• Vipin K 10
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Hi All,

I have an requirement to calculate the percentage of dead leads (Lead status dead) against the total leads for particular period. The report should only show the total leads and dead lead count and percentage and not the other status of leads. How can this be done?
Hi All,

I have a requirement where to only show dead leads in the chart as a percentage of total leads.

I tried creating a matrix report adding by adding a bucket for lead status but and added them using the chart. But its shows percentage for all the lead status and i just need that to be shown for one status that is dead leads. 

Can someone help me on this!!


Hi All,

I have a dependent picklist on lead object, Whenever i create a new lead  if i pick some value from controlling picklist it should pick and default the dependent picklist while creating not after save or commit.

Is this possible through configuration or requires code. Thanks!!
Where i can get the latest dumps for salesforce pardot consultant and Marketing cloud?

Hi All,

I have few questions regarding the Sandbox and Production sync as follows
1. When we refresh the sandbox with that sync all the latest changes available on Production including the pick list values?
2. Should we refresh the sandbox every one month or is there are best practice for this
3. In my org we had an issue recently we have UAT/QA sandbox and UAT got refreshed but it did not sync the Production changes/data but it did refresh with some other sandbox and got all the old changes - Why didn't the UAT sync with production is there any link we need to provide during refresh pointing to which instance it should sync with?
4. If we need all the picklist values also to be refreshed should we have partial or full sandbox refresh?

Hope someone will clarify me on this. Thanks!!
Hi All,

I am looking for some Book/PDF related to salesforce marketing (Campaign and Lead management) or some good training institute for the same.

Can someone help me with any pointers.

I have a multi-pick for which now we have added a validation rule to allow only single value. Validation rule as below. It's working for new record creation on Lead.  But does not work when we update an existing record.

On Update/Edit, it will allow more than one selection but saves it and keeps the first selection. But it will not throw the error.

Vaildation Rule:

AND(((IF(INCLUDES( Focus_Group__c,"Contact Us" ),1,0) 
+ IF(INCLUDES( Focus_Group__c,"Mobile" ),1,0) 
+ IF(INCLUDES( Focus_Group__c,"Telemarketing" ),1,0) 
+ IF(INCLUDES( Focus_Group__c,"Social Media" ),1,0) 
+ IF(INCLUDES( Focus_Group__c,"Services" ),1,0) 
+ IF(INCLUDES( Focus_Group__c,"Web Form ),1,0) 
+ IF(INCLUDES( Focus_Group__c,"Customer" ),1,0) 
+ IF(INCLUDES( Focus_Group__c,"Existing Account" ),1,0) 
+ IF(INCLUDES( Focus_Group__c,"End-User" ),1,0)) > 1), $User.Profile_Name__c != 'System Administrator')

Please suggest!
Hi All,

I have a requirment to bulid a formula which would tweek the values selected from some picklist values. The issue is the length of my formula is '44000' and i hold sfdc allow only 3900 char in formula. If i  split the formula also i may have to create nearly 10 formula field and then concatinate them. Is there any workaround for this please suggest.

HI All,

I have 2 custom picklist fields, Eg : abc__c(New, Open, Inprogress) and xyz__c(High, Medium, Low, Average)
If the value of picklist abc__c is 'New' , xyz__c should not be 'Required' and for all rest of values on abc__c , xyz__c should be Required 

Need an validation rule for this.. 

Company_Name__c &'_'& TEXT( GEO__c )&'_'& TEXT(Product__c) &'_'& TEXT(Year__c)

I have a formula field as above where GEO__C, Product__C are picklist fields.

Now my requirement is Eg - GEO (India, America, Europe) and Product(Android Phone, Mac Phone)

When GEO is India and Product is Android Phone Value should be : (Samsung_IND_Android_Phone_2017) as per the above formula

GEO : India (IND), America (USA), Europe (UK) - it should substitute the value with upper case. Product : Android Phone(Picklist value should get converted to Android_phone)underscore should get added.

can someone help how to add substitute for picklist field
Can we create a picklist field where can pick the value from dropdown as well as type the text and save?

Hi All,

Is there any way we can default more than one value in Multi-picklist.

Hi All,

I have a requirement where i need to create a field which would be a name generator - (Sum of some field values)
Ex : if i have 4 different picklist field and 1 number and 1 year field.
Values of picklist field (Name - Vipin, Country - India, Number - 04, year - 2017)

I want to add a feild which would pull these value and substitue to smaller words and add.

Like : Vipin_IND_04_2017 (Where IND is uppercase)

It should populate when we save the record.

How to do this? Your help would be appricated.
Hi Guys,

I have a query. I joined a support project where Lead/Campaign management is already configured. Lead Management has integration with Marketo and some other systems such as D&B/Account center etc. They have not maintained any docs to understand end to end flow. Now i want to understand 2 things 

1. The Process flow from Lead created to converted.
2. Eg any Field - Where all the field is used in configuration/Customization.

Is there a way that i can generate any logs to understand the process completely.
You thoughts would help me.. Thanks!!
Hi All,

We have salesforce integrated with eloqua, I joined here recently.. how can i create test data in salesforce to understand the integration like how the process is built.
1. How to create the test data and understand the field values/flow 
2. Can i generate logs to understand the integration in UAT or Prod

Your advice would help me a lot!!

Hi All,

I want to write an query to find lead visibliity based on roles. We have sharing settings enabled but for some reasons i am not able to get leads based on roles . Can some one help me with the query.

