• DaniHell
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Is there a chance to change after the salesforce login page with the smartphone browser to a custom visualforce page of a custom object? Otherwise If I am login over the desktop computer I want to change to the default (like detail) object page. How  can I do that?

Is there a chance to change after the salesforce login page with the smartphone browser to a custom visualforce page of a custom object? Otherwise If I am login over the desktop computer I want to change to the default (like detail) object page. How  can I do that?

I have some apex properties and want to modify them by visualforce


kind regards

I have some apex properties and want to modify them by visualforce


kind regards

I have some apex properties and want to modify them by visualforce


kind regards

I want to call an apex method with an parameter on my own visualforce page?


public void getListe(String objectId){

        Zeiterfassungsliste__c [] zeiterfassungslisteList;
        zeiterfassungslisteList = [SELECT Id FROM Zeiterfassungsliste__c WHERE Id =: objectId];
	delete zeiterfassungslisteList;


When I use the standard save action in the commandButton it goes every time to the default page.

But I want to chamge to a custom page when i click on the save button..how??


I tried a lot of things like this...


public Pagereference goHome(){
	Pagereference to = Apexpages.currentPage();
	return to;


public Pagereference goHome(){
	Pagereference to = new Pagereference('/apex/mypage?user=guest');	return to;

<apex:commandButton value="Save"  action="{!goHome}" />



Any solution??

I developed an page with visualforce and saw that i have an page with url ....core.apexpages.devmode.url=1 and an normal url for my page. So every time i changed the code on the visualforce side, it opens the core.apexpages.devmode.url=1 url..Why? What does it mean?





How can I use an datepicker of apex in my jquery mobile page. At the moment my code is looking like this.


    	<apex:inputField value="{!ZeiterfassungsListe.Enddatum__c}"/>
		<label>Öffentliche Notizen</label>
    	<apex:inputField value="{!ZeiterfassungsListe.Oeffentliche_Notizen__c}"/>



On the result i get an empty field without any selection of dates. Under the field it shows the date of today.. Crazy...

I want to get the normal datepicker of salesforce.

Any solution???



How can I change the result page when i click on the save button.?


thank you


<apex:commandButton action="{!myZeiterfassungsListeController.save}" value="Save" />



I want to open another visualforce page ("test") with the following tag.

How can I call that?


<li><a href="test"style="font-size: 18px;">Text</a></li>

I have some apex properties and want to modify them by visualforce


kind regards

I want to call an apex method with an parameter on my own visualforce page?


public void getListe(String objectId){

        Zeiterfassungsliste__c [] zeiterfassungslisteList;
        zeiterfassungslisteList = [SELECT Id FROM Zeiterfassungsliste__c WHERE Id =: objectId];
	delete zeiterfassungslisteList;


When I use the standard save action in the commandButton it goes every time to the default page.

But I want to chamge to a custom page when i click on the save button..how??


I tried a lot of things like this...


public Pagereference goHome(){
	Pagereference to = Apexpages.currentPage();
	return to;


public Pagereference goHome(){
	Pagereference to = new Pagereference('/apex/mypage?user=guest');	return to;

<apex:commandButton value="Save"  action="{!goHome}" />



Any solution??

How can I change the result page when i click on the save button.?


thank you


<apex:commandButton action="{!myZeiterfassungsListeController.save}" value="Save" />



I want to open another visualforce page ("test") with the following tag.

How can I call that?


<li><a href="test"style="font-size: 18px;">Text</a></li>

Hello All,


I am followed the instructions of the Salesforce Touch Platform book that was handed out at Dreamforce in order to create a hybrid android application.

When I am import the ContactExplorer project eclipse complaint that SalesforceDroidGapActivity cannot be resolved. So I added salesforcesdk to my build path. However I am getting different errors:


- for Salesforcesdk ==> type org.apache.cordova.DroidDap cannot be resolved. In order to solve this I added cordova-1.8.1..Then I got following error message: R cannot be resolved to a variable    SalesforceRImpl.java    /ContactExplorer/src/com/salesforce/samples/contactexplorer    line 43    Java Problem.


Can anybody help?


