• itai.shmida
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I have a managed package

I need to change the content of a custome tub that I have.

Meaning  - the VFpage that the tab links to.

and I cannot.

the documentation says it is possible.

Is there any way to do this?




I have a managed package so all my classes are prefixed with it.

I am using enhancedList for the Lead object.

The "edit" and "create new view" links sends a "retUrl" parameter to the pages, so after saving the new / old lead, the page redirects to the "retUrl" that was sent.

Most of the times this works good, but sometimes the retUrl does not redirect to the real page, and I get an "unknown page" error.

After investigating, I can see that in these times with the error - the retUrl link does not contain the namespace at the beginning of the page.

This is an obvious bug, but it is hard to reproduce as it happens only 5% of the times.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance


I have a managed package

I need to change the content of a custome tub that I have.

Meaning  - the VFpage that the tab links to.

and I cannot.

the documentation says it is possible.

Is there any way to do this?






i want to log a case in my developer org. when i click on "Help" link on top right corner in the home page it is redirecting to Help.salesforce.com but when i try to open a case by clicking on "open case" its again going to home page of Help.salesforce.com and this is repeating as a cycle and not able to open a case.

the same is happening in Sandbox also.


but when i go to enterprise/production org the link i see on top right corner in "Help & Training"  instead of only "Help" (in Developer org) and its allowing me to open a case.


please help me if anyone has idea about this.

i have an urgent requirement to open a case from my developer org.


thanks in advance