate but getting the bad_certificate error when calling their web service. I'm thinking this is because the certificate I generated from our Salesforce org is self-signed whereas I need to get a CA to sign the client cert. Am I thinking correctly? Anyone ever get 2-way SSL set up successfully?  We're trying to follow the steps indicated in the tutorial but not having much success past basic SSL.

Is there any way to get better visibility into what is causing a bad cert error?


System.CalloutException: Received fatal alert: bad_certificate


other than point-by-point troubleshooting, of course :)

Question about the Ant Migration Tool: I'm working on an unpackaged project and wish to deploy a subset of files regularly to another sandbox. To this end I have a package.xml specifying just those components. When I run the build I get a number of "Error: ...:Not in package.xml" messages, one for each metadata file in the deployRoot that isn't listed in package.xml.


I want the migration tool to just ignore those and pay attention to the package.xml. Am I missing a command attribute somewhere?

I understand the Excel Connector is not available for Mac. Anyone found an alternative that provides the same ease-of-use relative to LexiLoader?

Using a Change Set to update sobjects and their Record Types?

Be sure check all your Profiles carefully. 


This lesson was learned after I migrated updates to the Case object along with custom code and a test class. I found that the tests that worked fine in sandbox were failing in production. I was getting errors like, "System.TypeException DML operation not allowed on Case" and a "not writable" error on a field that should have been writable. After checking the FLS and my Profile several times I noticed something I hadn't before: the Admin's Record Type Settings for Case was...blank! The act of updating the sobject must have cleared out the RT. Adding Record Types brought back joy.

NOTE: the code in question here WAS setting the record type on the Case object it was creating but that didn't matter.

I'm trying to do a urlFor on $Action.Case.New but getting a Field does not exist error. Mmmm... I see examples of using $Action.Account.New or $Action.Contact.New but having difficulty finding the documentation on which Objects support which actions. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

I seem to be getting contradictory results when I attempt to insert an AccountShare record for Territory management.


If I do this:

			List<Territory> newTerrsToAssign = new List<Territory>([SELECT Id FROM Territory WHERE Name in :terrNames]);
			List<Group> newGroupsToAssign = new List<Group>([SELECT Id FROM Group WHERE RelatedId in :newTerrsToAssign]);
			List<AccountShare> newSharesToAssign = new List<AccountShare>();
			for (Group g : newGroupsToAssign) 
				AccountShare share = new AccountShare(UserOrGroupId=g.Id, AccountId=acctId);
			return Database.insert(newSharesToAssign);


I get this: 

Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, field integrity exception: AccountAccessLevel (Access level should not be specified on territory manual assignment): [AccountAccessLevel] 

But if I do this:

			List<Territory> newTerrsToAssign = new List<Territory>([SELECT Id FROM Territory WHERE Name in :terrNames]);
			List<Group> newGroupsToAssign = new List<Group>([SELECT Id FROM Group WHERE RelatedId in :newTerrsToAssign]);
			List<AccountShare> newSharesToAssign = new List<AccountShare>();
			for (Group g : newGroupsToAssign) 
				AccountShare share = new AccountShare(UserOrGroupId=g.Id, AccountId=acctId);
				// share.AccountAccessLevel='Edit';
			return Database.insert(newSharesToAssign);


I get this:

Insert failed. First exception on row 1; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, missing required field: AccountAccessLevel: [AccountAccessLevel] 

Bummer. What am I missing here?


We're starting to see this error about 50% of the time now when using Change Sets to deploy to a production org:


"An internal error has occurred while deploying the change set. Please contact Salesforce Support and provide the following Error ID: 1151483661-1064 (-357993127)"


Anyone else seeing this?


I'm sure I'm missing something simple but I've set the Filters in Setup>Monitoring>Debug Logs and some some things they seem to work.


"Some things" being like when I go to the filters page, that activity shows up in my Debug Logs. The Log begins with a line that reflects my Filter choices:



But when I run the test class that I really need to debug, the filters don't have any effect and my debug log reaches it's max. The first line reads:



which seem to indicate that my Filters aren't being applied at all.


Anyone know what I'm missing here?


is there a way to programmatically set the default LoggingLevel?













I have a commandButton which calls an action that returns a PageReference. It works in one part of the page but not another.  Here's the example:


I've got an page divided into left and right table columns. On the left, as standard list of objects. For this example I've used Contacts. Each row has a commandLink which reRenders (Ajax) the right hand side to reveal a form. The form contains a commandButton that calls an action which returns a Page redirect. But it doesn't work.


