• SKolakan
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I have a problem with my Java rest API request.
I would like to have the full JSON response, I explain.

For example, in Java, here is what I have for response code :

And for response message :
Bad request

Using something else, the code is the same but the message is :
Item designation/marking: data value too large: DECOR ENTIER \"COMMUNE DE CONTHEY+EAUX CLAIRES\" 400KN (max length=60)

This is what I would like to have in Java, using HttpURLConnection.

How can I do this ?

Thank you,
COFFIN Brandon
I just need to provide mock responses for the all the REST API's I'm developing and I'll be sendingmock=true in the request parameter. If mock=true, then it should bypass the logic in apex code and just send the response. what is the best way to achieve this?

What I'm doing right now is, I'm just looking for the mock parameter and if true, sending the response back. So I'm storing the dummy JSON in a variable to send it back. Is there any other approach?
  • July 18, 2016
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I am looking for a service that will do a one-time geocoding of all records of a particular Salesforce object, saving these gecoordinates into a cutom field on the record. Preferably, I would like to do this without having to export the Salesforce information, for example into a csv file. 

Does anyone know of a good app or service to do this? I have done some research myself but would like to look into as many options as possible. 
Hi all,  I'm working with a client who is implementing Docusign in Salesforce.  They would like to be able to have a contract administrator - user in Salesforce with Docusign license, send a docusign merged document to the Sales person and then have the Sales person be able to Host the signing.  Is this possible?  I can not come up with a solution on my own.  The button will be on the Opportunity.  The document should be emailed to the Opportunity Owner and then have the ability to have a signer 1 and signer 2 as well as the signing host/Sales person.  

I found this link:
but really cannot figure out how to customize it further to meet my requirements.    Thank you in advance.
I am getting maximum trigger dept exceeded error, because (1) Account After update trigger is updating opportunities (used in SF2SF updates)   (2) Opportunity After Update trigger is updating account information (internal sales process)

I used to have #2 scenario in workflow rules, that I have to move to trigger due to WF rule limit. I am using static variable but I am still getting this error. How can I identify/differentiate #1 and #2 scenario in Trigger and prevent this recursive calling.  Any suggestions?

Hi Folks,

I wanted to query metadata components( Fields, Objects, Validation Rules, Workflow Rules, Approval Process..etc) by using SOQL query in Apex. So, Could you please anyone check let me know do we have any workaround for this.

i'm just curious about whether is it possible by using Query or not.


When I call the api like this, https://xx.salesforce.com/services/data/v36.0/sobject/ I am getting an error like this
Please see the image for reference
User-added image

I m having a senerio where it is need to make a SOQL querry inside the FOR loop, but is increasing number of SOQL hits..
I m trying to use MAP but enable produce the required code... requesting to please guide/help me out for the same..



below is the code snippet...

public list<cNodes> getmainnodes()
   hierarchy = new list<cNodes>();
   List<Territory2> tempparent = [SELECT  Id, Name, ParentTerritory2Id, ParentTerritory2.Name from Territory2 order by ParentTerritory2.Name, Name];
   for (Integer i =0; i< tempparent.size() ; i++)
         List<UserTerritory2Association> tempchildren = [SELECT  Id, Territory2.Name, User.Name, UserId from UserTerritory2Association where Territory2Id= :tempparent[i].Id order by Territory2.Name];
         hierarchy.add(new cNodes(tempparent[i],tempchildren));
   return hierarchy;

I am not a developer, but managed to put together an email handler class. Most immediate question, how do I write a test for this so I can put in production? Next question, how do I parse so that I can grab everything between ";". For example, Status: Closed;  Priority:  Low. Thanks!

global class CaseUpdateEmailHandler implements Messaging.InboundEmailHandler {
  global Messaging.InboundEmailResult handleInboundEmail(
  Messaging.InboundEmail email,
  Messaging.InboundEnvelope envelope)
    String subject = email.subject;
    Pattern idPattern = Pattern.compile('500[A-Za-z0-9]{15}');
    Matcher matcher = idPattern.matcher(subject);
    if (!matcher.find()) System.assert(false, 'No Case Id in subject!');

 Case caset = [SELECT Status, Priority FROM Case WHERE Id = :matcher.group(0)];
  String[] emailBody = email.plainTextBody.split('\n', 0);
  String Status1 = emailBody[0].substring(7);
  String Priority1 = emailBody[1].substring(9);
  caset.Status = Status1;
  caset.Priority = Priority1;
    update caset;

    Messaging.InboundEmailresult result = new Messaging.InboundEmailResult();
    result.message = 'Case Status is now' + caset.Status; 
    return result;
I have what I call Employee Profiles in which each employee has currency fields which are the limits he/she can expense on a business trip. There is a field representing the dollar for their job title, and another field showing the user's dollar amounts. Their dollar limits may or may not be at the limit of their job title.

