• T.Rossi
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Dear all,

I'd like to take advantage of the geolcoation features built in the new field tyep "Location", will it be deployable from sandbox to production? If not now, do you happen to know a timeframe? Will the order by distance be available for SOQL queries done via the Mobile SDK?

Thank you very much,
I am trying to build a test app with Mobile SDK in eclipse, I've managed all the steps and I don't see errors in the project. But when I try to run my application on a virtual device, I get this error:

04-07 12:11:53.251: I/dalvikvm(933): Failed resolving Lcom/fnr/test/KeyImpl; interface 11 'Lcom/salesforce/androidsdk/app/SalesforceSDKManager$KeyInterface;'

In Eclipse I have my test project, a project with SaesforceSDK and a project with SmartStore. The dependencies are marked via Properties -> Android -> Library. For what I see in my test project there is a KeyImpl.java file indeed in the package.

Have you faced this problem? Thanks in advance

I have a visualforce page which calls methods tagged with @RemoteAction. The methods are in an extension class which is public, like methods. The class is the extension used in the page. In sandbox everything works as expected.


I try to deploy class, test and page to production but an error turns during the validation for the page: "No remoted actions found to resolve '$RemoteAction.ClassName.methodName'"


I tried to validate another outbound changeset with only the class and the test, which validates successfully. If I add the page, the validation fails.


Have you encountered anything similar?

Thank you very much T.

I have a simple class like this:

public class OuterClass {    

    public virtual interface MyInterface{
        Map<String, List<String>> method1(Blob b);
        Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> method2(Map<String, Blob> m);   
        void method3(String external_id); 

 I then have another class which implements this Interface. The implementation class can be tested correctly with code covarage, but this class (OuterClass) always remains with 0% code coverage.


2 questions:

A- how can I test my interface?

B- is it possible to create an Interface without the OuterClass?


Any help is welcome, thanks in advance,


I am trying to build a test app with Mobile SDK in eclipse, I've managed all the steps and I don't see errors in the project. But when I try to run my application on a virtual device, I get this error:

04-07 12:11:53.251: I/dalvikvm(933): Failed resolving Lcom/fnr/test/KeyImpl; interface 11 'Lcom/salesforce/androidsdk/app/SalesforceSDKManager$KeyInterface;'

In Eclipse I have my test project, a project with SaesforceSDK and a project with SmartStore. The dependencies are marked via Properties -> Android -> Library. For what I see in my test project there is a KeyImpl.java file indeed in the package.

Have you faced this problem? Thanks in advance

When I am trying to launch an android hybrid app created using forcedroid it gives following error


12-06 05:57:48.176: D/HttpAccess:constructor(833): User-Agent string: SalesforceMobileSDK/2.1.0 android mobile/4.2.2 (sdk) moapp/1.0 Hybrid
12-06 05:57:48.876: I/SalesforceDroidGapActivity.onCreate(833): onCreate called
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): No user account found
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): com.salesforce.androidsdk.rest.ClientManager$AccountInfoNotFoundException: No user account found
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at com.salesforce.androidsdk.rest.ClientManager.peekRestClient(ClientManager.java:140)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at com.salesforce.androidsdk.ui.sfhybrid.SalesforceDroidGapActivity.onCreate(SalesforceDroidGapActivity.java:118)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:5104)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1080)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2144)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2230)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$600(ActivityThread.java:141)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1234)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5041)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:793)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:560)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
12-06 05:57:49.146: D/dalvikvm(833): GC_CONCURRENT freed 279K, 13% free 2623K/3004K, paused 27ms+24ms, total 192ms
12-06 05:57:49.296: I/SalesforceDroidGapActivity.onResumeNotLoggedIn(833): Should authenticate / online - authenticating
12-06 05:57:49.296: I/SalesforceDroidGapActivity.authenticate(833): authenticate called
12-06 05:57:49.296: I/ClientManager:getRestClient(833): No account of type com.salesforce.androisdk found
12-06 05:57:49.936: D/gralloc_goldfish(833): Emulator without GPU emulation detected.
12-06 05:57:50.096: E/Trace(857): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
12-06 05:57:51.318: D/HttpAccess:constructor(857): User-Agent string: SalesforceMobileSDK/2.1.0 android mobile/4.2.2 (sdk) mobilapp/1.0 Hybrid
12-06 05:58:09.306: D/LockChecker:run(833): isLocked:true elapsedSinceLastActivity:20 timeout:0

 Please help me to resolve this error


  • December 06, 2013
  • Like
  • 1

I have a simple class like this:

public class OuterClass {    

    public virtual interface MyInterface{
        Map<String, List<String>> method1(Blob b);
        Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> method2(Map<String, Blob> m);   
        void method3(String external_id); 

 I then have another class which implements this Interface. The implementation class can be tested correctly with code covarage, but this class (OuterClass) always remains with 0% code coverage.


2 questions:

A- how can I test my interface?

B- is it possible to create an Interface without the OuterClass?


Any help is welcome, thanks in advance,
