• Rudolph Scott
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Hi all. I saw AMartins reply to Jennatta question on this and this is ok, but can I ask how to get the data in the form Salesforce requires? i.e

Activity ID  -  has to be the first column in the Excel worksheet, the value of the field is "NEW".
Subject  - populate with an appropriate value
Status - populate with appropriate value (ex. "Completed")
Due Date  - populate with appropriate value
Assigned To ID  - the name of the Account Manager or the person with a sfdc license who is responsible for the mailout.
Contact/Lead ID  - the sfdc id of Contact who received the mailout
At the monment my Spreadsheet data is as follows

Contacts ID Activity1 Name Activity1 Name..etc .

Is there a way using Excel or VBA to change the data I have so it matches whats actually needed? For example each ContactID I have has 20 different Activities so I need something like;

Contacts ID  Subject Status, etc
  1                 Activity 1 Name
  2                 Activity 2 Name 
  "                          "

It would be good to do this I have 5000 records and I dont really want to nmanually maniputlate the spreadsheet for this process! Thanks in advance.
Hi all. I saw AMartins reply to Jennatta question on this and this is ok, but can I ask how to get the data in the form Salesforce requires? i.e

Activity ID  -  has to be the first column in the Excel worksheet, the value of the field is "NEW".
Subject  - populate with an appropriate value
Status - populate with appropriate value (ex. "Completed")
Due Date  - populate with appropriate value
Assigned To ID  - the name of the Account Manager or the person with a sfdc license who is responsible for the mailout.
Contact/Lead ID  - the sfdc id of Contact who received the mailout
At the monment my Spreadsheet data is as follows

Contacts ID Activity1 Name Activity1 Name..etc .

Is there a way using Excel or VBA to change the data I have so it matches whats actually needed? For example each ContactID I have has 20 different Activities so I need something like;

Contacts ID  Subject Status, etc
  1                 Activity 1 Name
  2                 Activity 2 Name 
  "                          "

It would be good to do this I have 5000 records and I dont really want to nmanually maniputlate the spreadsheet for this process! Thanks in advance.