If I move the form to the bottom of the page, outside of all the action, it works fine.


What should I understand better about returning a PageReference?


Here's the VF page:



<apex:page standardController="Contact" extensions="ajaxPageRefIssueExt" recordSetVar="myContacts" sidebar="false" id="thisPage">

  <table><tr valign="top">
  <!-- here's my left-hand side -->
  <td width="600px"><apex:form >
  <apex:pageBlock >
        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!myContacts}" var="c" rows="2">
          <apex:column value="{!c.Name}"/>
          <apex:column >
              <apex:commandLink reRender="thisPage:aForm" status="aFormStatus">
                    Show Form...
                  <apex:param name="contactId" value="{!c.Id}"/>
  <!-- and now my right-hand side -->
      <apex:actionStatus startText="Getting a Form..." stopText="" id="aFormStatus"></apex:actionStatus>
         <apex:outputPanel id="aForm">
         <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!NOT(ISNULL(contactId))}"> 
         Uh oh...if this is reRendered by an Ajax call, this commandButton page redirect gets lost!?
                <apex:form ><apex:commandButton action="{!takeAction}" value="Submit..."/></apex:form>
  But it works fine down here...
  <apex:form ><apex:commandButton action="{!takeAction}" value="Submit..."/></apex:form>



and my extension class:



public class ajaxPageRefIssueExt {
    public ajaxPageRefIssueExt(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) 
    public String getContactId() { return System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('contactId'); }

    public PageReference takeAction()
    	PageReference p = Page.ajaxPageRefIssueB;
    	return p;



We're customizing the layouts of the public knowledge base site to display Knowledge Articles but have hit a couple snags.


First, I need to put the title of an Article (or some portion thereof) in the <title> of the html display. I can't find anywhere in the controller (KnowledgeController.cls) to access any information about the current Article being displayed.


Similarly, the styling around the Article needs to be adjusted but I can't find the page I need. I see the layout (knowledgeLayout.page) and the pages for Home, Product and Search. Where's the "knowledgeArticle.page"?

I see from the search results that I'm not the only one to have had problems with the Eclipse IDE but I'm wondering how I can get past a roadblock. I've tried all day to deploy a trigger to the production org and the IDE always hangs at Deployment Plan Step 3 of 4. After ten minutes or so I'll get a "Fetch Cycle Limit Reached - Server procesing time has exceeded limit (600 secs) Abort operation or Continue waiting for server?"  At this point I'll try again, but it never finishes. Is there a log file in the IDE I can look at to see what is going on? Can I do anything? :smileysad:

Scenario: When creating a new Event need to copy the content of a field in the related Contact record and place into a field in the Event. That info can than be further modified while on the Edit page.

Challenge: There are two page layouts for the Edit page of the Event object. We don't want to interrupt the establish flow of steps, just make the change to the brand new Event record and display the standard Edit page.

Being new I'm not sure of the best approach. I assume I should, in theory, do the following:

1. Create a controller extension
2. Create a VF page referencing the extension
3. Use an action attribute in apex:page to return the default page reference
4. Override the New button

button will fire page,
extension attribute will fire extension methods,
action attribute will fire the next step in the normal flow of steps.

Am I on the right track?

or should I be using a Trigger? Does the "before insert" event occur between the time the New button is clicked and the Edit page appears? I would assume not...

Thanks! S

I'm playing with databinding and have a question that is probably obvious to more knowledgeable folks...


If I write a class like this:


public class HelloWorld
public String getHTML
return '<strong>The Earth says Hello</strong>';



and create a page like so:


<apex:page controller="HelloWorld">
	<h1>Good morning, Starshine</h1>


I expect the output on my apex page to be something like:


Good morning, Starshine

The Earth says Hello



but instead I get:


Good morning, Starshine

<strong>The Earth says Hello</strong>


in other words my html tags are getting encoded so the databinding returns "&lt;strong&gt;...etc."


I want to send HTML to the page to be interpreted by the browser as HTML. Is there something I'm doing obviously wrong?

