• cooldamsel
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Hi All,

I have created a service in .NET which integrates Salesforce with SQL. The purpose of the service is to get Salesforce data  and insert into SQL. The salesforce data includes attachment in Case object. In Salesforce, I have written an apex logic to get attachment from  Salesforce and send it to the Service. I have generated WSDL of the external service and parsed it and generated an apex class of the external service. My logic works fine when attaching an image file or any other file and sending it to external service. But when attaching a PDF and sending to service, I am getting an error in Salesforce. Can anyone please help me out.

Thanks in advance.
Hi All,

I have created a WCF service to update a case in Salesforce. My service is working fine and updating the case in Salesforce. I am updating ony the status field in Case but the Case owner is also getting updated. I am not sure of the reason why the owner is updated. My logic is also that am including only the status field and I have not included the owner field. Please advise me on this.

Thanks in advance.
Hi All,

I am new in Salesforce1 App development. I have created a VisualForce page which contains map, date picker, custom visualforce components and visuaforce remoting methods. I have created a functionality which redirects to another page url using window.location.href. Then i noticed from documentations that window.location will not work in mobile devices. Then on further analysis found that we need to use sforce.one.naviagteToURL and my code is

Redirect : function ()
    var url = '/apex/MyCustomPage';
    if( (typeof sforce != 'undefined') && (sforce != null) ) 
          // Salesforce1 navigation
          // Set the windows URL
          window.location.href = url;

This above code works fine in my desktop version but when i use the same in mobile device, the components like DatePicker, Custom Compoents, map inside MyCustomPage are not loaded in the page when this redirect method is called. Am breaking my heads with this. Anyone please help me out.

Thanks in Advance,

In our organisation, we are trying to package our app. So we have inlcuded the components needed for packaging. But when uploading our package, we are getting the following error: "Workflow rules with Time Triggers cannot be uploaded to the AppExchange".
We found that time based workflows cannot be used when packaging. Is there any alternative to achieve the time based workflow? Please suggest.

Thanks in advcance,

Can anyone explain me what the following exception refers.

'java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Boolean'

I am not sure of where the exception occurs. Thanks in advance.

I have an input field within a pageblock table. The pageblock table is initially bind with values from a custom object. Then the user updates the input field inside the pageblock table and click on Save. When clicking Save, the value has to be updated to the custom object. I am struck up with this issue. I am a newbie. Please help me out.

Thanks in advance.


I am a newbie in salesforce. Can anyone please explain me how to solve the following scenario using data loader.

I have two objects: object1 and object2. The two objects have a common column 'global id'. There are 50000 records in object1. My scenario is when the column values are equal in two objects, i need to update object1.

Can anyone please provide a solution for this?

Thanks in advance.

I am trying to assign programatically the report folders to a set of users. I have a VF page where am selecting the report folders in a dropdown and a set of users in a grid. Then on saving i want to assign the selected report folders to the selected users.

Please suggest me on how to achieve this.

Thanks in advance,

I am a newbie in salesforce. I have a batch apex class. I wrote a test class for the class and my test method is passed but am not getting the code coverage. I have covered 42% of the code.

Apex Class:
global class EF_OKTA_Queue_Batch implements Database.Batchable <sObject>, Database.AllowsCallouts
    private String query;
    private list<EF_OKTA_Queue__c> lstoktaQueueUpdate = new list<EF_OKTA_Queue__c>();

    global EF_OKTA_Queue_Batch ()
         query =    EF_SOQL_Statements__c.getValues('EF_OKTA_Queue_Batch_Query').Type__c + ' ' + EF_SOQL_Statements__c.getValues('EF_OKTA_Queue_Batch_Query').Fields__c +
                    EF_SOQL_Statements__c.getValues('EF_OKTA_Queue_Batch_Query').Relationship_fields__c + ' from ' +  EF_SOQL_Statements__c.getValues('EF_OKTA_Queue_Batch_Query').Object__c +
                    ' where ' + EF_SOQL_Statements__c.getValues('EF_OKTA_Queue_Batch_Query').Filter__c;

