• Jason Niebauer
  • 60 Points
  • Member since 2015

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I am attempting to complete the Execute SOQL and SOSL Queries in the Developer Console Basics module and the challenge is creating logs that have nothing to do with the SOSL inline query that is requested. I have executed the following code in the Execute anonymous window and the challenge still does not show as completed.
List<List<sObject>> searchList = [FIND 'Mission Control' IN ALL FIELDS 
                                  RETURNING Contact(FirstName, LastName,
                                  Phone, Email, Description)];
Contact[] searchContacts = (Contact[])searchList[0];

for (Contact c : searchContacts) {
   System.debug(c.LastName + ',' + c.FirstName);

So even with the above the challenge still returns with an error of:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find the contact's name in the debug log. Be sure to run a query for your record, and to write your contact's name to the debug log using the System.debug() method.

A recent update to Trailhead has boosted challenge points from 100 to 500 for both the Wave Analytics Basics > Start Exploring Wave Analytics and the Wave Desktop Exploration > Become a Data Explorer challenge. Unfortunately, for users who had completed these modules prior to the point change they received no upgrade in their awarded points, which opts them out of a total of 900 points that other users will be able to receive for completing the same challenges.

I initially reported this discepancy to trailhead@salesforce.com and received a response that the issue has been resolved. Well, no – this issue has not been resolved for myself and I assume all other users who had completed the challenges prior to the update. Even after attempting to validate the challenges again, I still receive the same outcome of no additional points awarded. I've attached a screenshot below to show the discrepancy.
Wave challenge point discrepancy

I really hope the Trailhead team can resolve this issue :)
A recent update to Trailhead has boosted challenge points from 100 to 500 for both the Wave Analytics Basics > Start Exploring Wave Analytics and the Wave Desktop Exploration > Become a Data Explorer challenge. Unfortunately, for users who had completed these modules prior to the point change they received no upgrade in their awarded points, which opts them out of a total of 900 points that other users will be able to receive for completing the same challenges.

I initially reported this discepancy to trailhead@salesforce.com and received a response that the issue has been resolved. Well, no – this issue has not been resolved for myself and I assume all other users who had completed the challenges prior to the update. Even after attempting to validate the challenges again, I still receive the same outcome of no additional points awarded. I've attached a screenshot below to show the discrepancy.
Wave challenge point discrepancy

I really hope the Trailhead team can resolve this issue :)
Can somebody please help me out here how to measure based on the sum of # instead of a count of rows or sum of the amount because on my case # is not appearing on the creating lens window Thanks in advance. PFB more details.

User-added image
I am attempting to complete the Execute SOQL and SOSL Queries in the Developer Console Basics module and the challenge is creating logs that have nothing to do with the SOSL inline query that is requested. I have executed the following code in the Execute anonymous window and the challenge still does not show as completed.
List<List<sObject>> searchList = [FIND 'Mission Control' IN ALL FIELDS 
                                  RETURNING Contact(FirstName, LastName,
                                  Phone, Email, Description)];
Contact[] searchContacts = (Contact[])searchList[0];

for (Contact c : searchContacts) {
   System.debug(c.LastName + ',' + c.FirstName);

So even with the above the challenge still returns with an error of:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find the contact's name in the debug log. Be sure to run a query for your record, and to write your contact's name to the debug log using the System.debug() method.

Hello everyone, I'm getting confused on this module for the mobile section... the directions state to build the lens as follows:
  • Dataset: DTC Opportunity
  • Add Group: Opportunity Owner
  • Change Measure: Count of Rows to Sum of Amount
  • Sort by: Dsc (Descending)
  • Filter by: Industry Equals Engineering
  • Filter by: Won Equals True
  • Chart Type: Horizontal Bar
  • Lens Name: Top Engineering Sales
  • App: My Exploration
I have my criteria setup as follows:

User-added image
User-added imageUser-added imageUser-added imageUser-added image

I am just not sure where I am going wrong!  I've tried deleting it and reconstructing it, but every time I get the error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The 'Top Engineering Sales' lens does not appear to have the correct query. Please check the requirements and ensure everything is setup correctly."

Any help would be appreciated!

This is the error that appears: 

Step Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
AccountListItem's JS controller doesn't get a reference to the AccountSelected event 
Note: you may run into errors if you've skipped previous steps.

I´ve done every step as they told me to do. If you could help me see the erro I would really appreciate it guys.

Hereare the screen shots of the part of the code that's been giving me problems:

- AccountList component:

<aura:component controller="AccountController">
<aura:registerEvent name="accountsLoaded" type="c:AccountsLoaded"/>
<aura:registerEvent name="accountSelected" type="c:AccountSelected"/>

    <aura:attribute name="accounts" type="Account[]"/>
    <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}" />

    <aura:iteration items="{!v.accounts}" var="account">
        <c:AccountListItem account="{!account}"/>
<li><a onclick="{!c.accountSelected}">{!v.account.Name}</a></li>


- AccountList Controller:

    accountSelected : function(component) {
        var event = $A.get("e.c:AccountSelected");
        event.setParams({"account": component.get("v.account")});

Thank you guys.
Can somebody please help me out here how to measure based on the sum of # instead of a count of rows or sum of the amount because on my case # is not appearing on the creating lens window Thanks in advance. PFB more details.

User-added image