• saas_ydu
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I would like to improve the Case Comment Template defined in our Cases / Support Settings.

It's a Visualforce Email Template, working well (including translations) but missing the "Last Case Comment" information.


I have tried a bunch of solution with no success until now. Can someone pinpoint what I am doing wrong ?


Here is my Apex Class:

public class findSaaSlastCaseComment {
    private final List<CaseComment> cComment;
    public Id caseId {get; set;}

    public findSaaSlastCaseComment() {
        cComment = [SELECT CommentBody FROM CaseComment WHERE ParentId = :caseId AND IsPublished = True ORDER BY LastModifiedDate DESC LIMIT 1];

    public List<CaseComment> getSaaSlastCaseComment() {
        return cComment;

 Here is my Visualforce Component:

<apex:component controller="findSaaSlastCaseComment" access="global">
    <apex:attribute name="caseId" description="Salesforce Id of the Case" type="Id" assignTo="{!caseId}" />
    <apex:dataTable value="{!SaaSlastCaseComment}" var="lastCaseComment">
        <apex:column >

 Here is an extract of my Email Template:

<messaging:emailTemplate recipientType="Contact"
    <messaging:htmlEmailBody >
	Dear customer...
        Description: {!relatedTo.Description}

        Last comment: <c:findSaaSlastCaseComment />

<messaging:plainTextEmailBody >

 As I understand CaseId is empty because the mail template references the Id as "RelatedTo.CaseId" not "CaseId", but I don't know (I am not a developer) how to reference CaseId the right way.


Is there a better solution (unfortunately {!Case.Last_Case_Comment} is not available in Visualforce Email Template)?


Many thanks for your answers,


I would like to improve the Case Comment Template defined in our Cases / Support Settings.

It's a Visualforce Email Template, working well (including translations) but missing the "Last Case Comment" information.


I have tried a bunch of solution with no success until now. Can someone pinpoint what I am doing wrong ?


Here is my Apex Class:

public class findSaaSlastCaseComment {
    private final List<CaseComment> cComment;
    public Id caseId {get; set;}

    public findSaaSlastCaseComment() {
        cComment = [SELECT CommentBody FROM CaseComment WHERE ParentId = :caseId AND IsPublished = True ORDER BY LastModifiedDate DESC LIMIT 1];

    public List<CaseComment> getSaaSlastCaseComment() {
        return cComment;

 Here is my Visualforce Component:

<apex:component controller="findSaaSlastCaseComment" access="global">
    <apex:attribute name="caseId" description="Salesforce Id of the Case" type="Id" assignTo="{!caseId}" />
    <apex:dataTable value="{!SaaSlastCaseComment}" var="lastCaseComment">
        <apex:column >

 Here is an extract of my Email Template:

<messaging:emailTemplate recipientType="Contact"
    <messaging:htmlEmailBody >
	Dear customer...
        Description: {!relatedTo.Description}

        Last comment: <c:findSaaSlastCaseComment />

<messaging:plainTextEmailBody >

 As I understand CaseId is empty because the mail template references the Id as "RelatedTo.CaseId" not "CaseId", but I don't know (I am not a developer) how to reference CaseId the right way.


Is there a better solution (unfortunately {!Case.Last_Case_Comment} is not available in Visualforce Email Template)?


Many thanks for your answers,
