• Pujitha Madamanchi
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  • Member since 2015

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From a class I am parsing a xml and sending those values to another class. I am using tis second class as a controller for my vf page where I would like to display the values in a table so that the end user can select based on their needs.

When I am doing this, the constructor in the controller is being called and my values are becoming null. I tried using static variable but it did not work. 

Any thoughts on how this will work?
We have a requirement to post wishes every year on Chatter for the users records
in our community. Our organisation have more than 350,000 employees, so on a minimum basis, we might have about 2000 posts everyday. So can anyone suggest an app or a way to go ahead with this requirement. 

I was thinking if we can run a batch process or have some appexchange tools to get the job done. Can anyone suggest some apps that are very helpful?