• Ragul M
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**querying all my trigger name**
[![enter image description here][1]][1]

**filtering by specific name. But no result found ?**

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

***what is that I am missing ?***

**Note: Same query works perfectly in production** 

  [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/3pAqO.png
  [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/dHWDa.png
User-added image
I have one single component which will make two different callouts and append data to two sections.

I want these two-component to load asynchronously so that whichever data comes the first will load first.

But it is now working as expected when I checked network tab in chrome console callouts is concatenated to each other.
doInit : {
  helper.callout1();//event based callout
  helper.callout2();//event based callout

I have a three date field and one pick-list field.

Based on the Start Report Date i need to update Last Report Date Next Report Date Automatically.

Date Field
  • Start Report Date
  • Last Report Date
  • Next Report Date
Pick-List Field
  • Schedule Lkup
Formula Field Output:
Schedule Lkup     = "Quarterly"
Start Report Date = "12/31/2012"
Last Report Date  = "9/30/2018"
Next Report Date = "12/31/2018"
|    Schedule Lkup    |  Q1   |  Q2   |  Q3   |  Q4   | Years to add |
|                     | 03/31 | 06/30 | 09/30 | 12/31 |              |
|      Quarterly      |  Q1   |  Q2   |  Q3   |  Q4   |      1       |
|       Monthly       |  Q1   |  Q2   |  Q3   |  Q4   |      1       |
| "March June & Sept" |  Q1   |  Q2   |  Q3   |       |      1       |
| "Semi March & Sept" |  Q1   |       |  Q3   |       |      1       |
|  "Semi June & Dec"  |       |  Q2   |       |  Q4   |      1       |
|    Annual March     |  Q1   |       |       |       |      1       |
|     Annual June     |       |  Q2   |       |       |      1       |
|     Annual Sept     |       |       |  Q3   |       |      1       |
|     Annual Dec      |       |       |       |  Q4   |      1       |
|   Biennial March    |  Q1   |       |       |       |      2       |
|    Biennial June    |       |  Q2   |       |       |      2       |
|    Biennial Sept    |       |       |  Q3   |       |      2       |
|    Biennial Dec     |       |       |       |  Q4   |      2       |
|   Triennial March   |  Q1   |       |       |       |      3       |
|   Triennial June    |       |  Q2   |       |       |      3       |
|   Triennial Sept    |       |       |  Q3   |       |      3       |
|    Triennial Dec    |       |       |       |  Q4   |      3       |

Any help will be much appreciated.

Thanks in Advance
I am facing issue when creating a Tree view using Nested Components with LockerService Activated.

Following error msg thrown.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'expando' of undefined throws at /resource/jquery224:5:8057
Disable the locker service fixing this issue. But i need the output without disabling.

Step-1: AccConListController.apxc
public class AccConListController {
    public static List<Account> getAccounts() {
        List<Account> accounts=[SELECT Id, Name, (select name, Phone, Email FROM Contacts) FROM Account limit 1000];
        return accounts;
In this class we create a funtion which is used for getting accounts and its related contacts.
Step-2: AccountRow.cmp​
<aura:component >
    <aura:attribute name="acc" type="Account" />
    <aura:attribute name="ext" type ="String" default="plus"/>
    <li  id="tree0-node0" class="slds-tree__branch slds-is-open" role="treeitem" aria-level="1" aria-expanded="true">
        <div class="slds-tree__item">
            <aura:if isTrue="{!v.acc.Contacts[0] != null}">
                <aura:if isTrue="{!v.ext=='plus'}">
                    <div id="plus" ><img draggable="false" class="emoji" alt="➕" src="https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-smileys/twemoji/2/svg/2795.svg"></div>
                    <aura:set attribute="else">
                        <div id="minus"><img draggable="false" class="emoji" alt="➖" src="https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-smileys/twemoji/2/svg/2796.svg"></div>
                <aura:set attribute="else">
            <a id="tree0-node0-0-link"  tabindex="-1" onclick="{!c.showHidePanel}" role="presentation">{!v.acc.Name}</a>

        <ul aura:id="{!v.acc.Id}" id="{!v.acc.Id}" style="display:none;" class="slds-tree__group slds-nested" role="group" aria-labelledby="tree0-node0-link">
            <aura:iteration items="{!v.acc.Contacts}" var="con">
                <li id="tree0-node0-1" class="slds-tree__item" role="treeitem" aria-level="2" style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    <a href="#" role="presentation" class="slds-truncate" style="color: darkgoldenrod;">{!con.Name}</a>     
This is a Child component and it is used for show an account name and its related contacts.

Step-3: AccountRowController.js​
    showHidePanel : function(component, event, helper) {
        var id=component.get("v.acc.Id");        
        var e=document.getElementById(id);      
        if (e.style.display == 'block' || e.style.display==''){
            e.style.display = 'none';
            e.style.display = 'block';
This is controller of AccountRow Component.

