• aparkman
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I am trying to do some customization to the case feed so that I can default the email template based on a field on the case, and also attach any attachments from the case to the email. I have found that I can use the apex:emailPublisher Visualforce tag to create a VF page I can use in a custom action, but out of all the documentation I've read, I don't see anything saying how to set a default template, or add attachments. I'm assuming I would need to do this in a controller. Has anyone had any experience with using the apex:emailPublisher tag and using a controller to include more functionality into an email action?

One thing to note - I'd like to stay away from have apex actually sent emails, as we are not that far away from reaching the single email limits per day. I just want to default the email so all the user has to do is click send.

I also need this to send through the email message object so that email to case can still be used so replies will be attached to the case.

I have an image formula field on Case which is showing one of the standard Salesforce flags (grren, yellow, or red) based on the time remaining on when the case should be resolved The formula for this field is below:

IF((Minutes_to_Deadline__c > (SLA_Minutes_2__c * 0.25)),"/img/samples/flag_green.gif",
IF(Minutes_to_Deadline__c < 0, "/img/samples/flag_red.gif",

IF((Minutes_to_Deadline__c > 0 && Minutes_to_Deadline__c <=(SLA_Minutes_2__c * 0.25)) , "/img/samples/flag_yellow.gif",""


I am now trying to reference this field in a Visualforce page in the case console. I am able to save the page with this field in the code, but when I open the console and look at the component which is built from the visualforce page, it outputs the url of image (e.g. "/img/samples/flag_red.gif") instead of the image. I believe this was because I had "apex:outputText" in the code:

<apex:outputText value="{!con1.Case_SLA__c}"/>

I then changed this to be (although i know I'm missing something):

<apex:image id="flag" value="{!con1.Case_SLA__c}"/>

It now only shows a broken image.
User-added image
Does anyone know how I can get this to show the flag that is in the formula field? Or do I have to put logic in either the Visualforce page or Controller to show what I want it to show?


I'm new to Visualforce and trying to make a Visualforce email template. I'm trying to make an email template that list some information about the Pricing Request (Parent Object), but also lists all of the Price Adjustments (Child Object) within it. All of the HTML is correct, but I'm having big problems with merge fields within it. I put the same merge fields that are in the regular email templates, but keep getting errors with them,


error message reads " Error: Invalid field Price_Adjustment__c for SObject Pricing_Request__c"


This is the part of the code that is supposed to put the data into the table


<apex:repeat var="pa" value="{!relatedTo.Price_Adjustment__c}">


Any idea why I'm getting that message?


Thank you,


I am currently working on a validation rule, and can't figure out how to write it to make it work. In my current project I have made two objects, Pricing Request and Price Adjustments. The user will fill out the form for the Pricing Request, save and then goes into the Price Adjustment object on the Pricing Request Summary Screen. The user will then fill out some Price Adjustments, go back to the PR summary, and click "submit for approval". The rule I'm making is to not allow the user to submit for approval if there are no Price Adjustments. I made a field in Pricing Request that counts the number of Adjustments, and i want it to say if "# of Price Adjustments = 0", and when the status is changed to "In Progress",to not allow submitting. But it will still let me submit. The formula Validation rule i wrote is:


Number_of_Price_Adjustments__c = 0,
ISPICKVAL(Status__c, "In Progress")


I also tried ISCHANGED(Status__c)

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong/what I need to be doing?


Thank you,



I am currently working on a project, which involves a lot of approval processes. I am trying to figure out the best way to make delegated approvers based on my customers requirements. The only way that I know to use a delegated approver is by setting them up in the user's profile, but you can only add one person. They would like to be able to set it up so that they can only choose people who are at the same or higher level than them. Is there anyway to set up a hierarchy with delegated approvers? If not, is it possible to have a message show up to tells the user that he should only pick someone of a higher level? It would still allow you to pick anyone, but it would be there to just inform them. Also, is there any other ways to make a delegated approver besides going into the user's profile?


Thank you in advance for any help on this,


I am pretty new to Salesforce (only been working in it for a few weeks), and I'm working on a pretty big project, and I'm having an issue with an approval process. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I made an approval process so that after a user submits a request, a certain group of people have to approve it. I went through the standard wizard, put a description in and specified the criteria for the process. I did not put anything in step 3 or 4 since there were many specific users I have to send it to.

I then completed the rest of it and went on to make an approval step to make it assign it to those specific users with an email template

I then made two initial submission actions. One was to change the status and the other was to send an email notification to those certain users that have to approve it. I also changed all of the user's email address to my own so I will receive them for testing purposes.

After I did all of this I went to test it. If I go in and submit a request, it will show on the approvers homepage that there are requests to approve and will let them approve them right there, but the problem I am having is that it will not send an email to them to notify them, and I can not figure out what it is that is going on. I have to be mising something, but I just don't know what it is. Any idea on what I'm doing wrong?

I also want them to be able to approve it from the email. Can they do that from an email notification or would I have to do something else for that?

I went to a Salesforce training session yesterday, and even the instructors there were stumped.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.



I have an image formula field on Case which is showing one of the standard Salesforce flags (grren, yellow, or red) based on the time remaining on when the case should be resolved The formula for this field is below:

IF((Minutes_to_Deadline__c > (SLA_Minutes_2__c * 0.25)),"/img/samples/flag_green.gif",
IF(Minutes_to_Deadline__c < 0, "/img/samples/flag_red.gif",

IF((Minutes_to_Deadline__c > 0 && Minutes_to_Deadline__c <=(SLA_Minutes_2__c * 0.25)) , "/img/samples/flag_yellow.gif",""


I am now trying to reference this field in a Visualforce page in the case console. I am able to save the page with this field in the code, but when I open the console and look at the component which is built from the visualforce page, it outputs the url of image (e.g. "/img/samples/flag_red.gif") instead of the image. I believe this was because I had "apex:outputText" in the code:

<apex:outputText value="{!con1.Case_SLA__c}"/>

I then changed this to be (although i know I'm missing something):

<apex:image id="flag" value="{!con1.Case_SLA__c}"/>

It now only shows a broken image.
User-added image
Does anyone know how I can get this to show the flag that is in the formula field? Or do I have to put logic in either the Visualforce page or Controller to show what I want it to show?


I am pretty new to Salesforce (only been working in it for a few weeks), and I'm working on a pretty big project, and I'm having an issue with an approval process. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I made an approval process so that after a user submits a request, a certain group of people have to approve it. I went through the standard wizard, put a description in and specified the criteria for the process. I did not put anything in step 3 or 4 since there were many specific users I have to send it to.

I then completed the rest of it and went on to make an approval step to make it assign it to those specific users with an email template

I then made two initial submission actions. One was to change the status and the other was to send an email notification to those certain users that have to approve it. I also changed all of the user's email address to my own so I will receive them for testing purposes.

After I did all of this I went to test it. If I go in and submit a request, it will show on the approvers homepage that there are requests to approve and will let them approve them right there, but the problem I am having is that it will not send an email to them to notify them, and I can not figure out what it is that is going on. I have to be mising something, but I just don't know what it is. Any idea on what I'm doing wrong?

I also want them to be able to approve it from the email. Can they do that from an email notification or would I have to do something else for that?

I went to a Salesforce training session yesterday, and even the instructors there were stumped.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
