• Swapna Mistry
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I am not a developer. I am just trying to update a test class based on instructions provided to me by a previous contractor. I added the necessary info, but I am getting a compile error on a line that I did not touch and did not have any issues with when I updated this test class about a month ago. 
User u = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE UserRole.Name LIKE '%TSM%' LIMIT 1];

Please help. What is the correct syntax supposed to be? 

User-added image
We have an external data source to our SQL database. We have multiple objects using external lookups. 

It looks like SF changed the syntax that is used for external lookups in Winter 17, which has caused serious impact to our business processes. Our DBA has informed us that Odata/Web API does not support using "starts with" on an ID field. ​

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

When we try to lookup a record we are getting an error: 
Couldn't Connect to External Object Data
The external system responded with an HTTP error "400 Bad Request".

Here is an example of the syntax being used: 
Couldn't Connect to External Object Data
The external system responded with an HTTP error "400 Bad Request". The system tried to reach this URL: https://app.e-brandid.com/wcfodata1/WcfDataService1.svc/master_shipment?$top=201&$filter=+startswith(ms_id,176646)+eq+true&$inlinecount=allpages&$select=bill_to_cust_id,ms_id,requested_ship_date,ship_to_cust_id 

The proper syntax that DOES work is: 
https://app.e-brandid.com/wcfodata1/WcfDataService1.svc/master_shipment?$top=201&$filter=ms_id eq 176646&$inlinecount=allpages&$select=bill_to_cust_id,ms_id,requested_ship_date,ship_to_cust_id
I've got a custom button called Submit on a Custom object called Incoming Fund. This button will write the current Date/Time to the Submitted Date field. This is working fine. 

User-added image

BUT - I need to return an error message to the user and NOT write the Submitted Date if Collections/MS Case is blank = "Case is required to submit" I need to code this into my button code, but I dont know how. 

Please help! 

var newRecords = []; 
var c = new sforce.SObject("Incoming_Fund__c"); 
c.id ="{!Incoming_Fund__c.Id}"; 
c.Submitted_Date__c = new Date().toISOString(); 
result = sforce.connection.update(newRecords); 
Hi everyone, 

Point and click Admin here. Hoping someone can help me with a visual force template. 

We've got a custom object called Case MS which is a child of Case.

I am trying to create a template that can be sent from the Case that lists all associated Case MS records. Fields needed:
Master_Shipment__c (This field is an External Lookup)

I tried following the example provided on this link, but got lost. 

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!!
Hi everyone, 

Point and click Admin here. Hoping someone can help me with a visual force template. 

We've got a custom object called Case MS which is a child of Case.

I am trying to create a template that can be sent from the Case that lists all associated Case MS records. Fields needed:
Master_Shipment__c (This field is an External Lookup)

I tried following the example provided on this link, but got lost. 

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!!
I am not a developer. I am just trying to update a test class based on instructions provided to me by a previous contractor. I added the necessary info, but I am getting a compile error on a line that I did not touch and did not have any issues with when I updated this test class about a month ago. 
User u = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE UserRole.Name LIKE '%TSM%' LIMIT 1];

Please help. What is the correct syntax supposed to be? 

User-added image
We have an external data source to our SQL database. We have multiple objects using external lookups. 

It looks like SF changed the syntax that is used for external lookups in Winter 17, which has caused serious impact to our business processes. Our DBA has informed us that Odata/Web API does not support using "starts with" on an ID field. ​

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

When we try to lookup a record we are getting an error: 
Couldn't Connect to External Object Data
The external system responded with an HTTP error "400 Bad Request".

Here is an example of the syntax being used: 
Couldn't Connect to External Object Data
The external system responded with an HTTP error "400 Bad Request". The system tried to reach this URL: https://app.e-brandid.com/wcfodata1/WcfDataService1.svc/master_shipment?$top=201&$filter=+startswith(ms_id,176646)+eq+true&$inlinecount=allpages&$select=bill_to_cust_id,ms_id,requested_ship_date,ship_to_cust_id 

The proper syntax that DOES work is: 
https://app.e-brandid.com/wcfodata1/WcfDataService1.svc/master_shipment?$top=201&$filter=ms_id eq 176646&$inlinecount=allpages&$select=bill_to_cust_id,ms_id,requested_ship_date,ship_to_cust_id
When a checkbox field is 'true' want to automate the sending of a docusign. I know all the logic can be included in javascript for a custom button. Can you do the same for process builder or workflow? Can you use javascript? Or is there another way to automate this process?


I set up a process in process builder to execute fire tasks on a schedule. The process criteria is when a case is created or edited and the individual criteria node is when the status equals "Ready for Call" and does not equal "Closed - Completed". The actions are only executed when the specified actions are made to the record. The schedule is based 0 hours after a formula date field that calculates the next business day.

The scheduled actions work, but when I change the status to "Closed - Completed" the actions are still firing, even though the criteria is not met. This seems to be in contradiction to this documentation from salesforce:

For processes that are set to run when a record is created or edited, scheduled actions remain in the queue only as long as the criteria for those actions are still valid. If a record no longer matches the criteria, Salesforce removes the scheduled actions for that record from the queue.


Am I missing something here? Thanks in advance for the help.


so i know how to update the "Default Salesforce Dataflow" by downloading and uploading the JSON. question is how can i create a new dataflow (named something appropriate to the data sets being updated). i see for the sales wave apps salesforce has done this. i'd like to separate them vs. having one giant long and always on-going default data flow. so how can i do this?