• Sudhir_Meru
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  There are few javascript supporting files uploaded in status resources please suggest me how to call. 

How to call below link in visualforce
 <script src="../assets/js/jquery-ui.custom.min.js"></script>

I am calling css files as mentioned below. 
<apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.assets, 'assets/css/bootstrap.min.css')}" />




  I created a css file inside folder name cssexample 

style.css file name

cssexample.zip and uploaded in static resources

I am calling in visual force page it is not referencing Please suggest me what is the issue

<apex:page standardstylesheets="false" showheader="false">

<apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.cssex, 'style.css')}" />

<h1> This text is displayed using CSS </h1>


  We purchased a template onlin which has .css images .js etc files we are developing a service cloud application and we will be using this template in our app. Please suggest us how to call this template in visualforce page.




  There are few users in our organization requesting to get accesto MERG ACCOUNT tool

  I am having a administrator role am able to see Please suggest me how to enabe this feature to users




  I have put a trigger on appoinment object which will fire to update lead status Please see below code 
trigger Update_Lead_Status on Appointment_Detail__c (After Insert, Before Update) 
 Appointment_Detail__c ApptDt = [ SELECT  Completed__c,Lead_Id__c  FROM Appointment_Detail__c where id in :Trigger.newMap.keySet()];  
    If ( ApptDt.Lead_Id__c <> null && ApptDt.Completed__c == 'Yes' ) 
      Lead ld = [select staTus from Lead where id = :ApptDt.Lead_Id__c]; 
        if ( ld.status <> 'SQL') 
         ld.status = 'SQL';
         update ld;      
There is another trigger on Lead which will again update appoinment object please see code

//Created by Unnat Shrestha on March 30, 2014
//The functionality of this trigger is to reparent the child object, "Appointment Details" of Lead to Opportunity during the Lead Conversion

trigger reparent_Lead_children on Lead (after update) {
    //Creating a map between Lead and Opportunity
    Map<Id, Id> lead2Opp= new Map<Id, Id>();
    //Map<Id, Id> lead2Acc = new Map<Id, Id>();
    Map<Id, Id> lead2Cont = new Map<Id, Id>();
    for (Lead l : Trigger.new)
        System.debug('Entered the for loop');
        //if (l.isConverted && l.convertedOpportunityId != null)
        if (l.isConverted) {
            if (l.convertedOpportunityId != null) {       
                //adding the values into the Map
                lead2Opp.put(l.Id, l.convertedOpportunityId);
            //lead2Acc.put(l.Id, l.convertedAccountId);
            lead2Cont.put(l.Id, l.convertedContactId);
    System.debug('The Map values are:' + lead2Opp);
    List<Appointment_Detail__c> apptDetails = [select account__c, contact__c, lead_Id__c, opportunity_Id__c from Appointment_Detail__c where lead_Id__c in :lead2Opp.keySet()];
    for (Appointment_Detail__c appointment : apptDetails)
        //assigning the Opportunity Id based on this lead id
        appointment.opportunity_Id__c = lead2Opp.get(appointment.lead_Id__c);
        //appointment.account__c = lead2Acc.get(appointment.lead_Id__c);
        appointment.contact__c = lead2Cont.get(appointment.lead_Id__c);
        System.debug('For Appointments, Changed the grabbed the opportunity id');
    System.debug('before update');
    //Update the list if there is any
    if (apptDetails.size() > 0) {
        update apptDetails;
    //re-parent the E-Rate to Opportunity as well
    List<E_Rate__c> eRates= [select lead__c, contact__c, opportunity__c from E_Rate__c where lead__c in :lead2Opp.keySet()];
    for (E_Rate__c eRate: eRates)
        //assigning the Opportunity Id based on this lead id
        eRate.opportunity__c = lead2Opp.get(eRate.lead__c);
        eRate.contact__c = lead2Cont.get(eRate.lead__c);
        System.debug('For E-Rate, Changed the grabbed the opportunity id');
    System.debug('before update- 2nd time');
    //Update the list if there is any
    if (eRates.size() > 0) {
        update eRates;


Now when I convert lead to opportunity I am gettin below error

Error: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 00Q6000000myNGaEAM; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, reparent_Lead_children: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a1gm000000001G9AAI; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, Update_Lead_Status: execution of BeforeUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 00Q6000000myNGaEAM; first error: CANNOT_UPDATE_CONVERTED_LEAD, cannot reference converted lead: [] Trigger.Update_Lead_Status: line 12, column 1: [] Trigger.reparent_Lead_children: line 37, column 1: [] (System Code)

Please suggest me how to fix this issue


  I wrote a pagination using wrapper class. Problem am facing is search is not getting cleared in visual force page. Please suggest me how to clear \

public with sharing class CCW_ContactPaginationController {
  public boolean createTemp = true; 
  public boolean OnlyForTestRun = true;
  //URL Passing Parameters. 
  String cancelURL;
  public String PageContractId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('ContractId');     
  public String PageAccountId  = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('AccountId');   
 public string baseURL{get;set;}
 public String existingId{get;set;}

  public Asset   GetAccount{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetContract{get;set;} 
  public Asset   GetExpireDate{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetReseller{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetDistributor{get;set;}
  public String  IncumbentReseller{get;set;}
  public String  Education{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetOpportunity{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetNewOpportunity{get;set;}
  public String  ExpireTerms{get;set;}
  public boolean bundsprt{get;set;}
  public boolean Monthly_Quote {get;set;}
  public String pricebook {get; set;}
  //Our collection to class/wrapper objects wrapAsset
  public List<CCWRowItem> wrapAssetList {get; set;}
  public List<Asset> selectedAssets{get;set;} 
  public List<Temp_Assets__c>  TempAssetList;
    *   item in context from the page
    public String contextItem{get;set;}
    public String contextItem2{get;set;}
    *   set controller
    public ApexPages.StandardSetController setCon;
    *   the contact ids selected by the user
    private Set<Id> selectedContactIds;
    private Set<Id> selectedContactIds2= new set<Id>();
    *   constructor
    public CCW_ContactPaginationController()
      GetAccount = new Asset();    //Get Account Id from Page 
      GetContract = new Asset();   //Get Contract Name from Page   
      GetExpireDate = new Asset();   // Date Picker   
      GetReseller = new Asset(); 
      GetDistributor = new Asset();  
      GetOpportunity = new Asset();   // Get Opportunity Id 
      GetNewOpportunity = new Asset();  // Get New Opportunity Name    
      if (PageAccountId !=null ) { cancelURL = pageAccountId;
      else if (PageContractId != null ) { cancelURL = PageContractId; }
      else { cancelURL = 'home/home.jsp'; }
      System.debug('### Contract Id is: '+ PageContractId);
      System.debug('### Account Id is: '+ PageAccountId);
   /***************************************Sorting functionality Added******************************************************/
   public String sortDir {
        // To set a Direction either in ascending order or descending order.
        get  { if (sortDir == null) {  sortDir = 'desc'; } return sortDir;}

    // the current field to sort by. defaults to last name
    public String sortField {
        // To set a Field for sorting.
        get  { if (sortField == null) {sortField = 'Service_End_Date_Max__c'; } return sortField;  }
    //Declaring Variables for Dynamic SOQL
    public String soql {get; set;}
    Set<id> accId = new Set<Id>();
    Set<Id> contractId = new Set<Id>();
   /***************************************Sorting functionality ends here**************************************************/    
   public void fetch_data ()
        // simply toggle the direction
        sortDir = sortDir.equals('asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc';
        //init variable
        this.selectedContactIds= new Set<Id>();
        //gather data set        

      //instantiating the query
      soql = 'SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c, last_contract_Id__c, Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE '; // AccountId IN ';         
       if ( GetAccount.AccountId == NULL && GetContract.Name == NULL )   
         if ( PageAccountId != NULL && PageContractId == NULL ) {  accId.add(pageAccountId); soql += 'AccountId IN :accId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000'; }
           //below line commented for Sorting       
          //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :PageAccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
             //Adding the Account Id into the set so that it can be used in the dynamic SOQL
            // accId.add(pageAccountId);
            // soql = 'SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c, last_contract_Id__c, Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE '; // AccountId IN ';
           //  soql += 'AccountId IN :accId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';
            // this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));
        // }
         else if ( PageAccountId == NULL && PageContractId != NULL ) { contractId.add(pageContractId);  soql += 'last_contract_ID__c IN :contractId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';}
         /*Contract C;
         C = [SELECT Name, ContractNumber FROM Contract WHERE Id = :PageContractId Limit 1]; 
         this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,last_contract_ID__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c = :C.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
            // contractId.add(pageContractId);
             //soql = 'SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,last_contract_ID__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE '; //last_contract_ID__c IN';
             //soql += 'last_contract_ID__c IN :contractId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';
             //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));
        // this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,last_contract_ID__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_ID__c = :PageContractId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
        // }
            // soql = 'SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c, last_contract_Id__c, Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE '; //AccountId IN ';
             soql += 'AccountId IN :accId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';
             //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));
         //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );                                            
        // this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));
      else if ( GetAccount.AccountId != NULL && GetContract.Name == NULL ) {  accId.add(GetAccount.AccountId); soql += 'AccountId IN :accId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000'; }
            //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] ); 
           /* accId.add(GetAccount.AccountId);
            System.debug('==== This if statement with set as: ' + accId);
            System.debug('==== This if statement with accId as: ' + GetAccount.AccountId);
          //  soql = 'SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c, last_contract_Id__c, Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE ';//AccountId IN ';
            soql += 'AccountId IN :accId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';
           // this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));
         } */
       else if ( GetAccount.AccountId == NULL && GetContract.Name != NULL ) { Contract c = [Select id from Contract where name =: GetContract.Name]; contractId.add(c.id); soql += 'last_contract_ID__c IN :contractId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000'; }
       /* System.debug('===GetContractName is: ' + GetContract.Name);
            Contract c = [Select id from Contract where name =: GetContract.Name];
            System.debug('===GetContractName is: ' + c);
           // soql = 'SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,last_contract_ID__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE ';//last_contract_ID__c IN';
            soql += 'last_contract_ID__c IN :contractId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';
           // this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));
       //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c  = :GetContract.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
        } */
       else if ( GetAccount.AccountId != NULL && GetContract.Name != NULL ) {  accId.add(GetAccount.AccountId); Contract c = [Select id from Contract where name =: GetContract.Name]; contractId.add(c.id); soql += 'last_contract_ID__c IN :contractId AND AccountId IN' + ':accId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';}
           /* accId.add(GetAccount.AccountId);
            Contract c = [Select id from Contract where name =: GetContract.Name];
            System.debug('===GetContractName is: ' + c);
           // soql = 'SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,last_contract_ID__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE '; //last_contract_ID__c IN';
            soql += 'last_contract_ID__c IN :contractId AND AccountId IN' + ':accId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';
            //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));
        //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId and last_contract_number__c = :GetContract.Name  Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
        } */
       else { this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] ); } 
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));   
        System.debug('##== Setcon is returning: '+ this.setcon.getrecord());
      catch(Exception e) { this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );  }            
        if(this.setCon != null){                                        
    *   handle item selected
    public void doSelectItem(){        
        System.debug('##== SelectedContactIDs is: '+ selectedContactIds);   
    public void doSelectItem2(){        
        System.debug('##== SelectedContactIDs2 is: '+ selectedContactIds2);       
    *   handle item deselected
    public void doDeselectItem(){        
    public void doDeselectItem2(){        
    *   return count of selected items
    public Integer getSelectedCount(){
        System.debug('##== Size of the selectedCount is: '+ this.selectedContactIds.size());
        return this.selectedContactIds.size();
    *   advance to next page
    public void doNext(){        
        if(this.setCon.getHasNext()){ this.setCon.next();}
    *   advance to previous page
    public void doPrevious(){        
        if(this.setCon.getHasPrevious()) { this.setCon.previous(); }
    public List<CCWRowItem> rows {get; set;}
    *   return current page of groups
    public List<CCWRowItem> getContacts(){        
        rows = new List<CCWRowItem>();      
        System.debug('##== rows is: '+ rows);
        for(sObject r : this.setCon.getRecords()){
            Asset c = (Asset)r;
            System.debug('##== 1 - sellected contactids ' + this.selectedContactIds);
            System.debug('##== 1 - Asset c is: ' + c);
            CCWRowItem row = new CCWRowItem(c);
            if(this.selectedContactIds.contains(c.Id)){ row.IsSelected=true; if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(c.Id)){
                    row.BundelSelected=true; bundsprt=true;
                else { row.BundelSelected=false; bundsprt=false;
            else { row.IsSelected=false;
        return rows;
        catch(Exception e) { return null; }     
  //Retrieve the Record Type id for Renewals Opportunity for the SOQL query
  RecordType renewal_RT = [Select id, Name, sObjectType from RecordType where sObjectType= 'Opportunity' and Name = 'Renewal Opportunity' ];
 // Store Selected Records to Object/Table
    public PageReference processSelected() {
        Integer currentPageNumber = setCon.getPageNumber();
        selectedAssets = new List<Asset>();
        //list<Temp_Assets__c> TempAssetList = new list<Temp_Assets__c>();  
        TempAssetList = new list<Temp_Assets__c>();      
        PageReference resend;
            List<Asset>  TempAssetLists = (List<Asset>)setCon.getRecords();
            System.debug('### TempAssetlist are: '+ tempAssetLists);
            //TempAssetLists = (List<Asset>)setCon.getRecords();
            for(Asset assetIns : TempAssetLists  ) {
              System.debug('###= Inside the for loop');
              if(this.selectedContactIds.contains(assetIns.Id)){ selectedAssets.add(assetIns);
            System.debug('###= Selected Assets are: '+ selectedAssets);
        /**********Added by Unnat*********************************/
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        Date maxDate; //=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        Date minDate;
        System.debug('### selected Assets is: ' + selectedAssets);
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        //finds the latest expiry date out of the selected assets
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if((assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c > maxDate) || (maxDate == null)) {
        System.debug('== Latest Service end Date is:'+ maxDate);
        minDate = maxDate;
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) { if(minDate > assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c) { minDate=assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c;}
        System.debug('== Least Service end Date is:'+ minDate);
        if(!Test.isRunningtest()) {
        if ((selectedAssets.size() < 1 ) || (expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null )|| (expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ) || (GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ) || (GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null )|| (GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ))
            createTemp = false;
            //Validates that atleast one of the assets is selected from the install base
            if(selectedAssets.size() < 1 ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please select atleast one Asset to renew from the Install Base.'));
            //Validates that atleast one of the Expiry Dates needs to have a value
            if(expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null ){ ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter the Expiry Term or Expiry Date for the selected Assets.')); }
            //Valation that only of the Expirty Dates can have a value
            else if(expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ){ ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Expiry Date or Expiry Term, but not in both.')); }
            //Validation that the Distributor Name is required
            if(GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Distributor'));
            //Validation that Reseller Name is required
            if(GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Reseller'));
            //Validation that atleast one Opportunity needs to have a value
            if((GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null )){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value either in Opportunity or New Opportunity.'));
            //Validation that will check if the Expiry Date has value less than the selected Asset Service End Date
            if(GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ){ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Expiry Date that you entered is lower than Service End Date of the Asset'));}
            if(pricebook == 'none') { ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please select the pricebook for this New Opportunity'));}         
           return null;
       // else {
        if  (createTemp = true) {
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        //Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        if (ExpireTerms !=null) {
        System.debug('== Expire Terms has a value');
            System.debug('== ExpireTerms is: '+ ExpireTerms);
            if (ExpireTerms=='1') {
                System.debug('== First if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '3') {
            System.debug('== Second if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '5') {
            System.debug('== third if condition');
            else {
                maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c; 
        else {
            System.debug('== Else condition');
            maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;   
        System.debug('== Max Date is: ' + maxDate);          
            System.debug('=- after the if condition');           
            Account ResellerAct; 
            Account DistributorAct;  
            Opportunity Oppt;           
            for(Asset Act : selectedAssets) {               
                Temp_Assets__c TempAsset = new Temp_Assets__c();
                TempAsset.Name = 'Sudhir';
                TempAsset.AccountId__c = Act.AccountId;
                TempAsset.Product__c = Act.Product2Id;
                //Added by Unnat
                TempAsset.Product_lookup__c= Act.Product2Id;
                System.debug('##== Product Id is: '+ Act.Product2Id);
                TempAsset.Asset_Id__c = Act.Id;
                TempAsset.Serial_Number__c = Act.SerialNumber;
                TempAsset.Last_Contract_Number__c = Act.last_contract_number__c; 
                TempAsset.Service_Start_Date__c = Act.Service_Start_Date_Min__c;
                TempAsset.Opp_Close_Date__c = minDate;
                TempAsset.Monthly_Quote__c = Monthly_Quote;
                System.debug('=- Monthly Quote is: ' + monthly_Quote);
                if (Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c != null) {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                else {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;
                TempAsset.Install_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;  
                System.debug ('==== Reseller id is: '+ GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c);
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c;
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c;
                If ( GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c <> NULL )
                Oppt = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE ID = :GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Existing_Opportunity__c = Oppt.Id;
                existingId = Oppt.Id; // Get Opportunity Id to Redirect Page
                TempAsset.Incumbent_Reseller__c = IncumbentReseller;
                TempAsset.Education__c = Education; 
                //TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c = GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c= maxDate;
                TempAsset.PriceBook_Name__c = pricebook;
                TempAsset.New_Opportunity__c = GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Term__c = ExpireTerms;
                /* Insert Bundel Checkbox Value */                
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(Act.Id)){
                else {
                TempAsset.Bundle_Support__c = bundsprt; 
                System.debug('== Bundle Value is: ' + bundsprt);
                             //Add the selected Assets to the List
               System.debug('=--2 inserted the list');
               Insert TempAssetList;
               if ( GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c != null ) {
               System.debug('--inside the New opp');
                    Opportunity NewOpt; 
                   NewOpt = [SELECT Id, recordTypeId FROM Opportunity WHERE name = :GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c AND recordTypeId =: renewal_RT.id AND Support_Expiry_Date__c = :maxDate AND closeDate =: minDate and createdbyid = :UserInfo.getUserId() order by createddate desc Limit 1];
                   existingId = NewOpt.Id; // Get Opportunity Id to Redirect Page   
                   System.debug('-- Opp Id is: '+ newOpt.id);            
               baseUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/';
               System.debug('--Base URL is: '+ baseURL);
               resend = new PageReference(baseURL + existingId);
      return resend;