    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc)
        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List <EF_OKTA_Queue__c> scope)
        List<String> queueWithEmptyURL       = new List<String>();
        List<EF_OKTA_Queue__c> itemsToUpdate = new List<EF_OKTA_Queue__c>();
        Map<String, String> errorsToLog      = new Map<String, String>();
        EF_OKTA_RESTAPI objEFAPI             = null;

        for (EF_OKTA_Queue__c oktaQueue: scope) {
            if (oktaQueue.OKTA_URL__c == null || oktaQueue.OKTA_URL__c.trim() == '') {
            // After 15 minutes (Scheduled Job) mark status to complete
            if (oktaQueue.EF_Requested_Resource__r.EF_Resource_Metadata__r.Type__c == 'HYBRID AUTOMATED' && oktaQueue.CreatedDate.addMinutes(15) < Datetime.now()) {
                // additional logic in trigger
                oktaQueue.Status__c = 'Complete';
            } else if (oktaQueue.EF_Requested_Resource__r.EF_Resource_Metadata__r.Type__c == 'HYBRID' && oktaQueue.CreatedDate.addMinutes(15) < Datetime.now()) {
                // additional logic in trigger
                oktaQueue.Status__c = 'Complete';
            } else if (oktaQueue.EF_Requested_Resource__r.EF_Resource_Metadata__r.Type__c == 'AUTOMATED') {
                // API Class object
                objEFAPI = new EF_OKTA_RESTAPI();
                // disable error log to avoid problems with executing a call, storing error record and getting an exception when trying to execute second call
                // Execute call and query for current user data / profile
                String currentJSON = objEFAPI.getOKTAAttributes(oktaQueue.OKTA_URL__c);
                // extract Synchronisation Status
                String status = EF_OKTA_Queue_Batch.getSyncState(currentJSON);

                if (status == 'SYNCHRONIZED') {
                    // sync status is ok so let's mark queue item as complete
                    oktaQueue.Status__c = 'Complete';
                } else {
                    // not synced yet, let's try some other time ...
                    oktaQueue.number_tried__c += 1;

                    // there might be an error so let's log it
                    if ('' == status) {
                        errorsToLog.put(oktaQueue.id, currentJSON);


        try {
            // process queueWithEmptyURL first (cannot do it future)
            EF_OKTA_Queue obj = new EF_OKTA_Queue();

            // update items that already have url
            if (itemsToUpdate.isEmpty() == false) {
                update itemsToUpdate;
        } catch(Exception ex) {
            string strError = '';
            for (EF_OKTA_Queue__c oktaQueue: scope) {
                strError = (strError!='') ? (strError +  ',' + oktaQueue.id) : oktaQueue.id;
            EF_Error_Log.logException('EF_OKTA_Queue_Batch', strError, 'DML', 'HIGH', ex.getMessage() +  '\n\nStack Trace:\n' + ex.getStackTraceString());

        // if there were some invalid responses log them as errors into the log object
        if (errorsToLog.isEmpty() == false) {
            String message = '';
            for (String queueId : errorsToLog.keySet()) {
                message = errorsToLog.get(queueId);
                if (message == '') {
                    message = 'JSON Response was empty ...';
                EF_Error_Log.logException('EF_OKTA_Queue_Batch', queueId, 'OKTA', 'HIGH', message);

    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC)
        //Final Actions: requirements not defined yet will update the code

    global static string getSyncState(string jsonString)
        string status = '';
        if (jsonString == null || jsonString.trim() == '') {
            return status;

        try {
            Map<String, Object> tmp = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(jsonString);

            if (false == tmp.containsKey('syncState')) {
                return status;

            status = (String) tmp.get('syncState');
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // we don't care about the error here, it just means that status is not
            // synchronised and we need to repeat the query/request
            // json response will be logged by the calling method above

        return status;

