• KRay
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I have something like this for a nice Title to my pageblock:

<apex:pageBlock id="appPageBlock" title="Application for : {!application.FirstName__c} {!application.MiddleName__c} {!application.LastName__c}">  

with some buttons like this one:
            <apex:commandButton value="Save and Continue" style="...">
The only way i can change the font color on the Title is to use a facet for "header". However, when i do this, i lose my buttons....they just disappear.

Anyone have a trick as to how to change the font color without losing my buttons?
(I ONLY want to change the font color for my Title...nothing else on the page)

Thank you!


I was using above things to design my page. But lately becasue i activated lightning components, pageblocksection is not working for salesforce1.

I want to have layout like above. which can be best tags i could use so that it will work on salesfor1 and desktop browsers.

Exsisting issues i have are 
1) I am not able to set column width based on percentage of page.

2) if i remove pageblocksection, Columns attribute which was very imp for design, how can i have it 

3) what are best replacements for repeat and pageblockSection for salesforce1 or in genral

  • March 27, 2015
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Hi All, 
Is it possible to dynamically render design attributes based on the value of another attribute?  The purpose of this is to show different values within Lightning App builder based on the Admin's selection. 

For instance, let's say I have 2 Boolean attributes within the design bundle.  By default, attribute #2 isn't visible.  When attribute #1 is true, attribute #2 becomes visible, and vice versa. Is this possible within the DESIGN BUNDLE?
  • August 22, 2019
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HI Forum, 
I'm looking to exclude multiple FeedItemTypes from the Chatter Feed using the Chatter:Feed or Chatter:FeedWithFollowers elements.  From my research, Chatter:FeedWithFollowers doesn't have a property/method to exclude feedtItemTypes but there has to be a way to add the functionality.  I've posted a snippet of apex & visualforce code below.   The apex method returns a String of values but from the looks of it, I can only include or exclude a single string value using the Chatter:Feed element.  Help?!?
//Apex Snippet
public String getChatterTypes(){
        List<String> allTypes = new List<String>{

            //Excluding  EmailMessageEvent
          String availableValues = String.join(allTypes, ',');
          return availableValues;    
//Visualforce Snippet
<apex:page standardController="Case" extensions="redirectCaseController">

        <chatter:feed entityId="{!Case.ID}" feedItemType="{!ChatterTypes}" />

        <apex:detail />


  • October 11, 2017
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Hey Forum, 

I'm working with email-to-case and task creation when emails are received. Creating tasks when emails are received is simple, however, populating the "whatId" field is becoming a pain in my butt.  I want to populate the Task WhatId field using the contactID that's associated to the case.  This sounds pretty straightforward but the field isn't updating on insert.  Even, if I hardcode the Id, the field never updates.  Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

trigger TaskInsertTrigger on Task (after insert) {
	TaskTriggerHelper helper = new TaskTriggerHelper();

	if(trigger.isBefore && trigger.isInsert){


NOTE: This is NOT "bulkfied". I've stripped away ALL of the logic for testing purposes!
public class TaskTriggerHelper{

	public TaskTriggerHelper() {

	public void handleAfterInsert(List<Task> taskList){

		List<Task> tasksToUpdate = new List<Task>();

		for(  Task taskRecord : taskList ){
			taskRecord.WhatId = [SELECT ID, ContactId FROM CASE WHERE id = :taskRecord.WhatId].ContactId;
			taskRecord.Subject = 'This is a Test';

  • May 06, 2017
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Hey Forum,

I've created a visualforce page that displays a Parent(Parent__c) record with its only child record, Child__c.  My goal is to allow the user to update the child record if needed.  I'm able to display the child record but I've hit a road block when it comes to updating the child record. I've scaled the code back drastically but I'm unable to pass the values back to the controller.  I've read on several sites , it says to pass the data to a class variable then update it but the NEW values aren't being passed.  Can you help?
public class UpdateTheChild{

public Parent__c Parent;
public Child__c Child {get; set;}
public Integer childAge {get; set;}
public Id childId {get; set;}
public String childDOB {get; set;}

public void UpdateTheChild(ApexPages.standardController sc){
 this.Parent = (Parent__c)sc.getRecord();

public Parent__c getParent(){
 return Parent;

public Child__c getChild(){
Child__c onlyChild = [Select ID, Name, Age, DOB from Child__c WHERE ParentId = :Opportunity.Id limit 1];

return onlyChild;

public PageReference UpdateChild(){

//update Child;