    //Redirect to Account or Contract or Home page upon Cancel
    public PageReference Cancel() {
        return new PageReference('/' + cancelURL); 
    *   return whether previous page exists
    public Boolean getHasPrevious(){       
       try {return this.setCon.getHasPrevious(); } catch(Exception e) { return false;}
    *   return whether next page exists
    public Boolean getHasNext(){       
    try { return this.setCon.getHasNext(); } catch(Exception e) { return false;}

    *   return page number
    public Integer getPageNumber(){   
    try { return this.setCon.getPageNumber(); } catch(Exception e) { return 1; }

    *    return total pages
    Public Integer getTotalPages(){
    Decimal totalSize;
    Decimal pageSize;
    Decimal pages;
          totalSize = this.setCon.getResultSize();
          pageSize = this.setCon.getPageSize();      
          pages = totalSize/pageSize;
          return (Integer)pages.round(System.RoundingMode.CEILING);      
        }catch(Exception e) { return 1; }

    *   helper class that represents a row
    public with sharing class CCWRowItem{
        public Asset tContact{get;set;}
        public Boolean IsSelected{get;set;}
        public Boolean BundelSelected{get;set;}
        public CCWRowItem(Asset c){


  How to implement SSO login in salesforce using Active Directory Credentials. Please advice 



 We have a custom object called Deal_Reg__c under this there is a field called Opportunity which got converted which is a lookup field. 
  I want created a formula field to count number of opportunities which got converted. Please sugggest me how to do 




  Please suggest me how to add sorting in visual force page here is the my code below. 


public with sharing class CCW_ContactPaginationController {
  //URL Passing Parameters. 
  String PageContractId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('ContractId');     
  String PageAccountId  = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('AccountId');   
 public string baseURL{get;set;}
 public String existingId{get;set;}

  public Asset   GetAccount{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetContract{get;set;} 
  public Asset   GetExpireDate{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetReseller{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetDistributor{get;set;}
  public String  IncumbentReseller{get;set;}
  public String  Education{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetOpportunity{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetNewOpportunity{get;set;}
  public String  ExpireTerms{get;set;}
  public boolean bundsprt{get;set;}
  public boolean Monthly_Quote {get;set;}
  //Our collection to class/wrapper objects wrapAsset
  public List<CCWRowItem> wrapAssetList {get; set;}
  public List<Asset> selectedAssets{get;set;} 
  List<Temp_Assets__c>  TempAssetList;
    *   item in context from the page
    public String contextItem{get;set;}
    public String contextItem2{get;set;}
    *   set controller
    private ApexPages.StandardSetController setCon;
    *   the contact ids selected by the user
    private Set<Id> selectedContactIds;
    private Set<Id> selectedContactIds2= new set<Id>();
    *   constructor
    public CCW_ContactPaginationController ()
      GetAccount = new Asset();    //Get Account Id from Page 
      GetContract = new Asset();   //Get Contract Name from Page   
      GetExpireDate = new Asset();   // Date Picker   
      GetReseller = new Asset(); 
      GetDistributor = new Asset();  
      GetOpportunity = new Asset();   // Get Opportunity Id 
      GetNewOpportunity = new Asset();  // Get New Opportunity Name    
   public void fetch_data ()
        //init variable
        this.selectedContactIds= new Set<Id>();
        //gather data set        
       if ( GetAccount.AccountId == NULL && GetContract.Name == NULL )   
         if ( PageAccountId != NULL && PageContractId == NULL )
          this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :PageAccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
         else if ( PageAccountId == NULL && PageContractId != NULL )
         Contract C;
         C = [SELECT Name FROM Contract WHERE Id = :PageContractId Limit 1]; 
         this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c = :C.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
         this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );                                            
      else if ( GetAccount.AccountId != NULL && GetContract.Name == NULL )   
         this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] ); 
       else if ( GetAccount.AccountId == NULL && GetContract.Name != NULL )
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c  = :GetContract.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
       else if ( GetAccount.AccountId != NULL && GetContract.Name != NULL ) 
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId and last_contract_number__c = :GetContract.Name  Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );                                            
      catch(Exception e) {  
       this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );                                            
        if(this.setCon != null){                                        
    *   handle item selected
    public void doSelectItem(){        
    public void doSelectItem2(){        
    *   handle item deselected
    public void doDeselectItem(){        
    public void doDeselectItem2(){        
    *   return count of selected items
    public Integer getSelectedCount(){
        return this.selectedContactIds.size();
    *   advance to next page
    public void doNext(){        
    *   advance to previous page
    public void doPrevious(){        
    //public List<CCWRowItem> rows = new List<CCWRowItem>();
    public List<CCWRowItem> rows {get; set;}
    *   return current page of groups
    public List<CCWRowItem> getContacts(){        
        rows = new List<CCWRowItem>();      
        for(sObject r : this.setCon.getRecords()){
            Asset c = (Asset)r;
            CCWRowItem row = new CCWRowItem(c);
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(c.Id)){
                else {

            else {
        return rows;
        catch(Exception e) { 
           return null;
  //Retrieve the Record Type id for Renewals Opportunity for the SOQL query
  RecordType renewal_RT = [Select id, Name, sObjectType from RecordType where sObjectType= 'Opportunity' and Name = 'Renewal Opportunity' ];
 // Store Selected Records to Object/Table
 public PageReference processSelected() {
    Integer currentPageNumber = setCon.getPageNumber();
    selectedAssets = new List<Asset>();
    //list<Temp_Assets__c> TempAssetList = new list<Temp_Assets__c>();  
    TempAssetList = new list<Temp_Assets__c>();      
     PageReference resend;

    List<Asset>  TempAssetLists = (List<Asset>)setCon.getRecords();
    //TempAssetLists = (List<Asset>)setCon.getRecords();
    for(Asset assetIns : TempAssetLists  ) {
        /**********Added by Unnat*********************************/
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        Date minDate;
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        //finds the latest expiry date out of the selected assets
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if(assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c > maxDate) {
        System.debug('== Latest Service end Date is:'+ maxDate);
        minDate = maxDate;
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if(minDate > assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c) {
        System.debug('== Least Service end Date is:'+ minDate);
        if ((selectedAssets.size() < 1 ) || (expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null )|| (expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ) || (GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ) || (GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null )|| (GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ))
            //Validates that atleast one of the assets is selected from the install base
            if(selectedAssets.size() < 1 ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please select atleast one Asset to renew from the Install Base.'));
            //Validates that atleast one of the Expiry Dates needs to have a value
            if(expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter the Expiry Term or Expiry Date for the selected Assets.'));
            //Valation that only of the Expirty Dates can have a value
            else if(expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Expiry Date or Expiry Term, but not in both.'));
            //Validation that the Distributor Name is required
            if(GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Distributor'));
            //Validation that Reseller Name is required
            if(GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Reseller'));
            //Validation that atleast one Opportunity needs to have a value
            if(GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in either of the Opportunity'));
            //Validation that only one of the Opportunities can have a value
            else if(GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Opportunity or New Opportunity, but not in both.'));
            //Validation that will check if the Expiry Date has value less than the selected Asset Service End Date
            if(GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Expiry Date that you entered is lower than Service End Date of the Asset'));
        else {
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        //Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        if (ExpireTerms !=null) {
        System.debug('== Expire Terms has a value');
            //finds the latest expiry date out of the selected assets
           /***************************moved this upwards*********************************** 
           for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
                if(assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c > maxDate) {
            System.debug('== Latest Service end Date is:'+ maxDate);
            //Validation that will check if the Expiry Date has value less than the selected Asset Service End Date
            if(GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Expiry Date that you entered is lower than Service End Date of the Asset'));
            //There will be another condition to add the expiry term to the latest expiry date
            //String a='1 Year';
            System.debug('== ExpireTerms is: '+ ExpireTerms);
            if (ExpireTerms=='1') {
                System.debug('== First if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '3') {
            System.debug('== Second if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '5') {
            System.debug('== third if condition');
            else {
                maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c; 
           // resend = new PageReference('http://www.google.com');
           // resend.setRedirect(false);
        else {
        System.debug('== Else condition');
            maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;   
        System.debug('== Max Date is: ' + maxDate);
        Integer totalDays = minDate.daysBetween(maxDate); 
        System.debug('== Total days difference is: '+ totalDays);
        /****************Completed by Unnat*****************************/
        //checks if the Monthly Quote is going to be more than 36 months and Monthly Quote Checkbox is selected
        /*if (totalDays > 1080 && Monthly_Quote == true ) {
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Since the Renewals in Months is more than 3 years, please uncheck the Monthly Quote checkbox'));
        else {*/        
            System.debug('=- after the if condition');           
            Account ResellerAct; 
            Account DistributorAct;  
            Opportunity Oppt;           
            for(Asset Act : selectedAssets)
                Temp_Assets__c TempAsset = new Temp_Assets__c();
                TempAsset.Name = 'Sudhir';
                TempAsset.AccountId__c = Act.AccountId;
                TempAsset.Product__c = Act.Product2Id;
                //Added by Unnat
                TempAsset.Product_lookup__c= Act.Product2Id;
                TempAsset.Asset_Id__c = Act.Id;
                TempAsset.Serial_Number__c = Act.SerialNumber;
                TempAsset.Last_Contract_Number__c = Act.last_contract_number__c; 
                TempAsset.Service_Start_Date__c = Act.Service_Start_Date_Min__c;
                //TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                /***************Added by Unnat********************************************/
                TempAsset.Opp_Close_Date__c = minDate;
                TempAsset.Monthly_Quote__c = Monthly_Quote;
                System.debug('=- Monthly Quote is: ' + monthly_Quote);
                if (Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c != null) {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                else {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;
                TempAsset.Install_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;  
                System.debug ('==== Reseller id is: '+ GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c);
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c;
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c;
                /****************Commented by Unnat****************************************************************************
                If (GetReseller.AccountId <> NULL) 
                ResellerAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = ResellerAct.Id;      
                 System.debug ('==== Reseller id 2 is: '+ ResellerAct.Id);        
                If (GetDistributor.AccountId <> NULL )
                DistributorAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = DistributorAct.Id;
                ****************Completed by Unnat *****************************************************************************/
                If ( GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c <> NULL )
                Oppt = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE ID = :GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Existing_Opportunity__c = Oppt.Id;
                existingId = Oppt.Id; // Get Opportunity Id to Redirect Page
                TempAsset.Incumbent_Reseller__c = IncumbentReseller;
                TempAsset.Education__c = Education; 
                //TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c = GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c= maxDate;
                TempAsset.New_Opportunity__c = GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Term__c = ExpireTerms;
                /* Insert Bundel Checkbox Value */                
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(Act.Id)){
                else {
                TempAsset.Bundle_Support__c = bundsprt; 
                System.debug('== Bundle Value is: ' + bundsprt);
                             //Add the selected Assets to the List
               System.debug('=--2 inserted the list');
               Insert TempAssetList;
               if ( GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c != null ) {
               System.debug('--inside the New opp');
                    Opportunity NewOpt; 
                   NewOpt = [SELECT Id, recordTypeId FROM Opportunity WHERE name = :GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c AND recordTypeId =: renewal_RT.id AND Support_Expiry_Date__c = :maxDate AND closeDate =: minDate and createdbyid = :UserInfo.getUserId() order by createddate desc Limit 1];
                   existingId = NewOpt.Id; // Get Opportunity Id to Redirect Page   
                   System.debug('-- Opp Id is: '+ newOpt.id);            
               baseUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/';
               System.debug('--Base URL is: '+ baseURL);
               resend = new PageReference(baseURL + existingId);
       // } //end of if Condition for check of days more than 3 years
      return resend;

/* Do not need it anymore
 public PageReference pageRefMethod() {

   //call your action method
 /*  if ( GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c != null ) {
                    Opportunity NewOpt; 
                   NewOpt = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE id = :GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c Limit 1];
                   existingId = NewOpt.Id; // Get Opportunity Id to Redirect Page                   
   else if ( GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c != null ) {
                    Opportunity NewOpt; 
                   NewOpt = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE name = :GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c Limit 1];
                   existingId = NewOpt.Id; // Get Opportunity Id to Redirect Page               
    baseUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/';
    PageReference send = new PageReference(baseURL + existingId);
    return send;
                      else {
                      return null;

    *   return whether previous page exists
    public Boolean getHasPrevious(){       
        return this.setCon.getHasPrevious();         
        catch(Exception e) { 
           return false;
    *   return whether next page exists
    public Boolean getHasNext(){       
        return this.setCon.getHasNext();
      catch(Exception e) { 
           return false;

    *   return page number
    public Integer getPageNumber(){   
        return this.setCon.getPageNumber();        
    catch(Exception e) { 
           return 1;

    *    return total pages
    Public Integer getTotalPages(){
    Decimal totalSize;
    Decimal pageSize;
    Decimal pages;
          totalSize = this.setCon.getResultSize();
          pageSize = this.setCon.getPageSize();      
          pages = totalSize/pageSize;
          return (Integer)pages.round(System.RoundingMode.CEILING);      
         catch(Exception e) { 
           return 1;

    *   helper class that represents a row
    public with sharing class CCWRowItem{
        public Asset tContact{get;set;}
        public Boolean IsSelected{get;set;}
        public Boolean BundelSelected{get;set;}
        public CCWRowItem(Asset c){



  I have a requirement to sort visual force page. Please suggest me how to sort columns.  Please see my code and suggest me

<apex:page controller="CCW_ContactPaginationController"  showHeader="true" sidebar="true" > 
    <script type="text/javascript">
        *    function to handle checkbox selection
        function doCheckboxChange(cb,itemId){
        function doCheckboxChange2(cb,itemId){
<!-- Using apex:pageMessages instead   
<script type="text/javascript">
function Validation()
  var val   = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.confignewopp.newopp}').value;  
  var oval  = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configopport.existopp}').value;  
  var edate = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configexpiredate.expredate}').value;  
  var eterm = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configexpire.expterms}').value;
  var eresr = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configreseller.resler}').value;
  var edstb = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configdistrbutor.distbtr}').value;
  if ( edate == '' && eterm == '0' ) {
    alert('Enter either expire date or select expite term');
    return false;
  else if ( edate != '' && eterm != '0' )
    alert('Enter either expire date or select expite term');
    return false;
  else if ( eresr == '' && edstb == '' )
    alert('Enter reseller and distributor details');
    return false;
  else if ( eresr == '' && edstb != ''  )
    alert('Enter reseller details');
    return false;
  else if ( eresr != '' && edstb == '' )
    alert('Enter distributor details');
    return false;
  else if ( val == '' && oval == '') 
    alert('Enter either existing opportunity or new opporutnity');
    return false;
  else if ( val != '' && oval != '') 
     alert('Enter either existing opportunity or new opporutnity');
     return false;
     alert('Please check row in Install Based Report to saved records');
     return true;     
Done commenting the javaScript code --> 
<apex:sectionHeader subtitle="Create Renewal Quote" title="Meru Networks"/>

<apex:form id="RenewalForm">
<apex:pageBlock id="filterblock">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Filters" columns="3" id="filterblocksection">
<apex:inputField value="{!GetAccount.AccountId}" label="Account"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!GetContract.Name}" label="Contract" required="false"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!fetch_data}" value="Fetch Data"></apex:commandbutton>

    <apex:pageBlock id="reportblock">
        <apex:pageMessages /> 
        <apex:pageBlockButtons id="reportbutton">
        <apex:commandButton value="Save Records" action="{!processSelected}"  /> 
        <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" onclick="window.top.close()"/>
        <!-- handle selected item -->
        <apex:actionFunction name="aSelectItem" action="{!doSelectItem}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem}"/>
        <apex:actionFunction name="aSelectItem2" action="{!doSelectItem2}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem2" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem2}" />
        <!-- handle deselected item -->
        <apex:actionFunction name="aDeselectItem" action="{!doDeselectItem}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem}"/>
        <apex:actionFunction name="aDeselectItem2" action="{!doDeselectItem2}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem2" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem2}"/>
       <apex:pageBlockSection title="Install Base" id="mpb" collapsible="true" columns="1" >