Test Class:

private class EF_OKTA_Queue_Batch_Test
    static TestMethod void OKTAQueueBatchTest()
         Database.QueryLocator QueryLoc;
         Database.BatchableContext BatchCont;
         List<EF_OKTA_Queue__c> lstOKTAQ= new List<EF_OKTA_Queue__c>();
         EF_SOQL_Statements__c objStmts= EF_DataFactory_Utility.insert_EF_SOQL_Statements();
         EF_OKTA_Queue_Batch ObjOKTAQbatch = new EF_OKTA_Queue_Batch();
         ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(ObjOKTAQbatch,200);
         System.debug('######EXECUTE BATCH'+ batchprocessid);        
         List<EF_OKTA_Queue__c> lstOKTAQueue = new List<EF_OKTA_Queue__c>();
         lstOKTAQueue = EF_DataFactory_Utility.insert_EF_OKTA_Queue();        
         insert lstOKTAQueue;
         QueryLoc= ObjOKTAQbatch.start(BatchCont);
         Database.QueryLocatorIterator QueryIterate = QueryLoc.iterator();
         while (QueryIterate.hasNext())
             EF_OKTA_Queue__c objQueue = (EF_OKTA_Queue__c)QueryIterate.next();           
         ObjOKTAQbatch.execute(BatchCont, lstOKTAQ);
         String json = '{'+
            '    \"items\": ['+
            '        {'+
            '            \"id\": \"pn0\",'+
            '            \"syncState\": \"0\",'+
            '            \"managerID\": \"pc0\"'+
            '        },'+
            '        {'+
            '            \"id\": \"pn1\",'+
            '            \"syncState\": \"1\",'+
            '            \"managerID\": \"pc1\"'+
            '        },'+
            '        {'+
            '            \"id\": \"pn2\",'+
            '            \"syncState\": \"2\",'+
            '            \"managerID\": \"pc2\"'+
            '        }'+
            '    ]'+

Please help me out.

Thanks in Advance!!!

I am a newbie in saleforce. Please help me to complete the below one.

I have an apex class which is a without sharing class. I need to write test class for that without sharing class. Whenever i run the test class, the class is getting failed and showing the error as 'Attenmpt to dereference a null object' in the place where am initiating my apex class.

Please help me out.

Indhu R

I am a newbie in salesforce. Please help me on this.

I have a visualforce page where i choose certain conditions and display the users. How should i assign permissions set to the selected users programmatically?

Can anyone please help me out..

Thanks in advance.


I want test class to cover my FOR loop.. I am a newbie in salesforce. Kindly help me to do the same..

My apex class looks like the following:

for(i=1; i<3; i++)
           do something;
           do something;

Kindly tell me how to test cover this for loop...

Thanks in Advance..




I have 5 controller classes and one visualforce page. The code coverage for my classes is 98% in 3classes and 100% in 2classes. The above code coverage is in my sandbox environment. But when i move my code to Development and validate am getting the following error.

'Average test coverage across all Apex Classes and Triggers is 71%, at least 75% test coverage is required'.


Please help me...



I have a Custom controller class for my VF page. The controller class contains a page reference and in my page reference method, i have used methods of another custom controller. I have written a test class and it passed succesfully. But my code coverage was 48%. 

I have my controller class and test class below. Please help me..


Controller Class:


public with sharing class RecruiterPerformanceReport
// Gets the selected month from the page
public String getMonths { get; set; }

// Gets the selected year from the page
public String getYear { get; set; }

// Gets the selected report type from the page
public String getReportType { get; set; }

// Gets or sets the List of performance report.
public List<PerformanceReportClass> LstPerformanceReport {get;set;}

// Initializes a new instance of the RecruiterPerformanceReport class.
public RecruiterPerformanceReport()


