• Jithesh
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Here is my code,


I am getting an error at highlited red linke" Map must have exactly 2 type arguments"..any idea whats going on

map<String, list<map<string,list<map<String,double>>>>> fiscactual = new map<String, list<map<string,list<map<String,double>>>>>();
map<string,list<map<String,double>>> fisc = new map<string,list<map<String,double>>>();
map<String,double> cust = new map<String,double> ();

list<AggregateResult> aggr = [select Named_Account__c,Fiscal_Periods__c,Customer_Segment__c,SUM(Total_Revenue__c) from Opportunity 
									  where StageName ='Booked' and Named_Account__c IN : namedaccIds group by Named_Account__c,Fiscal_Periods__c,Customer_Segment__c];
			for(AggregateResult agg: aggr){
				String s = String.valueof(agg.get('Named_Account__c'));
				if(fiscactual.containsKey(s) && fiscactual.get(s)!= null && fiscactual.get(s).size() > 0){
					for(map<string,list<map<String,double>>> fiscal : fiscactual.get(s)){
						String r = String.valueof(agg.get('Fiscal_Periods__c'));
						fisc = fiscal;
						if(fisc.containsKey(r)&& fisc.get(r)!= null && fisc.get(r).size() > 0)	{
							for(map<String,double> customer :fiscal.get(r) ){
								String c = String.valueof(agg.get('Customer_Segment__c'));
								cust = customer;
									map<list<map<String,double>>> custFiscMap = new map<list<map<String,double>>> ();
		 							list<map<String,double>> custlist = new list<map<String,double>>();
									map<String,double> custMap = new map<String,double> ();							


I need to display an image on Vf based upon the value {!IQnews.image}.


I have createad image files for  the values expected in IQnews.image and zipped them in IQNews folder. in the below line I was trying to include the value, but it s not working.


<apex:image value="{!URLFOR($Resource.IQNews, '{!IQnews.image}')}" width="50" height="50"/>

Any ideas about how to deal this scenario.



I have a scenario where needs to repeat pageblock tables, but the below vf is not working. Any idea?


<apex:repeat value="{!weeklyNewsGroup}" var="IQ" >
    <apex:pageBlock Title=" IQ News for Week of {!IQ.earlyDate}">
    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!IQ.news}" var="IQnews" >
        <apex:column headerValue="Subject">  
         <apex:outputLink id="theLink"  onclick="OpenNew(this,'{!IQnews.link__c}','{!IQnews.Post_Type__c}','{!IQnews.Id}');" >{!IQnews.Subject__c}</apex:outputLink>
        <apex:column value="{!IQnews.Publisher__c}"/>   
        <apex:column value="{!IQnews.Published_On_Template__c }" headerValue="Published On"/>    



We  have a lookup field(Controller) on a custom obj to user obj ,

We have a requirement to send out an Email on daily basis to our Users with a list of custom obj  in  a which the user is made the Controller.


For EX: if 3 records are created and User 1 is controller for rec 1 &2 , User 2 is controller for rec 3.


An email will be sent out to User 1 with details of rec1 and rec2 at the end of the day.


Similarly an email should be sent out o User 2 with details of rec3.


for this i have created a schedular class with all logic  to send an email to the users but i am  not able to put the rec. info in to email template. I tried to create a component and and used this component in a visualforce email template, but this is not pulling any data from the controller.


Any ideas will be greatly apreciated to implemtn this.

How to select Case Assignment checkbox by default checked for Portal Cases. Becuase we want our Assignment rules need to be fired when we create the Portal cases .

I have a scenario where i need to upload 1000 attachments for 1000 accounts. one for eaach acoount. Is it possible to do with dataloader? or i need to follow any other technique. Please guide


Thanks in Advance,


I need to display an image on Vf based upon the value {!IQnews.image}.


I have createad image files for  the values expected in IQnews.image and zipped them in IQNews folder. in the below line I was trying to include the value, but it s not working.


<apex:image value="{!URLFOR($Resource.IQNews, '{!IQnews.image}')}" width="50" height="50"/>

Any ideas about how to deal this scenario.



I'm wondering is it possible to create Excel or CSV file in apex code (as attachment) is it possible ? currently i only see it works with VF page, but i'm looking to do it in apex code not using vf page, I don't see any options.


Any help is appreciated.





  • December 29, 2011
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