            <!-- table of data -->
            <apex:pageBlockTable title="Assets" value="{!Contacts}" var="c" id="reportblocktable" >
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">Action</apex:facet>
                    <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!c.IsSelected}" onclick="doCheckboxChange(this,'{!c.tContact.Id}')"/>
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">Bundle Support</apex:facet>
                    <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!c.BundelSelected}" onclick="doCheckboxChange2(this,'{!c.tContact.Id}')"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.AccountId}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.Product2Id}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.SerialNumber}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.last_contract_number__c}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.Service_Start_Date_Min__c}"/>
               <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.Service_End_Date_Max__c}"/>
               <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.InstallDate}"/>
                 <apex:inlineEditSupport event="ondblClick" 
                        showOnEdit="saveButton,cancelButton" hideOnEdit="editButton" />

            <apex:pageBlockSection collapsible="false" columns="2" id="paginsecblock">
                <!-- count of selected items -->
                <apex:outputLabel value="[{!selectedCount} records selected]" />            
                <!-- next, previous and page info --> 
                <apex:outputPanel style="float:right">
                    <apex:commandLink action="{!doPrevious}" rendered="{!hasPrevious}" value="Previous" />
                    <apex:outputLabel rendered="{!NOT(hasPrevious)}" value="Previous"/>  
                    <apex:outputLabel value=" (page {!pageNumber} of {!totalPages}) "/>                                   
                    <apex:commandLink action="{!doNext}" rendered="{!hasNext}" value="Next" />
                    <apex:outputLabel rendered="{!NOT(hasNext)}" value="Next"/>

<apex:pageBlock id="configblock">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Configuration Option" columns="2" id="configsecblock">

  <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configexpire">
   <apex:outputLabel value="Expiry Term:" for="expireterm"/> 
   <apex:selectList value="{!ExpireTerms}" multiselect="false" size="1" id="expterms">
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="0" itemLabel="--none--" id="exptermsnon"/>
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="1" itemLabel="1 Year"/>
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="3" itemLabel="3 Year"/>
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="5" itemLabel="5 Year"/>
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configexpiredate">
    <apex:outputLabel value="Expiry Date:"/>
   <apex:inputField value="{!GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c}" id="expredate"/>
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configincumbent">        
    <apex:outputLabel value="Incumbent Reseller"></apex:outputLabel>        
    <!--apex:inputCheckbox value="{!IncumbentReseller}"/-->
    <apex:selectList value="{!IncumbentReseller}" multiselect="false" size="1" id="incumbentReseller">
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="No" itemLabel="No" />
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="Yes" itemLabel="Yes" />             
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configeducation"> 
    <apex:outputLabel value="Education"></apex:outputLabel>       
    <!--apex:inputCheckbox value="{!Education}"/-->
    <apex:selectList value="{!Education}" multiselect="false" size="1" id="Education">
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="None" itemLabel="None" />
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="K-12" itemLabel="K-12" />
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="Higher-Ed" itemLabel="Higher-Ed" />               


     <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configreseller"> 
    <apex:outputLabel value="Reseller"></apex:outputLabel>     
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c}" id="resler" /> 

   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configdistrbutor"> 
    <apex:outputLabel value="Distributor"></apex:outputLabel>        
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c}" id="distbtr"/>  
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configopport"> 
    <apex:outputLabel value="Opportunity"></apex:outputLabel>        
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c}" id="existopp"/>  
    <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="confignewopp"> 
    <apex:outputLabel value="New Opportunity"></apex:outputLabel>        
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c}" id="newopp"/>  
   <apex:pageblockSectionItem id="configMonthlyQuote"> 
       <apex:outputLabel value="Generate Monthly SKU's"></apex:outputLabel>
       <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!monthly_quote}" id="monthlyQuote"/>


  I created a page redirect inside controller. Below highlited is the code to call page redirect. I am redirect the page to opporunity after data is saved. 
 Please suggest me how to modify its not working

// Store Selected Records to Object/Table
public void processSelected() {
    Integer currentPageNumber = setCon.getPageNumber();
    selectedAssets = new List<Asset>();
    list<Temp_Assets__c> TempAssetList = new list<Temp_Assets__c>(); 

    List<Asset>  TempAssetLists = (List<Asset>)setCon.getRecords();
    for(Asset assetIns : TempAssetLists  ) {

        /**********Added by Unnat*********************************/
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        Date minDate;
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        //finds the latest expiry date out of the selected assets
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if(assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c > maxDate) {
        System.debug('== Latest Service end Date is:'+ maxDate);
        minDate = maxDate;
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if(minDate > assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c) {
        System.debug('== Least Service end Date is:'+ minDate);
        if ((selectedAssets.size() < 1 ) || (expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null )|| (expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ) || (GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ) || (GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null )|| (GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate )) {
        //Validates that atleast one of the assets is selected from the install base
        if(selectedAssets.size() < 1 ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please select atleast one Asset to renew from the Install Base.'));
        //Validates that atleast one of the Expiry Dates needs to have a value
        if(expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter the Expiry Term or Expiry Date for the selected Assets.'));
        //Valation that only of the Expirty Dates can have a value
        else if(expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Expiry Date or Expiry Term, but not in both.'));
        //Validation that the Distributor Name is required
        if(GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Distributor'));
        //Validation that Reseller Name is required
        if(GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Reseller'));
        //Validation that atleast one Opportunity needs to have a value
        if(GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in either of the Opportunity'));
        //Validation that only one of the Opportunities can have a value
        else if(GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Opportunity or New Opportunity, but not in both.'));
        //Validation that will check if the Expiry Date has value less than the selected Asset Service End Date
        if(GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Expiry Date that you entered is lower than Service End Date of the Asset'));
        else {
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        //Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        if (ExpireTerms !=null) {
        System.debug('== Expire Terms has a value');
            //There will be another condition to add the expiry term to the latest expiry date
            //String a='1 Year';
            System.debug('== ExpireTerms is: '+ ExpireTerms);
            if (ExpireTerms=='1') {
                System.debug('== First if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '3') {
            System.debug('== Second if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '5') {
            System.debug('== third if condition');
            else {
                maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;
        else {
        System.debug('== Else condition');
            maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;  
        System.debug('== Max Date is: ' + maxDate);
        Integer totalDays = minDate.daysBetween(maxDate);
        System.debug('== Total days difference is: '+ totalDays);
        /****************Completed by Unnat*****************************/
        //checks if the Monthly Quote is going to be more than 36 months and Monthly Quote Checkbox is selected
        /*if (totalDays > 1080 && Monthly_Quote == true ) {
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Since the Renewals in Months is more than 3 years, please uncheck the Monthly Quote checkbox'));
        else {*/       
            System.debug('=- after the if condition');          
            Account ResellerAct;
            Account DistributorAct; 
            Opportunity Oppt;          
            for(Asset Act : selectedAssets)
                Temp_Assets__c TempAsset = new Temp_Assets__c();
                TempAsset.Name = 'Sudhir';
                TempAsset.AccountId__c = Act.AccountId;
                TempAsset.Product__c = Act.Product2Id;
                //Added by Unnat
                TempAsset.Product_lookup__c= Act.Product2Id;
                TempAsset.Asset_Id__c = Act.Id;
                TempAsset.Serial_Number__c = Act.SerialNumber;
                TempAsset.Last_Contract_Number__c = Act.last_contract_number__c;
                TempAsset.Service_Start_Date__c = Act.Service_Start_Date_Min__c;
                //TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                /***************Added by Unnat********************************************/
                TempAsset.Opp_Close_Date__c = minDate;
                TempAsset.Monthly_Quote__c = Monthly_Quote;
                System.debug('=- Monthly Quote is: ' + monthly_Quote);
                if (Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c != null) {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                else {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;
                TempAsset.Install_Date__c = Act.InstallDate; 
                System.debug ('==== Reseller id is: '+ GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c);
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c;
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c;
                /****************Commented by Unnat****************************************************************************
                If (GetReseller.AccountId <> NULL)
                ResellerAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = ResellerAct.Id;     
                 System.debug ('==== Reseller id 2 is: '+ ResellerAct.Id);       
                If (GetDistributor.AccountId <> NULL )
                DistributorAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = DistributorAct.Id;
                ****************Completed by Unnat *****************************************************************************/
                If ( GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c <> NULL )
                Oppt = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE ID = :GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Existing_Opportunity__c = Oppt.Id;
                TempAsset.Incumbent_Reseller__c = IncumbentReseller;
                TempAsset.Education__c = Education;
                //TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c = GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c= maxDate;
                TempAsset.New_Opportunity__c = GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Term__c = ExpireTerms;
                /* Insert Bundel Checkbox Value */               
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(Act.Id)){
                else {
                TempAsset.Bundle_Support__c = bundsprt;
                System.debug('== Bundle Value is: ' + bundsprt);
                             //Add the selected Assets to the List
            Insert TempAssetList;                           
       // } //end of if Condition for check of days more than 3 years
   public pagereference Redirect()
     String optyURL2 = 'https://cs20.salesforce.com/006m0000002MqNf';
     PageReference pageref = new PageReference(optyURL2);   //<----- changed here
     return pageref;



 I created a visual force page which has two option user can eithere select existing opportunity from pick list or He can create a new opportunity. 

  After saving the data page must redirect to selected or created opportunity. Please suggest me how to implement 

Below is the visualforce page. 

 <apex:page controller="CCW_ContactPaginationController"  showHeader="true" sidebar="true" >
    <script type="text/javascript">

        *    function to handle checkbox selection
        function doCheckboxChange(cb,itemId){


        function doCheckboxChange2(cb,itemId){



<!-- Using apex:pageMessages instead  
<script type="text/javascript">
function Validation()
  var val   = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.confignewopp.newopp}').value; 
  var oval  = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configopport.existopp}').value; 
  var edate = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configexpiredate.expredate}').value; 
  var eterm = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configexpire.expterms}').value;
  var eresr = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configreseller.resler}').value;
  var edstb = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configdistrbutor.distbtr}').value;
  if ( edate == '' && eterm == '0' ) {
    alert('Enter either expire date or select expite term');
    return false;
  else if ( edate != '' && eterm != '0' )
    alert('Enter either expire date or select expite term');
    return false;
  else if ( eresr == '' && edstb == '' )
    alert('Enter reseller and distributor details');
    return false;
  else if ( eresr == '' && edstb != ''  )
    alert('Enter reseller details');
    return false;
  else if ( eresr != '' && edstb == '' )
    alert('Enter distributor details');
    return false;
  else if ( val == '' && oval == '')
    alert('Enter either existing opportunity or new opporutnity');
    return false;
  else if ( val != '' && oval != '')
     alert('Enter either existing opportunity or new opporutnity');
     return false;
     alert('Please check row in Install Based Report to saved records');
     return true;    
Done commenting the javaScript code -->
<apex:sectionHeader subtitle="Create Renewal Quote" title="Meru Networks"/>

<apex:form id="RenewalForm">
<apex:pageBlock id="filterblock">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Filters" columns="3" id="filterblocksection">
<apex:inputField value="{!GetAccount.AccountId}" label="Account"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!GetContract.Name}" label="Contract" required="false"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!fetch_data}" value="Fetch Data"></apex:commandbutton>

    <apex:pageBlock id="reportblock">
        <apex:pageMessages />
        <apex:pageBlockButtons id="reportbutton">
        <apex:commandButton value="Save Records" action="{!processSelected}"  />
        <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" onclick="window.top.close()"/>
        <!-- handle selected item -->
        <apex:actionFunction name="aSelectItem" action="{!doSelectItem}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem}"/>
        <apex:actionFunction name="aSelectItem2" action="{!doSelectItem2}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem2" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem2}" />
        <!-- handle deselected item -->
        <apex:actionFunction name="aDeselectItem" action="{!doDeselectItem}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem}"/>
        <apex:actionFunction name="aDeselectItem2" action="{!doDeselectItem2}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem2" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem2}"/>
       <apex:pageBlockSection title="Install Base" id="mpb" collapsible="true" columns="1" >

            <!-- table of data -->
            <apex:pageBlockTable title="Assets" value="{!Contacts}" var="c" id="reportblocktable" >
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">Action</apex:facet>
                    <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!c.IsSelected}" onclick="doCheckboxChange(this,'{!c.tContact.Id}')"/>
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">Bundle Support</apex:facet>
                    <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!c.BundelSelected}" onclick="doCheckboxChange2(this,'{!c.tContact.Id}')"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.AccountId}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.Product2Id}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.SerialNumber}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.last_contract_number__c}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.Service_Start_Date_Min__c}"/>
               <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.Service_End_Date_Max__c}"/>
               <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.InstallDate}"/>
                 <apex:inlineEditSupport event="ondblClick"
                        showOnEdit="saveButton,cancelButton" hideOnEdit="editButton" />

            <apex:pageBlockSection collapsible="false" columns="2" id="paginsecblock">
                <!-- count of selected items -->
                <apex:outputLabel value="[{!selectedCount} records selected]" />           
                <!-- next, previous and page info -->
                <apex:outputPanel style="float:right">
                    <apex:commandLink action="{!doPrevious}" rendered="{!hasPrevious}" value="Previous" />
                    <apex:outputLabel rendered="{!NOT(hasPrevious)}" value="Previous"/> 
                    <apex:outputLabel value=" (page {!pageNumber} of {!totalPages}) "/>                                  
                    <apex:commandLink action="{!doNext}" rendered="{!hasNext}" value="Next" />
                    <apex:outputLabel rendered="{!NOT(hasNext)}" value="Next"/>


<apex:pageBlock id="configblock">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Configuration Option" columns="2" id="configsecblock">

  <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configexpire">
   <apex:outputLabel value="Expiry Term:" for="expireterm"/>
   <apex:selectList value="{!ExpireTerms}" multiselect="false" size="1" id="expterms">
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="0" itemLabel="--none--" id="exptermsnon"/>
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="1" itemLabel="1 Year"/>
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="3" itemLabel="3 Year"/>
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="5" itemLabel="5 Year"/>
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configexpiredate">
    <apex:outputLabel value="Expiry Date:"/>
   <apex:inputField value="{!GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c}" id="expredate"/>
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configincumbent">       
    <apex:outputLabel value="Incumbent Reseller"></apex:outputLabel>       
    <!--apex:inputCheckbox value="{!IncumbentReseller}"/-->
    <apex:selectList value="{!IncumbentReseller}" multiselect="false" size="1" id="incumbentReseller">
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="No" itemLabel="No" />
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="Yes" itemLabel="Yes" />            
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configeducation">
    <apex:outputLabel value="Education"></apex:outputLabel>      
    <!--apex:inputCheckbox value="{!Education}"/-->
    <apex:selectList value="{!Education}" multiselect="false" size="1" id="Education">
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="None" itemLabel="None" />
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="K-12" itemLabel="K-12" />
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="Higher-Ed" itemLabel="Higher-Ed" />              


     <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configreseller">
    <apex:outputLabel value="Reseller"></apex:outputLabel>    
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c}" id="resler" />

   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configdistrbutor">
    <apex:outputLabel value="Distributor"></apex:outputLabel>       
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c}" id="distbtr"/> 
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configopport">
    <apex:outputLabel value="Opportunity"></apex:outputLabel>       
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c}" id="existopp"/> 
    <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="confignewopp">
    <apex:outputLabel value="New Opportunity"></apex:outputLabel>       
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c}" id="newopp"/> 
   <apex:pageblockSectionItem id="configMonthlyQuote">
       <apex:outputLabel value="Monthly Quote"></apex:outputLabel>
       <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!monthly_quote}" id="monthlyQuote"/>


Let me know if  you need controller will past the code.