// Gets the report details.
public PageReference GetReportDetails()
// Dispalys eror message
if(((Integer.valueOf(getReportType)) == 0) && ((Integer.valueOf(getYear)) == 0000) && ((Integer.valueOf(getMonths)) == 00))
pagereference p = apexpages.Currentpage();
apexpages.Message msg = new Apexpages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Info,'Please select Report type, Year & Month');
return p;
else if(((Integer.valueOf(getReportType)) == 0) && ((Integer.valueOf(getYear)) == 0000))
pagereference p = apexpages.Currentpage();
apexpages.Message msg = new Apexpages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Info,'Please select Report type & Year');
return p;
else if(((Integer.valueOf(getReportType)) == 0) && ((Integer.valueOf(getMonths)) == 00))
pagereference p = apexpages.Currentpage();
apexpages.Message msg = new Apexpages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Info,'Please select Report type & Month');
return p;
else if(((Integer.valueOf(getYear)) == 0000) && ((Integer.valueOf(getMonths)) == 00))
pagereference p = apexpages.Currentpage();
apexpages.Message msg = new Apexpages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Info,'Please select Year & Month');
return p;
else if(((Integer.valueOf(getReportType)) == 0))
pagereference p = apexpages.Currentpage();
apexpages.Message msg = new Apexpages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Info,'Please select Report Type');
return p;
else if(((Integer.valueOf(getYear)) == 0))
pagereference p = apexpages.Currentpage();
apexpages.Message msg = new Apexpages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Info,'Please select Year');
return p;
else if(((Integer.valueOf(getMonths)) == 0))
pagereference p = apexpages.Currentpage();
apexpages.Message msg = new Apexpages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Info,'Please select Month');
return p;
// Selects the report type to be displayed based on selection
if((Integer.valueOf(getReportType)) == 1)
AssignRequirementReportClass objAssignRequirementReportClass = new AssignRequirementReportClass();
LstPerformanceReport = objAssignRequirementReportClass.getRequirementsAssigned(getMonths, getYear);
else if((Integer.valueOf(getReportType)) == 2)
ResumesSubmittedReportClass objResumesSubmittedReportClass = new ResumesSubmittedReportClass();
LstPerformanceReport = objResumesSubmittedReportClass.getResumesSubmitted(getMonths, getYear);
else if((Integer.valueOf(getReportType)) == 3)
ResumesRejectedReportClass objResumesRejectedReportClass = new ResumesRejectedReportClass();
LstPerformanceReport = objResumesRejectedReportClass.getResumesRejected(getMonths, getYear);
else if((Integer.valueOf(getReportType)) == 4)
CandidatesAddedReportClass objCandidatesAddedReportClass = new CandidatesAddedReportClass();
LstPerformanceReport = objCandidatesAddedReportClass.getCandidatesAdded(getMonths, getYear);
return null;


Test Class:

@istest (SeeAllData=true)
class TestClassRecruiterPerformanceReport
static testmethod void testRecruiterPerformanceReport()
PageReference pageRef = Page.Recruiter_Performance_Report;

RecruiterPerformanceReport rrs = new RecruiterPerformanceReport();

rrs.getReportType = '1';
rrs.getMonths = '09';
rrs.getYear = '2013';

rrs.getReportType = '2';
rrs.getMonths = '09';
rrs.getYear = '2013';

rrs.getReportType = '3';
rrs.getMonths = '09';
rrs.getYear = '2013';

rrs.getReportType = '4';
rrs.getMonths = '09';
rrs.getYear = '2013';





Can anyone please suggest me how to write a test class for the apex message content.


