• Vivek Kidambi
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I have created a dynamicComponent which constructs a selectRadio with options. everything is good so far, but i am unable to set a value on load. For eg, I already have a preselected value which i need to dynamically show as selected for one of the option.

 When i debug the sltRadio.value, it shows up correctly, however the value is not selected on page. Appreciate any help in this regard.
public String selectedValue {get;set;}

Component.Apex.selectRadio sltRadio = new Component.Apex.selectRadio();	
	for(String option : lstString){
	   Component.Apex.selectOption so = new Component.Apex.selectOption();
	   so.itemValue = option;
	   so.itemLabel = option;
sltRadio.value = selectedValue;

Did anyone use bower for managing CSS/JS in salesforce developement? 
I have multiple pages embedded on visualforce page as tabs and need to lazyload the embedded pages. How do i do it?

<div class="u-container u-container--stretch" id="tabs"> 
          <ul class="test-class" id="mainTab" > 
            <li><a class="test-class" style="font-family: Arial;" href="#tab1" data-tabs-id="tab1" >tab1</a></li>
            <li><a class="test-class="font-family: Arial;" href="#tab2" data-tabs-id="tab2" >tab2</a></li>
    <div id="tab1"  class="test-class">
     <apex:include pageName="tab1page"/>
    <div id="tab2" class="test-class>
        <apex:include pageName="tab2page"/>
I have multiple pages embedded on visualforce page as tabs and need to lazyload the embedded pages. How do i do it?

<div class="u-container u-container--stretch" id="tabs"> 
          <ul class="test-class" id="mainTab" > 
            <li><a class="test-class" style="font-family: Arial;" href="#tab1" data-tabs-id="tab1" >tab1</a></li>
            <li><a class="test-class="font-family: Arial;" href="#tab2" data-tabs-id="tab2" >tab2</a></li>
    <div id="tab1"  class="test-class">
     <apex:include pageName="tab1page"/>
    <div id="tab2" class="test-class>
        <apex:include pageName="tab2page"/>
i am looking for some guidance on using standard objects like accounts/contacts in a custom app development. Is there any downside if the design is based on custom objects? Custom app is planned to be shared using managed package down the line. Appreciate if anyone can share their experience using standard objects.

I have a pageblock table and multiple columns in it. I need to display a input text and an image (based on rendered condition) in a column but i have issues with white spaces when i use a panel grid inside column. 

Here is the code
<apex:column headerValue="Sample">
<apex:panelGrid columns="2">
<apex:inputSecret styleClass="pwd" style="width:90px; height:25px;" rendered="{!testcondition}"/>
<apex:image url="{!URLFOR($Resource.Images, 'sample.png')}" title="Click here.." rendered="{testcondition1}"/>
<apex:image url="{!URLFOR($Resource.Images, 'sample1.png')}" title="#2.." rendered="{testcondition2}"/>
<apex:image url="{!URLFOR($Resource.Images, 'sample2.png')}" title="#3.." rendered="{testcondition3}"/>

I am working on a requirement to automate portal user creation based on user requests and sync it to downstream system real time. I have a problem creating contact and user in Same transaction due to setup non setup object. I cannot create user in a future method since I need to display the status of user creation on vf page for user. Appreciate if anyone has a workaround for this issue
I have a inputfield field which on changed should rerender a outputpanel. Pretty straightforward, but it couldnt get it working. Any help is appreciated. I can see the value getting changed on blur but the component is not rerendering based on true or false. 
      <apex:inputField value="{!myvalue}"  id="val1" > 
          <apex:actionSupport event="onblur" action="{!validate}" reRender="test1"/>
     <apex:outputPanel id="test1" rendered="{!sample}">
      <apex:outputText value="Please select a value"/>

controller - 

            if (myvalue == null){
            	sample = true;    
               sample = false;  

I have a class which automatically creates portal user. I also have a trigger on user which has a callout on any updates on user. I need to bypass this user trigger whenever the user is created through this automated process and trigger should happen normally whenever a user edit happens other than auto creation process. how can i achieve this? Static variable a good option?
I need a chatter feed on account whenever a new contact is created for an account. Can i do this using OOTB?
I have a method which creates Map<String,Object> by querying a object. I need to pass this value to a future method which has callout. Since callout method does not accept Sobject type as parameter, i need to convert this Map<String,Object> to Map<String,String>. 

