• Javagal
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Hi I have a Web service class which is having an issue row lock contention . could you please suggest how to reduce  Concurrency of these requests.  Many thanks ..

 error Message : Too many DML rows: 10001

Global class BulkDelayProcessUtility {
  webservice static boolean BulkDelayExistingUtility(){
    boolean processCompleted=true;
    datetime dateNow=datetime.now();
    datetime cutoff=dateNow.addMinutes(-15);
    List<Id> delayReasonIds=new List<Id>();
    for(Delay_Reason__c dr: [select Id from Delay_Reason__c where CreatedDate < :cutoff]){
      catch(Exception ex){
        System.debug('Failed to delete existing Delay Reasons! ' +ex);
    return processCompleted;


Hi i am trying to write a trigger .

i have 1 Custom object and a Custom settings object.

i have a picklist field on custom object ( Description)  and a text field. on custom  setting i have code, description2 , column. if some one selected a picklist value in the desciption  i have to look in custom setting and populate the Code value in a text filed. i tried something. but not got enough solution any help will be appriciated.  i am sorry if i wrote my code in a not a good way.

trigger UpdateCode on Order_Note__c (before insert, before update) {

ServiceMax_Codes__c settings = ServiceMax_Codes__c.getInstance();
String  CT_CODE = settings.CT_CODE__c;
Set<String> NextActionSet = new Set<String>();
Map<String,Id> mapnextActionwithCode = new Map<String,Id>();

//List<ServiceMax_Codes__c> SMC= ServiceMax_Codes__c.getall().values();
String NAL = [SELECT CT_CODE__c FROM ServiceMax_Codes__c WHERE CT_DESCRIPTION__c IN ];
//Next_Action_New__cis a picklist value on custon object.
for (Order_Note__c obj: trigger.new){
          obj.Next_Action_Code__c = NAL ;

I need help with test class for the below trigger. some one please help me. Many thanks guys.
trigger UpdateCR on Case  (before update) {

        Map<String, Schema.RecordTypeInfo > caseRecordTypes = Case.sObjectType.getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName();

        Id recordTypeId = caseRecordTypes.get('US Cases Locked RT').getRecordTypeId();

         for ( Case c : Trigger.new) {

           if (c.CF_Tracking__c != null ){
              if( c.Status == 'Closed') {

                               c.RecordTypeId = recordTypeId;





