• Nitish Singh 22
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I have data in the format", "", "", "2018.1.3", "2018.1.1", "2", "10", "1", "2018.5.3".

I want to sort them. Any ideas ???

I have a vf page on the Feed View for Case object .When I open a Case record from my User-added imageService Cloud Console Application . The console app embeds the vf page in an iFrame . This iFrame has a max hieght of 950 px. 
I need to increase hieght of the vf page but since this gets embeded iniside an iFrame on the Service Cloud Console. The max hieght of the iFrame does not allow to increase hieght of vf page.

Any suggestions on how to increase the hieght of this iFrame ??
I have a custom vf page for creating a Case. Please refer attached screenshot.User-added image

I want a clone button on this Page , that would create a New Case with values prepopulated from this Case i.e. creating a Clone of this Case.

Any leads would be appreciated
I am referring to the this documentation : https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_console.meta/api_console/sforce_api_console_opensubtab.htm

It suggests that if I pass ID of a subtab , the newly opened tab will override on the passed TABID & not create a new tab. But I am not able to achieve this behaviour as it always opens a new tab.

Refer attached screenshotUser-added image
I have a button on vf page which clicked opens Contact in a new SubTab.  See below

User-added image

Every time a new subatb is openned . I want to overrite the existing tab.

i am passing the SubTabID to override still it is not overriding :

 sforce.console.openSubtab(primaryTabId ,'003/e?retURL=%2F001g000001VnaTA&accid={!ct_SelectedContact.AccountId}', true,
                                     'New Contact', newtabID, openSuccess, null);

newtabID is the ID of the subtab to override
User-added image

I have a vf page which is used to submit Case. Refer above screenshot. This VF page is subscribed to any changes in  Contact object via CometD.

When I have multiple Cases openned as in Screenshot , both the the vf page receive a callback  from CometD even though i am making changes in any one of the Cases (beacuse my Contact is changing and a callback is getting generated).

I want to determine the sequence of callback on the vf Page .
I am passing Contact Name to my component via Apex:attribute  
<apex:attribute name="selectedContactName" description="Contact selected" type="String"assignTo="{!ct_displayValue}"/>
which i am assigning to a text field in the component
<apex:inputText styleClass="box" value="{!ct_displayValue}" />
But if User changes the Contact name in the above text field (i.e ct_displayValue). Still my controller reflects the initial value.

If initial value of 'ct_displayValue' was "ABC"
user changes it to "XYZ" and hits action button, in controller i get "ABC", where i am expecting "XYZ".

Note: I already have Getter and setter for 'ct_displayValue'

I have created a Push Topic that is working as expected .

How do i move this to production sandbox.

I am sure there should be a way to move a Topic from one Sanbox to another without having to manually create in the new Sanbox
I have the following code :

String SOSL = 'FIND { "How can I pay my invoice?"} IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING WKArticleType__kav(Id,Title, CreatedDate, LastModifiedDate, Details__c, UrlName,Topic__C, Input_Method__c WHERE PublishStatus='Online' AND language ='en_US'offset 0)
List<List<SObject>> genArticles =  search.query(sosl) ;
 catch(QueryException ex){
          system.debug('Unable to fetch KB Article for the given facets'+ ex.getMessage());   

I am having an exception of type  System.UnexpectedException .The execution never goes to catch block.

Any suggestion would be appreciated
I am getting JSON as response of JS function in the vf page like this   :

{  "channel": "/topic/RefreshAccountsCheck",  "clientId": "4o19aelk6nsydgk1c90dh1plapd",  "data": {    "event": {      "type": "created",      "createdDate": "2017-05-08T13:02:28.000+0000"    },    "sobject": {      "Id": "001g000001gaFxgAAE",      "Name": "KIMISON SWIFT NW"    }  } }

I want to initialize this to a Contact SObject .

Any leads would be appreciated
User-added image

Hi All ,

I am trying to open the  page to add new contact as a subtab on service console.  Refer above screenshot.

I have a page layout named "User_ContactLayout" for Contact object.  I want to open this as a tab on my service console on click of a button  on the visual force page.
I have an apex component  :

<apex:component controller="wk_NotesController" id="tst" allowDML="true">
    <apex:attribute name="componentValue" description="Attribute on the component."
                  type="Account_Notes_and_Alerts__c"  assignTo="{!controllerValue}"/>

   <script type='text/javascript' src='/canvas/sdk/js/publisher.js'></script>
  <apex:includeScript value="/support/console/25.0/integration.js" />

<apex:form >
        <apex:commandButton value="Show Pop up" id="btn" action="{!showPopup}" rerender="tstpopups"/>         
        <apex:outputPanel id="tstpopups">