 Can we close visualforce page after button click.  We have a button which will save records after saving records page needs to be closed. 
  Please suggest me how to implement 




  I wrote a trigger below to update opportuntiy from custom object based on condition but is not updating please help

 Code below highlighted in bold is not updating

trigger Temp_Asset2_Opp on Temp_Assets__c (after insert )
    List<OpportunityLineItem> OppLineItems = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();
    List<Temp_Assets__c> CurrentAssetOpp = [Select Id, Name, Asset_Id__c, Serial_Number__c, AccountId__c, Product__c, Service_Start_Date__c,
                                              Service_End_Date__c ,Install_Date__c ,Reseller__c,Distributor__c ,
                                              New_Opportunity__c,Expiry_Term__c,Bundle_Support__c, X5_Year_SKU_Code__c, X3_Year_SKU_Code__c,
                                              X1_Year_SKU_Code__c, Monthly_SKU_Code__c, X5_year_SKU__c ,X3_year_SKU__c, X1_year_SKU__c,
                                              Total_in_Months__c, Support_Only_5_Year_SKU__c, Support_Only_3_Year_SKU__c, Support_Only_1_Year_SKU__c,
                                              Support_Only_Monthly_SKU__c, DaysRemaining_Months__c
                                              From Temp_Assets__c
                                              Where CreatedById = :userinfo.getUserId() Limit 1];
    List<Temp_Assets__c> CurrentAssetOppLine = [Select Id, Name, Asset_Id__c, Serial_Number__c, AccountId__c, Product__c, Service_Start_Date__c,
                                                Service_End_Date__c ,Install_Date__c ,Reseller__c,Distributor__c ,
                                                New_Opportunity__c,Expiry_Term__c,Bundle_Support__c, X5_Year_SKU_Code__c, X3_Year_SKU_Code__c,
                                                X1_Year_SKU_Code__c, Monthly_SKU_Code__c, X5_year_SKU__c ,X3_year_SKU__c, X1_year_SKU__c,
                                                Total_in_Months__c, Support_Only_5_Year_SKU__c, Support_Only_3_Year_SKU__c, Support_Only_1_Year_SKU__c,
                                                Support_Only_Monthly_SKU__c, DaysRemaining_Months__c
                                                From Temp_Assets__c
                                                Where CreatedById = :userinfo.getUserId()];

    Pricebook2 prBook= [select id from Pricebook2 where Name=: 'NAM Price Book'];
    RecordType renewal_RT = [Select id, Name, sObjectType from RecordType where sObjectType= 'Opportunity' and Name = 'Renewal Opportunity' ];
   Opportunity Opp = new Opportunity();
   for ( Temp_Assets__c TA : CurrentAssetOpp )
     // If New Opportunity is Created 
    if ( TA.Existing_Opportunity__c == NULL && TA.New_Opportunity__c != NULL )   
            // Insert Opportunity with all mandatory fields       
             Opp.Name      = TA.New_Opportunity__c;            
             Opp.Type      = 'Existing Customer';
             Opp.AccountId = TA.AccountId__c;
             Opp.CloseDate =  system.today().addDays(+30); // default Sysdate + 30
             Opp.Government_Contract__c = 'None';
             Opp.Renewal_Opportunity__c = 'Yes';
             Opp.StageName = 'Renewal';
             //Opp.Lost_Reason__c = 'Other'; // not required
             Opp.Primary_Competitor__c = 'No Competitor';
             Opp.ForecastCategoryName = 'Pipeline';
             Opp.LeadSource = 'Renewal';
             Opp.Primary_Reseller__c    = TA.Reseller__c;
             Opp.Primary_Distributor__c = TA.Distributor__c;
             Opp.Renewal_Incumbant_Reseller__c = TA.Incumbent_Reseller__c;
             Opp.Renewal_K_12__c   =  TA.Education__c;
             //Assigning the new Opportunity to the Renewal Record Type
             opp.recordtypeId = renewal_RT.id;
          Insert Opp;
    if ( TA.Existing_Opportunity__c == NULL && TA.New_Opportunity__c != NULL )   
        List<Opportunity> OpptUp = [select Id from Opportunity where id =  :TA.Existing_Opportunity__c ];       
         for ( Opportunity OppUpd : OpptUp ) {
                OppUpd.test__c = 'Sudhir';
                OppUpd.Primary_Reseller__c    = TA.Reseller__c;
                OppUpd.Primary_Distributor__c =  TA.Distributor__c;
                OppUpd.Renewal_Incumbant_Reseller__c =  TA.Incumbent_Reseller__c;
                OppUpd.Renewal_K_12__c   =  TA.Education__c;
                //change the RecordType of this existing Opportunity to Renewal Opportunity Record Type
                OppUpd.recordtypeId = renewal_RT.id;                  
         Update OpptUp;     

List<Temp_Assets__c> TempAsset = [SELECT Id From Temp_Assets__c Where CreatedById = :userinfo.getUserId()];
//delete TempAsset ;





 In my below controller something is wrong it is always goind to NULL Pointer Refernce. Please suggest me if there is anything wrong. 

public with sharing class Pagination {

  //URL Passing Parameters.
  String PageContractId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('ContractId');    
  String PageAccountId  = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('AccountId');

/* set controller */
    private ApexPages.StandardSetController setCon;

  public Asset   GetAccount{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetContract{get;set;}
      public pagination ()
      GetAccount = new Asset();    //Get Account Id from Page
      GetContract = new Asset();   //Get Contract Name from Page 
if ( GetAccount.AccountId == NULL & GetContract.Name == NULL )  
           if ( PageAccountId <> NULL & PageContractId == NULL )
           this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :PageAccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
           else if ( PageAccountId == NULL & PageContractId <> NULL )
           Contract C;
           C = [SELECT Name FROM Contract WHERE Id = :PageContractId Limit 1];
           this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c = :C.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
       else if ( GetAccount.AccountId <> NULL && GetContract.Name == NULL )
         this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
       else if ( GetContract.Name <> NULL && GetAccount.AccountId == NULL )
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c  = :GetContract.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
       else if ( GetAccount.AccountId <> NULL && GetContract.Name <> NULL )
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId and last_contract_number__c = :GetContract.Name  Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
      this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );




 I created a controller using wrapper class. Problem I am facing is everytime while doing pagination page ApexPages.StandardSetController 
is going to null pointer refrence. 

Value is getting cleared I think while pagination please suggest me how to fix

public with sharing class CCW_ContactPaginationController {

  //URL Passing Parameters.
  String PageContractId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('ContractId');    
  String PageAccountId  = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('AccountId');  

  public Asset   GetAccount{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetContract{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetExpireDate{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetReseller{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetDistributor{get;set;}
  public String  IncumbentReseller{get;set;}
  public String  Education{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetOpportunity{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetNewOpportunity{get;set;}
  public String  ExpireTerms{get;set;}
  public boolean bundsprt{get;set;}

  //Our collection to class/wrapper objects wrapAsset
  public List<CCWRowItem> wrapAssetList {get; set;}
  public List<Asset> selectedAssets{get;set;}
    *   item in context from the page
    public String contextItem{get;set;}
    public String contextItem2{get;set;}

    *   set controller
    private ApexPages.StandardSetController setCon;
    *   the contact ids selected by the user
    private Set<Id> selectedContactIds;
    private Set<Id> selectedContactIds2= new set<Id>();
    *   constructor
    public CCW_ContactPaginationController ()
      GetAccount = new Asset();    //Get Account Id from Page
      GetContract = new Asset();   //Get Contract Name from Page  
      GetExpireDate = new Asset();   // Date Picker  
      GetReseller = new Asset();
      GetDistributor = new Asset(); 
      GetOpportunity = new Asset();   // Get Opportunity Id
      GetNewOpportunity = new Asset();  // Get New Opportunity Name   
   public void fetch_data ()
        //init variable
        this.selectedContactIds= new Set<Id>();
        //gather data set
        if ( GetAccount.AccountId == NULL & GetContract.Name == NULL )  
           if ( PageAccountId <> NULL & PageContractId == NULL )
           this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :PageAccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
           else if ( PageAccountId == NULL & PageContractId <> NULL )
           Contract C;
           C = [SELECT Name FROM Contract WHERE Id = :PageContractId Limit 1];
           this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c = :C.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
       else if ( GetAccount.AccountId <> NULL && GetContract.Name == NULL )
         this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
       else if ( GetContract.Name <> NULL && GetAccount.AccountId == NULL )
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c  = :GetContract.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
       else if ( GetAccount.AccountId <> NULL && GetContract.Name <> NULL )
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId and last_contract_number__c = :GetContract.Name  Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
        if(this.setCon != null){                                       
    *   handle item selected
    public void doSelectItem(){       
    public void doSelectItem2(){       
    *   handle item deselected
    public void doDeselectItem(){       
    public void doDeselectItem2(){       
    *   return count of selected items
    public Integer getSelectedCount(){
        return this.selectedContactIds.size();
    *   advance to next page
    public void doNext(){       
    *   advance to previous page
    public void doPrevious(){       
    //public List<CCWRowItem> rows = new List<CCWRowItem>();
    public List<CCWRowItem> rows {get; set;}
    *   return current page of groups
    public List<CCWRowItem> getContacts(){       
        rows = new List<CCWRowItem>();
        for(sObject r : this.setCon.getRecords()){
            Asset c = (Asset)r;
            CCWRowItem row = new CCWRowItem(c);
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(c.Id)){
                else {

            else {
        return rows;
// Store Selected Records to Object/Table
public void processSelected() {
    Integer currentPageNumber = setCon.getPageNumber();
    selectedAssets = new List<Asset>();
    list<Temp_Assets__c> TempAssetList = new list<Temp_Assets__c>(); 

    List<Asset>  TempAssetLists = (List<Asset>)setCon.getRecords();
    for(Asset assetIns : TempAssetLists  ) {
       Account ResellerAct;
       Account DistributorAct; 
       Opportunity Oppt;          
       for(Asset Act : selectedAssets)
              Temp_Assets__c TempAsset = new Temp_Assets__c();
              TempAsset.Name = 'Sudhir';
              TempAsset.AccountId__c = Act.AccountId;
              TempAsset.Product__c = Act.Product2Id;
              //Added by Unnat
              TempAsset.Product_lookup__c= Act.Product2Id;
              TempAsset.Asset_Id__c = Act.Id;
              TempAsset.Serial_Number__c = Act.SerialNumber;
              TempAsset.Last_Contract_Number__c = Act.last_contract_number__c;
              TempAsset.Service_Start_Date__c = Act.Service_Start_Date_Min__c;
              //TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
              /***************Added by Unnat********************************************/
              if (Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c != null) {
                  TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
              else {
                   TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;

              TempAsset.Install_Date__c = Act.InstallDate; 
               If (GetReseller.AccountId <> NULL)
                ResellerAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetReseller.AccountId Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = ResellerAct.Id;              
               If (GetDistributor.AccountId <> NULL )
                DistributorAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetDistributor.AccountId Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = DistributorAct.Id;
               If ( GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c <> NULL )
                Oppt = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE ID = :GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Existing_Opportunity__c = Oppt.Id;
              TempAsset.Incumbent_Reseller__c = IncumbentReseller;
              TempAsset.Education__c = Education;
              //TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c = GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;
              TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c= maxDate;
              TempAsset.New_Opportunity__c = GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c;
              TempAsset.Expiry_Term__c = ExpireTerms;
                /* Insert Bundel Checkbox Value */               
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(Act.Id)){
                else {
                TempAsset.Bundle_Support__c = bundsprt;
              System.debug('== Bundle Value is: ' + bundsprt);
                             //Add the selected Assets to the List
        Insert TempAssetList; 
    *   return whether previous page exists
    public Boolean getHasPrevious(){      
        return this.setCon.getHasPrevious();        
    *   return whether next page exists
    public Boolean getHasNext(){      
        return this.setCon.getHasNext();
    *   return page number
    public Integer getPageNumber(){       
        return this.setCon.getPageNumber();       
    *    return total pages
    Public Integer getTotalPages(){
    Decimal totalSize;
    Decimal pageSize;
    Decimal pages;
          totalSize = this.setCon.getResultSize();
          pageSize = this.setCon.getPageSize();     
          pages = totalSize/pageSize;
          return (Integer)pages.round(System.RoundingMode.CEILING);     
    *   helper class that represents a row
    public with sharing class CCWRowItem{
        public Asset tContact{get;set;}
        public Boolean IsSelected{get;set;}
        public Boolean BundelSelected{get;set;}
        public CCWRowItem(Asset c){

  I get below error and line 97 and line 60 from controller. I am doing pagination using wrapper class Please suggest me how to fix this issue.

Class.CCW_ContactPaginationController.fetch_data: line 97, column 1
Class.CCW_ContactPaginationController.<init>: line 60, column 1

public with sharing class CCW_ContactPaginationController {

  //URL Passing Parameters.
  String PageContractId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('ContractId');    
  String PageAccountId  = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('AccountId');  

  public Asset GetAccount{get;set;}
  public Asset GetContract{get;set;}
  public Asset GetExpireDate{get;set;}
  public Asset GetReseller{get;set;}
  public Asset GetDistributor{get;set;}
  public String IncumbentReseller{get;set;}
  public String Education{get;set;}
  public Asset GetOpportunity{get;set;}
  public Asset GetNewOpportunity{get;set;}
  public String ExpireTerms{get;set;}
  public boolean bundsprt{get;set;}

  //Our collection to class/wrapper objects wrapAsset
  public List<CCWRowItem> wrapAssetList {get; set;}
  public List<Asset> selectedAssets{get;set;}
    *   item in context from the page
    public String contextItem{get;set;}
    public String contextItem2{get;set;}

    *   set controller
    private ApexPages.StandardSetController setCon;
    *   the contact ids selected by the user
    private Set<Id> selectedContactIds;
    private Set<Id> selectedContactIds2= new set<Id>();
    *   constructor
    public CCW_ContactPaginationController ()
      GetAccount = new Asset();    //Get Account Id from Page
      GetContract = new Asset();   //Get Contract Name from Page  
      GetExpireDate = new Asset();   // Date Picker  
      GetReseller = new Asset();
      GetDistributor = new Asset(); 
      GetOpportunity = new Asset();   // Get Opportunity Id
      GetNewOpportunity = new Asset();  // Get New Opportunity Name   
      oppreseller = new Opportunity();  
   public void fetch_data ()
        //init variable
        this.selectedContactIds= new Set<Id>();
        //gather data set
         If ( GetAccount.AccountId == NULL || GetContract.Name == NULL )
           If ( PageContractId <> NULL )
           Contract C;
           C = [SELECT Name FROM Contract WHERE Id = :PageContractId Limit 1];
           this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c = :C.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
           else If ( PageAccountId <> NULL )
           this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :PageAccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc   Limit 1000] );
          If ( GetAccount.AccountId <> NULL && GetContract.Name == NULL )
           this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
          Else If ( GetContract.Name <> NULL && GetAccount.AccountId == NULL )
           this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c  = :GetContract.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
         Else If ( GetAccount.AccountId <> NULL && GetContract.Name <> NULL )
         this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId and last_contract_number__c = :GetContract.Name  Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
    *   handle item selected
    public void doSelectItem(){       
    public void doSelectItem2(){       
    *   handle item deselected
    public void doDeselectItem(){       
    public void doDeselectItem2(){       
    *   return count of selected items
    public Integer getSelectedCount(){
        return this.selectedContactIds.size();
    *   advance to next page
    public void doNext(){

    *   advance to previous page
    public void doPrevious(){
    //public List<CCWRowItem> rows = new List<CCWRowItem>();
    public List<CCWRowItem> rows {get; set;}
    *   return current page of groups
    public List<CCWRowItem> getContacts(){       
        rows = new List<CCWRowItem>();
        for(sObject r : this.setCon.getRecords()){
            Asset c = (Asset)r;
            CCWRowItem row = new CCWRowItem(c);
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(c.Id)){
                else {

            else {
        return rows;
// Store Selected Records to Object/Table
public void processSelected() {
    Integer currentPageNumber = setCon.getPageNumber();
    selectedAssets = new List<Asset>();
    list<Temp_Assets__c> TempAssetList = new list<Temp_Assets__c>(); 

    List<Asset>  TempAssetLists = (List<Asset>)setCon.getRecords();
    for(Asset assetIns : TempAssetLists  ) {
       Account ResellerAct;
       Account DistributorAct; 
       Opportunity Oppt;          
       for(Asset Act : selectedAssets)
              Temp_Assets__c TempAsset = new Temp_Assets__c();
              TempAsset.Name = 'Sudhir';
              TempAsset.AccountId__c = Act.AccountId;
              TempAsset.Product__c = Act.Product2Id;
              //Added by Unnat
              TempAsset.Product_lookup__c= Act.Product2Id;
              TempAsset.Serial_Number__c = Act.SerialNumber;
              TempAsset.Last_Contract_Number__c = Act.last_contract_number__c;
              TempAsset.Service_Start_Date__c = Act.Service_Start_Date_Min__c;
              //TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
              /***************Added by Unnat********************************************/
              if (Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c != null) {
                  TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
              else {
                   TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;

              TempAsset.Install_Date__c = Act.InstallDate; 
               If (GetReseller.AccountId <> NULL)
                ResellerAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetReseller.AccountId Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = ResellerAct.Id;              
               If (GetDistributor.AccountId <> NULL )
                DistributorAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetDistributor.AccountId Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = DistributorAct.Id;
               If ( GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c <> NULL )
                Oppt = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE ID = :GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Existing_Opportunity__c = Oppt.Id;
              TempAsset.Incumbent_Reseller__c = IncumbentReseller;
              TempAsset.Education__c = Education;
              //TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c = GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;
              TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c= maxDate;
              TempAsset.New_Opportunity__c = GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c;
              TempAsset.Expiry_Term__c = ExpireTerms;
                /* Insert Bundel Checkbox Value */               
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(Act.Id)){
                else {
                TempAsset.Bundle_Support__c = bundsprt;
              System.debug('== Bundle Value is: ' + bundsprt);
                             //Add the selected Assets to the List
        Insert TempAssetList; 
    *   return whether previous page exists
    public Boolean getHasPrevious(){
        return this.setCon.getHasPrevious();
    *   return whether next page exists
    public Boolean getHasNext(){
        return this.setCon.getHasNext();
    *   return page number
    public Integer getPageNumber(){
        return this.setCon.getPageNumber();
    *    return total pages
    Public Integer getTotalPages(){
        Decimal totalSize = this.setCon.getResultSize();
        Decimal pageSize = this.setCon.getPageSize();
        Decimal pages = totalSize/pageSize;
        return (Integer)pages.round(System.RoundingMode.CEILING);
    *   helper class that represents a row
    public with sharing class CCWRowItem{
        public Asset tContact{get;set;}
        public Boolean IsSelected{get;set;}
        public Boolean BundelSelected{get;set;}
        public CCWRowItem(Asset c){


  I wrote a trigger to insert opportunity and opportunityline items.  There are too many SOQL queries inside for loop how to modify please suggest. 