This is my code:


pagereference p = apexpages.Currentpage();
apexpages.Message msg = new Apexpages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Info,'Please select Report type, Year & Month');
return p;


I have written a class that displays data for a month. I developed and written test class. When i moved the code to production environment and validated i got the following error  "System.LimitException: Too many code statements: 200001 "


I got my error in this following loop. I don't know what is the mistake i have done. Please help me.


for(RequirementAssignment__c  ReqmAssignUser : FilterReqmtAssign)

                            System.Debug('Filtered Reqmt :' + ReqmAssignUser );
                            //Looping through the assign candidate list
                            for(Candidate_Mapping__c AssignCandt : lstAssignCandt)
                                //Filtering the list of requirements assigned for each assign candidate list.
                                if((AssignCandt.Requirement__c ==  ReqmAssignUser.Requirement__c) && (AssignCandt.CreatedBy.id == Users.id))



I have a recruitement application. I created a visualforce page where we need to select a month and it will display the report for the selected month.  My page worked well and there was no errors. I didn't give any queries in my loop. My test class also passed and moved the code to production environment. Everything was validated in the production and it was deployed successfully. But the issue is when i select certain month the page is displaying Too many SOQL queries.. But for certain other months selected there is no issue and the report is being generated.


Hi All,


I have a date field that is obtained as user input. I need to dispaly a report that contains the count of certain value for each date. So am auto incrementing the date of the date field. After incrementing the field, i have to assign the value to the same field. But am getting wrong incremented values.


I have assigned a field called start date.


                           Date startDT=Date.newInstance(2013, 8, 15); -- 2013-08-15 00:00:00


Then within the for loop am incrementing the day of the field and assigning to the same filed...


                          startDT = startDT.addDays(1);


When i use debug and get the output, the startDT value changes to 2013-12-12 00:00:00.


I don't know what mistake i have done. Can anyone please help me??????



I need to create a customised report which should display the data periodically. In my report, i need to display in tabular format for a month with the data for each day and the row-wise & column-wise grand total need to be displayed.The data is obtained from multiple objects and need to check few conditions. 


Can anyone please provide a solution on whether this can be achieved through salesforce reports or is there any other way to get this solution?




I have a Standard salesforce page in my application. I want a pop-up window on load of the page. Is it possible in salesforce? I am new to sf. Please help me out.


Thanks in advance.

Hi All,

I have created a WCF service to update a case in Salesforce. My service is working fine and updating the case in Salesforce. I am updating ony the status field in Case but the Case owner is also getting updated. I am not sure of the reason why the owner is updated. My logic is also that am including only the status field and I have not included the owner field. Please advise me on this.

Thanks in advance.
Hi All,

I am new in Salesforce1 App development. I have created a VisualForce page which contains map, date picker, custom visualforce components and visuaforce remoting methods. I have created a functionality which redirects to another page url using window.location.href. Then i noticed from documentations that window.location will not work in mobile devices. Then on further analysis found that we need to use sforce.one.naviagteToURL and my code is

Redirect : function ()
    var url = '/apex/MyCustomPage';
    if( (typeof sforce != 'undefined') && (sforce != null) ) 
          // Salesforce1 navigation
          // Set the windows URL
          window.location.href = url;

This above code works fine in my desktop version but when i use the same in mobile device, the components like DatePicker, Custom Compoents, map inside MyCustomPage are not loaded in the page when this redirect method is called. Am breaking my heads with this. Anyone please help me out.

Thanks in Advance,
Hi All,
I have a question whether if SFDC Id is given in address bar, can we redirect to a VF page automatically? The VF page being a detail page for a Custom Object.
Ex: Given: http://cs1.salesforce.com/aoB0000xxxxpOk in address bar,
Redirect To: http://cs1.salesforce.com/apex/<VF_Page>?id=​aoB0000xxxxpOk
Please help, thanks in Advance.
Hello, I have a requirement to send Attachment file data to a third party system. Currently I am quering each attachment in a separate batch and then convert the blob data to base64 string to form a specific XML for the third party API to accept. Then issueing a apexcallout to send the attachment data to that system.
string requestBody = '<Job><InputType>'+attachment.ContentType.substringAfter('/')+'</InputType><InputURL></InputURL><InputBlob type="binary">'+EncodingUtil.base64Encode(attachment.Body)+'</InputBlob></Job>

This is working fine although the problem is with large attachments. When in an average, an attachment is of size around 7MB, the base64 string is hitting the System.heaplimitexception of 12MB and the callout fails. Salesforce supports to attach a file upto 25MB size, so i have to support that file size. But I am severely limited by the heaplimit exception. I tried the

o send the blob data directly to external system but that again it has only 3MB of limit. Could you please help me to show any solution to get around it?
Thanks in advance.

