• ranjit Pisal 10
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  • Member since 2015

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I want to display different home pages for different user based on their profile, we are able to do this for desktop from Setup -> feature setting -> Home -> page assignment, but there is no option for SF1 
I have removed it from homepage using app builder and it got removed from desktop, but still visible on SF1
Please help.
I have public community where I am showing knowledge articles, If user is logged in then up vote and down vote option is shown,
but for guest user it's not available. but we need to show it for guest users as well, even he/she can vote multiple time.
I have a workflow on Account where criteria is if any of 4 fields are null then schedule email alert after 5 Hrs, but in between if any one of the 4 field is updated email alert is recheduled for next 5 Hrs from Moditied date which i don't want.
I have put OR condition in criteria 
Please help
I have created Push Topics by following steps given in developer guide, while subscribing it into workbench it is not allowing to subscribe and also given error in browser console as follow :- 
 "Uncaught Illegal state: already disconnected".

Please help
Hi team,

I have a requirement where LWC component is fired everytime when a case is opened,I want to change LWC component to work only for NEW cases,what changes needs to be done in the LWC

Here is JS code
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';
import {ShowToastEvent} from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';

export default class ERTCaseTypeInformation extends LightningElement {

    connectedCallback() {
        var toast = new ShowToastEvent({
                 'title': 'Case Type Level 1, level 2 and level 3 fields ',
                 'message': 'must be selected before saving'


here is HTML


here is meta xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
  <masterLabel>ERT CaseType Levels Info Component</masterLabel>
  <description>ERT CaseType Levels Info Component.</description>
I want to display different home pages for different user based on their profile, we are able to do this for desktop from Setup -> feature setting -> Home -> page assignment, but there is no option for SF1 
I have removed it from homepage using app builder and it got removed from desktop, but still visible on SF1
Please help.
I have a workflow on Account where criteria is if any of 4 fields are null then schedule email alert after 5 Hrs, but in between if any one of the 4 field is updated email alert is recheduled for next 5 Hrs from Moditied date which i don't want.
I have put OR condition in criteria 
Please help
I followed the instructions as outlined here https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=networks_seo.htm&type=0&language=en_US&release=206.17 and was not able to generate the sitemap.xml file in sandbox. I was able to generate the file in production.
Any pointers on what might be wrong? The community is published and active in sandbox.

Thanks in advance !