  I wrote a trigger to insert opportunity and opportunityline items.  There are too many SOQL queries inside for loop how to modify please suggest.

trigger Temp_Asset2_Opp on Temp_Assets__c (after insert )
    List<OpportunityLineItem> OppLineItems = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();
    List<Temp_Assets__c> CurrentAsset = [Select Id, Name, Serial_Number__c, AccountId__c, Product__c, Service_Start_Date__c,
                                              Service_End_Date__c ,Install_Date__c ,Reseller__c,Distributor__c ,
                                              New_Opportunity__c,Expiry_Term__c,Bundle_Support__c, X5_Year_SKU_Code__c, X3_Year_SKU_Code__c,
                                              X1_Year_SKU_Code__c, Monthly_SKU_Code__c, X5_year_SKU__c ,X3_year_SKU__c, X1_year_SKU__c,
                                              Total_in_Months__c, Support_Only_5_Year_SKU__c, Support_Only_3_Year_SKU__c, Support_Only_1_Year_SKU__c,
                                         From Temp_Assets__c
                                         Where CreatedById = :userinfo.getUserId()];
    Pricebook2 prBook= [select id from Pricebook2 where Name=: 'NAM Price Book'];

    for ( Temp_Assets__c TA : CurrentAsset )
         // If New Opportunity is Created
         if ( TA.Existing_Opportunity__c == NULL && TA.New_Opportunity__c != NULL )  
             // Insert Opportunity with all mandatory fields
             Opportunity Opp = new Opportunity();
             Opp.Name      = TA.New_Opportunity__c;           
             Opp.Type      = 'Existing Customer';
             Opp.AccountId = TA.AccountId__c;
             Opp.CloseDate = TA.Expiry_Date__c;
             Opp.Government_Contract__c = 'None';
             Opp.Renewal_Opportunity__c = 'Yes';
             Opp.StageName = 'Renewal';
             Opp.Lost_Reason__c = 'Other';
             Opp.Primary_Competitor__c = 'No Competitor';
             Opp.ForecastCategoryName = 'Pipeline';
             Opp.LeadSource = 'Renewal';
             Opp.Primary_Reseller__c    = TA.Reseller__c;
             Opp.Primary_Distributor__c = TA.Distributor__c;
             Opp.Renewal_Incumbant_Reseller__c = TA.Incumbent_Reseller__c;
             Opp.Renewal_K_12__c   =  TA.Education__c;
             Insert Opp;
           //Check if the Renewals need 5 years renewals
             if (TA.X5_year_SKU__c > 0 && (TA.Support_Only_5_Year_SKU__c!=null || TA.X5_Year_SKU_Code__c!=null)) {
                //Insert into Opportunity Lines  
                OpportunityLineItem OppL_5yr = new OpportunityLineItem();
                    OppL_5yr.OpportunityId = Opp.Id;
                    //check if the Renew is for Bundle Support or Support only
                    if (TA.Bundle_Support__c == true && TA.X5_Year_SKU_Code__c!= null) {
                        //Retrieve the priceBookEntryId for Bundle support 5 years Renewals SKU Code
                        OppL_5yr.PricebookEntryId = [Select id from PriceBookEntry where product2.Name =:TA.X5_Year_SKU_Code__c AND priceBook2Id=:prBook.id].Id;
                    else if (TA.Bundle_Support__c != true && TA.Support_Only_5_Year_SKU__c!= null) {
                        //Retrieve the priceBookEntryId for CO or SO support 5 years Renewals SKU Code
                        OppL_5yr.PricebookEntryId = [Select id from PriceBookEntry where product2.Name =:TA.Support_Only_5_Year_SKU__c AND priceBook2Id=:prBook.id].Id;
                    //OppL_5yr.PricebookEntryId = prBookEntry.Id;
                    OppL_5yr.Quantity = TA.X5_year_SKU__c;              
                //Adding to the list
                 //Insert OppL_5yr; 
            if (TA.X3_year_SKU__c > 0 && (TA.Support_Only_3_Year_SKU__c!=null || TA.X3_Year_SKU_Code__c!=null)) {
                //Insert into Opportunity Lines
                OpportunityLineItem OppL_3yr = new OpportunityLineItem();
                OppL_3yr.OpportunityId = Opp.Id;
                //check if the Renew is for Bundle Support or Support only
                if (TA.Bundle_Support__c == true && TA.X3_Year_SKU_Code__c!= null) {
                    //Retrieve the priceBookEntryId for Bundle support 3 years Renewals SKU Code
                    OppL_3yr.PricebookEntryId = [Select id from PriceBookEntry where product2.Name =:TA.X3_Year_SKU_Code__c AND priceBook2Id=:prBook.id].Id;
                else if (TA.Bundle_Support__c != true && TA.Support_Only_3_Year_SKU__c!= null) {
                    //Retrieve the priceBookEntryId for CO or SO support 3 years Renewals SKU Code
                    OppL_3yr.PricebookEntryId = [Select id from PriceBookEntry where product2.Name =:TA.Support_Only_3_Year_SKU__c AND priceBook2Id=:prBook.id].Id;
                //OppL_3yr.PricebookEntryId = prBookEntry.Id;
                //Insert OppL_3yr; 
            if (TA.X1_year_SKU__c > 0 && (TA.Support_Only_1_Year_SKU__c!=null || TA.X1_Year_SKU_Code__c!=null)) {

                //Insert into Opportunity Lines
                OpportunityLineItem OppL_1yr = new OpportunityLineItem();
                OppL_1yr.OpportunityId = Opp.Id;
                //check if the Renew is for Bundle Support or Support only
                if (TA.Bundle_Support__c == true && TA.X1_Year_SKU_Code__c!= null) {
                    //Retrieve the priceBookEntryId for Bundle support 1 year Renewals SKU Code
                    OppL_1yr.PricebookEntryId = [Select id from PriceBookEntry where product2.Name =:TA.X1_Year_SKU_Code__c AND priceBook2Id=:prBook.id].Id;
                else if (TA.Bundle_Support__c != true && TA.Support_Only_1_Year_SKU__c!= null) {
                    //Retrieve the priceBookEntryId for CO or SO support 1 years Renewals SKU Code
                    OppL_1yr.PricebookEntryId = [Select id from PriceBookEntry where product2.Name =:TA.Support_Only_1_Year_SKU__c AND priceBook2Id=:prBook.id].Id;
                //OppL_1yr.PricebookEntryId = prBookEntry.Id;
                //Insert OppL_1yr; 
            if (TA.Total_in_Months__c > 0 && (TA.Support_Only_Monthly_SKU__c!=null || TA.Monthly_SKU_Code__c!=null)) {

                //Insert into Opportunity Lines
                OpportunityLineItem OppL_Months = new OpportunityLineItem();
                OppL_Months.OpportunityId = Opp.Id;
                //check if the Renew is for Bundle Support or Support only
                if (TA.Bundle_Support__c == true && TA.Monthly_SKU_Code__c!= null) {
                    //Retrieve the priceBookEntryId for Bundle support Monthly Renewals SKU Code
                    OppL_Months.PricebookEntryId = [Select id from PriceBookEntry where product2.Name =:TA.Monthly_SKU_Code__c AND priceBook2Id=:prBook.id].Id;
                else if (TA.Bundle_Support__c != true && TA.Support_Only_Monthly_SKU__c!= null) {
                    //Retrieve the priceBookEntryId for CO or SO support Monthly Renewals SKU Code
                    OppL_Months.PricebookEntryId = [Select id from PriceBookEntry where product2.Name =:TA.Support_Only_Monthly_SKU__c AND priceBook2Id=:prBook.id].Id;
                //OppL_Months.PricebookEntryId = prBookEntry.Id;
                //Insert OppL_Months; 
  List<Temp_Assets__c> TempAsset = [SELECT Id From Temp_Assets__c Where CreatedById = :userinfo.getUserId()];
  delete TempAsset ;




I am getting error from below visualforce page when adding filter to lookup 

Error: Could not resolve the entity from <apex:inputField> value binding '{!Reseller.Id}'. <apex:inputField> can only be used with SObjects, or objects that are Visualforce field component resolvable.

public list<Account> GetReseller(){
    return [select id from account where Partner_Type__c = 'RESELLER'];       

Visual Force
<apex:inputField value="{!Reseller.Id}" id="resler" />

Please suggest me how to add filter to lookup



  I am getting error while saving trigger in below line 37. Please suggest me how to fix this issue. 

trigger Temp_Asset2_Opp on Temp_Assets__c (after insert )
  List<Temp_Assets__c> CurrentAsset = [Select Id, Name, Serial_Number__c, AccountId__c, Product__c, Service_Start_Date__c,
                                              Service_End_Date__c ,Install_Date__c ,Reseller__c,Distributor__c ,
                                       From Temp_Assets__c];

  for ( Temp_Assets__c TA : CurrentAsset )
      // If New Opportunity is Created 
     if ( TA.Existing_Opportunity__c == NULL && TA.New_Opportunity__c != NULL )   
         // Insert Opportunity with all mandatory fields
         Opportunity Opp = new Opportunity();
         Opp.Name      = [SELECT New_Opportunity__c From Temp_Assets__c Limit 1].New_Opportunity__c;            
         Opp.Type      = 'Existing Customer';
         Opp.AccountId = [SELECT AccountId__c From Temp_Assets__c Limit 1].AccountId__c;
         Opp.CloseDate = [SELECT Expiry_Date__c From Temp_Assets__c Limit 1].Expiry_Date__c;
         Opp.Government_Contract__c = 'None';
         Opp.StageName = 'Renewal';
         Opp.Lost_Reason__c = 'Other';
         Opp.Primary_Competitor__c = 'No Competitor';
         Opp.ForecastCategoryName = 'Pipeline';
         Opp.LeadSource = 'Renewal';
         Opp.Primary_Reseller__c    = [SELECT Reseller__c From Temp_Assets__c Limit 1].Reseller__c;
         Opp.Primary_Distributor__c = [SELECT Distributor__c From Temp_Assets__c Limit 1].Distributor__c;
         Opp.Renewal_Incumbant_Reseller__c =  'None';
         Opp.Renewal_K_12__c   =  'No';
         Insert Opp;
        // Insert into Opportunity Lines
         OpportunityLineItem OppL = new OpportunityLineItem(
            OpportunityId = Opp.Id,
            Product2 = TA.Product__c
         Insert OppL;                       
       //If Existing Opportunity is selected   
      else if ( TA.Existing_Opportunity__c != NULL && TA.New_Opportunity__c == NULL )   



  There are 3 Objects Asset, Contracts and Contract_Line_C 

Contract_Line_C is associated to ( Asset and Contracts) Below is a trigger I am writing to Update If Asset AccountId is update all its associated Contracts and its associted Assets AccountId must be updated. 

trigger Asset_Account_Update on Asset (After Update)

/* Set<Asset> Ast = New Set<Asset>([SELECT AccountId FROM Asset WHERE Id in :trigger.newmap.keyset() limit 1]);
System.Debug('Asset AccountId = ' + Ast); */

Asset A;
A = [SELECT AccountId FROM Asset WHERE Id in :trigger.newmap.keyset() limit 1 ];
System.Debug('Asset AccountId = ' + A.AccountId);

List<Contract_Lines__c> CL = [SELECT Contract__c FROM Contract_Lines__c WHERE Asset__c  = :A.AccountId ];

List<Contract> Cont = [SELECT Id,AccountId FROM Contract
                       WHERE Id in (SELECT Contract__c FROM Contract_Lines__c WHERE Asset__c  = :A.AccountId) ];

for( Contract UpdCont : Cont)
UpdCont.AccountId = A.AccountId;
Update UpdCont;  

/ *  This Part is not working need advise how to change.  */
List<Contract_Lines__c> CL2 = [SELECT Asset__c FROM Contract_Lines__c WHERE Contract__c in :Cont.Id ];

List<Asset> A2 = [SELECT Id,AccountId FROM Asset WHERE Asset__c in :CL2.Asset__c];

   for ( Asset Ast : A2)
      Ast.AccountId = :AccountIDSet;
     Update Ast;


I get unexpected token error. Please suggest me how to pass values from one list of SOQL to another and make update



  There are few javascript supporting files uploaded in status resources please suggest me how to call. 

How to call below link in visualforce
 <script src="../assets/js/jquery-ui.custom.min.js"></script>

I am calling css files as mentioned below. 
<apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.assets, 'assets/css/bootstrap.min.css')}" />




  I created a css file inside folder name cssexample 

style.css file name

cssexample.zip and uploaded in static resources

I am calling in visual force page it is not referencing Please suggest me what is the issue

<apex:page standardstylesheets="false" showheader="false">

<apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.cssex, 'style.css')}" />

<h1> This text is displayed using CSS </h1>


  We purchased a template onlin which has .css images .js etc files we are developing a service cloud application and we will be using this template in our app. Please suggest us how to call this template in visualforce page.




  I have put a trigger on appoinment object which will fire to update lead status Please see below code 
trigger Update_Lead_Status on Appointment_Detail__c (After Insert, Before Update) 
 Appointment_Detail__c ApptDt = [ SELECT  Completed__c,Lead_Id__c  FROM Appointment_Detail__c where id in :Trigger.newMap.keySet()];  
    If ( ApptDt.Lead_Id__c <> null && ApptDt.Completed__c == 'Yes' ) 
      Lead ld = [select staTus from Lead where id = :ApptDt.Lead_Id__c]; 
        if ( ld.status <> 'SQL') 
         ld.status = 'SQL';
         update ld;      
There is another trigger on Lead which will again update appoinment object please see code

//Created by Unnat Shrestha on March 30, 2014
//The functionality of this trigger is to reparent the child object, "Appointment Details" of Lead to Opportunity during the Lead Conversion

trigger reparent_Lead_children on Lead (after update) {
    //Creating a map between Lead and Opportunity
    Map<Id, Id> lead2Opp= new Map<Id, Id>();
    //Map<Id, Id> lead2Acc = new Map<Id, Id>();
    Map<Id, Id> lead2Cont = new Map<Id, Id>();
    for (Lead l : Trigger.new)
        System.debug('Entered the for loop');
        //if (l.isConverted && l.convertedOpportunityId != null)
        if (l.isConverted) {
            if (l.convertedOpportunityId != null) {       
                //adding the values into the Map
                lead2Opp.put(l.Id, l.convertedOpportunityId);
            //lead2Acc.put(l.Id, l.convertedAccountId);
            lead2Cont.put(l.Id, l.convertedContactId);
    System.debug('The Map values are:' + lead2Opp);
    List<Appointment_Detail__c> apptDetails = [select account__c, contact__c, lead_Id__c, opportunity_Id__c from Appointment_Detail__c where lead_Id__c in :lead2Opp.keySet()];
    for (Appointment_Detail__c appointment : apptDetails)
        //assigning the Opportunity Id based on this lead id
        appointment.opportunity_Id__c = lead2Opp.get(appointment.lead_Id__c);
        //appointment.account__c = lead2Acc.get(appointment.lead_Id__c);
        appointment.contact__c = lead2Cont.get(appointment.lead_Id__c);
        System.debug('For Appointments, Changed the grabbed the opportunity id');
    System.debug('before update');
    //Update the list if there is any
    if (apptDetails.size() > 0) {
        update apptDetails;
    //re-parent the E-Rate to Opportunity as well
    List<E_Rate__c> eRates= [select lead__c, contact__c, opportunity__c from E_Rate__c where lead__c in :lead2Opp.keySet()];
    for (E_Rate__c eRate: eRates)
        //assigning the Opportunity Id based on this lead id
        eRate.opportunity__c = lead2Opp.get(eRate.lead__c);
        eRate.contact__c = lead2Cont.get(eRate.lead__c);
        System.debug('For E-Rate, Changed the grabbed the opportunity id');
    System.debug('before update- 2nd time');
    //Update the list if there is any
    if (eRates.size() > 0) {
        update eRates;


Now when I convert lead to opportunity I am gettin below error

Error: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 00Q6000000myNGaEAM; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, reparent_Lead_children: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a1gm000000001G9AAI; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, Update_Lead_Status: execution of BeforeUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 00Q6000000myNGaEAM; first error: CANNOT_UPDATE_CONVERTED_LEAD, cannot reference converted lead: [] Trigger.Update_Lead_Status: line 12, column 1: [] Trigger.reparent_Lead_children: line 37, column 1: [] (System Code)