I am trying to create an Approval Process which will be submitted for a person to request an increase in an employee's limits. Sometimes the request may be above their current job title's limits, sometimes it may not be. I would like the Approval Process to be routed differently if the request is above the job title limit of the employee in question.

How can I put in the logic which will refer to the field on the object to see if the new requested limit is above the job title's limit ? As I see it, I can only put in actual numbers, not references to field values. 

Thank you.
  • December 17, 2015
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Has anyone every used Salesforce as an inventory managment system? Currently we manually count the amount of items we have in stock and starting next year, we are going to try to implement a bar code scanner system. All our products will ship with barcodes (as they previously didn't) and I was wondering what is the best way to scan the item into salesforce and make the count for that item/product go up by one for each object scanned. Currently in our salesforce account we do have an inventory count system that tell us how many of each product we have but it is manually changed when we received new products. I hope that Salesforce will automatically increase the count of the scanned object by one with a bar code system scanner. We have a barcode, but essentially no inventory control software. Should we purchase one from another third party company such as wasp, but it cannot integrate directly with salesforce (though it can produce CSV files)  or reprogram our salesforce account with code to increase the count of the object scanned directly on Salesforce. Thanks for any help!
I am attempting to use the Email Service address for Replies to certain Email Alerts. But we are unable to use Email Service addresses as Org-Wide addresses, and therefore we cannot use them as the From address on an Email Alert. 

I was going to set up Forwarding in another legitimate email address to be sent to the Email Service address to solve this. I'm using Gmail. But when a Forwarding address is named the system insists on sending a confirmation email to the address named as the Forwarding recipient. Since it's an Email Service address I don't know how to do this. 

Does anybody have any advice on how to accomplish this with an Email Service ? 

Thank you.
  • December 15, 2015
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Hi, I need to create a custom buton (Detail Page Button/OnClick Java script) on opportunity page. When user clicks on custom button, all the opportunity records which have parent has current opportunity has to be submitted for approval. (I have cretaed a custom opportunity lookup field parent_opportunity__c on opportunity object). I have developed below java script to submit multiple child records to approval process. I see that only last record in the loop is getting submitted and the rest of the records are not submitted for approval process. what is missing here? What fix is required in below code.

var result3 = sforce.connection.query("Select id,name From Opportunity o WHERE o.Parent_Opportunity__c = '{!Opportunity.Id}'");

var newOpp3 = result3.getArray("records");

for (var i=0; i<newOpp3.length; i++) {
  var temp = newOpp3[i];
  var opptyId = temp.Id;
  window.location.href = "/p/process/Submit?retURL=/" + opptyId + "&id=" +      
  alert(temp.Name + " -- "  + temp.Id + opptyId );

Hi Guys, Is it possible to change a picklist value in a custom object when a user sends an email to a particular email address something like that instead of logging into salesforce and change the status?
I created a new section on the Account object that uses a Visualforce page because the out of the box sections are limited to two columns and I needed three.  But now users cannot modify the fields displayed in the section.  Is there somethiung I missed in the code?

