• JParolin
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Hello Dev Community,


I have a batch test class that is giving me some trouble. It is giving me the following error when I try and deploy the class:


Test failure, method: BatchUpdateContactPayments.testUpdateContactPayments -- Sy
stem.UnexpectedException: No more than one executeBatch can be called from withi
n a testmethod. Please make sure the iterable returned from your start method m
atches the batch size, resulting in one executeBatch invocation. stack External
entry point


Here is the test method I'm trying to deploy the class with:


public static testMethod void testUpdateContactPayments() {

Account[] accts = new Account[]{};
for (integer i=0;i<11;i++) {
accts.add(new Account(name='DAcct1a' + i, pymt_Payments_Made__c = 10));	
for (integer i=0;i<11;i++) {
accts.add(new Account(name='DAcct1b' + i));	
insert accts;

Account acct1 = new Account(name='DAcct1', pymt_Payments_Made__c = 10);
insert acct1;

Contact[] contacts = new Contact[]{};
//contacts with account and no total payment amount not changed
for (integer i=0;i<5;i++) {
contacts.add(new Contact (firstname = 'Joey',
lastname = 'ApexTest'+ i,
mailingstreet = '123 Oak',
mailingcity = 'Encinitas',
mailingpostalcode = '111111',
mailingcountry = 'US',
email = 'joeyapextest12354@test.com',
pymt_Payments_Made__c = 10,
accountid = acct1.id));
//contacts with account and total payment amount changed
for (integer i=0;i<5;i++) {
contacts.add(new Contact (firstname = 'Joey',
lastname = 'ApexTest'+ i,
mailingstreet = '123 Oak',
mailingcity = 'Encinitas',
mailingpostalcode = '111111',
mailingcountry = 'US',
pymt_Payments_Made__c = 0,
email = 'joeyapextest12354@test.com',
accountid = acct1.id));
//contacts with no account
for (integer i=0;i<11;i++) {
contacts.add(new Contact (firstname = 'Joey',
lastname = 'ApexTest'+ i,
mailingstreet = '123 Oak',
mailingcity = 'Encinitas',
mailingpostalcode = '111111',
mailingcountry = 'US',
email = 'joeyapextest12354@test.com'));
insert contacts;

String query = '';
    if (contacts.size()>0){
        String contactIdList = '';
        for (Contact c :contacts) {
            contactIdList += '\''+c.Id+'\',';
        contactIdList = '('+contactIdList+')';
        contactIdList = contactIdList.replace(',)',')');  // remove trailing comma
        query  = 'Select id, pymt__Account__r.pymt_Payments_Made__c, pymt__Contact__r.pymt_Payments_Made__c, pymt__Contact__r.Account.pymt_Payments_Made__c, pymt__Account__c, pymt__Contact__c, pymt__Contact__r.AccountId, pymt__amount__c, pymt__status__c from pymt__PaymentX__c where (pymt__status__c like \'Completed\'  or pymt__Status__c like \'Charged\') and isDeleted = false and pymt__Amount__c <> null and (pymt__Account__r.Name like \'DAcct1%\' or pymt__contact__c in '+contactIdList+') limit 200';  


List<pymt__PaymentX__c> payments = new List<pymt__PaymentX__c>{};
List<pymt__PaymentX__c> LoneAcctpayments = new List<pymt__PaymentX__c>{};
for (Account a :accts) {
    for (Integer i=0; i<2; i++) {
    LoneAcctpayments.add(new pymt__PaymentX__c(name = 'ApexTest Payment1: '+ a.name,
    pymt__status__c = 'Completed',
    pymt__amount__c = 20.00,
    pymt__account__c = a.id));
insert LoneAcctpayments;

for (Contact c :contacts) {
    for (Integer i=0; i<2; i++) {
    payments.add(new pymt__PaymentX__c(name = i+ 'ApexTest Payment1: '+ c.lastname,
    pymt__status__c = 'Completed',
    pymt__amount__c = 5.00,
    pymt__contact__c = c.id));

pymt__PaymentX__c payment2 = new pymt__PaymentX__c();
payment2.name = 'ApexTest Payment2: '+ acct1.name;
payment2.pymt__status__c = 'Completed';
payment2.pymt__amount__c = 5.00;
payment2.pymt__account__c = acct1.id;
insert payments;

BatchUpdateContactPayments batchUpdate = new BatchUpdateContactPayments(query);
//apexTestMode = true; 
ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(batchUpdate);
//Contact cont = [Select id, pymt_payments_made__c from Contact where Id = :contacts[0].Id];
//System.debug('APEXDEBUG' + cont.pymt_payments_made__c);
//Account acc = [Select id, pymt_payments_made__c from Account where Id =: acct1.id];
//System.debug('APEXDEBUG' + acc.pymt_payments_made__c);



I've browsed the forums and haven't found an answer that I've been able to apply. I'm looking for any pointers or help to understand what I can do to fix this error. Any help is much appreciated.  Thanks all!





