• balaji malemarpuram
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Create an object Called Agreement and create a Customfield AutoRenewal checkbox then try to display the count of changes of checkbox(Autorenewl).For this create another field 'Count'. 

Greetings, I've created my external object for the Data Integration Specalist Superbadge and have configured my external ID as seen below, however, the challenge seems to not pass, indicating that the indirect lookup was not properly created. Here's how I set up the projectRef__c field, which was what I used to push data from the external object into the project object in Salesforce. Are there any steps, I need to take. Hope it helps.
User-added image

User-added image
I tried to complete the badge API basics and got stuck at #Use SOAP API
I got the error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:  It doesn't appear that you have logged in using SoapUI.

I have verified I connected to the right org.  Could someone help here? 

I want to refresh the current page after inserting values, those values should not visible after refreshing.

* By default all the pageblocks should be in hide.

* On chaning picklist value corresponding page block section should display remaining should hide

   If, I select india, only india pageblock section should display

   If, I select Us, only Us pageblock section should display

* I did it with command buttons

<apex:page controller="coun">
<apex:form >

<apex:commandButton value="India" action="{!india}" reRender="India,Us,Uk"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Us" action="{!us}" reRender="India,Us,Uk"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Uk" action="{!uk}" reRender="India,Us,Uk"/>

<apex:pageBlock >

<apex:outputPanel id="India">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="India" rendered="{!mhide}">

<apex:outputpanel id="Us">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="US" rendered="{!m1hide}">

<apex:outputpanel id="Uk">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="UK" rendered="{!m2hide}">





public class coun {

    public Boolean hide = false;
    public Boolean hide1 = false;
    public Boolean hide2 = false;
    public void setMhide(Boolean b) {
    this.hide = b;
    public Boolean getMhide() {
    return this.hide;
    }//Passing input dynamically through another method
    public Boolean getM1hide() {
        return this.hide2;
    public void setM1hide(Boolean b) {
      this.hide2 = b; 
    public Boolean getM2hide() {
        return this.hide1;
    public void setM2hide(Boolean b) {
        this.hide1 = b;
   public PageReference india() {
        return null;
//displaying only india information and hiding other information
     public PageReference us() {
        return null;
    public PageReference uk() {
        return null;

 *While trying with picklist, I got partial result.

*How to retrieve selected picklist value form vf to controller class and compare?



Create an object Called Agreement and create a Customfield AutoRenewal checkbox then try to display the count of changes of checkbox(Autorenewl).For this create another field 'Count'.