• Kenneth Wang
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My Org has several active currencies, the corporate currency is USD. When I using the following List View Results API to get the records,
the currency type field value is automatically converted to USD.

For example:
On object's list view page, the currency field value is
CNY 500.50 (USD 83.42)
but in the result of rest API, its value is
        "label":"My Cost",

Is that possible to disable the convertCurrency when using List View Results rest API? I want to get the original value.

Hi All,

I registered an account with https://www.salesforce.com/form/signup/freetrial-sales-ee.jsp. I can log in via browser but can not log in via api. It reports "API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG: This organization or partner does not have API enabled".

I did some research, some say that need to enable API Access, but I can not find this option in my account. Does anyone know how to set it on a trial account?

Others say it depends on the type of account, and only some of the types of accounts are enabled API Access, such as development. Does anyone know where the related documents are?

Thanks very much!!!
For example, Object A has 2 record types: RTX, RTY.
Is it possible to create a field F only for RTX, it means this field cannot be selected by RTY, such as layout or somrthings else.
I have created an rollup field, and added some Filter Criteria under its Roll-Up Summary Options tab. But I can't find the Filter Criteria in the Custom Field's metadata object through the Tooling API. Would you please let me know how to get it?
CustomField: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_tooling.meta/api_tooling/tooling_api_objects_customfield.htm
Is there anyone met this problem before?

I want to query RecordType through SOAP API, my soql is "Select BusinessProcessId, NamespacePrefix, IsPersonType, SobjectType, DeveloperName From RecordType Where Name = 'Estimate'".
The reponse error is: 
BusinessProcessId, NamespacePrefix, IsPersonType, SobjectType, DeveloperName
ERROR at Row:1:Column:44
No such column 'IsPersonType' on entity 'RecordType'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.
My Org has several active currencies, the corporate currency is USD. When I using the following List View Results API to get the records,
the currency type field value is automatically converted to USD.

For example:
On object's list view page, the currency field value is
CNY 500.50 (USD 83.42)
but in the result of rest API, its value is
        "label":"My Cost",

Is that possible to disable the convertCurrency when using List View Results rest API? I want to get the original value.