Hello Dev Community,


I have a batch test class that is giving me some trouble. It is giving me the following error when I try and deploy the class:


Test failure, method: BatchUpdateContactPayments.testUpdateContactPayments -- Sy
stem.UnexpectedException: No more than one executeBatch can be called from withi
n a testmethod. Please make sure the iterable returned from your start method m
atches the batch size, resulting in one executeBatch invocation. stack External
entry point


Here is the test method I'm trying to deploy the class with:


public static testMethod void testUpdateContactPayments() {

Account[] accts = new Account[]{};
for (integer i=0;i<11;i++) {
accts.add(new Account(name='DAcct1a' + i, pymt_Payments_Made__c = 10));	
for (integer i=0;i<11;i++) {
accts.add(new Account(name='DAcct1b' + i));	
insert accts;

Account acct1 = new Account(name='DAcct1', pymt_Payments_Made__c = 10);
insert acct1;

Contact[] contacts = new Contact[]{};
//contacts with account and no total payment amount not changed
for (integer i=0;i<5;i++) {
contacts.add(new Contact (firstname = 'Joey',
lastname = 'ApexTest'+ i,
mailingstreet = '123 Oak',
mailingcity = 'Encinitas',
mailingpostalcode = '111111',
mailingcountry = 'US',
email = 'joeyapextest12354@test.com',
pymt_Payments_Made__c = 10,
accountid = acct1.id));
//contacts with account and total payment amount changed
for (integer i=0;i<5;i++) {
contacts.add(new Contact (firstname = 'Joey',
lastname = 'ApexTest'+ i,
mailingstreet = '123 Oak',
mailingcity = 'Encinitas',
mailingpostalcode = '111111',
mailingcountry = 'US',
pymt_Payments_Made__c = 0,
email = 'joeyapextest12354@test.com',
accountid = acct1.id));
//contacts with no account
for (integer i=0;i<11;i++) {
contacts.add(new Contact (firstname = 'Joey',
lastname = 'ApexTest'+ i,
mailingstreet = '123 Oak',
mailingcity = 'Encinitas',
mailingpostalcode = '111111',
mailingcountry = 'US',
email = 'joeyapextest12354@test.com'));
insert contacts;

String query = '';
    if (contacts.size()>0){
        String contactIdList = '';
        for (Contact c :contacts) {
            contactIdList += '\''+c.Id+'\',';
        contactIdList = '('+contactIdList+')';
        contactIdList = contactIdList.replace(',)',')');  // remove trailing comma
        query  = 'Select id, pymt__Account__r.pymt_Payments_Made__c, pymt__Contact__r.pymt_Payments_Made__c, pymt__Contact__r.Account.pymt_Payments_Made__c, pymt__Account__c, pymt__Contact__c, pymt__Contact__r.AccountId, pymt__amount__c, pymt__status__c from pymt__PaymentX__c where (pymt__status__c like \'Completed\'  or pymt__Status__c like \'Charged\') and isDeleted = false and pymt__Amount__c <> null and (pymt__Account__r.Name like \'DAcct1%\' or pymt__contact__c in '+contactIdList+') limit 200';  


List<pymt__PaymentX__c> payments = new List<pymt__PaymentX__c>{};
List<pymt__PaymentX__c> LoneAcctpayments = new List<pymt__PaymentX__c>{};
for (Account a :accts) {
    for (Integer i=0; i<2; i++) {
    LoneAcctpayments.add(new pymt__PaymentX__c(name = 'ApexTest Payment1: '+ a.name,
    pymt__status__c = 'Completed',
    pymt__amount__c = 20.00,
    pymt__account__c = a.id));
insert LoneAcctpayments;

for (Contact c :contacts) {
    for (Integer i=0; i<2; i++) {
    payments.add(new pymt__PaymentX__c(name = i+ 'ApexTest Payment1: '+ c.lastname,
    pymt__status__c = 'Completed',
    pymt__amount__c = 5.00,
    pymt__contact__c = c.id));

pymt__PaymentX__c payment2 = new pymt__PaymentX__c();
payment2.name = 'ApexTest Payment2: '+ acct1.name;
payment2.pymt__status__c = 'Completed';
payment2.pymt__amount__c = 5.00;
payment2.pymt__account__c = acct1.id;
insert payments;

BatchUpdateContactPayments batchUpdate = new BatchUpdateContactPayments(query);
//apexTestMode = true; 
ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(batchUpdate);
//Contact cont = [Select id, pymt_payments_made__c from Contact where Id = :contacts[0].Id];
//System.debug('APEXDEBUG' + cont.pymt_payments_made__c);
//Account acc = [Select id, pymt_payments_made__c from Account where Id =: acct1.id];
//System.debug('APEXDEBUG' + acc.pymt_payments_made__c);



I've browsed the forums and haven't found an answer that I've been able to apply. I'm looking for any pointers or help to understand what I can do to fix this error. Any help is much appreciated.  Thanks all!