• Vinicius Z
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Hello all,

I am having an issue when creating a Package Version with code that deals with AccountTeamMembers. It works fine in scratch orgs, but when running sfdx force:package:version:create, it gives me the following
BatchProcessCliente: Invalid type: AccountTeamMember

Offending code is as plain as 
AccountTeamMember newMember = new AccountTeamMember();

That is, package generation is completely ignoring the existance of Account Teams.

I have features and settings in my project-scratch-def.json like so
"features": ["ServiceCloud", "SalesCloud"],
    "settings": {
        "orgPreferenceSettings": {
            "s1DesktopEnabled": true,
            "chatterEnabled": true,
            "s1EncryptedStoragePref2": false,
            "translation": true
            "enableAccountTeams": true
        "opportunitySettings": {
            "enableOpportunityTeam": true
        "orderSettings": {
            "enableOrders": false

Is it documented anywhere that account team aren't supported in Second Generation Packaging? Am I missing something here?

Thanks in advance

Hello all, 

I tried to migrate a custom object and its trigger from my "happy soup" to an unmanaged package to use it with SFDX. Since I had some code refactoring to do beforehand, I created a sandbox from production with the object and its trigger.
I refactored, created an unmanaged package from the sandbox, created an SFDX project out of its metadata and uploaded the package successfully in that sandbox (hooray!)

Problem is, I can't install that package version in my other sandboxes because "A component in the package conflicts with an existing component, please rename it". Well, of course it does, since in order to create a package from my happy soup, it was in the soup to begin with!
How does one deal with that? How can my sandbox understand that. by installing this package, I'm packaging its current metadata and not creating new metadata with conflicted naming?

I hope it's clear and I can clarify further if it isn't, thank you all for your time!

Hi all,

I have an error that is thrown whenever I have a Visualforce page open on Salesforce1 and tab to another application on my phone.
Upon resuming the Salesforce1 app, it presents an error message that goes:
Access Check Failed! 
EventService.getEventDef():'markup://native:appresumed' is not visible to 'undefined'.

That happens even when resuming a blank VisualForce page with no controller. Could it be any settings on the Saleforce1 app that we are missing? Any help or related experiences will be thoroughly appreciated.

I am new at force.com dev and I am working in a project that need to do one trigger after insert that works like this:

I will add an Opportunity, that have a field called "Contact by" (Multi-select picklist, values: email, phone), when value is email, The trigger will create a TASK and the field Subject of task get value of "Contact by" and ActivityDate get today + 5 days.

I know that work with workflows and its the best pratices, but I want to make this on a trigger, could you help me ?
I am new at force.com dev and I am working in a project that need to do one trigger after insert that works like this:

I will add an Opportunity, that have a field called "Contact by" (Multi-select picklist, values: email, phone), when value is email, The trigger will create a TASK and the field Subject of task get value of "Contact by" and ActivityDate get today + 5 days.

I know that work with workflows and its the best pratices, but I want to make this on a trigger, could you help me ?