Hi , I am Getting an error to the old code since we made some changes to the other classes. below is the test Stack Trace. Any help will be really appriciated.
Error Message System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101
Class.leadTriggerHandler.assignOwner:line 86, column 1
Class.leadTriggerHandler.onBeforeInsert:line 36, column 1
Trigger.LeadsTrigger: line 4, column 1
public without sharing class leadTriggerHandler {
     public static void onBeforeInsert(list<Lead> newLeads){
     list<Lead> leadsToProcess = new list<Lead>(); 
        for(Lead l : newLeads){
            /* Check if owner is already populated and not currentUser and zipcode is not null, Do_Not_Reassign__c is false
               only then drive the lead through custom assignment rule. */   
            if((l.OwnerId == null || l.OwnerId == userinfo.getUserId()) && l.Zip_Postal_Code__c != null 
                && (l.Products__c != null || l.Facility_Type__c != null)
                && (l.Do_Not_Reassign__c == null || l.Do_Not_Reassign__c == false)){
            }else if(l.Zip_Postal_Code__c == null || (l.Products__c == null && l.Facility_Type__c == null) ){
                //no ZipCode match (or) no product and no facility type -  assign the defaultleadOwner.
                l.OwnerId = SystemIdUtility.KCIUSUserId;
     public static void onBeforeUpdate(list<Lead> newLeads, map<Id,Lead> oldValuesMap){
     list<Lead> leadsToProcess = new list<Lead>(); 
        for(Lead l : newLeads){ 
            if(l.Zip_Postal_Code__c != null && 
               (l.Zip_Postal_Code__c!=oldValuesMap.get(l.Id).Zip_Postal_Code__c ||
     private static void assignOwner(list<Lead> leadList){
             set<String> leadZipCodeSet =  new set<String>();
             list<Lead> clonedLeadsToInsert =  new list<Lead>();
                 for(lead l : leadList){
                    if(string.valueOf(l.Zip_Postal_Code__c).length() > 5){
                 list<ZIP_Code__c> zipCodeList = [SELECT Name, Is_Active__c, KCI_Territory__c, 
                                                        KCI_Territory__r.Territory_Code__c, KCI_Territory__r.OwnerId 
                                                        FROM ZIP_Code__c 
                                                        where Name In :  leadZipCodeSet and Is_Active__c = 'Y'
                 for(Lead l : leadList){
                    set<Id> leadOwnerIdSet =  new set<Id>();
                    if(l.Products__c != null){
                        //Product is multiselect picklist and facility is single picklist. For each product and facility, get the JCA from the custom setting
                        for(String product : String.ValueOf(l.Products__c).split(';')){
                            String JCA = '';
                            for(Lead_Assignment_Settings__c las : Lead_Assignment_Settings__c.getAll().values()){
                                    if(l.Facility_Type__c != null && l.Facility_Type__c == String.ValueOf(las.Facility_Type__c)){
                                        JCA = String.ValueOf(las.JCA__c);
                                        system.debug('@@@ CS Product & FT -- ' + Product + ' -- ' + l.Facility_Type__c);
                                    }else if(l.Facility_Type__c == null && las.Facility_Type__c == null){
                                        JCA = String.ValueOf(las.JCA__c);
                                        system.debug('@@@ CS Product & FT --  ' + Product + ' -- ' + l.Facility_Type__c);
                            if(JCA != ''){
                                for(ZIP_Code__c zip : zipCodeList){
                                    if( zip.Name == string.valueOf(l.Zip_Postal_Code__c).left(5) && 
                                        zip.KCI_Territory__r.Territory_Code__c != null && zip.KCI_Territory__r.Territory_Code__c.startsWith(JCA)){
                            system.debug('@@@ Leads Product & FT -- ' + Product + ' -- ' + l.Facility_Type__c);
                            system.debug('@@@ JCA -- ' + JCA);
                            system.debug('@@@ leadOwnerIdSet -- ' + leadOwnerIdSet);
                    } else if(l.Products__c == null && l.Facility_Type__c != null){
                        String JCA = '';
                        for(Lead_Assignment_Settings__c las : Lead_Assignment_Settings__c.getAll().values()){
                            if(las.Product__c == null){
                                if(l.Facility_Type__c != null && l.Facility_Type__c == String.ValueOf(las.Facility_Type__c)){
                                    JCA = String.ValueOf(las.JCA__c);
                        if(JCA != ''){
                            for(ZIP_Code__c zip : zipCodeList){
                                if( zip.Name == string.valueOf(l.Zip_Postal_Code__c).left(5) && 
                                    zip.KCI_Territory__r.Territory_Code__c != null && zip.KCI_Territory__r.Territory_Code__c.startsWith(JCA)){
                    if(!leadOwnerIdSet.isEmpty() && leadOwnerIdSet.size() == 1){
                        // only one owner idendified for the lead based on product, facility type and zipcode combination
                        l.OwnerId = new list<Id>(leadOwnerIdSet)[0];
                        system.debug('>>>@@@ in lead owner Assignment - Owner = '+ l.OwnerId );
                    }else if(!leadOwnerIdSet.isEmpty() && leadOwnerIdSet.size() > 1){
                        //multiple owners identified, assign the first one to the current lead and create clones to assign to other owners.
                        list<Id> leadOwnerIdList = new list<Id>(leadOwnerIdSet);
                        for(integer i = 1; i < leadOwnerIdList.size(); i++){
                            Lead clonedLead = l.clone(false, true);
                            clonedLead.OwnerId = leadOwnerIdList[i];
                            clonedLead.Do_Not_Reassign__c = true;
                        l.OwnerId = leadOwnerIdList[0];
                        system.debug('>>>@@@ in multi lead owner Assignment - Owner = '+ l.OwnerId );
                        //no owner matching the criteria assign owner to KCI US User
                        l.OwnerId = SystemIdUtility.KCIUSUserId;
     catch(Exception e){



trigger LeadsTrigger on Lead (before insert, before update) {
	if(trigger.isInsert && trigger.isBefore){
	if(trigger.isUpdate && trigger.isBefore){
		leadTriggerHandler.onBeforeUpdate(trigger.new, trigger.oldMap);


