• Christian TJuul Mikkelsen
  • 19 Points
  • Member since 2015

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When saving a new related record (junction object) on a case we are struggeling with recordtype selection when the user clicks "Save and new". 

We would like to set the record type to the same as the record that was just created. However I have not found a way to do so. Currently my button looks like this: /a10/e?CF00Nw0000008kJ7j={!Case.CaseNumber}&CF00Nw0000008kJ7j_lkid={!Case.Id}&RecordType=0121r000000Ar5e
I have tried adding the save_new_url like this:
However I cannot get it to work. 

Hope that some can spot my error. 
I am trying to create create a fast an fleksible Process Builder setup.
I our org there has been done a lot of work with process builder, due to this we were nearing the CPU time limit. I was looking into creating a setup with process builders that called other process builders (Invocable processes) and it worked great however I have now found that when calling a process from another process I loose access to prior values/functions such as PRIORVALUE and and ISCHANGED in my Criteria -> Set conditions.
Do any of you know if there is a way around it? It could be great way to avoid the CPU time limit.

We have some integrations that loads data intosalesforce. These integrations some times load values into the Picklist that are not in the picklist.
HOw do you normally handle this? Is the only way to control this by creating reports and track it and correct it you self? Or can we force salesforce only to accept picklist values that are in the picklist? (I know that this would mean that we loose a lot of data)

Thank you for you help.

Best regards,
We have some integrations that loads data intosalesforce. These integrations is somehow able to load values into the Picklist that are not in the picklist.
Can anyone tell me how this i posible? Is the only way to control this by creating reports and track it and correct it you self? Or can we force salesforce only to accept picklist values that are in the picklist?

Thank you for you help.

Best regards,
We have some integrations that loads data intosalesforce. These integrations is somehow able to load values into the Picklist that are not in the picklist.
Can anyone tell me how this i posible? Is the only way to control this by creating reports and track it and correct it you self? Or can we force salesforce only to accept picklist values that are in the picklist?

Thank you for you help.

Best regards,

I need a SOQL query that will retrieve a result set similar to what you get in the Notes And Attachments section of an Account. This list includes not only all Notes And Attachments with the Account itself as the parent, but also for all Cases, Opportunities and/or Contacts related to the Account. With the NoteAndAttachment entity not queryable directly, and with no UNION clause available, I don't even know where to begin writing a single all-includive query.

I have a question. During Challenge.....

I have many Contacts, and
make Visualforce Code and
execute, but I can't see my Contact.

Why can I just see only one Contact?

User-added image

User-added image

User-added image

<apex:page standardController="Contact" recordSetVar="contacts">
               <apex:slds /> 
             <apex:repeat value="{!contacts}" var="c">
            <dl class="slds-list_horizontal slds-wrap">
  <dt class="slds-item_label slds-text-color_weak slds-truncate" title="First Label">First Label:</dt>
  <dd class="slds-item_detail slds-truncate" title="Description for first label">{!c.Name}</dd>
  <dt class="slds-item_label slds-text-color_weak slds-truncate" title="Second Label">Second Label:</dt>
  <dd class="slds-item_detail slds-truncate" title="Description for second label">{!c.Phone}</dd>