<apex:page standardController="Account">
   <apex:form >
      <apex:pageBlock >
              <apex:pageBlockSection columns="3" collapsible="true">
                <apex:outputLabel ><strong> </strong></apex:outputLabel>
                <apex:outputLabel ><strong><U> Modules </U></strong></apex:outputLabel>
                <apex:outputLabel ><strong><U> Champion </U></strong></apex:outputLabel>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.modulePO_504__c}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.moduleActive_504__c}"/>
                <apex:outputLabel > Rudy </apex:outputLabel>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.modulePO_Cafeteria__c}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.moduleActive_Cafeteria__c}"/>
                <apex:outputLabel > Jacquie, Charles </apex:outputLabel>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.modulePO_Gradebook__c}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.moduleActive_Gradebook__c}"/>
                <apex:outputLabel > Linda C. </apex:outputLabel>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.modulePO_IRS__c}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.moduleActive_IRS__c}"/>
                <apex:outputLabel > Rudy </apex:outputLabel>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.modulePO_LessonPlanner__c}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.moduleActive_LessonPlanner__c}"/>
                <apex:outputLabel > Linda C. </apex:outputLabel>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.modulePO_Notification__c}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.moduleActive_Notification__c}"/>
                <apex:outputLabel > Stacy </apex:outputLabel>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.modulePO_ParentPortal__c}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.moduleActive_ParentPortal__c}"/>
                <apex:outputLabel > Stacy </apex:outputLabel>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.modulePO_StudentPortal__c}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.moduleActive_StudentPortal__c}"/>
                <apex:outputLabel > Stacy </apex:outputLabel>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.modulePO_SGO__c}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.moduleActive_SGO__c}"/>
                <apex:outputLabel > Lindsey, Tracy </apex:outputLabel>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.modulePO_SIS__c}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.moduleActive_SIS__c}"/>
                <apex:outputLabel > Kim </apex:outputLabel>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.modulePO_SLIM__c}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.moduleActive_SLIM__c}"/>
                <apex:outputLabel > Larry </apex:outputLabel>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.modulePO_SpecialEd__c}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.moduleActive_SpecialEd__c}"/>
                <apex:outputLabel > Kenton, Kellee </apex:outputLabel>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.modulePO_StaffEvaluation__c}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Account.moduleActive_StaffEvaluation__c}"/>
                <apex:outputLabel > Lindsey, Tracy </apex:outputLabel>
Hello all! We need to create a reportable field that will count the number of days between opportunities in a single account. This field will need to be placed at the opportunity level and once the number is calculated, it cannot change. We are looking for some help from a developer to help create the code, as we no longer have developer support on payroll (and my knowledge of Apex is only in reading, not practice). Suggestions??

Here is an example of what we need:

Account A has 3 Opportunities, A, B, & C.
Opp A was ordered on 6/24/2014
Opp B was ordered on 7/1/2014
Opp C was ordered on 7/5/2014

Opp B needs a field that will report the number of days between it and Opp A. Opp C needs a field that reports the number of days between it and Opp B. I then need to be able to run a report on said field in the future.

Thanks for your all of your time!!!
Hi All,

I'm trying to figure out how to total the count of various DisplayMerchandise objects I have contained in a Map. I need to scan all DisplayMerchandise in the cart Map and total the counts.

public virtual class StoreFront2 {

 List<DisplayMerchandise> products;
    Map<Id, DisplayMerchandise> cart;


public PageReference buy(){
        List<Merchandise__c> toMerch = new List<Merchandise__c>();
        List<Merchandise__c> updateMerch = new List<Merchandise__c>();
        if(ct != null && cart !=null ){
            for(Decimal i=0; i < cart.size(); i++){
            insert ct;
            for(ID merch:cart.keySet()){
               toMerch = [SELECT id, name FROM Merchandise__c WHERE id = :merch];
                for(Merchandise__c mer:toMerch){
                    mer.Purchases__c = ct.id;
            update updateMerch;
        return null;     

public Map<Id, DisplayMerchandise> getCart() {
        if(cart == null){
            cart = new Map<Id, DisplayMerchandise>();
            incart = false;
        return cart;
    public class DisplayMerchandise {
        public Merchandise__c merchandise{get; set;}
        public Decimal count{get; set;}
        public Decimal tempCount{get;set;}
        public DisplayMerchandise(Merchandise__c item){
            this.merchandise = item;

    public List<DisplayMerchandise> getProducts() {
        if (products == null){
            products = new List<DisplayMerchandise>();
            for (Merchandise__c item :
            [SELECT id, name, description__c, price__c
            FROM Merchandise__c
            WHERE Total_Inventory__c > 0]) {
            products.add(new DisplayMerchandise(item));
        return products;

