• Sunny Narula
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  • Member since 2014

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Can we create an APP (that can be later downloadable from Salesforce AppExchange) in Salesforce that asks at the time of installation,
that to which object it will be lookup-ed?
Yes the app in itself will have one object.

Basically, I need to create an app that will create a button on the CUSTOM OBJECT detail page, 
this custom object needs to get select at the time of installation (is this possible).

When this button is clicked it will take the ID of the object and redirect to some other custom VFpage, to collect some more information. Ther the only challenge is, at the time of installation of the APP, the object can be different for different ORG's. I need to make this linking dynamically.

Please share a link that can help to create such an APP that allows the user to select at the time of installation.

System.HttpRequest retrying request in response to handshake failure: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException:
PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

EXCEPTION_THROWN|[21]|System.CalloutException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException:
PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

FATAL_ERROR|System.CalloutException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException:
PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I get this error on ONLY ONE server, the same code is working if API is hosted on another server. 

I m making a GET call from Salesforce to WordPress, to call a WordPress web service into salesforce.
It is not working when it is hosted on a particular server. However, if the same service is hosted on another server it works 

I have taken take of adding the details to Remote Site Settings.

Please guide with possible errors and solution to cross-check why that is not working on a particular server ONLY



I need to have Order line items under the Products object,
as one Order might have multiple products.

Please guide me how it can be related while creating Orders


I need to have a trigger on Accounts but getting stuck up in governor limits

As having the following scenario:
Parent Account has a related list that holds a list of child accounts for the respective parent account.
If a field named PortType is updated on Parent account, then this field is needed to be updated on all corresponding child accounts.

As I thought of creating a MAP (ID, Account), so as to fetch and update account from the MAP and then update them collecting in a list at once, but that did not work as Accounts records are too much that MAP is not able to hold and getting an error as MAP limit exceeds.

Getting following issues:

  1. Recursive update loop, as a child accounts are getting and a trigger is on account update.
  2. Account are many many, even if I think to take all account on a Map at once and execute, Map limit is getting exceeded as there are more then 500000 accounts in the ORG.

Please guide me how to process such bulk operations...

Getting the following error when I m trying to create a MAP out of Account object.
There are many Accounts in the ORG but I need to get and Map of all so cross check a condition on trigger and update few accounts based on the conditions..

But I need to get the accounts MAP first to get the existing Account records, is there a way to get all the accounts

Sharing the code below...

Requesting please let me how to proceed with this..


public with sharing class AccountReleationShipTriggerHandler {    
    public static void getAccountFromTrigger(List<Account_Relationships__c>  lstAccountRelation)
        System.debug('>>>>>>> lstAccountRelation : '+lstAccountRelation.size());
        ID rtId = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE SobjectType='Account' and developerName='Site'].id;        
        Map<ID, Account> allAccountMap = new Map<ID, Account>([SELECT Id, Name, Portfolio_Type__c, Source_Zone__c, RecordTypeID FROM Account]);        

        for (Account_Relationships__c ar : lstAccountRelation)
            // will perform the operations here... 
            // As here I need to refer the MAP to find the account details and update
            System.debug('test ar Source_Account__c : '+ ar.Source_Account__c);
            System.debug('test ar Related_Account__c : '+ ar.Related_Account__c);
            System.debug('test ar Type__c : '+ ar.Type__c);        


Getting following error : 

Error: Invalid Data.
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger trig_AccountUpdate caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: trig_AccountUpdate: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.QueryException: Non-selective query against large object type (more than 200000 rows). Consider an indexed filter or contact salesforce.com about custom indexing. Even if a field is indexed a filter might still not be selective when: 1. The filter value includes null (for instance binding with a list that contains null) 2. Data skew exists whereby the number of matching rows is very large (for instance, filtering for a particular foreign key value that occurs many times): Class.AccountReleationShipTriggerHandler.getAccountFromTrigger: line 6, column 1

Apex Rest Callout GET Method with parameters 

I need to call a GET web service method that contains parameters to be passed along.
When I m calling that from POSTMAN with the access token,etc.. I m getting response
Postman Call

https://apiabcdef.test.abcdexyz.com/api/tcUser?Query=UserCode = 'USER_0706'

