• Rick Culbreth
  • 25 Points
  • Member since 2015

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We do a lot of email to case in our service org (400,000 cases a year). We have issues opening secure office 365 emails in Salesforce. Message will be something like this "You've received an encrypted message from xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.com
To view your message
Save and open the attachment (message.html), and follow the instructions.
Sign in using the following email address: maintenance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.na15.case.salesforce.com."
Of course we cannot login to email to case address so we request a one time pass code. When we enter the pass code, we receive a message saying we don't have authority to view the information. Sometimes we can view information by going to the mailbox that forwards the email to salesforce, other times we ask customer to send a different way. What are other companies doing to view these? Is there a Salesforce best practice?
I have a lightning Component on an object related to account. I am trying to get the account owner information to take different action based off owner.  I have tried several things but they all come back as undefined.  the lookup field on the custom object to account is called Practice_Provider.  Just wondering what the correct path, I can use ID or Name to do what I need.

Some of the code I have tried, all say undefined:
Window.alert('Account 1 Ownerid ' +               component.get('v.sObjectInfo.Practice_Provider__r.OwnerId')) 
         window.alert('Account 2 Owner.Id ' + component.get('v.sObjectInfo.Account.Owner.Id')) 
         window.alert('Account 3 Owner.Id ' + component.get('v.sObjectInfo.Practice_Provider__r.Owner.Id')) 
         window.alert('Account 3 Owner.Id ' + component.get('v.sObjectInfo.Account.OwnerId')) 
        window.alert('Sobject OwnerId ' + component.get('v.sObjectInfo.ownerId')) 
         window.alert('Sobject OwnerId ' + component.get('v.sObjectInfo.OwnerId')) 
        window.alert('Account Owner Name ' + component.get('v.sObjectInfo.Practive_Provider__r.Owner.Name')  )   
 if (''+component.get('v.sObjectInfo.Account.Business_Partner_Identifier_Code__c')+'' == 'FL')   ----- This part works it returns value in Account Field. 
On any object if our users click edit or new, what comes up to key only shows on half the screen. Is there a way to have lightning use more of the display in edit/new mode for all objects?.   If they click on a field to edit one field from display mode it uses the screen that the display uses which uses the whole screen.
Users in lightning are complaining about having to do to much scrolling to enter the data. 
I'm admin begging to work on some development.  I'm going through the trailhead module for map .net concepts to force.com.  The exersize was totally different concept than that was covered in the module.  Anyway I'm supposed to build class that has a method that accepts state abreviation and returns a list of accounts that BillingState matches that state.  For some reason I get an invalid token when I use the parameter variable or if I assign the parameter variable value to another string variable in the method.  I can hard code a state and it will compile. Not  sure what I'm missing.  

public with sharing class AccountUtils {
// Public method
    public static List <Account> accountsByState(String Stateab) {
        // Return a list of accounts by state
        String st = Stateab;       
      return [SELECT Id, Name
             FROM Account where (BillingState = Stateab)];     
Problems show
AccountUtils  Line 7   Unexpect token 'Stateab'
AccountUtils   Line 6   expecting a colon, found 'Stateab'          
I am working  on trailhead "Enhance Your Template with App Customization Features" in Module Analytics App Template Development.  This portion of module had us download two Folders EATP1 & EATP2 to start the template with,  then we modify the JSON to work through the challenge.  I'm not sure how to import those folders into Salesforce Analytics, once they have been downloaded.
Some of trailhead exersizes require login to development environment.  However when I click the button it had https:\\login.salesforce.com and it will not take my dev environment login.  Normally I go to https:\\test.salesforce.com\  to login into developer environment.  There are sometimes i use the instance name.  I was wondering how to change thr url that it opens up to on trail head.   When I try to overtype the url for loging it is locked from editing
I'm admin begging to work on some development.  I'm going through the trailhead module for map .net concepts to force.com.  The exersize was totally different concept than that was covered in the module.  Anyway I'm supposed to build class that has a method that accepts state abreviation and returns a list of accounts that BillingState matches that state.  For some reason I get an invalid token when I use the parameter variable or if I assign the parameter variable value to another string variable in the method.  I can hard code a state and it will compile. Not  sure what I'm missing.  

public with sharing class AccountUtils {
// Public method
    public static List <Account> accountsByState(String Stateab) {
        // Return a list of accounts by state
        String st = Stateab;       
      return [SELECT Id, Name
             FROM Account where (BillingState = Stateab)];     
Problems show
AccountUtils  Line 7   Unexpect token 'Stateab'
AccountUtils   Line 6   expecting a colon, found 'Stateab'          

Trying to verify a challenge but hitting the following error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Could not find the correct dashboard state. Please verify the endpoint and results are correct. I have connected Trailhead to my dev org but perhaps since the dev org is in Swedish it is unable to verify the work I did?


Dev org:

Perhaps something else I can try?