<apex:page controller="StoreFront2" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" >
    <apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.styles)}"/>
    <h1>Confirm Page</h1>
  <apex:form >
      <apex:outputPanel id="changem">
      	<apex:pageBlock id="thePageBlock" rendered="{!flag}">
          		Find Existing Contact <apex:inputField required="false" value="{!ct.Purchases__c}" ></apex:inputField> <br/> <br/>
          <apex:outputPanel >
          <apex:pageBlock >
              Find Existing Buyer<Apex:actionRegion ><apex:inputCheckbox value="{!flip}" ><apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="changem,change2" action="{!doShow}" status="StatusChange"/><apex:actionStatus startText=" Updating Page" id="StatusChange"/></apex:inputCheckbox></Apex:actionRegion><br/>
      <apex:outputPanel id="change2" >
      <apex:pageBlock rendered="{!flag2}">
          	First Name: <apex:inputText title="First Name" value="{!ct2.FirstName}"/><br/>
          	Last Name: <apex:inputText title="Last Name" value="{!ct2.LastName}" /><br/>
          Email Address: <apex:inputText title="Email Address" value="{!ct2.Email}"/><br/>
          Account: <apex:inputField value="{!ct2.Accountid}"/>
     <apex:dataTable id="cart" value="{!cart}" var="carti" rowClasses="odd,even">
   <apex:column headerValue="ID" rendered="false">
       <apex:outputText value="{!cart[carti].merchandise.Id}" >
          <apex:column headerValue="Product">
              <apex:outputText value="{!cart[carti].merchandise.name}">
          <apex:column headervalue="Price">
              <apex:outputText value="{!cart[carti].merchandise.price__c}" />
          <apex:column headerValue="#Items">
              <apex:outputText value="{!cart[carti].count}"/>
      <apex:commandButton action="{!back}" value="Back"/>
      <apex:commandButton action="{!buy}" value="Buy" rendered="{!incart}" />

I wrote a trigger and a test class for it. The code coverage is 83% in the sandbox. When I try to roll it out, however, I get an error saying my code coverage is only 65% and that I can't deploy. I'm not sure why this is happening...

User-added image

Don't understand why my coverage changes when I go from the sandbox to deployment. I'm someone could help me figure this out, I'd appreciate it. Thanks
So i have a batch job that is scheduled to run at 5am and at 9am. I would like to change the scheduled job that runs at 9am to 5pm. Both jobs use the same class so not sure how to update it so i can reschedule the 9am batch run to 5pm. Any help is greatly appreciated. I can provide details if needed.

Ive read some post but still unclear if i can reschedule and if a new class needs to be written in order to do this.
I am trying to get device's Lat and Long using HTML5 geo location api in a Visualforce page. The code is pretty simple and reads location on desktop browser, iPhone salesforce1 app, iPhone's safari browser, iPad's safari browser but just does not work on iPad's Salesforce1 app

I tested it with iPad2 with iOS(8.1.2) and iPad air with iOS(8.1.2). it does not work on either of them when I am using Salesforce1 app.

Here is the code
<apex:page sidebar="false" showheader="false" standardController="Account"  docType="html-5.0">
    function initialize() {     
        var lat, lon;          
         // Call getCurrentPosition method if geolocation object exists
         if (navigator.geolocation) {                               
    //success callback
    function onSuccess(position){                    
         lat = position.coords.latitude;
         lon = position.coords.longitude; 
         alert('lat:' + lat + ' lon: ' + lon); 
    //error callback
    function onError(err){
    <body style="font-family: Arial; border: 0 none;" onload ="initialize()" >

Just to add more info and if it makes sense, here is iPad's safari user agent: 
Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_1_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12B440 Safari/600.1.4

Here is iPad Salesforce1 app's user agent: 
iPhone OS/8.1.2 (iPad) Salesforce1/7.0.1(3002938) XBranding/1.0 SalesforceTouchContainer/2.0 Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_1_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/12B440 (400081632)

I was wondering if anyone experienced similar behaviour or if any one was able to read device locaiton on iPad using salesforce1 app.
Hi All

I have written a class for cloning parent,child and grand child ..(Quote--QuoteLine Item  and QuoteLineItem--ProductLineitem).Its working in only on parent and child,not on grand child..
public class CloneQuoteLineItems_AC {
    public static String getCloneQuote(String oldId) {
        system.debug('recordId: ' + oldId);
        // Initialize setup variables
        String objectName = 'Quote__c';
        String query = 'SELECT';
        Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> objectFields = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objectName).getDescribe().fields.getMap();
        // Grab the fields from the describe method and append them to the queryString one by one.
        for(String s : objectFields.keySet()) {
            query += ' ' + s + ',';
            query = query.removeEnd(',');    
        // Add FROM statement
        query += ' FROM ' + objectName;
        // Add on a WHERE/ORDER/LIMIT statement as needed
        query += ' WHERE Id =  \''+ oldId +'\'  LIMIT 1';
        system.debug('Final Query: ' + query);    
        Quote__c oldQuote = database.query(query);
        Quote__c newQuote = oldQuote.clone(false, false, false, false);
        insert newQuote;   
        System.debug('new quote: '+newQuote);
        List<Quotation_Line_Item__c> qliList = new List<Quotation_Line_Item__c>();
        for(Quotation_Line_Item__c qli : [SELECT Id, 
                                          Basic_Unit_Price__c FROM Quotation_Line_Item__c WHERE Quote_Name__c = :oldQuote.Id]) {
                                              system.debug('product List = ' + qli);
                                              system.debug('new Quote Id = ' + newQuote.Id);
                                              Quotation_Line_Item__c newQLI = qli.clone(false, false, false, false);
                                              newQLI.Quote_Name__c = newQuote.id;
        system.debug('newProdList ' + qliList);
        List<Quote_Product_Line_Item__c> qpliList = new List<Quote_Product_Line_Item__c>();
        for(Quote_Product_Line_Item__c qpli : [SELECT Id, Name, Size__c, Basic_Unit_price__c
                                                                    Total_Price__c,Type__c, Quote__c
                                                                    FROM Quote_Product_Line_Item__c WHERE Quote__c= :oldQuote.Id]) {
                                              system.debug('product List = ' + qpli);
                                              system.debug('new Quote Id = ' + newQuote.Id);
                                              Quote_Product_Line_Item__c  newQPLI = qpli.clone(false, false, false, false);
                                              newQPLI.Quote__c = newQuote.id;
        system.debug('newProdList ' + qpliList);
        return newQuote.id;