Need Lead Name, Status, Owner, User Role
User-added image

Hi All, I need to add a Link/Button with picklist list field which would take me to PDF (which explains the picklist field values). I have this requirement on Both Standard/Custom page layout for custom fields. Can someone tell be how can we achieve this? Is this possible through configuration or need to go with customization.
Hi All,

I have a requirement where i want a static link next to picklist field which would open up a PDF file(Static).

How can we do this?

Hi All,

Can someone help me with test class for the below apex class?

public class DisplayQuote
    public List<Quote> allquotes{get;set;}
    public Boolean result{get;set;}
    public Id quoteId {get;set;}
    public DisplayQuote(ApexPages.StandardController stdController)
        sObject quote = stdController.getRecord();
        quoteId = (Id) quote.get('Id');

        String rowsString = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('rows');
        if (rowsString == null || rowsString  == '')
        rowsString = '10';

        if (rowsString == 'All')
        rowsString = '1000';
        Integer rows = Integer.valueOf(rowsString);
        allQuotes = new List<Quote>([SELECT Opportunity.Account.Name, Opportunity.name,OpportunityId, Name, IsSyncing, Id, ExpirationDate, Discount, CreatedById, Status From Quote WHERE Status = 'Review Pending' limit :rows]);
        if (allQuotes.isEmpty())
        result = false;
        result = true;
Hi All,

I have written a validation rule to set quote record read only for particular quote status and editable only be system admin profile.
Now i want only status field to be editable and all other fields in the record to be read only for other profiles except system admin. 

AND ($Profile.Name <> "System Administrator", 
OR( ISPICKVAL( PRIORVALUE(Status) , "Presented") , 
ISPICKVAL( PRIORVALUE(Status) , "Expired") 
Hi All,

I have a requirement where i want a static link next to picklist field which would open up a PDF file(Static).

How can we do this?

Hi All,

I have a requirment to bulid a formula which would tweek the values selected from some picklist values. The issue is the length of my formula is '44000' and i hold sfdc allow only 3900 char in formula. If i  split the formula also i may have to create nearly 10 formula field and then concatinate them. Is there any workaround for this please suggest.

Hi All,

I want to write an query to find lead visibliity based on roles. We have sharing settings enabled but for some reasons i am not able to get leads based on roles . Can some one help me with the query.

Need Lead Name, Status, Owner, User Role
Hi All,

I have a requirement where i want a static link next to picklist field which would open up a PDF file(Static).

How can we do this?

Hi All,

Can someone help me with test case for this trigger.

trigger UpdateQuoteStatus on task (after insert, after update){
    Set<Id> QuoteId = new Set<Id>();
    List<Quote> Quotes = new List<Quote>();

    for(task t:trigger.new){
            if((t.WhatId != NULL && t.WhatId.getSobjectType() == Quote.sobjecttype) && (t.subject.substring(0,5) == 'Email')){
    for(Quote QList:[select Status from Quote where Id IN : QuoteId]){
       Quote Qt = new Quote();
        Qt.Id = QList.Id;
        QList.Status = 'Presented';

        update Quotes;

Hi All,

Can someone help me with test class for this trigger?

trigger OptyStatusUpdate on Quote (after update) {
Set<String> quote=new Set<String>();
for(Quote q : Trigger.new)
if(q.Status=='Expired' || q.Status=='Rejected')
for(Opportunity opp : [select id, StageName from Opportunity where id in: quote])
opp.StageName='Closed Lost';
update opp;

i have created a custom profile/User. Trying to create quote for an Opty/Account. When i try to select the contact from lookup on quote its blank and now showing any value. When i login as System Admin it shows the contacts related to selected account.

Am i missing any admin settings for custom profile?
Hi All,

I have created visual flow to create order from Quote with line items assignment. Have a generate button on quote which would tigger the flow and order gets created. 
Issue is the order gets created and but it stays on the quote page itself. My requirement is once the order is created it should navigate to Order screen with created order.

Can someone help!
Hi All,

We have a flag on Account - 'Check__C' . When this flag is true i need to set Quote Summary field 'Summary__C' to required.

can some one help me with this.
Hi All,

I have created some flows for quote to order in a free develper org. I want to move these flows to my project sandbox org where development need to happen. Is it possible to migrate the changes from free dev org to sandbox org?

Hi All,

I have created a VF page for community to add employee details. I have used a custom object (Employee) for which the master object is Account. I have also added the Account field on the VF page. Now i need to set the account value as the account of the logged in user[Community user Account). How can i achieve this?

<h5>Emergency Contact Information</h5>
                                    <div class="form-field-row">
                                        <div class="form-field-label">First Name</div>
                                        <div class="form-field-input"><apex:inputText value="{!Employee__c.Emergency_First_Name__c}" /></div>
                                    <div class="form-field-row">
                                        <div class="form-field-label">Last Name</div>
                                        <div class="form-field-input"><apex:inputText value="{!Employee__c.Emergency_Last_Name__c}" /></div>
                                    <div class="form-field-row">
                                        <div class="form-field-label">Last Name</div>
                                        <div class="form-field-input"><apex:inputText value="{!Employee__c.Account__c}" /></div>
Hi All,

Can someone tell me what are the certifications offered by salesforce now. I hope there are some changes and developer and Advanced developer are taken out. Kindly provide the info you u have.

Hi All,
I have created a VF page for add employee with 12 fields and added to community. These fields are visible when i login as salesforce user. But when i login as community user 4 input fields do not show up only the label is visible. This 4 fields which are not visible are lookup fields where the controlling field being account. Is there any settings i need to enable?

Hi All,

I am new to salesforce. I have an salesforce user access as system administrator and we have some communities in our org. I want to login to this community as community plus user not as salesforce user. How do i go head and add community user to my profile and login. Will there be a seperate login for Salesforce user and another one for community user. Kindly help.