But when I m calling this from Apex it is giving a bad request error. code below

public static HttpResponse getUserIDFromTCheck(String token, string userCode) {       
    //JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(token); 
        HttpRequest httpReq = new HttpRequest();                                               
        httpReq.setEndpoint( 'https://apibibforceapi.test.tyrecheck.com/api/tcUser?Query=UserCode = \''+userCode+ '\' ');               
        httpReq.setHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/json' );    
        httpReq.setHeader( 'Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token );        
        Http http = new Http();         
        HttpResponse httpRes = http.send( httpReq );
     //System.debug('#test2 The status code returned from second service : ' + httpRes.getStatusCode() + ' :  ' + httpRes.getStatus());
return httpRes;  

this code gives error as  :
getStatusCode  : 400
getStatus : Bad Request

Please let me know is this the right way to call a GET third party webservice. 

I have two callout to some external web service [both are of type POST]
a) First one returns Token  (that is to be used in second callout)
I m able to call and get the token in Apex.

b) Second one creates a USER (I need to pass few details to this as to create user) 
Please guide me how to pass header with token and json string in Apex to create user.

Basically I have following insctructions, but I m not getting to how to use that in Apex to work properly 

Create user via POST to https://abcdef.com/api/tcUser

  Content-Type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer {{token recieved in step 1}}

body example (json):
      "Name": "USER_1314",
      "UserCode": "USER_1314",
      "UserState": true,
      "AllowApiLogin": true,
      "ShowHeaderToolTip": true,
      "CurrencyId": "e708dffd-ce3a-4c4e-a98a-48b67824c7f7",
      "LanguageId": "f57a2f60-233d-400f-9607-33c55bdff4fc",
      "UnitDistanceId": "30857154-f8e4-4e7b-86b5-ad9b5cd05835",
      "UnitPressureId": "1115140c-ddf9-4cfb-af4c-38fd21ddadc2",
      "UnitTemperatureId": "a61cfca0-ea07-49b4-a937-11c58b7cb24a",
      "UnitTreadDepthId": "b71e84a0-8702-4e3e-a421-daa9051f0d0c",
      "RoleId": "1a0b66be-ff35-4ca4-931f-00003985e261",
      "ContactEmail": "test@test_zoom.com"



Please can anybody explain me the pre-requistuite and step by step process for the it.
(do need to have some code in salesforce to do so)

Basically, I need to create, update and revoke user from other system(s) into salesforce.

When I Enable the "User Provisioning" in connected app it has some steps for the configuration in the User Provisioning Wizard. As soon as I open the Wizard it requires the User Provisioning Flow for connected Apps.
There is not so much of information available in salesforce knowledge articles.
Can you please help me in getting the understanding of it.  

I have gone thr. the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCgy9ywYzuY  Mr. Vikas Jain, he explains the configuration but he also mentioned that there should be packages on the app exchange for the flow creation.
But I cannot see any packages related to it on the AppExchange.
I really want to know the steps to create the User Provisioning Flow for Connected apps or the Apex Class parameters for it.

Thanks in advance

I need migration data from one Enterprise Org to another Enterprise Org, object included are 

Account, Contact and all data related to Chatter, Task, Event, ActivityHistory.

Requesting to please guide me with the procedure for the above.
Basically, I concerned about how to migrate Chatter, Task, Event and ActivityHistory to another ORG.
Requesting to please guide me step by step procedure for the above (probably using dataLoader or any other Tool).

Thanks in Advance

I m using salesforce email service and have created a email parser(Controller) to extract the data from incoming email for a custom object.

Everything works with the default owner. But the requirement is to change the record owner. When the set the OwnerID to desired owner is gives the following error

"EXCEPTION_THROWN [548]|System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY, insufficient access rights on cross-reference id:"

Please let me know what I need to set to make the controller class change the Owner for this custom object.

Thanks in advance

I m using the following Eclipse version as IDE from force.com project

Eclipse Standard/SDK
Version: Kepler Release
Build id: 20130614-0229

But it is not showning intellisense for objects, not even for the standard objects.. it just diaplay "no proposals"
here is the snapshot for the same
no intellisense

but when I save the code...it connects to the ORG and updates the code in the org if everything is correct else it throw the error..
but there is no intellisense.

Please guide for the setting that are required for this.

