• Vidya Iyer
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Does SF have a function similar to IN?
In our business, we have split CA into Nothern and Southern CA.We have 2 different reps taking care of these territories.

What I am looking to do is,find if a lead in CA belongs to Nothern or Southern CA.
If a lead belongs to a particular set of cities in CA, it needs to be marked as Nothern CA (this is a checkbox field).
If this field is not checked, then I know it is southern CA.

I tried createing a formula - 


This is just a snippet - I have around 50 cities and I get the error that formula length is more than 5000 character.
Is there any other way of doing this?Any help with this is appreciated.


Has anybody integrated Oracle with SF using lightning connect?
We want to integrate our Oracle Database  where our ERP resides with SF.
We have lightning connect and I got around to Creating the Odata connection for my Oracle DB using http://download.oracle.com/oll/obe/EntityFrameworkWCF/WCFEntityFramework.htm,

I am now at a spot where in SF, when I click on "Validate and Sync", I get the following error -

An error occurred while connecting to the external system. Please try again, or contact your administrator about this error. Attempted to reach this URL:http://localhost:54294/WebSite3/WcfDataService.svc/CUSTOMER_TYPE/$metadata. Error received: 503: ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:http://localhost:54294/WebSite3/WcfDataService.svc/CUSTOMER_TYPE/$metadata Connection to failed. The system returned: (111) Connection refused The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again. Your cache administrator is support@salesforce.com. Generated Thu, 13 Aug 2015 21:43:01 GMT by proxy-chi.net.salesforce.com (squid)

I logged a ticket with SF and they say this is because the URL has localhost, which will not work as while connecting from Salesforce servers we cannot reach to localhost. We will need a publicly available endpoint. 

So any thoughts on how to create the Odata connection this way?

Has anyone successfully connected to an Oracle database via External Data Sources?  We have all of the connection parameters (server, port, SID, Server Name, user name, password), and have successfully connected our Oracle database to other platforms.  But so far, all attempts to create an External Data Source in Salesforce have been spectacularly unsuccessful.  Is there a server-side service that needs to be running to make this work?  Also, can anyone provide me an example of the External Data Source URL for connecting to Oracle?  Or even better, a full screenshot of the external data source entries on a working Oracle connection.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.