Is it possible to have the user get an email, everytime they log into Salesforce?  If so How?
Hello I am a salesforce administrator and we need salesforce to send realtime updates to update another system called FileMaker Pro.  The filemaker developer is asking the following;

"Filemaker 16 has been released now and comes with a super simple restful API where Salesforce can literally send a https request XML file and update or create records instantly in the Filemaker. The question is how to create XML files and send https requests via Salesforce – do you know, I can define the format for you? I ideally want it to run the request on save for example so any fields which filemaker needs it gets instantly.

I have a problem with my Java rest API request.
I would like to have the full JSON response, I explain.

For example, in Java, here is what I have for response code :

And for response message :
Bad request

Using something else, the code is the same but the message is :
Item designation/marking: data value too large: DECOR ENTIER \&quot;COMMUNE DE CONTHEY+EAUX CLAIRES\&quot; 400KN (max length=60)

This is what I would like to have in Java, using HttpURLConnection.

How can I do this ?

Thank you,
COFFIN Brandon
I have several Related Lists which are on the Page Layout for Account.  I would like to programatically add an additional Related List to the Page Layout for Account through Apex alone.  Is that possible?
When a checkbox field is 'true' want to automate the sending of a docusign. I know all the logic can be included in javascript for a custom button. Can you do the same for process builder or workflow? Can you use javascript? Or is there another way to automate this process?
Hi everyone,

I am trying to integrate my SalesForce and AWS accounts in order to move files I have stored in SalesForce into AWS. Is there a method for doing this?

Thank you!
Hi, I need to have NPSP 3 installed in my developer edition so I can follow the non-profit trails in Trailhead.  How do I go about this? My developer edition org ID is (00D50000000bma1).

Thank you!
I just need to provide mock responses for the all the REST API's I'm developing and I'll be sendingmock=true in the request parameter. If mock=true, then it should bypass the logic in apex code and just send the response. what is the best way to achieve this?

What I'm doing right now is, I'm just looking for the mock parameter and if true, sending the response back. So I'm storing the dummy JSON in a variable to send it back. Is there any other approach?
  • July 18, 2016
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I am looking for a service that will do a one-time geocoding of all records of a particular Salesforce object, saving these gecoordinates into a cutom field on the record. Preferably, I would like to do this without having to export the Salesforce information, for example into a csv file. 

Does anyone know of a good app or service to do this? I have done some research myself but would like to look into as many options as possible. 

When I tried to connect to Salesforce from Tableau I'm getting an arror for the below reason :

"API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG: API is not enabled for this Organization or Partner"

Help would be greatly appreciateed !

Thanks !

I don't have much developer or coding knowledge.
How can I prevent lead conversion whenever this lead has no activity with the custom field conversation__c checked ?

Appreciate it.
Hi all,  I'm working with a client who is implementing Docusign in Salesforce.  They would like to be able to have a contract administrator - user in Salesforce with Docusign license, send a docusign merged document to the Sales person and then have the Sales person be able to Host the signing.  Is this possible?  I can not come up with a solution on my own.  The button will be on the Opportunity.  The document should be emailed to the Opportunity Owner and then have the ability to have a signer 1 and signer 2 as well as the signing host/Sales person.  

I found this link:
but really cannot figure out how to customize it further to meet my requirements.    Thank you in advance.
I have a requirement to capture the approval process comments on a custom field we just have one step for approval process. Can some one guide me to achieve the same.
  • December 29, 2016
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