Parent will have page block here
<apex:pageBlock >

<apex:pageBlockSection title="Child" columns="2" collapsible="false" showHeader="true">

<apex:outputField value="{!Child.Name}"/>
<apex:InputField value="{!Child.Age}"/>
<apex:InputField value="{!Child.DOB}"/>
<apex:commandbutton action="{!updateChildRecord}" value="Update" rerender="">

<apex:param name="childAge" value=" {!Child.Age}"  assignTo="{!childAge}"/>
<apex:param name="childId" value=" {!Child.Id}" assignTo="{!childId}"/>
<apex:param name="childDOB" value=" {!Child.DOB}" assignTo="{!childDOB}"/>




  • July 22, 2016
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Hey Guys, I'm having trouble creating a table with a sub header. I'd like to use standard visualforce components but I'm not sure its possible. Here's a sample image. Currently, I'm using a dataTable with a column header of "Main Header". I having trouble creating the "Sub Headers". I've tried to nest dataTables but I dont want to subHeader to repeat. Any and All feedback is welcome. Thanks
Example Table and Header
  • October 06, 2015
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Hey Forum, 
I've run into an issue with Safari and viewport. On page load, Safari doesn't recognize for code below. 
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0" />

I've also tried,
zoom: 1.0

I can set the zoom to infinity yet, nothing happens. The only time it works properly is when I refresh the page or change the device's orientation. I've reached out to support, they've come up short as well. Ideas?? Thoughts??
  • August 13, 2015
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Hello Everyone, 

Does anyone know of a way to access the Changeset class/object via Apex? I want to create a visualforce page/Apex Controller that can list ALL changesets in my org.
  • April 02, 2015
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Hi everyone, I'm having trouble with a test class. I'm passing a value to the target class variable but when the SOQL query executes, it returns "System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject". Please help

global class myClass{
public String AccountName{get;set;}
public Account accId{get;set;}
public String CNum{get;set;}

public VarsityAppInvoice(ApexPages.StandardController cAccount){         accId = (Account)cAccount.getRecord();         CNum = [Select Customer_Number__c FROM Account where id=:accId.id].Customer_Number__c;     }

   public Boolean getAccountStatus(){
     AccountName= [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Customer_Number__c=:CNum].Name;
        return false;
     } else {
        return true


global class myClassTest{
static myClass con = new myClass();

public myClass(){

    @isTest static void testGetAccountStatus(){
            Boolean results = con.getAccountStatus();


Even if I update con.CNum in the "testGetAccountStatus" method, I get the same error back, when the test runs. "System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject"

  • March 28, 2015
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Hi everyone, I'm running into a snag accessing a method from the extended the class. I receive the following error message,Error: action="{!setInfo}": Unknown method 'AccountStandardController.setInfo()'.

  I exteneded it because I want to be able to use (Account) object publisher action in SF1. Right now, I'm back tracking to find out what's wrong. I've stripped it down to the bare essentials, still errors out. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="MyControllerEXT" >
   <script type="text/javascript">
      function GoToNxtPg(num){



<button onlick="GoToNxtPg('101');">GO</button>
<apex:form >
    <apex:actionFunction action="{!setInfo}" name="sendDataToController" rerender="">
         <apex:param name="passInvoice" value="" assignTo="{!SelectInvoiceNumber}"/>

global with sharing class MyControllerEXT{
public String SelectInvoiceNumber{get; set;}
public MyControllerEXT(ApexPages.StandardController Account){
public void setInfo(String txt){

  • September 19, 2014
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Hi Everyone,

I'm running into multiple issues with Javascript Remoting. I'll tackle the first one and maybe that'll point me in the right direction to resolve the other(s). So far, I can remote js call my controller method but it returns undefined. I assume that the object on my controller isn't being properly called and/or defined. Any Help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