Please suggest me how to fix this issue


  I wrote a pagination using wrapper class. Problem am facing is search is not getting cleared in visual force page. Please suggest me how to clear \

public with sharing class CCW_ContactPaginationController {
  public boolean createTemp = true; 
  public boolean OnlyForTestRun = true;
  //URL Passing Parameters. 
  String cancelURL;
  public String PageContractId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('ContractId');     
  public String PageAccountId  = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('AccountId');   
 public string baseURL{get;set;}
 public String existingId{get;set;}

  public Asset   GetAccount{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetContract{get;set;} 
  public Asset   GetExpireDate{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetReseller{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetDistributor{get;set;}
  public String  IncumbentReseller{get;set;}
  public String  Education{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetOpportunity{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetNewOpportunity{get;set;}
  public String  ExpireTerms{get;set;}
  public boolean bundsprt{get;set;}
  public boolean Monthly_Quote {get;set;}
  public String pricebook {get; set;}
  //Our collection to class/wrapper objects wrapAsset
  public List<CCWRowItem> wrapAssetList {get; set;}
  public List<Asset> selectedAssets{get;set;} 
  public List<Temp_Assets__c>  TempAssetList;
    *   item in context from the page
    public String contextItem{get;set;}
    public String contextItem2{get;set;}
    *   set controller
    public ApexPages.StandardSetController setCon;
    *   the contact ids selected by the user
    private Set<Id> selectedContactIds;
    private Set<Id> selectedContactIds2= new set<Id>();
    *   constructor
    public CCW_ContactPaginationController()
      GetAccount = new Asset();    //Get Account Id from Page 
      GetContract = new Asset();   //Get Contract Name from Page   
      GetExpireDate = new Asset();   // Date Picker   
      GetReseller = new Asset(); 
      GetDistributor = new Asset();  
      GetOpportunity = new Asset();   // Get Opportunity Id 
      GetNewOpportunity = new Asset();  // Get New Opportunity Name    
      if (PageAccountId !=null ) { cancelURL = pageAccountId;
      else if (PageContractId != null ) { cancelURL = PageContractId; }
      else { cancelURL = 'home/home.jsp'; }
      System.debug('### Contract Id is: '+ PageContractId);
      System.debug('### Account Id is: '+ PageAccountId);
   /***************************************Sorting functionality Added******************************************************/
   public String sortDir {
        // To set a Direction either in ascending order or descending order.
        get  { if (sortDir == null) {  sortDir = 'desc'; } return sortDir;}

    // the current field to sort by. defaults to last name
    public String sortField {
        // To set a Field for sorting.
        get  { if (sortField == null) {sortField = 'Service_End_Date_Max__c'; } return sortField;  }
    //Declaring Variables for Dynamic SOQL
    public String soql {get; set;}
    Set<id> accId = new Set<Id>();
    Set<Id> contractId = new Set<Id>();
   /***************************************Sorting functionality ends here**************************************************/    
   public void fetch_data ()
        // simply toggle the direction
        sortDir = sortDir.equals('asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc';
        //init variable
        this.selectedContactIds= new Set<Id>();
        //gather data set        

      //instantiating the query
      soql = 'SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c, last_contract_Id__c, Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE '; // AccountId IN ';         
       if ( GetAccount.AccountId == NULL && GetContract.Name == NULL )   
         if ( PageAccountId != NULL && PageContractId == NULL ) {  accId.add(pageAccountId); soql += 'AccountId IN :accId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000'; }
           //below line commented for Sorting       
          //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :PageAccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
             //Adding the Account Id into the set so that it can be used in the dynamic SOQL
            // accId.add(pageAccountId);
            // soql = 'SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c, last_contract_Id__c, Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE '; // AccountId IN ';
           //  soql += 'AccountId IN :accId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';
            // this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));
        // }
         else if ( PageAccountId == NULL && PageContractId != NULL ) { contractId.add(pageContractId);  soql += 'last_contract_ID__c IN :contractId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';}
         /*Contract C;
         C = [SELECT Name, ContractNumber FROM Contract WHERE Id = :PageContractId Limit 1]; 
         this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,last_contract_ID__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c = :C.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
            // contractId.add(pageContractId);
             //soql = 'SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,last_contract_ID__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE '; //last_contract_ID__c IN';
             //soql += 'last_contract_ID__c IN :contractId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';
             //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));
        // this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,last_contract_ID__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_ID__c = :PageContractId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
        // }
            // soql = 'SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c, last_contract_Id__c, Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE '; //AccountId IN ';
             soql += 'AccountId IN :accId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';
             //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));
         //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );                                            
        // this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));
      else if ( GetAccount.AccountId != NULL && GetContract.Name == NULL ) {  accId.add(GetAccount.AccountId); soql += 'AccountId IN :accId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000'; }
            //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] ); 
           /* accId.add(GetAccount.AccountId);
            System.debug('==== This if statement with set as: ' + accId);
            System.debug('==== This if statement with accId as: ' + GetAccount.AccountId);
          //  soql = 'SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c, last_contract_Id__c, Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE ';//AccountId IN ';
            soql += 'AccountId IN :accId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';
           // this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));
         } */
       else if ( GetAccount.AccountId == NULL && GetContract.Name != NULL ) { Contract c = [Select id from Contract where name =: GetContract.Name]; contractId.add(c.id); soql += 'last_contract_ID__c IN :contractId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000'; }
       /* System.debug('===GetContractName is: ' + GetContract.Name);
            Contract c = [Select id from Contract where name =: GetContract.Name];
            System.debug('===GetContractName is: ' + c);
           // soql = 'SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,last_contract_ID__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE ';//last_contract_ID__c IN';
            soql += 'last_contract_ID__c IN :contractId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';
           // this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));
       //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c  = :GetContract.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
        } */
       else if ( GetAccount.AccountId != NULL && GetContract.Name != NULL ) {  accId.add(GetAccount.AccountId); Contract c = [Select id from Contract where name =: GetContract.Name]; contractId.add(c.id); soql += 'last_contract_ID__c IN :contractId AND AccountId IN' + ':accId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';}
           /* accId.add(GetAccount.AccountId);
            Contract c = [Select id from Contract where name =: GetContract.Name];
            System.debug('===GetContractName is: ' + c);
           // soql = 'SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,last_contract_ID__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE '; //last_contract_ID__c IN';
            soql += 'last_contract_ID__c IN :contractId AND AccountId IN' + ':accId Order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' Limit 1000';
            //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));
        //this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId and last_contract_number__c = :GetContract.Name  Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
        } */
       else { this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] ); } 
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.query(soql));   
        System.debug('##== Setcon is returning: '+ this.setcon.getrecord());
      catch(Exception e) { this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );  }            
        if(this.setCon != null){                                        
    *   handle item selected
    public void doSelectItem(){        
        System.debug('##== SelectedContactIDs is: '+ selectedContactIds);   
    public void doSelectItem2(){        
        System.debug('##== SelectedContactIDs2 is: '+ selectedContactIds2);       
    *   handle item deselected
    public void doDeselectItem(){        
    public void doDeselectItem2(){        
    *   return count of selected items
    public Integer getSelectedCount(){
        System.debug('##== Size of the selectedCount is: '+ this.selectedContactIds.size());
        return this.selectedContactIds.size();
    *   advance to next page
    public void doNext(){        
        if(this.setCon.getHasNext()){ this.setCon.next();}
    *   advance to previous page
    public void doPrevious(){        
        if(this.setCon.getHasPrevious()) { this.setCon.previous(); }
    public List<CCWRowItem> rows {get; set;}
    *   return current page of groups
    public List<CCWRowItem> getContacts(){        
        rows = new List<CCWRowItem>();      
        System.debug('##== rows is: '+ rows);
        for(sObject r : this.setCon.getRecords()){
            Asset c = (Asset)r;
            System.debug('##== 1 - sellected contactids ' + this.selectedContactIds);
            System.debug('##== 1 - Asset c is: ' + c);
            CCWRowItem row = new CCWRowItem(c);
            if(this.selectedContactIds.contains(c.Id)){ row.IsSelected=true; if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(c.Id)){
                    row.BundelSelected=true; bundsprt=true;
                else { row.BundelSelected=false; bundsprt=false;
            else { row.IsSelected=false;
        return rows;
        catch(Exception e) { return null; }     
  //Retrieve the Record Type id for Renewals Opportunity for the SOQL query
  RecordType renewal_RT = [Select id, Name, sObjectType from RecordType where sObjectType= 'Opportunity' and Name = 'Renewal Opportunity' ];
 // Store Selected Records to Object/Table
    public PageReference processSelected() {
        Integer currentPageNumber = setCon.getPageNumber();
        selectedAssets = new List<Asset>();
        //list<Temp_Assets__c> TempAssetList = new list<Temp_Assets__c>();  
        TempAssetList = new list<Temp_Assets__c>();      
        PageReference resend;
            List<Asset>  TempAssetLists = (List<Asset>)setCon.getRecords();
            System.debug('### TempAssetlist are: '+ tempAssetLists);
            //TempAssetLists = (List<Asset>)setCon.getRecords();
            for(Asset assetIns : TempAssetLists  ) {
              System.debug('###= Inside the for loop');
              if(this.selectedContactIds.contains(assetIns.Id)){ selectedAssets.add(assetIns);
            System.debug('###= Selected Assets are: '+ selectedAssets);
        /**********Added by Unnat*********************************/
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        Date maxDate; //=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        Date minDate;
        System.debug('### selected Assets is: ' + selectedAssets);
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        //finds the latest expiry date out of the selected assets
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if((assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c > maxDate) || (maxDate == null)) {
        System.debug('== Latest Service end Date is:'+ maxDate);
        minDate = maxDate;
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) { if(minDate > assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c) { minDate=assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c;}
        System.debug('== Least Service end Date is:'+ minDate);
        if(!Test.isRunningtest()) {
        if ((selectedAssets.size() < 1 ) || (expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null )|| (expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ) || (GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ) || (GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null )|| (GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ))
            createTemp = false;
            //Validates that atleast one of the assets is selected from the install base
            if(selectedAssets.size() < 1 ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please select atleast one Asset to renew from the Install Base.'));
            //Validates that atleast one of the Expiry Dates needs to have a value
            if(expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null ){ ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter the Expiry Term or Expiry Date for the selected Assets.')); }
            //Valation that only of the Expirty Dates can have a value
            else if(expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ){ ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Expiry Date or Expiry Term, but not in both.')); }
            //Validation that the Distributor Name is required
            if(GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Distributor'));
            //Validation that Reseller Name is required
            if(GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Reseller'));
            //Validation that atleast one Opportunity needs to have a value
            if((GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null )){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value either in Opportunity or New Opportunity.'));
            //Validation that will check if the Expiry Date has value less than the selected Asset Service End Date
            if(GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ){ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Expiry Date that you entered is lower than Service End Date of the Asset'));}
            if(pricebook == 'none') { ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please select the pricebook for this New Opportunity'));}         
           return null;
       // else {
        if  (createTemp = true) {
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        //Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        if (ExpireTerms !=null) {
        System.debug('== Expire Terms has a value');
            System.debug('== ExpireTerms is: '+ ExpireTerms);
            if (ExpireTerms=='1') {
                System.debug('== First if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '3') {
            System.debug('== Second if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '5') {
            System.debug('== third if condition');
            else {
                maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c; 
        else {
            System.debug('== Else condition');
            maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;   
        System.debug('== Max Date is: ' + maxDate);          
            System.debug('=- after the if condition');           
            Account ResellerAct; 
            Account DistributorAct;  
            Opportunity Oppt;           
            for(Asset Act : selectedAssets) {               
                Temp_Assets__c TempAsset = new Temp_Assets__c();
                TempAsset.Name = 'Sudhir';
                TempAsset.AccountId__c = Act.AccountId;
                TempAsset.Product__c = Act.Product2Id;
                //Added by Unnat
                TempAsset.Product_lookup__c= Act.Product2Id;
                System.debug('##== Product Id is: '+ Act.Product2Id);
                TempAsset.Asset_Id__c = Act.Id;
                TempAsset.Serial_Number__c = Act.SerialNumber;
                TempAsset.Last_Contract_Number__c = Act.last_contract_number__c; 
                TempAsset.Service_Start_Date__c = Act.Service_Start_Date_Min__c;
                TempAsset.Opp_Close_Date__c = minDate;
                TempAsset.Monthly_Quote__c = Monthly_Quote;
                System.debug('=- Monthly Quote is: ' + monthly_Quote);
                if (Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c != null) {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                else {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;
                TempAsset.Install_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;  
                System.debug ('==== Reseller id is: '+ GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c);
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c;
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c;
                If ( GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c <> NULL )
                Oppt = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE ID = :GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Existing_Opportunity__c = Oppt.Id;
                existingId = Oppt.Id; // Get Opportunity Id to Redirect Page
                TempAsset.Incumbent_Reseller__c = IncumbentReseller;
                TempAsset.Education__c = Education; 
                //TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c = GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c= maxDate;
                TempAsset.PriceBook_Name__c = pricebook;
                TempAsset.New_Opportunity__c = GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Term__c = ExpireTerms;
                /* Insert Bundel Checkbox Value */                
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(Act.Id)){
                else {
                TempAsset.Bundle_Support__c = bundsprt; 
                System.debug('== Bundle Value is: ' + bundsprt);
                             //Add the selected Assets to the List
               System.debug('=--2 inserted the list');
               Insert TempAssetList;
               if ( GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c != null ) {
               System.debug('--inside the New opp');
                    Opportunity NewOpt; 
                   NewOpt = [SELECT Id, recordTypeId FROM Opportunity WHERE name = :GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c AND recordTypeId =: renewal_RT.id AND Support_Expiry_Date__c = :maxDate AND closeDate =: minDate and createdbyid = :UserInfo.getUserId() order by createddate desc Limit 1];
                   existingId = NewOpt.Id; // Get Opportunity Id to Redirect Page   
                   System.debug('-- Opp Id is: '+ newOpt.id);            
               baseUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/';
               System.debug('--Base URL is: '+ baseURL);
               resend = new PageReference(baseURL + existingId);
      return resend;

    //Redirect to Account or Contract or Home page upon Cancel
    public PageReference Cancel() {
        return new PageReference('/' + cancelURL); 
    *   return whether previous page exists
    public Boolean getHasPrevious(){       
       try {return this.setCon.getHasPrevious(); } catch(Exception e) { return false;}
    *   return whether next page exists
    public Boolean getHasNext(){       
    try { return this.setCon.getHasNext(); } catch(Exception e) { return false;}

    *   return page number
    public Integer getPageNumber(){   
    try { return this.setCon.getPageNumber(); } catch(Exception e) { return 1; }

    *    return total pages
    Public Integer getTotalPages(){
    Decimal totalSize;
    Decimal pageSize;
    Decimal pages;
          totalSize = this.setCon.getResultSize();
          pageSize = this.setCon.getPageSize();      
          pages = totalSize/pageSize;
          return (Integer)pages.round(System.RoundingMode.CEILING);      
        }catch(Exception e) { return 1; }

    *   helper class that represents a row
    public with sharing class CCWRowItem{
        public Asset tContact{get;set;}
        public Boolean IsSelected{get;set;}
        public Boolean BundelSelected{get;set;}
        public CCWRowItem(Asset c){


  Please suggest me how to add sorting in visual force page here is the my code below. 


public with sharing class CCW_ContactPaginationController {
  //URL Passing Parameters. 
  String PageContractId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('ContractId');     
  String PageAccountId  = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('AccountId');   
 public string baseURL{get;set;}
 public String existingId{get;set;}

  public Asset   GetAccount{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetContract{get;set;} 
  public Asset   GetExpireDate{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetReseller{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetDistributor{get;set;}
  public String  IncumbentReseller{get;set;}
  public String  Education{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetOpportunity{get;set;}
  public Asset   GetNewOpportunity{get;set;}
  public String  ExpireTerms{get;set;}
  public boolean bundsprt{get;set;}
  public boolean Monthly_Quote {get;set;}
  //Our collection to class/wrapper objects wrapAsset
  public List<CCWRowItem> wrapAssetList {get; set;}
  public List<Asset> selectedAssets{get;set;} 
  List<Temp_Assets__c>  TempAssetList;
    *   item in context from the page
    public String contextItem{get;set;}
    public String contextItem2{get;set;}
    *   set controller
    private ApexPages.StandardSetController setCon;
    *   the contact ids selected by the user
    private Set<Id> selectedContactIds;
    private Set<Id> selectedContactIds2= new set<Id>();
    *   constructor
    public CCW_ContactPaginationController ()
      GetAccount = new Asset();    //Get Account Id from Page 
      GetContract = new Asset();   //Get Contract Name from Page   
      GetExpireDate = new Asset();   // Date Picker   
      GetReseller = new Asset(); 
      GetDistributor = new Asset();  
      GetOpportunity = new Asset();   // Get Opportunity Id 
      GetNewOpportunity = new Asset();  // Get New Opportunity Name    
   public void fetch_data ()
        //init variable
        this.selectedContactIds= new Set<Id>();
        //gather data set        
       if ( GetAccount.AccountId == NULL && GetContract.Name == NULL )   
         if ( PageAccountId != NULL && PageContractId == NULL )
          this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :PageAccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
         else if ( PageAccountId == NULL && PageContractId != NULL )
         Contract C;
         C = [SELECT Name FROM Contract WHERE Id = :PageContractId Limit 1]; 
         this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c = :C.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
         this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );                                            
      else if ( GetAccount.AccountId != NULL && GetContract.Name == NULL )   
         this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] ); 
       else if ( GetAccount.AccountId == NULL && GetContract.Name != NULL )
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE last_contract_number__c  = :GetContract.Name Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );
       else if ( GetAccount.AccountId != NULL && GetContract.Name != NULL ) 
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :GetAccount.AccountId and last_contract_number__c = :GetContract.Name  Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc  Limit 1000] );
        this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );                                            
      catch(Exception e) {  
       this.setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController( [SELECT Id, AccountId,Product2Id,SerialNumber,last_contract_number__c,Service_Start_Date_Min__c, Service_End_Date_Max__c,InstallDate,Bundle_Support__c FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = '0013000000DULXG' Order by Service_End_Date_Max__c Desc Limit 1000] );                                            
        if(this.setCon != null){                                        
    *   handle item selected
    public void doSelectItem(){        
    public void doSelectItem2(){        
    *   handle item deselected
    public void doDeselectItem(){        
    public void doDeselectItem2(){        
    *   return count of selected items
    public Integer getSelectedCount(){
        return this.selectedContactIds.size();
    *   advance to next page
    public void doNext(){        
    *   advance to previous page
    public void doPrevious(){        
    //public List<CCWRowItem> rows = new List<CCWRowItem>();
    public List<CCWRowItem> rows {get; set;}
    *   return current page of groups
    public List<CCWRowItem> getContacts(){        
        rows = new List<CCWRowItem>();      
        for(sObject r : this.setCon.getRecords()){
            Asset c = (Asset)r;
            CCWRowItem row = new CCWRowItem(c);
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(c.Id)){
                else {

            else {
        return rows;
        catch(Exception e) { 
           return null;
  //Retrieve the Record Type id for Renewals Opportunity for the SOQL query
  RecordType renewal_RT = [Select id, Name, sObjectType from RecordType where sObjectType= 'Opportunity' and Name = 'Renewal Opportunity' ];
 // Store Selected Records to Object/Table
 public PageReference processSelected() {
    Integer currentPageNumber = setCon.getPageNumber();
    selectedAssets = new List<Asset>();
    //list<Temp_Assets__c> TempAssetList = new list<Temp_Assets__c>();  
    TempAssetList = new list<Temp_Assets__c>();      
     PageReference resend;