Thanks in advance

I m having a senerio where it is need to make a SOQL querry inside the FOR loop, but is increasing number of SOQL hits..
I m trying to use MAP but enable produce the required code... requesting to please guide/help me out for the same..



below is the code snippet...

public list<cNodes> getmainnodes()
   hierarchy = new list<cNodes>();
   List<Territory2> tempparent = [SELECT  Id, Name, ParentTerritory2Id, ParentTerritory2.Name from Territory2 order by ParentTerritory2.Name, Name];
   for (Integer i =0; i< tempparent.size() ; i++)
         List<UserTerritory2Association> tempchildren = [SELECT  Id, Territory2.Name, User.Name, UserId from UserTerritory2Association where Territory2Id= :tempparent[i].Id order by Territory2.Name];
         hierarchy.add(new cNodes(tempparent[i],tempchildren));
   return hierarchy;

I simply want to take the Users/Vendors from ABCD.com(my website in Drupal PHP) and add them to Salesforce CRM so that I can send them emails (broken down by category) and keep up-to-date on their needs.. it’s a way for me to communicate and send them updates/blog entries

Please let know what Edition suits my requirements and reading details for every edition is confusing and there as large cost difference.

Thanks in Advance

I m looking for the basic for Entitlements and Service level agreements in salesforce
How they are different from each other ?

How to identify and understand these two terms..


thanks in Advance..

Basically looking for updating Product on real time on Shopify as I update here in SFDC.

Requesting please guide me, is this possible in SFDC,

might be something we can proceed with after update trigger on Product.



I have Attachment Floder size 772MB (having around 1124 files, all having size less then 5 MB),
I have created a CSV file for necassary mappings for  Name, ContentType,Body, OwnerId,ParentId and when uploading its gives the error as 
"Heap Size Error" made a solution for this as http://www.salesforcegeneral.com/salesforce-articles/salesforce-dataloader-heap-space-exception.html

then now its giving a new error as "Error: Maximum Size of Request Reached. Maximum Size of Request is 52428800 bytes"
I tried many thing to get this fixed but unable to proceed as desired...

Requesting to please help out for the right procedure to upload such a huge data into salesforce via dataloader.

thanks in advance

    <RecordType />
    <Account_Name__c>Test XML Account</Account_Name__c>
    <Comments__c>Deal Type: Ongoing Template; Reason for Deal: Text XML Generating</Comments__c>
    <Issued_Date__c />
    <Amount__c>55000</ Amount__c>
    <Analyst1__c />
    < Dept_Comments__c />
    < Invoice_No__c>4580</ Invoice_No__c>
    < Issued_Status__c>Pending</ Issued_Status__c>
    < Memo_No__c>33</ Memo_No__c>
    <f Type__c>Ongoing Template</f Type__c>
    <Customer_Address__c />
    <District__c>467 - Great Lakes</District__c>
    <ERP_Sold_To__c />
    <PO_No__c />
    <Product__c />
    <Quantity__c />
    <Rejection_Reason__c />
    <Stage__c />
    <UOM__c />
    <Uploaded_By__c />
    <RecordType />
    <Account_Name__c>Test XML Account123</Account_Name__c>
    <Comments__c>Deal Type: Ongoing Template; </Comments__c>
    <Issued_Date__c />
    <Amount__c>75000</ Amount__c>
    <Analyst1__c />
    < Dept_Comments__c />
    < Invoice_No__c>4582</ Invoice_No__c>
    < Issued_Status__c>Rejected</ Issued_Status__c>
    < Memo_No__c>35</ Memo_No__c>
    <f Type__c>Upgoing Template</f Type__c>
    <Customer_Address__c />
    <District__c>468 - Great Lakes</District__c>
    <ERP_Sold_To__c />
    <PO_No__c />
    <Product__c />
    <Quantity__c />
    <Rejection_Reason__c />
    <Stage__c />
    <UOM__c />
    <Uploaded_By__c />


I have above xml as a string to a ApexWebService called from an external .Net application,
it will have N number of Deal Records (in above I have 2 deal record), 
I have a Deal object here in the ORG.
I need to take these record out from XML string and create new Deal records...

Requesting to please guide me the way to Parse is XML with N number of Deal records and make new Deal Object 
as we can create a List Collection of Deal and insert all records from XML to database....

I need help for Parsing this XML to get the Deal record.



How to do Salesforce appexhange promotion ?

Requesitng to please let me know the ways I can promote an app in appchange..
is there any license or permission required to do so...

