• Ken Chiba
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  • Staples Canada

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We have been experiencing odd behavior with the "Password Never Expires" capability on the profiles and I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same.
We have integrations built that access SFDC through the API.  We created separate user accounts and profiles for these integrations.  The integration profiles have been marked as "API Only" and "Password Never Expires".  We want to preserve the password considering this is an integration account.
For our regular users (non integration) we have established the password policies with "password expires 90 days".  Therefore, users are forced to change their passwords every 90 days.
Our integration user accounts have been getting the following error when trying to login using our integration or any other api application, such as the data loader:
Web service callout failed: WebService returned ­a SOAP fault:
INVALID_OPERATION_WITH_EXPIRED_PASSWORD: The user’s password has expired, You must call
SetPassword before attempting any other API operations
Although this error is produced when attempting to login through the integration account -- if the login history is viewed for this specific user, the history displays the login as "Successful".  In addition, we reset the password on the integration user account and the integrations continue to work ... for approx. 90 days then the same thing happens.  The same behavior happens in our sandbox environment.
I have contacted SFDC support but they do not seem to know what is causing this issue and their recommendation is to reset the password so they can monitor that account and see if it happens again.  It seems to me that the password policies are not adhering to the "password never expires" on the "API Only" integration accounts.
Please let me know if anyone has experienced the same behavior or has any additional information regarding this issue.
Thank you



  • January 12, 2009
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