 * Class Name	: LeadTriggerHandlerTest
 * Description	: Testr Class for LeadTriggerHandler.
private class LeadTriggerHandlerTest {
    public static Map<String,User> testUsersMap;

    static testMethod void leadOwnerAssignmentTest() {
        Lead testLead = new Lead();
	        // Test null or blank zip code - owner should be default lead owner KCI US User
	          testLead = createLead('ABThera','Acute','');
	          system.assertEquals(SystemIdUtility.KCIUSUserId, [select OwnerId from Lead where Id=:testLead.Id].OwnerId);
        	// loop through all combinations as configured in Lead Assignment custom setting and create leads with the sample values
        	for(Lead_Assignment_Settings__c las : Lead_Assignment_Settings__c.getAll().values()){
	        	testLead = createLead(String.ValueOf(las.Product__c),String.ValueOf(las.Facility_Type__c),'63000');
	        	if(Limits.getQueries() < Limits.getLimitQueries()-20){
	        		if(testUsersMap.get(String.ValueOf(las.JCA__c)) != null){	
	        						[select OwnerId from Lead where Id=:testLead.Id].OwnerId);
        	// update Lead and test Owner assignment.
        	testLead.Products__c = 'Ulta';
        	testLead.Facility_Type__c = 'Acute';
        	update testLead;
        	// Test multiple product
        	testLead = createLead('Specialty Dressing;GRAFTJACKET','Acute','63000');
        	// Test non matching zipcode - then Lead Owner assigned should be KCI US User
        	testLead = createLead('ABThera','Acute','99999');
        	system.assertEquals(SystemIdUtility.KCIUSUserId, [select OwnerId from Lead where Id=:testLead.Id].OwnerId);
    private static Lead createLead(String product, String facilityType, String zipCode){
    	Lead newLead = new Lead();
    	newLead.FirstName = 'FirstName';
    	newLead.LastName = 'LastName';
    	newLead.Email = 'test@kci1.com';
    	newLead.Products__c = product;
    	newLead.Facility_Type__c = facilityType;
    	newLead.Zip_Postal_Code__c = zipCode;
    	insert newLead;
    	return newLead;
    private static void setupTestData(){
		//get test users
		testUsersMap = new Map<String,User>();
		list<User> testTMVUsers=[Select Id,JCA__C, Employee_Id__c from User where IsActive=true and Employee_Id__c!=null and JCA__C='TMV' and Id !=:Userinfo.getUserId() limit 1];
		if(testTMVUsers!= null && testTMVUsers.size()==1){
		list<User> testTSVUsers=[Select Id,JCA__C, Employee_Id__c from User where IsActive=true and Employee_Id__c!=null and JCA__C='TSV' and Id !=:Userinfo.getUserId() limit 1];
		if(testTSVUsers!= null && testTSVUsers.size()==1){
		list<User> testSSMUsers=[Select Id,JCA__C, Employee_Id__c from User where IsActive=true and Employee_Id__c!=null and JCA__C='SSM' and Id !=:Userinfo.getUserId() limit 1];
		if(testSSMUsers!= null && testSSMUsers.size()==1){
		//create Territory and Zip code for test user
		//create territory 
    	KCI_Territory__c testTerrTMV=new KCI_Territory__c(Name='terr-01', KCI_Legacy_Id__c='terr-001',Sales_Rep_Id__c=testUsersMap.get('TMV').employee_id__c, 
    	Territory_Code__c='TMV-test terr code',Territory_Start_Date__c=System.date.Today()-5, OwnerId=testUsersMap.get('TMV').Id);
    	KCI_Territory__c testTerrTSV=new KCI_Territory__c(Name='terr-02', KCI_Legacy_Id__c='terr-002',Sales_Rep_Id__c=testUsersMap.get('TSV').employee_id__c, 
    	Territory_Code__c='TSV-test terr code',Territory_Start_Date__c=System.date.Today()-5, OwnerId=testUsersMap.get('TSV').Id);
    	KCI_Territory__c testTerrSSM=new KCI_Territory__c(Name='terr-03', KCI_Legacy_Id__c='terr-003',Sales_Rep_Id__c=testUsersMap.get('SSM').employee_id__c, 
    	Territory_Code__c='SSM-test terr code',Territory_Start_Date__c=System.date.Today()-5, OwnerId=testUsersMap.get('SSM').Id);
    	insert new list<KCI_Territory__c>{testTerrTMV,testTerrTSV,testTerrSSM};
		//create zip codes
    	ZIP_Code__c testZipTMV=new ZIP_Code__c(Name='63000', KCI_Legacy_Id__c='zip-001',KCI_Territory__c=testTerrTMV.Id,Zip_Start_Date__c=System.date.Today()-5);
    	ZIP_Code__c testZipTSV=new ZIP_Code__c(Name='63000', KCI_Legacy_Id__c='zip-002',KCI_Territory__c=testTerrTSV.Id,Zip_Start_Date__c=System.date.Today()-5);
    	ZIP_Code__c testZipSSM=new ZIP_Code__c(Name='63000', KCI_Legacy_Id__c='zip-003',KCI_Territory__c=testTerrSSM.Id,Zip_Start_Date__c=System.date.Today()-5);
    	insert new list<ZIP_Code__c>{testZipTMV,testZipTSV,testZipSSM};