I have a salesforce account - daniel.wymer@teradata.com - and get into endless loop and cannot reach Trailhead.  It seems like I have a Salesforce account, have established a password, but cannot login to Trailhead.
I have an Apex Trigger in my org (written well before me) that is not making sense. It is now causing some of my newer processes to fail.
I disabled it in the sandbox but have not yet pushed the change set over for fear of breaking something unkonw to me.
Here is my trigger:
trigger changeAssignTo on Task (before insert) {
     for (Task t : Trigger.new) {
        if (t.Subject.contains('{!') && t.Subject.contains('}')) {
           String lookup = t.Subject.substring(t.Subject.indexOf('{!') + 2, t.Subject.indexOf('}'));
           String[] lookupSplit = lookup.split('\\.');
           SObject s = Database.query('select ' + lookupSplit[1] + ' from ' + lookupSplit[0] + ' where Id = \'' + t.WhatId + '\'');
           t.OwnerId = (Id)s.get(lookupSplit[1]);
           t.Subject = t.Subject.substring(0, t.Subject.indexOf('{!')) + t.Subject.substring(t.Subject.indexOf('}') + 1); 
If I deploy the change set and something fails, can I undo it?
And does this trigger make sense to anyone for any reason??
I don't want tasks reassinged when created.
Using the Force.com Migration Tool (Ant) v1.9.4 to deploy from one sandbox to another both on Spring '17 results in 

21.  profiles/Admin.profile -- Error: Unknown user permission: ManageSandboxes
22.  profiles/Finance.profile -- Error: Unknown user permission: ManageTranslation

If the orgs are on the same release, how is the target returning an error here. 

Lots and lots of migrations to do so any help appreciated!
I conducted the "Configuring a Salesforce Console Unit" module. None of it worked. I did it twice. I'm not sure why. I'm moving on.
A) Activity Timeline
B) Datepicker 
C) Menu
D) Pill
  • November 20, 2015
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Hi,  I receive the following error in a test class but have not been able to repeat them in non test running scenarios.

"System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow. 
A flow trigger failed to execute the flow with version ID 301O00000008hM6. 
Contact your administrator for help.: []"

Does anyone know if there could be an issue running flows in test class contexts but not otherwise?

Hi all,
Since updating to summer 14 a lot of my tests are failing with the UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW error.  It's all coming from the same line of code, which is some global code to generate records for testing many different things, such as sample accounts, opportunities etc.  This is the section that's failing:

    public static void createTestPricebookEntry(){
    	if(pbeCreated == null){
				pbeCreated = false;
    		pbeCreated = true;
	    	//stdPbId = Test.getStandardPricebookId(); activate once we update to summer 14
				stdPbId = [SELECT Id FROM Pricebook2 WHERE isStandard = true].Id; //deactivate once we update to summer 14
	    	Product2 p2 = new Product2(Name = 'Engineered - Spur', ProductCode = 'EO', isActive = true);
	    	insert p2;
	    	newProdId = p2.Id;
	    	PricebookEntry stdPbe = new PricebookEntry(Product2Id = newProdId, Pricebook2Id = stdPbId, unitprice = 50, useStandardPrice = false, isActive = true, CurrencyISOCode = 'GBP');

	    	insert stdPbe;       <-- THIS IS THE FAILING LINE
	    	pbeId = stdPbe.Id;
This method can be called from many different places but is mostly called from another similar test class which creates a test opportunity with product lines.  It's causing 20 of my classes to fail which worked perfectly until the update to Summer 14.  Does anyone know why this is suddenly failing and what I can do to prevent it?  The class is a public but all my variables and methods are static, which I thought should prevent this problem.

I have a canvas app I am making Salesforce1 compatable. Things work fine when I log in to the desktop and use it is "Salesforce1 mode", but when I try and access it in my Salesforce1 with my dev org, it does not go beyond the loading screen. I have a suspision that it is wanting me to authorize it's access to my account, but it is not prompting me to allow it. Additionally, I have set the app pre-authorize by admin, and according to this flow chart as I understand it,
I should not be prompted to allow it. Any insight is greatly appreciated.

I am getting the following error message sporadically when I run my unit tests:


System.DmlException: Delete failed. First exception on row 0 with id a09f0000000e6DpAAI; first error: UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW, unable to obtain exclusive access to this record: []


Sometimes, I don't get the error message at all.  Other times, I get the error, but it occurs on different unit tests.  It occurs randomly.


I have a custom setting that I use to externalize some common variables that I use within my apex code.  In my unit test, I first delete my existing custom setting from the org and then recreate my custom setting and the associated values and insert so I have the custom setting setup and populated for my unit test.


