• Abhishek Shakrawar
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I can't seem to get past this error. 
We can't find the Cloudy Weather reusable email. Ensure the Macro uses the Cloudy Weather reusable email for the subject and body.

Here is what I  have:

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I have created quick text, email template, and macros.

Any help is appreciated,
For life of me I can't figure out what this exercise is asking to do.  I was able to modify other reports but this particualr R&D report, Temperature to kWh Research, I'm not able to do.  Error is keep saying, "We can’t find the additional analysis by model being performed on the 'Temperature to kWh Research' report. Remember that you can organize data horizontally and vertically at the same time."

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Hi All, 

Im trying to do the second challenge in App Customization  but am getting some Super badge am getting the error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:  Couldn’t find the 'Volunteer Shift' relationship field or it is not configured correctly."
Please, anyone, can anyone tell me which relationships should be created between these objects? I have created a master-detail relationship between them. 
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Also, am not clear with this "Shifts with cascading delete and the option of roll-up summary fields." 

Thank you and any help is appreciated.
Thank you in advance. 
The trailhead: Importing Data - Challenge keeps failing - see error message

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: KMOEAQSC. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: INVALID_FIELD: SELECT Name, Id from Contact where Email LIKE '%example.com' ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:36 encrypted field 'Email' cannot be filtered in a query call

I have disabled encryption and un-encrypted the "email" fields.  

How can I get around this error?  Or should I just spin up a new Dev Org?

I have this error when I try to check challenge:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find an account named 'Blackbeards Grog Emporium' created from Workbench with the Description 'The finest grog in the seven seas.'

In the next picture you can see what I send by the Workbench

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The result is succes and in my Developer Org I can see the Account created correctly, but the challenge isn't passed.