Class.leadTriggerHandler.assignOwner: line 86, column 1
Class.leadTriggerHandler.onBeforeInsert: line 36, column 1
Trigger.LeadsTrigger: line 4, column 1
Hi I have a Web service class which is having an issue row lock contention . could you please suggest how to reduce  Concurrency of these requests.  Many thanks ..

 error Message : Too many DML rows: 10001

Global class BulkDelayProcessUtility {
  webservice static boolean BulkDelayExistingUtility(){
    boolean processCompleted=true;
    datetime dateNow=datetime.now();
    datetime cutoff=dateNow.addMinutes(-15);
    List<Id> delayReasonIds=new List<Id>();
    for(Delay_Reason__c dr: [select Id from Delay_Reason__c where CreatedDate < :cutoff]){
      catch(Exception ex){
        System.debug('Failed to delete existing Delay Reasons! ' +ex);
    return processCompleted;


Hi i am trying to write a trigger .

i have 1 Custom object and a Custom settings object.

i have a picklist field on custom object ( Description)  and a text field. on custom  setting i have code, description2 , column. if some one selected a picklist value in the desciption  i have to look in custom setting and populate the Code value in a text filed. i tried something. but not got enough solution any help will be appriciated.  i am sorry if i wrote my code in a not a good way.

trigger UpdateCode on Order_Note__c (before insert, before update) {

ServiceMax_Codes__c settings = ServiceMax_Codes__c.getInstance();
String  CT_CODE = settings.CT_CODE__c;
Set<String> NextActionSet = new Set<String>();
Map<String,Id> mapnextActionwithCode = new Map<String,Id>();

//List<ServiceMax_Codes__c> SMC= ServiceMax_Codes__c.getall().values();
String NAL = [SELECT CT_CODE__c FROM ServiceMax_Codes__c WHERE CT_DESCRIPTION__c IN ];
//Next_Action_New__cis a picklist value on custon object.
for (Order_Note__c obj: trigger.new){
          obj.Next_Action_Code__c = NAL ;

I need help with test class for the below trigger. some one please help me. Many thanks guys.
trigger UpdateCR on Case  (before update) {

        Map<String, Schema.RecordTypeInfo > caseRecordTypes = Case.sObjectType.getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName();