Step-4: AccountTree.cmp
<aura:component controller="AccConListController" implements="force:appHostable">
    <ltng:require styles="/resource/SLDS/assets/styles/salesforce-lightning-design-system-vf.css" 
                  afterScriptsLoaded="{!c.doInit}" />    
    <aura:attribute name="Accounts" type="Account[]" />
    <div class="slds">
        <div class="slds-page-header">
            <div class="slds-grid">
                <div class="slds-col slds-has-flexi-truncate">
                    <div class="slds-media">
                        <div class="slds-media__figure">
                            <c:svgIcon svgPath="/resource/SLDS/assets/icons/standard-sprite/svg/symbols.svg#process" category="standard" size="large" name="user" />
                        <div class="slds-media__body">
                            <p class="slds-text-heading--label">Tree View</p>
                            <div class="slds-grid">
                                <h1 class="slds-text-heading--medium slds-m-right--small slds-truncate slds-align-middle">Account -> Contact</h1>
                <!-- /slds-col-->                        
            <!-- /slds-grid-->                 
        <!-- /slds-page-header-->
        <div class="slds-tree-container" role="application">
            <ul class="slds-tree" role="tree" aria-labelledby="treeheading" aria-activedescendant="tree0-node0">
                <aura:iteration items="{!v.Accounts}" var="acc">          
                    <c:AccountRow acc="{!acc}" />
This is parent component that holds AccountRow component as a nested component. And also i am using here SVG Icon in header. For more detail about SVG Icon Click here.

Step-5: AccountTreeController.js
    doInit : function(component, event, helper) {          

    showPanel : function(component, event, helper){        

This is controller of AccountTree Component.

Step-6: AccountTreeHelper.js
    //Fetch the Accounts from the Apex controller
    getAccounts: function(component) {        
        var action = component.get("c.getAccounts");
        //Set up the callback
        var self = this;
        action.setCallback(this, function(actionResult) {
            component.set("v.Accounts", actionResult.getReturnValue());            
This is helper of AccountTree Component. Its getAccounts() function calls getAccounts() method of AccConListController.apxc class
Source for the code:
I am currently working on survey to display a random questions, For that i need to update random numbers to a sobject. But System.NullPointerException: occurred in my code.

public class update_random_question 
public   List<Question__c> scope{get;set;}
public update_random_question()
    for(Question__c a : scope)
        a.orderby__c = randomizer.getRandomNumber(100);            
update scope;
} }

<apex:page controller="update_random_question">
        <apex:commandButton Value="Begin" action="{!update_random_question}"/>

Notes: randomizer.getRandomNumber
I am currently working on survey to display a random questions, For that i need to update random numbers to a sobject. But System.NullPointerException: occurred in my code.

public class update_random_question 
public   List<Question__c> scope{get;set;}
public update_random_question()
    for(Question__c a : scope)
        a.orderby__c = randomizer.getRandomNumber(100);            
update scope;
} }

<apex:page controller="update_random_question">
        <apex:commandButton Value="Begin" action="{!update_random_question}"/>

Notes: randomizer.getRandomNumber
**querying all my trigger name**
[![enter image description here][1]][1]

**filtering by specific name. But no result found ?**

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

***what is that I am missing ?***

**Note: Same query works perfectly in production** 

  [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/3pAqO.png
  [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/dHWDa.png
I have a three date field and one pick-list field.

Based on the Start Report Date i need to update Last Report Date Next Report Date Automatically.

Date Field
  • Start Report Date
  • Last Report Date
  • Next Report Date
Pick-List Field
  • Schedule Lkup
Formula Field Output:
Schedule Lkup     = "Quarterly"
Start Report Date = "12/31/2012"
Last Report Date  = "9/30/2018"
Next Report Date = "12/31/2018"
|    Schedule Lkup    |  Q1   |  Q2   |  Q3   |  Q4   | Years to add |
|                     | 03/31 | 06/30 | 09/30 | 12/31 |              |
|      Quarterly      |  Q1   |  Q2   |  Q3   |  Q4   |      1       |
|       Monthly       |  Q1   |  Q2   |  Q3   |  Q4   |      1       |
| "March June & Sept" |  Q1   |  Q2   |  Q3   |       |      1       |
| "Semi March & Sept" |  Q1   |       |  Q3   |       |      1       |
|  "Semi June & Dec"  |       |  Q2   |       |  Q4   |      1       |
|    Annual March     |  Q1   |       |       |       |      1       |
|     Annual June     |       |  Q2   |       |       |      1       |
|     Annual Sept     |       |       |  Q3   |       |      1       |
|     Annual Dec      |       |       |       |  Q4   |      1       |
|   Biennial March    |  Q1   |       |       |       |      2       |
|    Biennial June    |       |  Q2   |       |       |      2       |
|    Biennial Sept    |       |       |  Q3   |       |      2       |
|    Biennial Dec     |       |       |       |  Q4   |      2       |
|   Triennial March   |  Q1   |       |       |       |      3       |
|   Triennial June    |       |  Q2   |       |       |      3       |
|   Triennial Sept    |       |       |  Q3   |       |      3       |
|    Triennial Dec    |       |       |       |  Q4   |      3       |

Any help will be much appreciated.

Thanks in Advance