Appreciate any insights on this issue

List<SObject> listObjectRecords = database.query('select ' + cusFields + ' from '+ objName + ' WHERE ID = \'' + objId + '\'');
 for(SObject sObj : listForMap) {
Map<String,Object> mapObj = (Map<String,Object>)Json.deserializeUntyped(Json.serialize(sObj));

I am trying to use schema object to retrieve record type using the ID. I am able to retrieve the object name say account using the below query, but how do i retrieve record type of the object using this information without SOQL

String objName = objId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName();  // Objid is the id of the record
The following query returns createdbyid/LastModifiedbyId instead of name in apex whereas returns name when using workbench or query editor in dev console. How do i get the name directly instead of ID?  

select Customer_Number__c,Name,Quality_Rating__c,Primary_Institution_Type__c,CreatedBy.Name,CreatedDate,LastModifiedBy.Name,LastModifiedDate from Account WHERE ID =: myID 

Class is in a Master Detail relation with student


Which is master object and which one is detail here?

Did anyone use bower for managing CSS/JS in salesforce developement? 
i am looking for some guidance on using standard objects like accounts/contacts in a custom app development. Is there any downside if the design is based on custom objects? Custom app is planned to be shared using managed package down the line. Appreciate if anyone can share their experience using standard objects.

I have a pageblock table and multiple columns in it. I need to display a input text and an image (based on rendered condition) in a column but i have issues with white spaces when i use a panel grid inside column. 

Here is the code
<apex:column headerValue="Sample">
<apex:panelGrid columns="2">
<apex:inputSecret styleClass="pwd" style="width:90px; height:25px;" rendered="{!testcondition}"/>
<apex:image url="{!URLFOR($Resource.Images, 'sample.png')}" title="Click here.." rendered="{testcondition1}"/>
<apex:image url="{!URLFOR($Resource.Images, 'sample1.png')}" title="#2.." rendered="{testcondition2}"/>
<apex:image url="{!URLFOR($Resource.Images, 'sample2.png')}" title="#3.." rendered="{testcondition3}"/>

I have a class which automatically creates portal user. I also have a trigger on user which has a callout on any updates on user. I need to bypass this user trigger whenever the user is created through this automated process and trigger should happen normally whenever a user edit happens other than auto creation process. how can i achieve this? Static variable a good option?
I have a method which creates Map<String,Object> by querying a object. I need to pass this value to a future method which has callout. Since callout method does not accept Sobject type as parameter, i need to convert this Map<String,Object> to Map<String,String>. 

Appreciate any insights on this issue

List<SObject> listObjectRecords = database.query('select ' + cusFields + ' from '+ objName + ' WHERE ID = \'' + objId + '\'');
 for(SObject sObj : listForMap) {
Map<String,Object> mapObj = (Map<String,Object>)Json.deserializeUntyped(Json.serialize(sObj));

I am trying to use schema object to retrieve record type using the ID. I am able to retrieve the object name say account using the below query, but how do i retrieve record type of the object using this information without SOQL

String objName = objId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName();  // Objid is the id of the record

Class is in a Master Detail relation with student


Which is master object and which one is detail here?

Hi All,


I did start with this thread: http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/General-Development/Install-Eclipse-Juno-4-2-with-Force-com-IDE/m-p/462323/highlight/true#M72103


But I am still running into the same problem. Here's my setup: 


Here's my setup

- Running Eclipse 4.2 as Admin (downloaded from here: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-ee-developers/junor) and installed to desktop.

- JAVA_HOME set to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_05 (upgraded from jdk1.6.0_23) downloaded from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1637583.html

- Tried installing the Force.com IDE from the Eclipse Marketplace and got this error:


Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
  Software being installed: Force.com IDE (com.salesforce.ide.feature.feature.group
  Missing requirement: Force.com IDE (com.salesforce.ide.feature.feature.group requires 'org.eclipse.update.ui 0.0.0' but it could not be found


Have I installed something incorrectly or overlooked something?