        Id recordTypeId = caseRecordTypes.get('US Cases Locked RT').getRecordTypeId();

         for ( Case c : Trigger.new) {

           if (c.CF_Tracking__c != null ){
              if( c.Status == 'Closed') {

                               c.RecordTypeId = recordTypeId;





Hi , I am Getting an error to the old code since we made some changes to the other classes. below is the test Stack Trace. Any help will be really appriciated.
Error Message System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101
Class.leadTriggerHandler.assignOwner:line 86, column 1
Class.leadTriggerHandler.onBeforeInsert:line 36, column 1
Trigger.LeadsTrigger: line 4, column 1
public without sharing class leadTriggerHandler {
     public static void onBeforeInsert(list<Lead> newLeads){
     list<Lead> leadsToProcess = new list<Lead>(); 
        for(Lead l : newLeads){
            /* Check if owner is already populated and not currentUser and zipcode is not null, Do_Not_Reassign__c is false
               only then drive the lead through custom assignment rule. */   
            if((l.OwnerId == null || l.OwnerId == userinfo.getUserId()) && l.Zip_Postal_Code__c != null 
                && (l.Products__c != null || l.Facility_Type__c != null)
                && (l.Do_Not_Reassign__c == null || l.Do_Not_Reassign__c == false)){
            }else if(l.Zip_Postal_Code__c == null || (l.Products__c == null && l.Facility_Type__c == null) ){
                //no ZipCode match (or) no product and no facility type -  assign the defaultleadOwner.
                l.OwnerId = SystemIdUtility.KCIUSUserId;
     public static void onBeforeUpdate(list<Lead> newLeads, map<Id,Lead> oldValuesMap){
     list<Lead> leadsToProcess = new list<Lead>(); 
        for(Lead l : newLeads){ 
            if(l.Zip_Postal_Code__c != null && 
               (l.Zip_Postal_Code__c!=oldValuesMap.get(l.Id).Zip_Postal_Code__c ||
     private static void assignOwner(list<Lead> leadList){
             set<String> leadZipCodeSet =  new set<String>();
             list<Lead> clonedLeadsToInsert =  new list<Lead>();
                 for(lead l : leadList){
                    if(string.valueOf(l.Zip_Postal_Code__c).length() > 5){
                 list<ZIP_Code__c> zipCodeList = [SELECT Name, Is_Active__c, KCI_Territory__c, 
                                                        KCI_Territory__r.Territory_Code__c, KCI_Territory__r.OwnerId 
                                                        FROM ZIP_Code__c 
                                                        where Name In :  leadZipCodeSet and Is_Active__c = 'Y'
                 for(Lead l : leadList){
                    set<Id> leadOwnerIdSet =  new set<Id>();
                    if(l.Products__c != null){
                        //Product is multiselect picklist and facility is single picklist. For each product and facility, get the JCA from the custom setting
                        for(String product : String.ValueOf(l.Products__c).split(';')){
                            String JCA = '';
                            for(Lead_Assignment_Settings__c las : Lead_Assignment_Settings__c.getAll().values()){
                                    if(l.Facility_Type__c != null && l.Facility_Type__c == String.ValueOf(las.Facility_Type__c)){