<!--WebService -->
<!-- Minimized version -->
public Class ExternalCarLot{

public class Car{
public String Model;

public ArrayOfCarModels{
      public ExternalCarLot.Car[] Cars;
public class SalesForceMobileSoap{
ExternalCarLot.ArrayOfCarModels FindCarByManu(String model){

<!-- Controller -->
public class CallWBSvc{

class Car{
    public String Model{ get; set;}

    public Car(String Model){
       this.Model= Model;   

public static List<Car> CarRunner(String C){
         List<Car> Storage = new List<Car>();
       ExternalCarLot.SalesForceMobileSoap callWebService = ExternalCarLot.SalesForceMobileSoap();

        ExternalCarLot.ArrayOfCarModels CarContainer = new ExternalCarLot.ArrayOfCarModels();

       CarContainer = callWebService.FindCarByManu(C);

            for(ExternalCarLot.Car tom: CarContainer.Car){
            Storage.add(new Car(tom.Model));
            return Storage;

<!-- VF Page -->
<apex:page controller="CallWBSvc">

        function FindStyle(){
       var UserModel = document.getElementById("ui").value;
                document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = result;      
<input id="ui" type="text" />
<button type="submit" onclick="FindModel()">FindModel</button>
<span id="test">THis Area</span>
  • September 12, 2014
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Good Evening Guys/Ladies, I've been banging my head with issue all day. I want to view specific fields from the Web Service, I can view the "bulk" data but I can't view let's say ONLY the make OR model fields using dot notation. I've posted a minimized/simplified verision of my code. Please help thanks 

Here's what it returns:
Cars:[Make=Lamborghini, Make_type_info=(Make, http://microsoft.com/webservices/, null, 0, 1, false), Model=Gallardo,Model_type_info=(Model, http://microsoft.com/webservices/, null, 0, 1, false)] Cars:[Make=Lamborghini, Make_type_info=(Make, http://microsoft.com/webservices/, null, 0, 1, false), Model=Aventador,Model_type_info=(Model, http://microsoft.com/webservices/, null, 0, 1, false)]

I want to return lets say, the "model" field only using {!Sale.model} on the visualforce page.

<!--WebService -->
<!-- Minimized version -->

public Class ExternalCarLot{

public  Car{
        public String Make;
        public String Model;

public ArrayOfCars{
      public ExternalCarLot.Car[] Cars;
public class SalesForceMobileSoap{
ExternalCarLot.ArrayOfCars FindCarByMake(String make){

<!-- Controller -->
public class CallWBSvc{

public List<ExternalCarLot.Car> getCars(){
   ExternalCarLot.SalesForceMobileSoap callWebService = ExternalCarLot.SalesForceMobileSoap();

   ExternalCarLot.ArrayOfCars CarStorage = new ExternalCarLot.ArrayOfCars();

   List<ExternalCarLot.Car> passBack = new List<ExternalCarLot.Car>();

   CarStorage = callWebService.FindCarByMake('Lamborghini');

for(ExternalCarLot.Car tom : CarStorage.Cars){
return passBack;

<!-- VF Page -->
<apex:page controller="CallWBSvc">

     <apex:repeat value="{!Cars}" var="Sale">
         <apex:outputText value="{!Sale}" /> 

  • August 11, 2014
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Hello ,I was trying to push lightning web component from VS Code.I am using command "SFDX: Push Source to Default Scratch Org" ,but everytime i am getting error ,sfdx force:source:push PROJECT PATH  ERROR N/A Not available for deploy for this API version. 
Any suggestion will be highly appretiated .
Thanks in Advance
HI Forum, 
I'm looking to exclude multiple FeedItemTypes from the Chatter Feed using the Chatter:Feed or Chatter:FeedWithFollowers elements.  From my research, Chatter:FeedWithFollowers doesn't have a property/method to exclude feedtItemTypes but there has to be a way to add the functionality.  I've posted a snippet of apex & visualforce code below.   The apex method returns a String of values but from the looks of it, I can only include or exclude a single string value using the Chatter:Feed element.  Help?!?
//Apex Snippet
public String getChatterTypes(){
        List<String> allTypes = new List<String>{

