• NishaC
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I want to use web services but i have no idea how to use webservices. i read some examples but they didnt help me out. so if anyone is having any idea about how can we easily use it then please share it.





Hi all,


I am preparing for dev 401 certification and need study material. 



How do we add sub filters in reports?


        Can any one suggest me how i can use static list to access wrapper class variables in visualforce page 

  • November 06, 2012
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Hi Everyone

                     i wanted to prepare a salesforce customization demo. so what should i need to include in that customization?

  • October 31, 2012
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 i wanted to export my data to csv 

anyone who can help me in this task.


this is my page when i click on export button  '/apex/googleChartsCSV 


<td><input id="exportCSV" type="button" onclick="window.open('/apex/googleChartsCSV?nam=' + Name + '&was=' + Waste + '&day=' +Days);" value="Export to CSV" style="display: none;"></input></td>


for(var i=0; i<result.length;i++){
var finalBean1= result[i];
if(finalBean1.AccName != null && finalBean1.WasteName != null && finalBean1.DaysTotal != null)

if (Names.length > 0) {
Name = Names.join(',');
Waste = Wastes.join(',');
Days = Day.join(',');
document.getElementById('exportCSV').style.display = 'block';


but the problem is when the page opens '/apex/googleChartsCSV it is having a very large query string with 1000 of values in Name variable 


any idea how can i use query string for showing all the values in excel

  • October 23, 2012
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i am using this list

List<Service__c> srList= [select id, Name, Customer__c,Days_Collection__c,Status__c, 
from Service__c s where Status__c = 'Active' AND Days_Collection__c!=null AND Customer__c!=null];

map<id,Decimal> mapgrandParentsCounts = new map<id,Decimal>();
for(Service__c sr:srList)
if(mapgrandParentsCounts.containskey(sr.Customer__r.Grand_Parent_Account__c) && sr.Name!=null) 
Decimal tCount = mapgrandParentsCounts.get(sr.Customer__r.Grand_Parent_Account__c);
tCount = tCount + finalCount;

for(id gpAcc : mapgrandParentsCounts.keyset()) {
//here i want Name, city and address of this id
any idea

  • October 18, 2012
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i am using this list

List<Service__c> srList= [select id, Name, Customer__c,Days_Collection__c,Status__c,
from Service__c s where Status__c = 'Active' AND Days_Collection__c!=null AND Customer__c!=null];

map<id,Decimal> mapgrandParentsCounts = new map<id,Decimal>();
for(Service__c sr:srList)
if(mapgrandParentsCounts.containskey(sr.Customer__r.Grand_Parent_Account__c) && sr.Name!=null)
Decimal tCount = mapgrandParentsCounts.get(sr.Customer__r.Grand_Parent_Account__c);
tCount = tCount + finalCount;

for(id gpAcc : mapgrandParentsCounts.keyset()) {
//here i want Name, city and address of this id
any idea

  • October 18, 2012
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i have a problem with mapping 

i am using map<id,Decimal> mapgrandParentsCounts = new map<id,Decimal>() 

for SERVICE__c object

when using for loop

i want to get all the values of service object for that ID

for(id gpAcc : mapgrandParentsCounts.keyset()) {



but here i am getting only the decimal value

i want service NAME, CITY,ADDRESS from this for loop


any HELP ??

  • October 18, 2012
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i have a problem of getting error message at the wrong time


Date From: 01/06/2011 - Date To: 12/09/2012 - show me data
we would say 'sorry, your services were not active 01/06/2011'
 becasue service start date  is 01/01/2012

for this i have applied this error message

if(dateFrom < sr.Service_Start_Date__c){
      ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Service is Not Active'));
      return null;


But i have more than 1 service start date











so when i entered DateFrom = 1/1/2012

it is showing me the error message 

any help

  • October 10, 2012
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i have a variable name countdays

String Countdays = ' ' ;


in debug it is having values like this

========CountDays===========40,40,40,39,39,39 and so on


how to sum it and get the total i.e = 40+40+40+39+39+39....... = 


please share your ideas with me

  • October 04, 2012
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i have a multiselect list with values as this 

Days_collection__c = Monday am

                                        Monday pm

                                        Monday overnight 

                                        Tuesday am



                                        Wednesday am



and so on 

but i want to only week days from this list not with am,pm,overnight

but this is a multiselect list   so sometimes i have vallues like

        monday am,tuesday pm,wednesday,om,thrusday overnight,friday pm

how can i get only week days 

  • September 28, 2012
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i have a multiselect list with values as this 

Days_collection__c = Monday am

                                        Monday pm

                                        Monday overnight 

                                        Tuesday am



                                        Wednesday am



and so on 

but i want to only week days from this list not with am,pm,overnight

but this is a multiselect list   so sometimes i have vallues like

        monday am,tuesday pm,wednesday,om,thrusday overnight,friday pm

how can i get only week days 

  • September 28, 2012
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is there any salesforce expert who can help me in javascript remoting and apex controller with google charting

  • September 26, 2012
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is there any salesforce expert who can help me in javascript remoting and apex controller with google charting

  • September 26, 2012
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is there any one who can help me in exporting my google chart with javascript remoting


plz share it with me if you have any idea

  • September 24, 2012
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is there any one who can help me in exporting my google chart with javascript remoting


plz share it with me if you have any idea

  • September 24, 2012
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is there any one who can help me in exporting my google chart with javascript remoting


plz share it with me if you have any idea

  • September 24, 2012
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hii everyone

anybody who is having knowledge of google charts and javascript remoting

then please le me know

i want some help

please message me if someone is having knowledge of these

  • September 20, 2012
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hii everyone

anybody who is having knowledge of google charts and javascript remoting

then please le me know

i want some help

please message me if someone is having knowledge of these

  • September 20, 2012
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8) An organization wants to leverage a custom objects to track bugs. The organization wants the ability to related bugs to parent bugs in a parent-child relationship.
What type of relationship should be used?
a) master-detail
b) self…
c) hierarchical
d) many-to-many