                                        JCA = String.ValueOf(las.JCA__c);
                                        system.debug('@@@ CS Product & FT -- ' + Product + ' -- ' + l.Facility_Type__c);
                                    }else if(l.Facility_Type__c == null && las.Facility_Type__c == null){
                                        JCA = String.ValueOf(las.JCA__c);
                                        system.debug('@@@ CS Product & FT --  ' + Product + ' -- ' + l.Facility_Type__c);
                            if(JCA != ''){
                                for(ZIP_Code__c zip : zipCodeList){
                                    if( zip.Name == string.valueOf(l.Zip_Postal_Code__c).left(5) && 
                                        zip.KCI_Territory__r.Territory_Code__c != null && zip.KCI_Territory__r.Territory_Code__c.startsWith(JCA)){
                            system.debug('@@@ Leads Product & FT -- ' + Product + ' -- ' + l.Facility_Type__c);
                            system.debug('@@@ JCA -- ' + JCA);
                            system.debug('@@@ leadOwnerIdSet -- ' + leadOwnerIdSet);
                    } else if(l.Products__c == null && l.Facility_Type__c != null){
                        String JCA = '';
                        for(Lead_Assignment_Settings__c las : Lead_Assignment_Settings__c.getAll().values()){
                            if(las.Product__c == null){
                                if(l.Facility_Type__c != null && l.Facility_Type__c == String.ValueOf(las.Facility_Type__c)){
                                    JCA = String.ValueOf(las.JCA__c);
                        if(JCA != ''){
                            for(ZIP_Code__c zip : zipCodeList){
                                if( zip.Name == string.valueOf(l.Zip_Postal_Code__c).left(5) && 
                                    zip.KCI_Territory__r.Territory_Code__c != null && zip.KCI_Territory__r.Territory_Code__c.startsWith(JCA)){
                    if(!leadOwnerIdSet.isEmpty() && leadOwnerIdSet.size() == 1){
                        // only one owner idendified for the lead based on product, facility type and zipcode combination
                        l.OwnerId = new list<Id>(leadOwnerIdSet)[0];
                        system.debug('>>>@@@ in lead owner Assignment - Owner = '+ l.OwnerId );
                    }else if(!leadOwnerIdSet.isEmpty() && leadOwnerIdSet.size() > 1){
                        //multiple owners identified, assign the first one to the current lead and create clones to assign to other owners.
                        list<Id> leadOwnerIdList = new list<Id>(leadOwnerIdSet);
                        for(integer i = 1; i < leadOwnerIdList.size(); i++){
                            Lead clonedLead = l.clone(false, true);
                            clonedLead.OwnerId = leadOwnerIdList[i];
                            clonedLead.Do_Not_Reassign__c = true;
                        l.OwnerId = leadOwnerIdList[0];
                        system.debug('>>>@@@ in multi lead owner Assignment - Owner = '+ l.OwnerId );
                        //no owner matching the criteria assign owner to KCI US User
                        l.OwnerId = SystemIdUtility.KCIUSUserId;
     catch(Exception e){



