• Jackline Musyoki
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Hello Guys
am new to Apex code. I would like a trigger to prevent members of a profile from deleting  a change. I have come up with this code but i get an error. Could you help me refine it.
trigger RestrictDelete on BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c (before delete) {

String ProfileId = UserInfo.getProfileId();  
for (Change_Request a : Trigger.old)      
     a.addError('You cannot delete this record!');

Hello Guys
am new to Apex code. I would like a trigger to prevent members of a profile from deleting  a change. I have come up with this code but i get an error. Could you help me refine it.
trigger RestrictDelete on BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c (before delete) {

String ProfileId = UserInfo.getProfileId();  
for (Change_Request a : Trigger.old)      
     a.addError('You cannot delete this record!');