• Anchal garg
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Hi ,


I am Working on a vf page that uses two forms viz html form and apex:form.

The logic for the page is that when user changes one particular value in html form then actionfunction would invoke that would change some value of html form.

The Problem is that i can't be able to refresh the html form value . However the actionfunction method invokes properly as well as the apex method associated with that also works .


Can any one help me out in this scenario.


The Snippet of my code is  : 


vf page :



<apex:page controller="abc_controller" id="thepage">

<form id="fom1" name="form1" method="post" action="{!url}" enctype="multipart/form-data">

<select name="AccessType" id="AccesstypeId" OnChange = "ChangeValue1(this.value);">

<option value="Google">Google</option>
<option value="Yahoo">Yahoo</option>

<input type="text" value="{!value1}">




<apex:form >

<apex:actionfunction name="ChangeValue1" action="{!updateurl}" reRender="thepage" oncomplete="alert('completed');" >
<apex:param name="val1" value="val1" assignTo="{!acl}"/>







public void updateurl







any help in this scenario will be much apreciated.

hi ,


I am quite new to salesforce and i am trying to create mobile appliction that uses html5 geolocation facility .

i am succedded in getting the lattitude and longitude information of the device from which the app is called. but unable to locate that device position in google map by providing its lattitude and longitude position .


also i wanna to use the reverse geocoding feature of google map i.e to display appropriate address of the device by providing its lattitude and longitude information.


can anyone help me in this scenario.


hi all ,


I am quite new to salesforce . i am just creating a mobile app that can just manage accounts and  Related contacts.

basically i want to add a functionality in my app such that user can be able to create new account by giving their desired value in the form .


now whne i use html tags like  <input id="website" name="website" type="text" /> . jquery process that id easily.


viz var website=$j('#website').val();


but when i try  to use <apex:inputfield id="website" value="acc.website"> or <apex:inputtext id="website" value="{!website}"/>   


where website is defined in controller with proper getter and setter method.



so as to engaage salesforce field . the error arises that this tag can only be used with sfobjects.



can anyone help me out in passing any vf components id to jquery and retrieve that value in jquery  .


any help in this regard would be much appreciated .





Thanks and Regards



Anchal Garg


Hi ,


I am Working on a vf page that uses two forms viz html form and apex:form.

The logic for the page is that when user changes one particular value in html form then actionfunction would invoke that would change some value of html form.

The Problem is that i can't be able to refresh the html form value . However the actionfunction method invokes properly as well as the apex method associated with that also works .


Can any one help me out in this scenario.


The Snippet of my code is  : 


vf page :



<apex:page controller="abc_controller" id="thepage">

<form id="fom1" name="form1" method="post" action="{!url}" enctype="multipart/form-data">

<select name="AccessType" id="AccesstypeId" OnChange = "ChangeValue1(this.value);">

<option value="Google">Google</option>
<option value="Yahoo">Yahoo</option>

<input type="text" value="{!value1}">




<apex:form >

<apex:actionfunction name="ChangeValue1" action="{!updateurl}" reRender="thepage" oncomplete="alert('completed');" >
<apex:param name="val1" value="val1" assignTo="{!acl}"/>







public void updateurl







any help in this scenario will be much apreciated.

hi ,


I am quite new to salesforce and i am trying to create mobile appliction that uses html5 geolocation facility .

i am succedded in getting the lattitude and longitude information of the device from which the app is called. but unable to locate that device position in google map by providing its lattitude and longitude position .


also i wanna to use the reverse geocoding feature of google map i.e to display appropriate address of the device by providing its lattitude and longitude information.


can anyone help me in this scenario.


hi all ,


I am quite new to salesforce . i am just creating a mobile app that can just manage accounts and  Related contacts.

basically i want to add a functionality in my app such that user can be able to create new account by giving their desired value in the form .


now whne i use html tags like  <input id="website" name="website" type="text" /> . jquery process that id easily.


viz var website=$j('#website').val();


but when i try  to use <apex:inputfield id="website" value="acc.website"> or <apex:inputtext id="website" value="{!website}"/>   


where website is defined in controller with proper getter and setter method.



so as to engaage salesforce field . the error arises that this tag can only be used with sfobjects.



can anyone help me out in passing any vf components id to jquery and retrieve that value in jquery  .


any help in this regard would be much appreciated .





Thanks and Regards



Anchal Garg
