• MJR_Nex
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Here is my scenario:
I am building a Salesforce1 app  will take the user through multiple pages. They access the app through a Visualfroce tab. The wizard walks them through page by page and they get to the end. Now the user wants to do something else. \

Here is the issue:
Ideally, the user clicks on the three lined menu icon to go back to the sidebar to go elsewhere within Salesforce1. However, in order to get to the three lined menu icon, they have to click the back arrow through every page in the wizard. Even if I redirect the user to the record that was created by wizard, the user must use the back arrow to reverse through the entire wizard to open the sidebar and go elsewhere in the app. 

Am I missing something?

I am building a vf page using jquery mobile. The main requirement is that we include the standard chatter ui. we did that using <apex:feedwithfollowers> component. The issue is that sometimes a post won't post. i am guessing there is some conflict, so I used jquery.noconflict(). Still no love. Any ideas?

Here is my scenario:
I am building a Salesforce1 app  will take the user through multiple pages. They access the app through a Visualfroce tab. The wizard walks them through page by page and they get to the end. Now the user wants to do something else. \

Here is the issue:
Ideally, the user clicks on the three lined menu icon to go back to the sidebar to go elsewhere within Salesforce1. However, in order to get to the three lined menu icon, they have to click the back arrow through every page in the wizard. Even if I redirect the user to the record that was created by wizard, the user must use the back arrow to reverse through the entire wizard to open the sidebar and go elsewhere in the app. 

Am I missing something?

Hello All, I am trying to create a VFPage for Accounts and show it's related Contacts. i am getting the following error-


System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject Class.practiseOneController.getAccount: line 5, column 1

  Please find below VF Page-

<apex:page controller="practiseOneController" tabStyle="Account">
<apex:pageBlock title="Hello {!$User.FirstName}!!!">
You belong to {!account.name} Account.
<apex:pageBlock title="Contacts">
<apex:dataTable value="{!account.contacts}" var="contacts" cellpadding="4" border="1">
<apex:column value="{!contacts.FirstName}" headerValue="FirstName"/>
<apex:column value="{!contacts.LastName}" headerValue="LastName"/>

  Apex Class-


public class practiseOneController
    public Account getAccount()
        return [select id,Name,(select id,firstname,lastname from Contacts limit 5) from Account where id=


please help me in this and pls suggest how can we avoid this type of errors while creating pages and classes 


Thanks for your help.




I'm trying to do something similar to what's been posted here and have literally copied the code without success. To summarize, I'm trying to rerender fields (or a pageBlockSection) when I check an inputCheckbox using apex:actionsupport. 


Here's the VF (taken from the referenced thread):


 <apex:pageBlockSection id="debugBlock" rendered="{!IF(test2 == true,true,false)}" >
 <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!test2}">
        <apex:actionsupport event="onchange" rerender="debugBlock" />     


I've also tried with rendered="{!test2}" and had no luck.


Here's the controller code:


public boolean test2 {get; set;}

Pretty strange considering almost identical code worked in the previous thread. Any help is greatly appreciated. 




I have a lookup method in my controller extension for a custom object to the Campaign.Type field of Campaign.

my visualforce page references the custom object controller and Extension.


How do I reference this field on the page?


Excerpts are:


Extension -


private Trip_Report__c tripReport;
private Campaign campaignInfo;


// get display data
if (tripReport.Campaign__c != null) {
campaignInfo = TripRptManager.getCampaign(tripReport.Campaign__c);

in The Utility Lib referenced above - 


// Display fields

public static Campaign getCampaign(Id campaign){
        return [SELECT 
                    Id = :campaign



Page -


<apex:page standardController="Trip_Report__c" extensions="TripRptExt" showHeader="false">


<apex:outputField value="{!campaignInfo.Type }" /> 



Error: Unknown property 'Trip_Report__cStandardController.campaignInfo'


I also tried !relatedTo.Campaign__r.Type  and get the error on 'relatedTo'


Any ideas?  Thanks


I am building a vf page using jquery mobile. The main requirement is that we include the standard chatter ui. we did that using <apex:feedwithfollowers> component. The issue is that sometimes a post won't post. i am guessing there is some conflict, so I used jquery.noconflict(). Still no love. Any ideas?