So, in my unit test, when I delete my existing custom setting, it randomly complains with the UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW error.  Is there a way I can avoid this error? 


My code runs fine, I've tested it thoroughly and it all runs without error.  The error is only occurring in my unit tests.


Any help is appreciated.



We've been finding that, intermittently, the Site.createPersonAccountPortalUser(userObj, newUserOwnerId, recordTypeId, password) method is retuning a null value, instead of a valid Id for a new User record. No exception is thrown; just a null value is returned.


When this happens we look at the org and find that a User record WAS inserted, as well as *multiple* Account records.


We have been unable to reproduce this using identical input data. 


Has anyone else seen this behavior? 

I'm providing the third-party with a self-signed client certificate but getting the bad_certificate error when calling their web service. I'm thinking this is because the certificate I generated from our Salesforce org is self-signed whereas I need to get a CA to sign the client cert. Am I thinking correctly? Anyone ever get 2-way SSL set up successfully?  We're trying to follow the steps indicated in the tutorial but not having much success past basic SSL.

Question about the Ant Migration Tool: I'm working on an unpackaged project and wish to deploy a subset of files regularly to another sandbox. To this end I have a package.xml specifying just those components. When I run the build I get a number of "Error: ...:Not in package.xml" messages, one for each metadata file in the deployRoot that isn't listed in package.xml.


I want the migration tool to just ignore those and pay attention to the package.xml. Am I missing a command attribute somewhere?

I'm trying to do a urlFor on $Action.Case.New but getting a Field does not exist error. Mmmm... I see examples of using $Action.Account.New or $Action.Contact.New but having difficulty finding the documentation on which Objects support which actions. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

I seem to be getting contradictory results when I attempt to insert an AccountShare record for Territory management.


If I do this:

			List<Territory> newTerrsToAssign = new List<Territory>([SELECT Id FROM Territory WHERE Name in :terrNames]);
			List<Group> newGroupsToAssign = new List<Group>([SELECT Id FROM Group WHERE RelatedId in :newTerrsToAssign]);
			List<AccountShare> newSharesToAssign = new List<AccountShare>();
			for (Group g : newGroupsToAssign) 
				AccountShare share = new AccountShare(UserOrGroupId=g.Id, AccountId=acctId);
			return Database.insert(newSharesToAssign);


I get this: 

Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, field integrity exception: AccountAccessLevel (Access level should not be specified on territory manual assignment): [AccountAccessLevel] 

But if I do this:

			List<Territory> newTerrsToAssign = new List<Territory>([SELECT Id FROM Territory WHERE Name in :terrNames]);
			List<Group> newGroupsToAssign = new List<Group>([SELECT Id FROM Group WHERE RelatedId in :newTerrsToAssign]);
			List<AccountShare> newSharesToAssign = new List<AccountShare>();
			for (Group g : newGroupsToAssign) 
				AccountShare share = new AccountShare(UserOrGroupId=g.Id, AccountId=acctId);
				// share.AccountAccessLevel='Edit';
			return Database.insert(newSharesToAssign);


I get this:

Insert failed. First exception on row 1; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, missing required field: AccountAccessLevel: [AccountAccessLevel] 

Bummer. What am I missing here?

I am getting the following error message while running the Apex batch. Can any one suggest me that what is the reason why I am getting this error. Error Message : "All attempts to execute message failed, message was put on dead message queue". Regards, Ram

Hi Everybody,


Getting following error message while executing Batch Apex.

   All attempts to execute message failed, message was put on dead message queue.

The source object having Large data(around 11 milliion records)

Could you please give me  ideas/observations to ovrecome the issue.




  • May 16, 2011
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I'm sure I'm missing something simple but I've set the Filters in Setup>Monitoring>Debug Logs and some some things they seem to work.


"Some things" being like when I go to the filters page, that activity shows up in my Debug Logs. The Log begins with a line that reflects my Filter choices:



But when I run the test class that I really need to debug, the filters don't have any effect and my debug log reaches it's max. The first line reads:



which seem to indicate that my Filters aren't being applied at all.


Anyone know what I'm missing here?


is there a way to programmatically set the default LoggingLevel?











I have followed the instructions on how to get this working. I send test emails to the email service address created by salesforce when I activated the Email-to-Case and it does not create a case. I looked at the System Log and there is no entry regarding this. Any ideas why this is happening?