    List<Asset>  TempAssetLists = (List<Asset>)setCon.getRecords();
    //TempAssetLists = (List<Asset>)setCon.getRecords();
    for(Asset assetIns : TempAssetLists  ) {
        /**********Added by Unnat*********************************/
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        Date minDate;
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        //finds the latest expiry date out of the selected assets
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if(assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c > maxDate) {
        System.debug('== Latest Service end Date is:'+ maxDate);
        minDate = maxDate;
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if(minDate > assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c) {
        System.debug('== Least Service end Date is:'+ minDate);
        if ((selectedAssets.size() < 1 ) || (expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null )|| (expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ) || (GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ) || (GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null )|| (GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ))
            //Validates that atleast one of the assets is selected from the install base
            if(selectedAssets.size() < 1 ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please select atleast one Asset to renew from the Install Base.'));
            //Validates that atleast one of the Expiry Dates needs to have a value
            if(expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter the Expiry Term or Expiry Date for the selected Assets.'));
            //Valation that only of the Expirty Dates can have a value
            else if(expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Expiry Date or Expiry Term, but not in both.'));
            //Validation that the Distributor Name is required
            if(GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Distributor'));
            //Validation that Reseller Name is required
            if(GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Reseller'));
            //Validation that atleast one Opportunity needs to have a value
            if(GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in either of the Opportunity'));
            //Validation that only one of the Opportunities can have a value
            else if(GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Opportunity or New Opportunity, but not in both.'));
            //Validation that will check if the Expiry Date has value less than the selected Asset Service End Date
            if(GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Expiry Date that you entered is lower than Service End Date of the Asset'));
        else {
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        //Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        if (ExpireTerms !=null) {
        System.debug('== Expire Terms has a value');
            //finds the latest expiry date out of the selected assets
           /***************************moved this upwards*********************************** 
           for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
                if(assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c > maxDate) {
            System.debug('== Latest Service end Date is:'+ maxDate);
            //Validation that will check if the Expiry Date has value less than the selected Asset Service End Date
            if(GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Expiry Date that you entered is lower than Service End Date of the Asset'));
            //There will be another condition to add the expiry term to the latest expiry date
            //String a='1 Year';
            System.debug('== ExpireTerms is: '+ ExpireTerms);
            if (ExpireTerms=='1') {
                System.debug('== First if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '3') {
            System.debug('== Second if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '5') {
            System.debug('== third if condition');
            else {
                maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c; 
           // resend = new PageReference('http://www.google.com');
           // resend.setRedirect(false);
        else {
        System.debug('== Else condition');
            maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;   
        System.debug('== Max Date is: ' + maxDate);
        Integer totalDays = minDate.daysBetween(maxDate); 
        System.debug('== Total days difference is: '+ totalDays);
        /****************Completed by Unnat*****************************/
        //checks if the Monthly Quote is going to be more than 36 months and Monthly Quote Checkbox is selected
        /*if (totalDays > 1080 && Monthly_Quote == true ) {
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Since the Renewals in Months is more than 3 years, please uncheck the Monthly Quote checkbox'));
        else {*/        
            System.debug('=- after the if condition');           
            Account ResellerAct; 
            Account DistributorAct;  
            Opportunity Oppt;           
            for(Asset Act : selectedAssets)
                Temp_Assets__c TempAsset = new Temp_Assets__c();
                TempAsset.Name = 'Sudhir';
                TempAsset.AccountId__c = Act.AccountId;
                TempAsset.Product__c = Act.Product2Id;
                //Added by Unnat
                TempAsset.Product_lookup__c= Act.Product2Id;
                TempAsset.Asset_Id__c = Act.Id;
                TempAsset.Serial_Number__c = Act.SerialNumber;
                TempAsset.Last_Contract_Number__c = Act.last_contract_number__c; 
                TempAsset.Service_Start_Date__c = Act.Service_Start_Date_Min__c;
                //TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                /***************Added by Unnat********************************************/
                TempAsset.Opp_Close_Date__c = minDate;
                TempAsset.Monthly_Quote__c = Monthly_Quote;
                System.debug('=- Monthly Quote is: ' + monthly_Quote);
                if (Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c != null) {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                else {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;
                TempAsset.Install_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;  
                System.debug ('==== Reseller id is: '+ GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c);
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c;
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c;
                /****************Commented by Unnat****************************************************************************
                If (GetReseller.AccountId <> NULL) 
                ResellerAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = ResellerAct.Id;      
                 System.debug ('==== Reseller id 2 is: '+ ResellerAct.Id);        
                If (GetDistributor.AccountId <> NULL )
                DistributorAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = DistributorAct.Id;
                ****************Completed by Unnat *****************************************************************************/
                If ( GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c <> NULL )
                Oppt = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE ID = :GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Existing_Opportunity__c = Oppt.Id;
                existingId = Oppt.Id; // Get Opportunity Id to Redirect Page
                TempAsset.Incumbent_Reseller__c = IncumbentReseller;
                TempAsset.Education__c = Education; 
                //TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c = GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c= maxDate;
                TempAsset.New_Opportunity__c = GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Term__c = ExpireTerms;
                /* Insert Bundel Checkbox Value */                
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(Act.Id)){
                else {
                TempAsset.Bundle_Support__c = bundsprt; 
                System.debug('== Bundle Value is: ' + bundsprt);
                             //Add the selected Assets to the List
               System.debug('=--2 inserted the list');
               Insert TempAssetList;
               if ( GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c != null ) {
               System.debug('--inside the New opp');
                    Opportunity NewOpt; 
                   NewOpt = [SELECT Id, recordTypeId FROM Opportunity WHERE name = :GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c AND recordTypeId =: renewal_RT.id AND Support_Expiry_Date__c = :maxDate AND closeDate =: minDate and createdbyid = :UserInfo.getUserId() order by createddate desc Limit 1];
                   existingId = NewOpt.Id; // Get Opportunity Id to Redirect Page   
                   System.debug('-- Opp Id is: '+ newOpt.id);            
               baseUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/';
               System.debug('--Base URL is: '+ baseURL);
               resend = new PageReference(baseURL + existingId);
       // } //end of if Condition for check of days more than 3 years
      return resend;

/* Do not need it anymore
 public PageReference pageRefMethod() {

   //call your action method
 /*  if ( GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c != null ) {
                    Opportunity NewOpt; 
                   NewOpt = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE id = :GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c Limit 1];
                   existingId = NewOpt.Id; // Get Opportunity Id to Redirect Page                   
   else if ( GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c != null ) {
                    Opportunity NewOpt; 
                   NewOpt = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE name = :GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c Limit 1];
                   existingId = NewOpt.Id; // Get Opportunity Id to Redirect Page               
    baseUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/';
    PageReference send = new PageReference(baseURL + existingId);
    return send;
                      else {
                      return null;

    *   return whether previous page exists
    public Boolean getHasPrevious(){       
        return this.setCon.getHasPrevious();         
        catch(Exception e) { 
           return false;
    *   return whether next page exists
    public Boolean getHasNext(){       
        return this.setCon.getHasNext();
      catch(Exception e) { 
           return false;

    *   return page number
    public Integer getPageNumber(){   
        return this.setCon.getPageNumber();        
    catch(Exception e) { 
           return 1;

    *    return total pages
    Public Integer getTotalPages(){
    Decimal totalSize;
    Decimal pageSize;
    Decimal pages;
          totalSize = this.setCon.getResultSize();
          pageSize = this.setCon.getPageSize();      
          pages = totalSize/pageSize;
          return (Integer)pages.round(System.RoundingMode.CEILING);      
         catch(Exception e) { 
           return 1;

    *   helper class that represents a row
    public with sharing class CCWRowItem{
        public Asset tContact{get;set;}
        public Boolean IsSelected{get;set;}
        public Boolean BundelSelected{get;set;}
        public CCWRowItem(Asset c){



  I have a requirement to sort visual force page. Please suggest me how to sort columns.  Please see my code and suggest me

<apex:page controller="CCW_ContactPaginationController"  showHeader="true" sidebar="true" > 
    <script type="text/javascript">
        *    function to handle checkbox selection
        function doCheckboxChange(cb,itemId){
        function doCheckboxChange2(cb,itemId){
<!-- Using apex:pageMessages instead   
<script type="text/javascript">
function Validation()
  var val   = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.confignewopp.newopp}').value;  
  var oval  = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configopport.existopp}').value;  
  var edate = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configexpiredate.expredate}').value;  
  var eterm = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configexpire.expterms}').value;
  var eresr = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configreseller.resler}').value;
  var edstb = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configdistrbutor.distbtr}').value;
  if ( edate == '' && eterm == '0' ) {
    alert('Enter either expire date or select expite term');
    return false;
  else if ( edate != '' && eterm != '0' )
    alert('Enter either expire date or select expite term');
    return false;
  else if ( eresr == '' && edstb == '' )
    alert('Enter reseller and distributor details');
    return false;
  else if ( eresr == '' && edstb != ''  )
    alert('Enter reseller details');
    return false;
  else if ( eresr != '' && edstb == '' )
    alert('Enter distributor details');
    return false;
  else if ( val == '' && oval == '') 
    alert('Enter either existing opportunity or new opporutnity');
    return false;
  else if ( val != '' && oval != '') 
     alert('Enter either existing opportunity or new opporutnity');
     return false;
     alert('Please check row in Install Based Report to saved records');
     return true;     
Done commenting the javaScript code --> 
<apex:sectionHeader subtitle="Create Renewal Quote" title="Meru Networks"/>

<apex:form id="RenewalForm">
<apex:pageBlock id="filterblock">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Filters" columns="3" id="filterblocksection">
<apex:inputField value="{!GetAccount.AccountId}" label="Account"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!GetContract.Name}" label="Contract" required="false"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!fetch_data}" value="Fetch Data"></apex:commandbutton>

    <apex:pageBlock id="reportblock">
        <apex:pageMessages /> 
        <apex:pageBlockButtons id="reportbutton">
        <apex:commandButton value="Save Records" action="{!processSelected}"  /> 
        <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" onclick="window.top.close()"/>
        <!-- handle selected item -->
        <apex:actionFunction name="aSelectItem" action="{!doSelectItem}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem}"/>
        <apex:actionFunction name="aSelectItem2" action="{!doSelectItem2}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem2" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem2}" />
        <!-- handle deselected item -->
        <apex:actionFunction name="aDeselectItem" action="{!doDeselectItem}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem}"/>
        <apex:actionFunction name="aDeselectItem2" action="{!doDeselectItem2}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem2" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem2}"/>
       <apex:pageBlockSection title="Install Base" id="mpb" collapsible="true" columns="1" >

            <!-- table of data -->
            <apex:pageBlockTable title="Assets" value="{!Contacts}" var="c" id="reportblocktable" >
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">Action</apex:facet>
                    <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!c.IsSelected}" onclick="doCheckboxChange(this,'{!c.tContact.Id}')"/>
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">Bundle Support</apex:facet>
                    <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!c.BundelSelected}" onclick="doCheckboxChange2(this,'{!c.tContact.Id}')"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.AccountId}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.Product2Id}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.SerialNumber}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.last_contract_number__c}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.Service_Start_Date_Min__c}"/>
               <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.Service_End_Date_Max__c}"/>
               <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.InstallDate}"/>
                 <apex:inlineEditSupport event="ondblClick" 
                        showOnEdit="saveButton,cancelButton" hideOnEdit="editButton" />

            <apex:pageBlockSection collapsible="false" columns="2" id="paginsecblock">
                <!-- count of selected items -->
                <apex:outputLabel value="[{!selectedCount} records selected]" />            
                <!-- next, previous and page info --> 
                <apex:outputPanel style="float:right">
                    <apex:commandLink action="{!doPrevious}" rendered="{!hasPrevious}" value="Previous" />
                    <apex:outputLabel rendered="{!NOT(hasPrevious)}" value="Previous"/>  
                    <apex:outputLabel value=" (page {!pageNumber} of {!totalPages}) "/>                                   
                    <apex:commandLink action="{!doNext}" rendered="{!hasNext}" value="Next" />
                    <apex:outputLabel rendered="{!NOT(hasNext)}" value="Next"/>

<apex:pageBlock id="configblock">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Configuration Option" columns="2" id="configsecblock">

  <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configexpire">
   <apex:outputLabel value="Expiry Term:" for="expireterm"/> 
   <apex:selectList value="{!ExpireTerms}" multiselect="false" size="1" id="expterms">
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="0" itemLabel="--none--" id="exptermsnon"/>
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="1" itemLabel="1 Year"/>
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="3" itemLabel="3 Year"/>
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="5" itemLabel="5 Year"/>
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configexpiredate">
    <apex:outputLabel value="Expiry Date:"/>
   <apex:inputField value="{!GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c}" id="expredate"/>
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configincumbent">        
    <apex:outputLabel value="Incumbent Reseller"></apex:outputLabel>        
    <!--apex:inputCheckbox value="{!IncumbentReseller}"/-->
    <apex:selectList value="{!IncumbentReseller}" multiselect="false" size="1" id="incumbentReseller">
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="No" itemLabel="No" />
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="Yes" itemLabel="Yes" />             
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configeducation"> 
    <apex:outputLabel value="Education"></apex:outputLabel>       
    <!--apex:inputCheckbox value="{!Education}"/-->
    <apex:selectList value="{!Education}" multiselect="false" size="1" id="Education">
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="None" itemLabel="None" />
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="K-12" itemLabel="K-12" />
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="Higher-Ed" itemLabel="Higher-Ed" />               


     <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configreseller"> 
    <apex:outputLabel value="Reseller"></apex:outputLabel>     
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c}" id="resler" /> 

   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configdistrbutor"> 
    <apex:outputLabel value="Distributor"></apex:outputLabel>        
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c}" id="distbtr"/>  
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configopport"> 
    <apex:outputLabel value="Opportunity"></apex:outputLabel>        
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c}" id="existopp"/>  
    <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="confignewopp"> 
    <apex:outputLabel value="New Opportunity"></apex:outputLabel>        
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c}" id="newopp"/>  
   <apex:pageblockSectionItem id="configMonthlyQuote"> 
       <apex:outputLabel value="Generate Monthly SKU's"></apex:outputLabel>
       <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!monthly_quote}" id="monthlyQuote"/>


  I created a page redirect inside controller. Below highlited is the code to call page redirect. I am redirect the page to opporunity after data is saved. 
 Please suggest me how to modify its not working

// Store Selected Records to Object/Table
public void processSelected() {
    Integer currentPageNumber = setCon.getPageNumber();
    selectedAssets = new List<Asset>();
    list<Temp_Assets__c> TempAssetList = new list<Temp_Assets__c>(); 

    List<Asset>  TempAssetLists = (List<Asset>)setCon.getRecords();
    for(Asset assetIns : TempAssetLists  ) {

