• Chris Thilgen 6
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I am doing the exercise in the "Lightning Components->Creating Components" module and the application is failing on Chrome (Mac)

I am at the step where I create the helloWorld LightningComponent and add it to the helloWorldApp LighteningApp - when I click Preview in Chrome I get the following error

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Launching the same code with Preview on Safari(Mac) works as expected.
Current values (see screenshots):
New Menu Item Name      Dialog Title
---------------------   -----------------------
Apex Class              New Class
Apex Trigger            New Apex Trigger
Visualforce Page        New Apex Page
Visualforce Component   New Apex Page Component
Static Resource         New Static Resource
Suggestions for correction:
New Menu Name           Dialog Title
---------------------   -----------------------
Apex Class              New Apex Class
Apex Trigger            New Apex Trigger
Visualforce Page        New Visualforce Page
Visualforce Component   New Visualforce Component
Static Resource         New Static Resource
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1. Launch Developer Edition from Trailhead sample
2. Create a new Visualforce Page (Setup, Develop, Pages, New)
3. Add a Label that contains spaces: "My New Page" and tab to the Name field
4. The Name field auto populates a value based on the Label - "My New Page" - Note that the auto-populate is not converting spaces to underscores.
5. Click Save - a Warning is presented that the Name field is invalid.

Expected the Name value to auto-populate with a valid value (as in other parts of the salesforce UI)

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1. Launch Developer Edition from Trailhead sample
2. Launch the Flow Designer (Setup, Create, Workflow and Approvals, Flows)
3. Click on New Flow
4. The Welcome to the Cloud Flow Designer splash screen appears with embedded videos.
5. On the right side of the dialog, select the second video entitled "Building a Simple Flow"
6. Press play. The video does not play and the user is presented with a standard YouTube "This video does not exist" error message.

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Website Extension Example includes ".co.uk" in the Error Message section (which the code does not actually check)

Under Deleting Custom Objects with Schema Builder section:

>> Schema Builder displays list of side effects when you try to delete a custom object.

should be

>> Schema Builder displays a list of side effects when you try to delete a custom object.

The instructions to “Click Show More Fields to display all the fields of an object.” is only relevant when an object has many fields - none of the objects created by the user at this point have enough fields for this to be displayed - suggest referring to a specific standard built-in object like Lead or Campaign that has this action.

In the challenge section - the 8th and 9th steps incorrectly show the API names with a capitalized ‘C’...

Start_Date__C and End_Date__C should be Start_Date_c and End_Date_c

In the Creating the Two Master-Detail Relationships section - item 2.b refers to the Websight object (which has not yet been created).

In the Creating the Two Master-Detail Relationships section - item 1.d refers to the Related List screen of the field creation wizard - however that screen is two "next" steps away in the wizard. This lead to confusion as this screen had not yet been encountered in the examples. Suggest adding some instructions to the end of 1.c instructing the user to click ahead in the wizard until the instructions in 1.d make sense.

In the Creating the Junction Object section - the third bullet point under #3 refers to the “custom tab wizard” - it is unclear to what this is referring.

Creating a Master-Detail Relationship section refers to using the Review and Job Application objects, but they have not yet been created by the previous steps (either in this module or the previous modules).
1. Launch Developer Edition from Trailhead sample
2. Create a new Visualforce Page (Setup, Develop, Pages, New)
3. Add a Label that contains spaces: "My New Page" and tab to the Name field
4. The Name field auto populates a value based on the Label - "My New Page" - Note that the auto-populate is not converting spaces to underscores.
5. Click Save - a Warning is presented that the Name field is invalid.

Expected the Name value to auto-populate with a valid value (as in other parts of the salesforce UI)

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