A developer has created an approval process. What would require that a formula entry criterion be used versus standard criteria?
a) User profile evaluates to ‘System Administrator’
b) Determine if the record is newly created
c) Determine if a record has been updated
d) Determine if a field has been changed imp


If a parent object has a lookup relationship defined with a child object. What happens in the child object when you delete a record from the parent?
a) The child record is deleted
b) Nothing
c) The parent record cannot be deleted
d) The child record cannot be deleted

What field can be controlled by translation workbench?
a) Rule Criteria
b) Formula
c) Validation Errors
d) Assignment Rules

An application was designed without considering requirements for reports are dashboard. Which of the following statements is TRUE.
a) The data model will support all the requirements of the application including reports and dashboards
b) Reports are part of the application and application design will take care of it.
c) No special considerations for reports or dashboard are required as salesforce can natively take care of the requirements.
d) The data model and the application will not cater for reports and dashboards



In a master-child relationship between a standard object and custom object.
Which of the following statements is NOT true.
Please select two (2) items
a) Standard object is always the master
b) Custom Object is always the master
c) Custom object is always a child
d) Standard or custom object can be a master
e) Standard object is never a child

@future  if we use  our code executes  asynchroniously. ok good.  but  what is meant by  asynchroniously executed. what  happens to the code when we   write @future and @istest.  i  am confuse. and what is mean by synchronious and asynchronious.


        Can any one suggest me how i can use static list to access wrapper class variables in visualforce page 

  • November 06, 2012
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 i wanted to export my data to csv 

anyone who can help me in this task.


this is my page when i click on export button  '/apex/googleChartsCSV 


<td><input id="exportCSV" type="button" onclick="window.open('/apex/googleChartsCSV?nam=' + Name + '&was=' + Waste + '&day=' +Days);" value="Export to CSV" style="display: none;"></input></td>


for(var i=0; i<result.length;i++){
var finalBean1= result[i];
if(finalBean1.AccName != null && finalBean1.WasteName != null && finalBean1.DaysTotal != null)

if (Names.length > 0) {
Name = Names.join(',');
Waste = Wastes.join(',');
Days = Day.join(',');
document.getElementById('exportCSV').style.display = 'block';


but the problem is when the page opens '/apex/googleChartsCSV it is having a very large query string with 1000 of values in Name variable 


any idea how can i use query string for showing all the values in excel

  • October 23, 2012
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i am using this list

List<Service__c> srList= [select id, Name, Customer__c,Days_Collection__c,Status__c, 
from Service__c s where Status__c = 'Active' AND Days_Collection__c!=null AND Customer__c!=null];

map<id,Decimal> mapgrandParentsCounts = new map<id,Decimal>();
for(Service__c sr:srList)
if(mapgrandParentsCounts.containskey(sr.Customer__r.Grand_Parent_Account__c) && sr.Name!=null) 
Decimal tCount = mapgrandParentsCounts.get(sr.Customer__r.Grand_Parent_Account__c);
tCount = tCount + finalCount;

for(id gpAcc : mapgrandParentsCounts.keyset()) {
//here i want Name, city and address of this id
any idea

  • October 18, 2012
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i have a problem with mapping 

i am using map<id,Decimal> mapgrandParentsCounts = new map<id,Decimal>() 

for SERVICE__c object

when using for loop

i want to get all the values of service object for that ID

for(id gpAcc : mapgrandParentsCounts.keyset()) {



but here i am getting only the decimal value

i want service NAME, CITY,ADDRESS from this for loop


any HELP ??

  • October 18, 2012
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i have a problem of getting error message at the wrong time


Date From: 01/06/2011 - Date To: 12/09/2012 - show me data
we would say 'sorry, your services were not active 01/06/2011'
 becasue service start date  is 01/01/2012

for this i have applied this error message

if(dateFrom < sr.Service_Start_Date__c){
      ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Service is Not Active'));
      return null;


But i have more than 1 service start date











so when i entered DateFrom = 1/1/2012

it is showing me the error message 

any help

  • October 10, 2012
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is there any salesforce expert who can help me in javascript remoting and apex controller with google charting

  • September 26, 2012
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hii everyone

anybody who is having knowledge of google charts and javascript remoting

then please le me know

i want some help

please message me if someone is having knowledge of these

  • September 20, 2012
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i have used this method for converting string date to integer date


String[] myDateOnly = dateFrom.split(' ');
String[] strDate = myDateOnly[0].split('/');
Integer myIntDate = integer.valueOf(strDate[0]);  //getting error: invalid Integer
Integer myIntMonth = integer.valueOf(strDate[1]);
Integer myIntYear = integer.valueOf(strDate[2]);
Date d = Date.newInstance(myIntYear, myIntMonth, myIntDate);


Please help me in this

  • September 19, 2012
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i have used this datepicker. wanted to show my selected date in the apex controller


<td> Date<br></br><input id="t" name="datee" onfocus="DatePicker.pickDate(false,

't', false);" size="12" tabindex="28" type="text" /></td>


 I am not able to pass the selected date to the apex controller.. could you help me on this :)

  • September 18, 2012
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