  • July 29, 2010
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I got my DEV 401 few months back. I am now planning to take up the DEV 501 exam. Though I've been working in Visualforce & apex for quite sometime, I don't have a clue on what is being tested in DEV 501. Couple of people to whom I have spoken recently are also in the same state. 


Hence, I am starting this thread so that people who have taken 501 atleast once, can share with us their experience and guide/hint us on the reference materials/topics that matter.


Lets help each other !!!


P.S: I also wanted to declare that this thread is not meant to post the exam questions as it will violate salesforce.com certification rights. This thread is solely meant to share the certification exam experiences and references.

In the Marketing Cloud I want to use a SSJS script activity to retrieve records from a Data Extension, manipulate them, and write back to a new DE. I've tried using DATAEXTENSION.Rows.Retrieve(), but am limited to pulling back only 2,500 records. Instead, I am trying to use API calls from inside the platform to take advantage of (results[0] == "MoreDataAvailable"). I can now get the full recordset back; which is verified by OBJECT.Length. How can I access the individual field values? I'm trying to get STRINGIFY() or ROW() to help, but failing so far. Below is script I put into a landing page to work through the retrieve and the results displayed on the screen. "OrderheaderID" is a field name from the source data extension.

<script runat=server>
          var rr = Platform.Function.CreateObject("RetrieveRequest");
          Platform.Function.SetObjectProperty(rr, "ObjectType", "DataExtensionObject[test_OrderLineItem]");
          Platform.Function.AddObjectArrayItem(rr, "Properties", "OrderheaderID"); // OrderheaderID is a field name

            var results = [0,0];
            var rows = Platform.Function.InvokeRetrieve(rr, results);
            if(rows != null) {
              Write("<br>results0: " + results[0]); 
              Write("<br>results1: " + results[1]);  
              Write("<br>rows0: " + rows[0]); //returning null
              Write("<br>rows1: " + rows[1]); 
              Write("<br>rowsLength: " + rows.length); 
              Write("<br>rows.orderheaderId: " + rows.OrderheaderID);  //returning undefined
              Write("<br>rows[0].orderheaderId: " + rows[0].OrderheaderID);
              Write("<br>rows[1].orderheaderId: " + rows[1].OrderheaderID);
             rr.ContinueRequest = results[1];
          } while (results[0] == "MoreDataAvailable")

results0: MoreDataAvailable
results1: 9b2c8d3f-4a63-4573-b122-ecfe29af41e0
rowsLength: 2500
rows.orderheaderId: undefined
rows[0].orderheaderId: undefined
rows[1].orderheaderId: undefined

results0: OK
results1: 9b2c8d3f-4a63-4573-b122-ecfe29af41e0
rowsLength: 1615
rows.orderheaderId: undefined
rows[0].orderheaderId: undefined
rows[1].orderheaderId: undefined
I conducted the "Configuring a Salesforce Console Unit" module. None of it worked. I did it twice. I'm not sure why. I'm moving on.
Hi There,
I am following the instructions directly but I am unable to get this part to work. Under section "Add the Service Cloud User License to Users" step 3 was already done when I got there.

Then at step 6 I'm not sure what I am supposed to tick because my list looks different from the picture - service cloud not present for example.

If I select all to be visable, I get an error to say I have exceeded the max number of apps.

Please help!

I have a canvas app I am making Salesforce1 compatable. Things work fine when I log in to the desktop and use it is "Salesforce1 mode", but when I try and access it in my Salesforce1 with my dev org, it does not go beyond the loading screen. I have a suspision that it is wanting me to authorize it's access to my account, but it is not prompting me to allow it. Additionally, I have set the app pre-authorize by admin, and according to this flow chart as I understand it,
I should not be prompted to allow it. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
We are piloting the OData External Data Source Connector.
The service we are testing was sourced from sql server stored procedures with parameters.
The "tables" sync successfully, but throw an error when an attempt is made to access them.
Unable to complete OData query for 'CustomerAccountSet'. Please check service status and authentication attributes Error ID: 509387730-25493 (702911041)
I can access the urls beneath the endpoint just fine via the ajax toolkit on a VF page, but cannot query or view the synced external objects.

We had great success accessing test external objects from http://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc, so we know that the connector works well under certain circumstances.

Thanks, mb