I have a Formula field named "Net Amount" (below is the formula for that)
based on record type I need to calcuated the "Net Amount"..

CASE ($RecordType.Name , 
"US Opportunity", Amount__c*0.62, 
"US Jobber Opportunity", Amount__c*0.62, 
"Authentication", Est_Opportunity_Volume__c*Est_Selling_Price__c, 
"US Opportunity - Approved", Amount__c*0.62,
"US Free Goods Opp" , Amount__c*0.62, 
"US Free Goods Opp - Approved" , Amount__c*0.62,
"US Lost Account" , Amount__c*0.62,
"AUS Record Type" , Amount__c * 12,
"US DuPont Legacy Opportunity" ,Amount__c * 0.62,
"DPC-AP" ,Amount__c * 12,
"IND-AP" , Amount__c / Contract_Duration__c,

Everthing works fine until "Contract_Duration__c" is not 0 (zero) or NULL
Even if the incoming RecordType not equal to "IND-AP" and "Contract_Duration__c" is null or 0
the result is #Error!

Requesting to please help me out how to set this..
as if the recordType not equal to "IND-AP" things should work...

thanks in advance

Not getting the desired code coverage, need a trick to play around with this
I have a VF page that is providing a custom button on Standard Opportunity Page layout, and 
a custom controller that handles the click event (a method)
Here is the VF page and part of controller code

VF page
<apex:page showHeader="false" standardController="Opportunity" extensions="ctrlMultiClone" action="{!createClone}" />


public PageReference createClone(){          
        oppid = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');

        if(oppid != null)
            List<Amenity_Billing__c> cons = new List<Amenity_Billing__c>();
            Opportunity opp = [SELECT ID, StageName, Profit_Center__c,CloseDate,Name,Notice_Status__c,AccountId, LeadSource, Rate_Type__c  FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = : oppid];
            Opportunity oppCopy = opp.clone(false,true);
            oppCopy.Name = oppCopy.Name +' '+ date.today(); 
            insert oppCopy;


Now when I  m running the functionlaity everything works as desired... i.e.
I click on Custom, it calls the method createClone() in custom controller, this line get the current opportunity Id of the page
oppid = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
and creates the clone....

But... when I m running created a code coverage I make a call to createClone() from test class..
as I have no way to pass this oppid when called from test class 

requesting to please guide me a way out get "oopid" while creating a test class

thanks in advance

I need to have a trigger on Accounts but getting stuck up in governor limits

As having the following scenario:
Parent Account has a related list that holds a list of child accounts for the respective parent account.
If a field named PortType is updated on Parent account, then this field is needed to be updated on all corresponding child accounts.

As I thought of creating a MAP (ID, Account), so as to fetch and update account from the MAP and then update them collecting in a list at once, but that did not work as Accounts records are too much that MAP is not able to hold and getting an error as MAP limit exceeds.

Getting following issues:

  1. Recursive update loop, as a child accounts are getting and a trigger is on account update.
  2. Account are many many, even if I think to take all account on a Map at once and execute, Map limit is getting exceeded as there are more then 500000 accounts in the ORG.

Please guide me how to process such bulk operations...

Apex Rest Callout GET Method with parameters 

I need to call a GET web service method that contains parameters to be passed along.
When I m calling that from POSTMAN with the access token,etc.. I m getting response
Postman Call

https://apiabcdef.test.abcdexyz.com/api/tcUser?Query=UserCode = 'USER_0706'

But when I m calling this from Apex it is giving a bad request error. code below

public static HttpResponse getUserIDFromTCheck(String token, string userCode) {       
    //JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(token); 
        HttpRequest httpReq = new HttpRequest();                                               
        httpReq.setEndpoint( 'https://apibibforceapi.test.tyrecheck.com/api/tcUser?Query=UserCode = \''+userCode+ '\' ');               
        httpReq.setHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/json' );    
        httpReq.setHeader( 'Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token );        
        Http http = new Http();         
        HttpResponse httpRes = http.send( httpReq );
     //System.debug('#test2 The status code returned from second service : ' + httpRes.getStatusCode() + ' :  ' + httpRes.getStatus());
return httpRes;  

this code gives error as  :
getStatusCode  : 400
getStatus : Bad Request

Please let me know is this the right way to call a GET third party webservice. 