        /**********Added by Unnat*********************************/
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        Date minDate;
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        //finds the latest expiry date out of the selected assets
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if(assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c > maxDate) {
        System.debug('== Latest Service end Date is:'+ maxDate);
        minDate = maxDate;
        for (Asset assets: selectedAssets) {
            if(minDate > assets.Service_End_Date_Max__c) {
        System.debug('== Least Service end Date is:'+ minDate);
        if ((selectedAssets.size() < 1 ) || (expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null )|| (expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ) || (GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ) || (GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ) || (GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null )|| (GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate )) {
        //Validates that atleast one of the assets is selected from the install base
        if(selectedAssets.size() < 1 ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please select atleast one Asset to renew from the Install Base.'));
        //Validates that atleast one of the Expiry Dates needs to have a value
        if(expireTerms == '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c== null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter the Expiry Term or Expiry Date for the selected Assets.'));
        //Valation that only of the Expirty Dates can have a value
        else if(expireTerms != '0' && GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c!= null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Expiry Date or Expiry Term, but not in both.'));
        //Validation that the Distributor Name is required
        if(GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c == null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Distributor'));
        //Validation that Reseller Name is required
        if(GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c == null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in Reseller'));
        //Validation that atleast one Opportunity needs to have a value
        if(GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c==null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c== null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Please enter a value in either of the Opportunity'));
        //Validation that only one of the Opportunities can have a value
        else if(GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c!=null && GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c!= null ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'You can enter a value either in Opportunity or New Opportunity, but not in both.'));
        //Validation that will check if the Expiry Date has value less than the selected Asset Service End Date
        if(GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c < maxDate ){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Expiry Date that you entered is lower than Service End Date of the Asset'));
        else {
        //below code should only execute if Expiry term has a value
        //Date maxDate=Date.valueOf('2000-1-1');
        //Calculate the maximum Date off of the selected dates
        if (ExpireTerms !=null) {
        System.debug('== Expire Terms has a value');
            //There will be another condition to add the expiry term to the latest expiry date
            //String a='1 Year';
            System.debug('== ExpireTerms is: '+ ExpireTerms);
            if (ExpireTerms=='1') {
                System.debug('== First if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '3') {
            System.debug('== Second if condition');
            else if (ExpireTerms == '5') {
            System.debug('== third if condition');
            else {
                maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;
        else {
        System.debug('== Else condition');
            maxDate= GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;  
        System.debug('== Max Date is: ' + maxDate);
        Integer totalDays = minDate.daysBetween(maxDate);
        System.debug('== Total days difference is: '+ totalDays);
        /****************Completed by Unnat*****************************/
        //checks if the Monthly Quote is going to be more than 36 months and Monthly Quote Checkbox is selected
        /*if (totalDays > 1080 && Monthly_Quote == true ) {
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Since the Renewals in Months is more than 3 years, please uncheck the Monthly Quote checkbox'));
        else {*/       
            System.debug('=- after the if condition');          
            Account ResellerAct;
            Account DistributorAct; 
            Opportunity Oppt;          
            for(Asset Act : selectedAssets)
                Temp_Assets__c TempAsset = new Temp_Assets__c();
                TempAsset.Name = 'Sudhir';
                TempAsset.AccountId__c = Act.AccountId;
                TempAsset.Product__c = Act.Product2Id;
                //Added by Unnat
                TempAsset.Product_lookup__c= Act.Product2Id;
                TempAsset.Asset_Id__c = Act.Id;
                TempAsset.Serial_Number__c = Act.SerialNumber;
                TempAsset.Last_Contract_Number__c = Act.last_contract_number__c;
                TempAsset.Service_Start_Date__c = Act.Service_Start_Date_Min__c;
                //TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                /***************Added by Unnat********************************************/
                TempAsset.Opp_Close_Date__c = minDate;
                TempAsset.Monthly_Quote__c = Monthly_Quote;
                System.debug('=- Monthly Quote is: ' + monthly_Quote);
                if (Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c != null) {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.Service_End_Date_Max__c;
                else {
                    TempAsset.Service_End_Date__c = Act.InstallDate;
                TempAsset.Install_Date__c = Act.InstallDate; 
                System.debug ('==== Reseller id is: '+ GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c);
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c;
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c;
                /****************Commented by Unnat****************************************************************************
                If (GetReseller.AccountId <> NULL)
                ResellerAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Reseller__c = ResellerAct.Id;     
                 System.debug ('==== Reseller id 2 is: '+ ResellerAct.Id);       
                If (GetDistributor.AccountId <> NULL )
                DistributorAct = [ SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ID = :GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Distributor__c = DistributorAct.Id;
                ****************Completed by Unnat *****************************************************************************/
                If ( GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c <> NULL )
                Oppt = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE ID = :GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c Limit 1];
                TempAsset.Existing_Opportunity__c = Oppt.Id;
                TempAsset.Incumbent_Reseller__c = IncumbentReseller;
                TempAsset.Education__c = Education;
                //TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c = GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Date__c= maxDate;
                TempAsset.New_Opportunity__c = GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c;
                TempAsset.Expiry_Term__c = ExpireTerms;
                /* Insert Bundel Checkbox Value */               
                if (this.selectedContactIds2.contains(Act.Id)){
                else {
                TempAsset.Bundle_Support__c = bundsprt;
                System.debug('== Bundle Value is: ' + bundsprt);
                             //Add the selected Assets to the List
            Insert TempAssetList;                           
       // } //end of if Condition for check of days more than 3 years
   public pagereference Redirect()
     String optyURL2 = 'https://cs20.salesforce.com/006m0000002MqNf';
     PageReference pageref = new PageReference(optyURL2);   //<----- changed here
     return pageref;



 I created a visual force page which has two option user can eithere select existing opportunity from pick list or He can create a new opportunity. 

  After saving the data page must redirect to selected or created opportunity. Please suggest me how to implement 

Below is the visualforce page. 

 <apex:page controller="CCW_ContactPaginationController"  showHeader="true" sidebar="true" >
    <script type="text/javascript">

        *    function to handle checkbox selection
        function doCheckboxChange(cb,itemId){


        function doCheckboxChange2(cb,itemId){



<!-- Using apex:pageMessages instead  
<script type="text/javascript">
function Validation()
  var val   = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.confignewopp.newopp}').value; 
  var oval  = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configopport.existopp}').value; 
  var edate = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configexpiredate.expredate}').value; 
  var eterm = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configexpire.expterms}').value;
  var eresr = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configreseller.resler}').value;
  var edstb = document.getElementById('{!$Component.RenewalForm.configblock.configsecblock.configdistrbutor.distbtr}').value;
  if ( edate == '' && eterm == '0' ) {
    alert('Enter either expire date or select expite term');
    return false;
  else if ( edate != '' && eterm != '0' )
    alert('Enter either expire date or select expite term');
    return false;
  else if ( eresr == '' && edstb == '' )
    alert('Enter reseller and distributor details');
    return false;
  else if ( eresr == '' && edstb != ''  )
    alert('Enter reseller details');
    return false;
  else if ( eresr != '' && edstb == '' )
    alert('Enter distributor details');
    return false;
  else if ( val == '' && oval == '')
    alert('Enter either existing opportunity or new opporutnity');
    return false;
  else if ( val != '' && oval != '')
     alert('Enter either existing opportunity or new opporutnity');
     return false;
     alert('Please check row in Install Based Report to saved records');
     return true;    
Done commenting the javaScript code -->
<apex:sectionHeader subtitle="Create Renewal Quote" title="Meru Networks"/>

<apex:form id="RenewalForm">
<apex:pageBlock id="filterblock">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Filters" columns="3" id="filterblocksection">
<apex:inputField value="{!GetAccount.AccountId}" label="Account"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!GetContract.Name}" label="Contract" required="false"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!fetch_data}" value="Fetch Data"></apex:commandbutton>

    <apex:pageBlock id="reportblock">
        <apex:pageMessages />
        <apex:pageBlockButtons id="reportbutton">
        <apex:commandButton value="Save Records" action="{!processSelected}"  />
        <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" onclick="window.top.close()"/>
        <!-- handle selected item -->
        <apex:actionFunction name="aSelectItem" action="{!doSelectItem}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem}"/>
        <apex:actionFunction name="aSelectItem2" action="{!doSelectItem2}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem2" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem2}" />
        <!-- handle deselected item -->
        <apex:actionFunction name="aDeselectItem" action="{!doDeselectItem}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem}"/>
        <apex:actionFunction name="aDeselectItem2" action="{!doDeselectItem2}" rerender="mpb">
            <apex:param name="contextItem2" value="" assignTo="{!contextItem2}"/>
       <apex:pageBlockSection title="Install Base" id="mpb" collapsible="true" columns="1" >

            <!-- table of data -->
            <apex:pageBlockTable title="Assets" value="{!Contacts}" var="c" id="reportblocktable" >
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">Action</apex:facet>
                    <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!c.IsSelected}" onclick="doCheckboxChange(this,'{!c.tContact.Id}')"/>
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">Bundle Support</apex:facet>
                    <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!c.BundelSelected}" onclick="doCheckboxChange2(this,'{!c.tContact.Id}')"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.AccountId}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.Product2Id}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.SerialNumber}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.last_contract_number__c}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.Service_Start_Date_Min__c}"/>
               <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.Service_End_Date_Max__c}"/>
               <apex:column value="{!c.tContact.InstallDate}"/>
                 <apex:inlineEditSupport event="ondblClick"
                        showOnEdit="saveButton,cancelButton" hideOnEdit="editButton" />

            <apex:pageBlockSection collapsible="false" columns="2" id="paginsecblock">
                <!-- count of selected items -->
                <apex:outputLabel value="[{!selectedCount} records selected]" />           
                <!-- next, previous and page info -->
                <apex:outputPanel style="float:right">
                    <apex:commandLink action="{!doPrevious}" rendered="{!hasPrevious}" value="Previous" />
                    <apex:outputLabel rendered="{!NOT(hasPrevious)}" value="Previous"/> 
                    <apex:outputLabel value=" (page {!pageNumber} of {!totalPages}) "/>                                  
                    <apex:commandLink action="{!doNext}" rendered="{!hasNext}" value="Next" />
                    <apex:outputLabel rendered="{!NOT(hasNext)}" value="Next"/>


<apex:pageBlock id="configblock">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Configuration Option" columns="2" id="configsecblock">

  <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configexpire">
   <apex:outputLabel value="Expiry Term:" for="expireterm"/>
   <apex:selectList value="{!ExpireTerms}" multiselect="false" size="1" id="expterms">
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="0" itemLabel="--none--" id="exptermsnon"/>
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="1" itemLabel="1 Year"/>
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="3" itemLabel="3 Year"/>
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="5" itemLabel="5 Year"/>
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configexpiredate">
    <apex:outputLabel value="Expiry Date:"/>
   <apex:inputField value="{!GetExpireDate.Expire_Date__c}" id="expredate"/>
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configincumbent">       
    <apex:outputLabel value="Incumbent Reseller"></apex:outputLabel>       
    <!--apex:inputCheckbox value="{!IncumbentReseller}"/-->
    <apex:selectList value="{!IncumbentReseller}" multiselect="false" size="1" id="incumbentReseller">
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="No" itemLabel="No" />
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="Yes" itemLabel="Yes" />            
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configeducation">
    <apex:outputLabel value="Education"></apex:outputLabel>      
    <!--apex:inputCheckbox value="{!Education}"/-->
    <apex:selectList value="{!Education}" multiselect="false" size="1" id="Education">
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="None" itemLabel="None" />
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="K-12" itemLabel="K-12" />
                <apex:selectOption itemValue="Higher-Ed" itemLabel="Higher-Ed" />              


     <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configreseller">
    <apex:outputLabel value="Reseller"></apex:outputLabel>    
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetReseller.Primary_Reseller__c}" id="resler" />

   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configdistrbutor">
    <apex:outputLabel value="Distributor"></apex:outputLabel>       
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetDistributor.Primary_Distributor__c}" id="distbtr"/> 
   <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="configopport">
    <apex:outputLabel value="Opportunity"></apex:outputLabel>       
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetOpportunity.Opportunity__c}" id="existopp"/> 
    <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="confignewopp">
    <apex:outputLabel value="New Opportunity"></apex:outputLabel>       
    <apex:inputField value="{!GetNewOpportunity.New_Opportunity__c}" id="newopp"/> 
   <apex:pageblockSectionItem id="configMonthlyQuote">
       <apex:outputLabel value="Monthly Quote"></apex:outputLabel>
       <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!monthly_quote}" id="monthlyQuote"/>


Let me know if  you need controller will past the code.



 Can we close visualforce page after button click.  We have a button which will save records after saving records page needs to be closed. 
  Please suggest me how to implement 




  I wrote a trigger below to update opportuntiy from custom object based on condition but is not updating please help

 Code below highlighted in bold is not updating

trigger Temp_Asset2_Opp on Temp_Assets__c (after insert )
    List<OpportunityLineItem> OppLineItems = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();
    List<Temp_Assets__c> CurrentAssetOpp = [Select Id, Name, Asset_Id__c, Serial_Number__c, AccountId__c, Product__c, Service_Start_Date__c,
                                              Service_End_Date__c ,Install_Date__c ,Reseller__c,Distributor__c ,
                                              New_Opportunity__c,Expiry_Term__c,Bundle_Support__c, X5_Year_SKU_Code__c, X3_Year_SKU_Code__c,
                                              X1_Year_SKU_Code__c, Monthly_SKU_Code__c, X5_year_SKU__c ,X3_year_SKU__c, X1_year_SKU__c,
                                              Total_in_Months__c, Support_Only_5_Year_SKU__c, Support_Only_3_Year_SKU__c, Support_Only_1_Year_SKU__c,
                                              Support_Only_Monthly_SKU__c, DaysRemaining_Months__c
                                              From Temp_Assets__c
                                              Where CreatedById = :userinfo.getUserId() Limit 1];
    List<Temp_Assets__c> CurrentAssetOppLine = [Select Id, Name, Asset_Id__c, Serial_Number__c, AccountId__c, Product__c, Service_Start_Date__c,
                                                Service_End_Date__c ,Install_Date__c ,Reseller__c,Distributor__c ,
                                                New_Opportunity__c,Expiry_Term__c,Bundle_Support__c, X5_Year_SKU_Code__c, X3_Year_SKU_Code__c,
                                                X1_Year_SKU_Code__c, Monthly_SKU_Code__c, X5_year_SKU__c ,X3_year_SKU__c, X1_year_SKU__c,
                                                Total_in_Months__c, Support_Only_5_Year_SKU__c, Support_Only_3_Year_SKU__c, Support_Only_1_Year_SKU__c,
                                                Support_Only_Monthly_SKU__c, DaysRemaining_Months__c
                                                From Temp_Assets__c
                                                Where CreatedById = :userinfo.getUserId()];

    Pricebook2 prBook= [select id from Pricebook2 where Name=: 'NAM Price Book'];
    RecordType renewal_RT = [Select id, Name, sObjectType from RecordType where sObjectType= 'Opportunity' and Name = 'Renewal Opportunity' ];
   Opportunity Opp = new Opportunity();
   for ( Temp_Assets__c TA : CurrentAssetOpp )
     // If New Opportunity is Created 
    if ( TA.Existing_Opportunity__c == NULL && TA.New_Opportunity__c != NULL )   
            // Insert Opportunity with all mandatory fields       
             Opp.Name      = TA.New_Opportunity__c;            
             Opp.Type      = 'Existing Customer';
             Opp.AccountId = TA.AccountId__c;
             Opp.CloseDate =  system.today().addDays(+30); // default Sysdate + 30
             Opp.Government_Contract__c = 'None';
             Opp.Renewal_Opportunity__c = 'Yes';
             Opp.StageName = 'Renewal';
             //Opp.Lost_Reason__c = 'Other'; // not required
             Opp.Primary_Competitor__c = 'No Competitor';
             Opp.ForecastCategoryName = 'Pipeline';
             Opp.LeadSource = 'Renewal';
             Opp.Primary_Reseller__c    = TA.Reseller__c;
             Opp.Primary_Distributor__c = TA.Distributor__c;
             Opp.Renewal_Incumbant_Reseller__c = TA.Incumbent_Reseller__c;
             Opp.Renewal_K_12__c   =  TA.Education__c;
             //Assigning the new Opportunity to the Renewal Record Type
             opp.recordtypeId = renewal_RT.id;
          Insert Opp;
    if ( TA.Existing_Opportunity__c == NULL && TA.New_Opportunity__c != NULL )   
        List<Opportunity> OpptUp = [select Id from Opportunity where id =  :TA.Existing_Opportunity__c ];       
         for ( Opportunity OppUpd : OpptUp ) {
                OppUpd.test__c = 'Sudhir';
                OppUpd.Primary_Reseller__c    = TA.Reseller__c;
                OppUpd.Primary_Distributor__c =  TA.Distributor__c;
                OppUpd.Renewal_Incumbant_Reseller__c =  TA.Incumbent_Reseller__c;
                OppUpd.Renewal_K_12__c   =  TA.Education__c;
                //change the RecordType of this existing Opportunity to Renewal Opportunity Record Type
                OppUpd.recordtypeId = renewal_RT.id;                  
         Update OpptUp;     

List<Temp_Assets__c> TempAsset = [SELECT Id From Temp_Assets__c Where CreatedById = :userinfo.getUserId()];
//delete TempAsset ;


