• surekha K
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  I want to add the styles for text and alert window.

The below code is showing like normal window.Now i want to add some styles for that.
Can anyone please help on this.

<apex:page standardController="Opportunity">
  <apex:form >
          window.document.onload = new function(e)
              if({!Opportunity.StageName=='Order Won' }){     
                alert("Please re-check the opportunity data once, ensuring all the fields are filled to the best of your knowledge.\n\nYour corrections here can significantly improve our Sales insights (win-loss etc.)");

Many Thanks

Hi All,

We have a requirement to display popup window on the edit page(before click on save button) on opportunity Standard page based on selection of particular picklist value.

Can anyone aware on this requirement.Please sugest me how to overcome from this scenario.

Many Thanks in Advance,

Hi All,

I want to update opportunity dump if we update obviously change the Last modified Date.
But i dont want to new change on Last Modified Date.
I want to keep previous Lsat Modified Date.Is there any chance to keep previous LMD.
If we raise case to salesforce they will any help to do on this.

please let me know if u face this previously.Its very urgent to me...

Thanks in Advance.

Hi All,

    I want to send email reminders to the opportunity owner and his manager if the opportunity was not changed since 30 days with the condition Opportunity: StageNOT EQUAL TO Order Won AND Opportunity: StatusEQUALSActive.

First email reminder on 30 Days after Last Modified Date.
Second email reminderon 37 Days after Last Modified Date.
Third Email reminder on 44 Days after Last Modified and also 'Status Field' should be updated as a value 'dropped'.

If i go for workflow it will not effect on the existing records it only fire newly creating and edit records.
But i dont want to update the existed records if i update the existed records the last modified date will change so the actual data will change.Is this best approach to go for Batch Class?

If it is correct then how to solve.... I'm not aware on that batch class clearly.
Can any one help me on this please..Actually its little bit urgent also..

Actually i have 112 records with the Last Modified Date before July 8th(on this some records also passed 44 days also) and from 9th July to 9th Aug 603 records was there.And how  to appoach for this and what about for newly creating records?Workflow is not required for newly creating records?Batch apex is taking care of newly creating records also?

This is my scenario...Can anyone help me on this if you have awareness and already faced this issue.

Thanks in Advance.

Hi All,

   I have a scenario, I want to send an email alert for the opportunity owner if the opportunity was not updated since 30 days based on Last Modified Date.I was given Evaluation Criteria and Rule Criteria as below.

Evaluation Criteria: Evaluate the rule when a record is created, and any time it’s edited to subsequently meet criteria
Rule Criteria: (Opportunity: StageNOT EQUAL TO Order Won) AND (Opportunity: StatusEQUALSActive)

And I used 3 email alerts and one field update.
First email alert on 30 Days after Last Modified Date.
Second email Alert on 37 Days after Last Modified Date.
Third Email Alert on 44 Days after Last Modified and also 'Status Field' should be updated as a value 'dropped'.

My problem is it is only working for newly created and edited records.
Its not working for existing records.
If I edit and save all the opportinities the last modified date will change.But I dont want to do like this.Without touching the records i want to fire this workflow.

Or else is there any other way to send email alert to the oportunity owner.
If any one aware on this please let me know as soon as possible.

Thanks in Advance

Hi All,

We have a requirement to display popup window on the edit page(before click on save button) on opportunity Standard page based on selection of particular picklist value.

Can anyone aware on this requirement.Please sugest me how to overcome from this scenario.

Many Thanks in Advance,


  I want to add the styles for text and alert window.

The below code is showing like normal window.Now i want to add some styles for that.
Can anyone please help on this.

<apex:page standardController="Opportunity">
  <apex:form >
          window.document.onload = new function(e)
              if({!Opportunity.StageName=='Order Won' }){     
                alert("Please re-check the opportunity data once, ensuring all the fields are filled to the best of your knowledge.\n\nYour corrections here can significantly improve our Sales insights (win-loss etc.)");

Many Thanks

Hi All,

We have a requirement to display popup window on the edit page(before click on save button) on opportunity Standard page based on selection of particular picklist value.

Can anyone aware on this requirement.Please sugest me how to overcome from this scenario.

Many Thanks in Advance,

Hi All,

   I have a scenario, I want to send an email alert for the opportunity owner if the opportunity was not updated since 30 days based on Last Modified Date.I was given Evaluation Criteria and Rule Criteria as below.

Evaluation Criteria: Evaluate the rule when a record is created, and any time it’s edited to subsequently meet criteria
Rule Criteria: (Opportunity: StageNOT EQUAL TO Order Won) AND (Opportunity: StatusEQUALSActive)

And I used 3 email alerts and one field update.
First email alert on 30 Days after Last Modified Date.
Second email Alert on 37 Days after Last Modified Date.
Third Email Alert on 44 Days after Last Modified and also 'Status Field' should be updated as a value 'dropped'.

My problem is it is only working for newly created and edited records.
Its not working for existing records.
If I edit and save all the opportinities the last modified date will change.But I dont want to do like this.Without touching the records i want to fire this workflow.

Or else is there any other way to send email alert to the oportunity owner.
If any one aware on this please let me know as soon as possible.

Thanks in Advance

Hi and thanks in advance.

Requirement: I need tips on a trigger to create a task and assign it to a related user on the Quote object.  It should happen when a quote enters the intial submittal.

Has anyone done this using Apex or vf?
