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the documentation indicates this field is optional, however when i omit it and use toAddresses and WhatId instead I get an error that indicates targetObjectId is required?

heres the code:

var message = new sforce.SingleEmailMessage();
        message.replyTo = "myemail@myemail.com";
        message.toAddresses = email;
        message.whatId= comment_id;
        message.templateId = "00XG0000001M0X7";
        var result = sforce.connection.sendEmail([message]);

Is it possible to replicate the Activities (Task) object with a custom object? I know i could match the fields, however I can't find a way to have the ability to  make a recordtype recure like the task object is able to do. Anyone have any ideas? 


stumped on this one. Trying to query activity data for this year. and its only delivering past 30 days worth.


here is my Query:


SELECT ActivityDate FROM event WHERE Result__c = 'Met' AND (Type= 'First Meeting - Sales' OR Type='First Meeting - Sales - REBOOK') AND ActivityDate= THIS_YEAR


Tried THIS_YEAR, LAST_MONTH and it still gives me the same number of records. is there a restirciton i'm unaware of? 

PHP API Call, 


I have a sum(Amout) in my Query which reutrns an "AggregateResult" 


how do I echo the AggregatedResult

Not sure if this is possible.


I have a custom object that is a has a master detail relationship to the account object.


Is it possible to create a form in the child object that changes the values in the fields on the parent? This code doesn't seeem to work.


<apex:pageBlockButtons><apex:commandButton value="Save" Action="{!save}" styleClass="button"/><apex:commandButton value="Edit" Action="{!edit}" styleClass="button"/></apex:pageBlockButtons>
<apex:outputField value="{!Account_Management__c.Account__r.Type}"/>

 any help would be amazing. Thanks

What am i doing wrong here? Two Custom Objects: Account_Management__c (Parent) and Social_Media__c (Child)


<apex:page standardController="Account_Management__c" >
    <apex:relatedList list="Social_Media__r" />


Social_Media__r' is not a valid child relationship name for entity Account Management


Any Help would be great

Tough one here. 


I should prefece this post by stating that I am using Professional which doesn't allow me to write my own apex classes.


I have a custom object thats a child of the account page.


Can't seem to list the Accounts Opportunities and the accounts assets onto the childs page. 


Is this impossible? 


here is some code i/ve attempted. 

<apex:repeat value="{!Account_Management__c.Account__r.assets}" var="prod">


Aggregate Relationship is used in an unsupported complex expression containing 'Account__r.assets'


any advice would be awesome Thanks



Trying to create a taskpage using the standard task controller. I can't figure out how to create a secition for that allows the user to enter a follow-up task. can someone post a followup task with a reminder. 


I tried recreating a second pageblock within the form tags. but this didn't work. Any ideas? 

<apex:page standardController="task">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Log A Call or Meeting" mode="edit" >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="2" title="Call Information">
<apex:inputField value="{!Task.OwnerId}" rendered="true"/>
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem ></apex:pageBlockSectionItem>
<apex:inputField value="{!Task.Subject}" rendered="true"/>

 Nothing Crazy here. I just need to find a way to pass values into the fields. Normally I would use a Quesry String URL but that won't work on visualforce pages. Anyone have a clever way to do this that doesn't involve creating an apex class. Professional Edition Does not include custom apex classes or extensionts.


Any help would be awesome

Just build this great visualforce page to replace the standard salesforce view page for a custom object. Now it seems I can't add the Activity History or the History Tracking list. 


Is there anyway to do this without creating a custom apex class? (I'm on professonal)


stumped on this one. Trying to query activity data for this year. and its only delivering past 30 days worth.


here is my Query:


SELECT ActivityDate FROM event WHERE Result__c = 'Met' AND (Type= 'First Meeting - Sales' OR Type='First Meeting - Sales - REBOOK') AND ActivityDate= THIS_YEAR


Tried THIS_YEAR, LAST_MONTH and it still gives me the same number of records. is there a restirciton i'm unaware of? 

<apex:page standardController="task">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Log A Call or Meeting" mode="edit" >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="2" title="Call Information">
<apex:inputField value="{!Task.OwnerId}" rendered="true"/>
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem ></apex:pageBlockSectionItem>
<apex:inputField value="{!Task.Subject}" rendered="true"/>

 Nothing Crazy here. I just need to find a way to pass values into the fields. Normally I would use a Quesry String URL but that won't work on visualforce pages. Anyone have a clever way to do this that doesn't involve creating an apex class. Professional Edition Does not include custom apex classes or extensionts.


Any help would be awesome

Just build this great visualforce page to replace the standard salesforce view page for a custom object. Now it seems I can't add the Activity History or the History Tracking list. 


Is there anyway to do this without creating a custom apex class? (I'm on professonal)

The standard list controller seems to be filtered using the last selected filter for the object, even if it's not applied explicitly in the VF page using the SLC.


Is there a way to force it to use a specified filterId when the VF page is called - without having the user select it in the page, or having the last used filter (which could be anything) affect the record set?