            //Excluding  EmailMessageEvent
          String availableValues = String.join(allTypes, ',');
          return availableValues;    
//Visualforce Snippet
<apex:page standardController="Case" extensions="redirectCaseController">

        <chatter:feed entityId="{!Case.ID}" feedItemType="{!ChatterTypes}" />

        <apex:detail />


  • October 11, 2017
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Hey Forum, 

I'm working with email-to-case and task creation when emails are received. Creating tasks when emails are received is simple, however, populating the "whatId" field is becoming a pain in my butt.  I want to populate the Task WhatId field using the contactID that's associated to the case.  This sounds pretty straightforward but the field isn't updating on insert.  Even, if I hardcode the Id, the field never updates.  Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

trigger TaskInsertTrigger on Task (after insert) {
	TaskTriggerHelper helper = new TaskTriggerHelper();

	if(trigger.isBefore && trigger.isInsert){


NOTE: This is NOT "bulkfied". I've stripped away ALL of the logic for testing purposes!
public class TaskTriggerHelper{

	public TaskTriggerHelper() {

	public void handleAfterInsert(List<Task> taskList){

		List<Task> tasksToUpdate = new List<Task>();

		for(  Task taskRecord : taskList ){
			taskRecord.WhatId = [SELECT ID, ContactId FROM CASE WHERE id = :taskRecord.WhatId].ContactId;
			taskRecord.Subject = 'This is a Test';

  • May 06, 2017
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I need a routine for import of child records to Contacts.  Custom fields for Custom Object and Contact have been created, and are config as External ID.  Import wizard only permits one child per parent and views any additional records as duplicates :(

Workflow/Validation rule won't work, as the field to update is LookUp to Contact.

Can I initiate a process from a view, to look up contact id based on matching values in the custom field?
IF (CustomObject__c.CustomField__c = Contact__r.CustomField__c) TRUE place Contact.ID in lookup field, FALSE leave generic contact ID inplace)
  • August 23, 2016
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Hey Forum,

I've created a visualforce page that displays a Parent(Parent__c) record with its only child record, Child__c.  My goal is to allow the user to update the child record if needed.  I'm able to display the child record but I've hit a road block when it comes to updating the child record. I've scaled the code back drastically but I'm unable to pass the values back to the controller.  I've read on several sites , it says to pass the data to a class variable then update it but the NEW values aren't being passed.  Can you help?
public class UpdateTheChild{

public Parent__c Parent;
public Child__c Child {get; set;}
public Integer childAge {get; set;}
public Id childId {get; set;}
public String childDOB {get; set;}

public void UpdateTheChild(ApexPages.standardController sc){
 this.Parent = (Parent__c)sc.getRecord();

public Parent__c getParent(){
 return Parent;

public Child__c getChild(){
Child__c onlyChild = [Select ID, Name, Age, DOB from Child__c WHERE ParentId = :Opportunity.Id limit 1];

return onlyChild;

public PageReference UpdateChild(){

//update Child;

Parent will have page block here
<apex:pageBlock >

<apex:pageBlockSection title="Child" columns="2" collapsible="false" showHeader="true">

<apex:outputField value="{!Child.Name}"/>
<apex:InputField value="{!Child.Age}"/>
<apex:InputField value="{!Child.DOB}"/>
<apex:commandbutton action="{!updateChildRecord}" value="Update" rerender="">

<apex:param name="childAge" value=" {!Child.Age}"  assignTo="{!childAge}"/>
<apex:param name="childId" value=" {!Child.Id}" assignTo="{!childId}"/>
<apex:param name="childDOB" value=" {!Child.DOB}" assignTo="{!childDOB}"/>




  • July 22, 2016
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I am tyring to figure out the easiest way to have a formula field pull from a picklist (state_c) and autopopulate with a region. I know I can use the CASE and ISPICKVAL formulas to accomplish this, however unless I am mistaken they do not take into account arrays of texts.  So do I have to input each picklist value and its corresponing value?