trigger LeadsTrigger on Lead (before insert, before update) {
	if(trigger.isInsert && trigger.isBefore){
	if(trigger.isUpdate && trigger.isBefore){
		leadTriggerHandler.onBeforeUpdate(trigger.new, trigger.oldMap);


 * Class Name	: LeadTriggerHandlerTest
 * Description	: Testr Class for LeadTriggerHandler.
private class LeadTriggerHandlerTest {
    public static Map<String,User> testUsersMap;

    static testMethod void leadOwnerAssignmentTest() {
        Lead testLead = new Lead();
	        // Test null or blank zip code - owner should be default lead owner KCI US User
	          testLead = createLead('ABThera','Acute','');
	          system.assertEquals(SystemIdUtility.KCIUSUserId, [select OwnerId from Lead where Id=:testLead.Id].OwnerId);
        	// loop through all combinations as configured in Lead Assignment custom setting and create leads with the sample values
        	for(Lead_Assignment_Settings__c las : Lead_Assignment_Settings__c.getAll().values()){
	        	testLead = createLead(String.ValueOf(las.Product__c),String.ValueOf(las.Facility_Type__c),'63000');
	        	if(Limits.getQueries() < Limits.getLimitQueries()-20){
	        		if(testUsersMap.get(String.ValueOf(las.JCA__c)) != null){	
	        						[select OwnerId from Lead where Id=:testLead.Id].OwnerId);
        	// update Lead and test Owner assignment.
        	testLead.Products__c = 'Ulta';
        	testLead.Facility_Type__c = 'Acute';
        	update testLead;
        	// Test multiple product
        	testLead = createLead('Specialty Dressing;GRAFTJACKET','Acute','63000');
        	// Test non matching zipcode - then Lead Owner assigned should be KCI US User
        	testLead = createLead('ABThera','Acute','99999');
        	system.assertEquals(SystemIdUtility.KCIUSUserId, [select OwnerId from Lead where Id=:testLead.Id].OwnerId);
    private static Lead createLead(String product, String facilityType, String zipCode){
    	Lead newLead = new Lead();
    	newLead.FirstName = 'FirstName';
    	newLead.LastName = 'LastName';
    	newLead.Email = 'test@kci1.com';
    	newLead.Products__c = product;
    	newLead.Facility_Type__c = facilityType;
    	newLead.Zip_Postal_Code__c = zipCode;
    	insert newLead;
    	return newLead;
    private static void setupTestData(){
		//get test users
		testUsersMap = new Map<String,User>();
		list<User> testTMVUsers=[Select Id,JCA__C, Employee_Id__c from User where IsActive=true and Employee_Id__c!=null and JCA__C='TMV' and Id !=:Userinfo.getUserId() limit 1];
		if(testTMVUsers!= null && testTMVUsers.size()==1){
		list<User> testTSVUsers=[Select Id,JCA__C, Employee_Id__c from User where IsActive=true and Employee_Id__c!=null and JCA__C='TSV' and Id !=:Userinfo.getUserId() limit 1];
		if(testTSVUsers!= null && testTSVUsers.size()==1){
		list<User> testSSMUsers=[Select Id,JCA__C, Employee_Id__c from User where IsActive=true and Employee_Id__c!=null and JCA__C='SSM' and Id !=:Userinfo.getUserId() limit 1];
		if(testSSMUsers!= null && testSSMUsers.size()==1){
		//create Territory and Zip code for test user
		//create territory 
    	KCI_Territory__c testTerrTMV=new KCI_Territory__c(Name='terr-01', KCI_Legacy_Id__c='terr-001',Sales_Rep_Id__c=testUsersMap.get('TMV').employee_id__c, 
    	Territory_Code__c='TMV-test terr code',Territory_Start_Date__c=System.date.Today()-5, OwnerId=testUsersMap.get('TMV').Id);
    	KCI_Territory__c testTerrTSV=new KCI_Territory__c(Name='terr-02', KCI_Legacy_Id__c='terr-002',Sales_Rep_Id__c=testUsersMap.get('TSV').employee_id__c, 
    	Territory_Code__c='TSV-test terr code',Territory_Start_Date__c=System.date.Today()-5, OwnerId=testUsersMap.get('TSV').Id);
    	KCI_Territory__c testTerrSSM=new KCI_Territory__c(Name='terr-03', KCI_Legacy_Id__c='terr-003',Sales_Rep_Id__c=testUsersMap.get('SSM').employee_id__c, 
    	Territory_Code__c='SSM-test terr code',Territory_Start_Date__c=System.date.Today()-5, OwnerId=testUsersMap.get('SSM').Id);
    	insert new list<KCI_Territory__c>{testTerrTMV,testTerrTSV,testTerrSSM};
		//create zip codes
    	ZIP_Code__c testZipTMV=new ZIP_Code__c(Name='63000', KCI_Legacy_Id__c='zip-001',KCI_Territory__c=testTerrTMV.Id,Zip_Start_Date__c=System.date.Today()-5);
    	ZIP_Code__c testZipTSV=new ZIP_Code__c(Name='63000', KCI_Legacy_Id__c='zip-002',KCI_Territory__c=testTerrTSV.Id,Zip_Start_Date__c=System.date.Today()-5);
    	ZIP_Code__c testZipSSM=new ZIP_Code__c(Name='63000', KCI_Legacy_Id__c='zip-003',KCI_Territory__c=testTerrSSM.Id,Zip_Start_Date__c=System.date.Today()-5);
    	insert new list<ZIP_Code__c>{testZipTMV,testZipTSV,testZipSSM};

Class.leadTriggerHandler.assignOwner: line 86, column 1
Class.leadTriggerHandler.onBeforeInsert: line 36, column 1
Trigger.LeadsTrigger: line 4, column 1