Can anyone explain me what the following exception refers.

'java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Boolean'

I am not sure of where the exception occurs. Thanks in advance.
Here my Webservice code :
                            Authentication authentication = new Authentication();
                            authentication.Username = "aaa";
                            authentication.Password = "bbb";
                            authentication.Domain = "http://my-pc:myport/tfs";
                            authentication.ServerURL = "http://localhost:myport/tfs";
                            WorkItem newBug = new WorkItem(DevelopmentProject(authentication).WorkItemTypes["Bug"]);
                            newBug.Fields["Title"].Value = "Attchments";
                            newBug.Attachments.Add(new Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.Attachment("C:\\Users\\estsys\\Desktop\\test\\test.txt", "TextFile"", "TextFile"));

above code is working ..... but, how can i use salesforce attachment path in the above code.......
here my requirments, i want to send files Salesforce TO TFS using outbound message.. is it possiable?....give me any idea...

I am a newbie in salesforce. Can anyone please explain me how to solve the following scenario using data loader.

I have two objects: object1 and object2. The two objects have a common column 'global id'. There are 50000 records in object1. My scenario is when the column values are equal in two objects, i need to update object1.

Can anyone please provide a solution for this?

Thanks in advance.
Hi there,

I have more 2 yrs of Experience in salesforce, I am Salesforce Certified Developer, hands on experience in salesforce Cofiguration , Apex Class, Vf pages, Test classes, Integration, Triggers, documentation and handeling clients etc.
Currently am looking salesforce developer freelancer job.
Any help would be appreciated.

to know more about me.
My Linkedin Profile : http://www.linkedin.com/pub/abhi-tripathi-%E2%98%81/46/906/317
My Blog : http://abhithetechknight.blogspot.in/2014/05/opportunity-probability-field-value.html

Warm Regards,
Abhi Tripathi
Salesforce Certified Developer
Mobile : +91-9928833992
Skype : abhi.tripathi7


I am a newbie in saleforce. Please help me to complete the below one.

I have an apex class which is a without sharing class. I need to write test class for that without sharing class. Whenever i run the test class, the class is getting failed and showing the error as 'Attenmpt to dereference a null object' in the place where am initiating my apex class.

Please help me out.

Indhu R
have a webservice written in .net which gets the request from the outbound message and sends the response. But salesforce keeps hitting my application and it still waits in outbound queue. How do I stop salesforce to hit the application once the response is received? Following is my code sample

notificationsResponse INotificationBinding.Pur(PTrans.notifications PurP)
        string id,session = null;
        PTrans.notifications test = PurP;
        session = test.SessionId;
        string url = test.EnterpriseUrl;
        PTrans.Transaction__cNotification[] request = PurP.Notification;
        PTrans.notificationsResponse response = new notificationsResponse();
        response.Ack = true;
        return response;
When I tested with soapui, I get the following response,

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
      <notificationsResponse xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2005/09/outbound">
  • January 22, 2014
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I want to get pdf file content as string in apex, currently i don't see any option? how do I get raw pdf back with all formats like '%PDF', "%%EOF", "trailer"


All the pdf data i'm getting from content, document, visulaforce render as pdf are mostly blob or base64 format, but when i try to convert them into string using encoding util class, i can't able to get the raw pdf file as i epxect,


any help?




  • August 05, 2012
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  i wanna a use group by clause in my Soql but we need to do in dynamically. is it possible



i am getting fields and object and condition are dynamically.


now i need to add group by in that query which is selected by the user.


 is it possible with dynamic soql.




Ashok chandra