I get the following error when downloading salesforce project to eclipse
"Could not find https://developer.salesforce.com/media/force-ide/eclipse45"
"Unable to connect to repository https://developer.salesforce.com/media/force-ide/eclipse45/compositeContent.xml
Unable to connect to repository https://developer.salesforce.com/media/force-ide/eclipse45/compositeContent.xml
Connection timed out: connect"

My salesforce credentials are 100% correct.
Eclipse Version: Oxygen Release (4.7.0)
Build id: 20170620-1800
Any help? Could you please provide step by step instructions please..
IDE Eclipse

I have two callout to some external web service [both are of type POST]
a) First one returns Token  (that is to be used in second callout)
I m able to call and get the token in Apex.

b) Second one creates a USER (I need to pass few details to this as to create user) 
Please guide me how to pass header with token and json string in Apex to create user.

Basically I have following insctructions, but I m not getting to how to use that in Apex to work properly 

Create user via POST to https://abcdef.com/api/tcUser

  Content-Type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer {{token recieved in step 1}}

body example (json):
      "Name": "USER_1314",
      "UserCode": "USER_1314",
      "UserState": true,
      "AllowApiLogin": true,
      "ShowHeaderToolTip": true,
      "CurrencyId": "e708dffd-ce3a-4c4e-a98a-48b67824c7f7",
      "LanguageId": "f57a2f60-233d-400f-9607-33c55bdff4fc",
      "UnitDistanceId": "30857154-f8e4-4e7b-86b5-ad9b5cd05835",
      "UnitPressureId": "1115140c-ddf9-4cfb-af4c-38fd21ddadc2",
      "UnitTemperatureId": "a61cfca0-ea07-49b4-a937-11c58b7cb24a",
      "UnitTreadDepthId": "b71e84a0-8702-4e3e-a421-daa9051f0d0c",
      "RoleId": "1a0b66be-ff35-4ca4-931f-00003985e261",
      "ContactEmail": "test@test_zoom.com"



I m using salesforce email service and have created a email parser(Controller) to extract the data from incoming email for a custom object.

Everything works with the default owner. But the requirement is to change the record owner. When the set the OwnerID to desired owner is gives the following error

"EXCEPTION_THROWN [548]|System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY, insufficient access rights on cross-reference id:"

Please let me know what I need to set to make the controller class change the Owner for this custom object.

Thanks in advance

I m using the following Eclipse version as IDE from force.com project

Eclipse Standard/SDK
Version: Kepler Release
Build id: 20130614-0229

But it is not showning intellisense for objects, not even for the standard objects.. it just diaplay "no proposals"
here is the snapshot for the same
no intellisense

but when I save the code...it connects to the ORG and updates the code in the org if everything is correct else it throw the error..
but there is no intellisense.

Please guide for the setting that are required for this.

Thanks in advance

I m having a senerio where it is need to make a SOQL querry inside the FOR loop, but is increasing number of SOQL hits..
I m trying to use MAP but enable produce the required code... requesting to please guide/help me out for the same..



below is the code snippet...

public list<cNodes> getmainnodes()
   hierarchy = new list<cNodes>();
   List<Territory2> tempparent = [SELECT  Id, Name, ParentTerritory2Id, ParentTerritory2.Name from Territory2 order by ParentTerritory2.Name, Name];
   for (Integer i =0; i< tempparent.size() ; i++)
         List<UserTerritory2Association> tempchildren = [SELECT  Id, Territory2.Name, User.Name, UserId from UserTerritory2Association where Territory2Id= :tempparent[i].Id order by Territory2.Name];
         hierarchy.add(new cNodes(tempparent[i],tempchildren));
   return hierarchy;

I m looking for the basic for Entitlements and Service level agreements in salesforce
How they are different from each other ?

How to identify and understand these two terms..


thanks in Advance..

Basically looking for updating Product on real time on Shopify as I update here in SFDC.

Requesting please guide me, is this possible in SFDC,

might be something we can proceed with after update trigger on Product.



Hi, I'm trying to do an Eclipse installation for the latest Force IDE from scratch following the directions on this page: http://wiki.developerforce.com/index.php/Force.com_IDE_Installation_for_Eclipse_3.4.x


Eclipse installed fine, but when I go to install the Force IDE package, I get this unrecoverable error:


"An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
  No repository found containing: org.eclipse.wst.html.ui/osgi.bundle/1.0.400.v200904292008"


Any ideas? Thanks. 