For instance, if this field wasn't a picklist I could use Contains formula and have something to effect of "CA:CO:WA", "West". Is there a way around having to write "West" for each of those 3 picklist values?
Hello I am trying to create a link to a child object on the parent object, so it is easy for the users who use Salesforce1 to create a new child object, the object has multiple record types. Child object create new URL is as follows 


I am having a hard time creating the hyperlink, Any help would be much appreciated. 
Hi Guys

I see there are a number of discussions on this issue but there seems to be very little by way of answers. In most of the discussions, the context is quite complex, so maybe thats what is stopping the answers from coming forth. My context is quite simple.

I have a single custom object which has only one process builder associated with it. The PB populates four fields in the object depending upon the information that users capture on-screen and it it obtains the information for the four fields from related objects. The PB has been working for some time, but yesterday I notoced that it was actually not applying the conditional logic properly and I attempted to fix it. Having done that, it started throwing up a Flow error when I saved a new record or changed an existing record. My immediate thought was that the problem must be in what I had changed, so I rolled back to the old version. The problem persisted, so a deactivated the PB, and it went away. I then created a whole new version of the PB from scratch as I could not see the error I had made and the problem came back. I then stripped the new PB down to the most simple version I could with only one decision box and an ID update and the problem persisted. I even tried deleting all the PB's on the object and also deleted everything in my Recycle Bin before rebuilding and its still having an issue. I have also tried setting Specified Changes to ticked and Recursion to No, just in case its looping itself to death... no luck.

Whats going on here?
Hi Team,

I have question about running report. In my org, I'm an admin. I created a report which want to show to the subordinate. I create a seperate folder for him. But when I login as him, he can't run my report and he has run report permission. I'm wondering is that the people in the lower position can not run the report which created by user who in the upper position? 
I am using metadata to deploy changes to my various environments. Since I have multiple BAs working in the same sandbox, they sometimes make field changes that do not need to be promoted to the other environments. In our package.xml, we are specifying every field in the CustomField section as opposed to doing a select all in the CustomObject. This provides a lot more granular control when we are merging to the different brances in our source control.

What I am noticing is that when i refresh my .object file, it is only grabbing the fields that are specified in my package.xml which I would expect. However, I notice that layouts seems to grab everything, including fields not specified in the package.xml. As you can imagine this causes issues because it now throws errors saying the CustomField does not exist.

Is this a defect in the metadata api? Or is there a workaround? Ideally i would not like to include some of these fields that potentially are POCs and not needed in Prod.

I am trying to set up Live Agent with a prechat-form. In this prechat form I have three fields: Name, Phone and Email.
In my org, I have an Asset object that stores phonenumber and accountId.

Via the code below, I want to query in Asset for the corresponding accountId that matches the customers phone value he/she inserted in the form. I would then be able to map the created case (at the bottom of code) with the correct Account. I also want to pop this account in the service console for the agent.

I do not have any other way to identify the account based on the customers input. The case scenario is that the customer is a end user, that only will relate to his own phone number tied to the account. (often doesnot not the customer no or similar).

Is this possible, to do a "relationship query" via the Asset object to identify the correct Account? Any other way I can work this out in the background?

Thanks for any help or suggestions!
<apex:page showHeader="false"> 
<!-- This script takes the endpoint URL parameter passed from the deployment 
  page and makes it the action for the form -->
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() { 
  function handlePageLoad() {
    var endpointMatcher = new RegExp("[\\?\\&]endpoint=([^&#]*)");
  if (window.addEventListener) {
    window.addEventListener('load', handlePageLoad, false);
  } else { 
    window.attachEvent('onload', handlePageLoad, false);
<h1>Pre-chat Form</h1> 
<form method='post' id='prechatForm'> 
      Full name: <input type='text' name='liveagent.prechat:FullNameDetail'
        id='customField1' /><br />
      Phone: <input type='text' name='liveagent.prechat:PhoneDetail'
        id='customField2' /><br />   
      Email: <input type='email' name='liveagent.prechat:EmailDetail'
        id='customField3' /><br />            

    <!-- Map the detail inputs to the Asset fields --> 
    <input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.findorcreate.map:Asset" value="Telephone_Number__c,PhoneDetail;" />

      <!-- Specify to query for a matching Asset record using Telephonenumber field based on
        the value of Phone-->
      <input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.findorcreate.map.doFind:Asset"
        value="Telephone_Number__c,true" />

      <!-- Return results only if there is an exact match of Email-->
      <input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.findorcreate.map.isExactMatch:Asset"
        value="Telephone_Number__c,true" />
      <!-- Look up the Account via the Asset record with AccountId-->

        <!-- Create a Case every time -->
    <input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat:caseOrigin" value="Chat" />
    <input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.findorcreate.map:Case" value="Origin,caseOrigin;FullName,FullNameDetail;Phone,PhoneDetail;Email,EmailDetail" />
    <input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.findorcreate.map.doCreate:Case" value="Origin,true;FullName,true;Phone,true;Email,true;" />
    <input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.findorcreate.saveToTranscript:Case" value="Case" />
    <input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.findorcreate.showOnCreate:Case" value="true" />
    <!-- Link the Account to the Case -->
    <input type= "hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.findorcreate.linkToEntity:Account" value="Case,AccountId" />

      <input type='submit' value='Request Chat' id='prechat_submit'/> 
<style type="text/css"> 
p {font-weight: bolder } 

Hi I have one requirement there are two objects like Account and Account coverage so here Account coverage is Child of Account I need to Auto follow Account Coverage records to the Account records by the created users please help me in this i am New to chatter related Thanks In Advance
  • August 27, 2015
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In my sandbox I am debugging a Web-to-Lead issue that has to do with the custom Lead trigger code. I have a trigger handler that gets called after lead insert. The handler does a few things like creating a new Account and Case record. When I run my lead test class all the tests pass and the records are created as expected. However when I do a test web-to-lead post, no errors are reported in the browser or in the debug log, but the records are not created. Some excerpts from the debug log that indicate that the records were created are:

    08:14:52.189 (189585256)|METHOD_ENTRY|[36]|01p18000000DBJy|LeadTriggerHandler.postProcessInsert(Lead)
    08:14:52.189 (189684839)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[41]|String.valueOf(Object)
    08:14:52.189 (189735694)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[41]|String.valueOf(Object)
    08:14:52.189 (189773735)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[41]|System.debug(ANY)
    08:14:52.189 (189787753)|USER_DEBUG|[41]|DEBUG|##*** New lead: 00Q18000001RfrzEAC
    08:14:52.189 (189797840)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[41]|System.debug(ANY)
    08:14:52.189 (189924877)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[46]|System.debug(ANY)
    08:14:52.189 (189952704)|USER_DEBUG|[46]|DEBUG|##*** lead status is open and Email is: jj@example.com 

The problem goes away if I uninstall the Salesforce for Social Media app. I can only assume there is some conflict between the managed app and my own custom lead trigger code, but how can I debug the conflict if the debug log report is not reliable?
<apex:inputField id="sla" value="{!Service_Sheet_STD__c.Order_Date__c}"/> This present one page.
When click the button this page open one vf page.

window.top.location.href ='/'+'{!Service_Sheet_STD__c.id}'+'/e?'+'retURL='+'{!Service_Sheet_STD__c.id}+"&sla="';  i have try this and
window.top.location.href ='/'+'{!Service_Sheet_STD__c.id}'+'/e?'+'retURL='+'{!Service_Sheet_STD__c.id}+"PageRefresh:Form1:complete_page_edit:j_id81:sla="'; with inspect element but not work.

This code present in that page. When  have to close automatically go previous page and clear the above input field using javascript url. In normal custom text field i get inspect element. but input field not work. if any one know reply me.



After removing the object level edit and delete permission from the profile. Still I am able to see the Action column in the related list. Is there is any way to remove this Action column?


In the VF I used the date format as YYYY-MM-dd in the 
<apex:outputText value="{0,date,YYYY/MM/dd}">
Before the last week of the year it was OK. When the new year falls in the  last week of Decemeber comes the issue.
For example
S   M  T  W Th F Sat
28 29 30 31 1   2 3

In the above calendar 1st Jan of 2015 falls in the Thurusday.So when I viewd the records of 28,29,30 of December 2014 It showed as

After that I came to know that
@"YYYY" is week-based calendar year.
@"yyyy" is ordinary calendar year.