        <apex:outputPanel styleClass="popupBackground" layout="block" rendered="{!displayPopUp}"/>
           <apex:outputPanel styleClass="custPopup" layout="block" rendered="{!displayPopUp}">
               <div class="section group">
                   <div id="cmtContainer">
                           <!-- Comments box -->  
                        <apex:outputLabel styleClass="label"   value="{!$ObjectType.Account_Notes_and_Alerts__c.fields.Note_Text__c.Label}" />
                        <apex:inputField id="txtcmnt" value="{!componentValue.Note_Text__c}" styleClass="box"/>   
                   <div id="cmtAdditionalPropContainer" style="overflow: auto;">
                        <!-- NOte Type Drpdwn -->
                        <apex:outputLabel styleClass="label"   value="{!$ObjectType.Account_Notes_and_Alerts__c.fields.Note_Type__c.Label}" />
                        <apex:inputField id="drpdwn" value="{!componentValue.Note_Type__c}" styleClass="box"/>   
                   <div class="btn-section">
                        <apex:commandButton action="{!saveValues}" value="Save" id="btnSave" />                
                        <apex:commandButton value="Hide Pop up" action="{!closePopup}" rerender="tstpopups"/>                                                     

To this apex component I want to pass an Array of SObject typefrom Controller class
HI ,

I have vf component and I am trying to save data from this component into a custom SObject .
Because I am unable to use Standard Controllers in vf component I am struggling with this.
This is what my vf componet looks like

<apex:component controller="wk_NotesController" id="tst" allowDML="true">
    <apex:attribute name="componentValue" description="Attribute on the component."
                  type="Boolean" required="required" assignTo="{!controllerValue}"/>

        <apex:commandButton value="Show Pop up" action="{!showPopup}" rerender="tstpopups"/>
        <apex:pageBlock >
           Older Notes Section 
        <apex:outputPanel id="tstpopups">
        <apex:outputPanel styleClass="popupBackground" layout="block" rendered="{!displayPopUp}"/>
           <apex:outputPanel styleClass="custPopup" layout="block" rendered="{!displayPopUp}">
     <!-- Comments box -->       
    <apex:outputLabel styleClass="label"   value="{!$ObjectType.Account_Notes_and_Alerts__c.fields.Note_Text__c.Label}" />
    <apex:inputField id="txtcmnt" value="{!val.Note_Text__c}" styleClass="box"/>
       <!-- NOte Type Drpdwn -->
    <apex:outputLabel styleClass="label"   value="{!$ObjectType.Account_Notes_and_Alerts__c.fields.Note_Type__c.Label}" />
    <apex:inputField id="drpdwn" value="{!val.Note_Type__c}" styleClass="box"/>  

      <!-- Check Box -->
           <apex:outputLabel styleClass="label" value="{!$ObjectType.Account_Notes_and_Alerts__c.fields.Alert__c.Label}"></apex:outputLabel>
           <apex:inputCheckbox styleClass="" value="{!val.Alert__c}" />
    <apex:commandButton action="{!saveValues}" value="Save" id="btnSave" />               
          <apex:commandButton value="Hide Pop up" action="{!closePopup}" rerender="tstpopups"/>                  


I have an apex form  <apex:form id="productSelectionForm">

I want to dynamically set this to readonly  maybe on window.onload event or something .

Any suggestions would be appreciated
I want to save values form a VF Page to a custom object Note__c.  How do i go about it , please suggest.

This is how my Vf Page and corresponding controller class looks like

VF Page : 

<apex:page id="notedetails" extensions="wk_NotesController" standardController="Note__c" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardStylesheets="false" docType="">
<apex:form id="inputform">
    <apex:outputLabel styleClass="label"   value="{!$ObjectType.Note__c.fields.Comments__c.Label}" />
    <apex:inputField id="txtcmnt" value="{!val.Comments__c}" styleClass="box"/>  
    <apex:outputLabel styleClass="label"   value="{!$ObjectType.Note__c.fields.Note_type__c.Label}" />
    <apex:inputField id="drpdwn" value="{!val.Note_type__c}" styleClass="box"/>  
    <apex:commandButton action="{!saveValues}" value="Save" id="btnSave" />

Controller :

public with sharing class wk_NotesController { 

    public Note__c val{get;set;}  
     public String comments {
     public String NoteType {
    public wk_NotesController(ApexPages.StandardController cont){
        val= (Note__c)cont.getRecord();
    public PageReference saveValues(){       
        return null;

Basically i want determine whether some values has been chnaged on my VF page so that i can throw a save prompt message whenever user tries to close the page .
I have a custom VF page on service cloud console. In case accidentally the tabs is closed , the unsaved data on the VF page gets lost.

So i need a pop up message when a tab is closed , requesting to save the data first.

How can i achieve this ? 
Hi All ,

I have SOSL a query with DATA CATEGORY filter that returns some 50 records 

Same SOSL query with no DATA CATEGORY filter returns about 20 records.

I was expecting the SOSL query with no DATA CATEGORY filter to return more number of records .

Can someone explain why the same SOSL query with filters applied returns more number of records
Hi All , 

I am using the followng SOSL query to get required KB articles from SF  :

FIND { How AND can AND I pay AND my AND invoice?} IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING WKArticleType__kav(Id,Title, CreatedDate, LastModifiedDate, Details__c, UrlName,Topic__C, Input_Method__c WHERE PublishStatus='Online' AND language ='en_US'offset 0)

I have a custom REST API which internally uses this SOSL query . This works fine and i am able to get desired results.

Now when i invoke this SOSL query from WORKBENCH the sequence of articles in response differ from that when i invoke the custom REST API . Even thpugh the custom API uses the same query internally

when i invoke this from WORBENCH
I have created a Push Topic that is working as expected .

How do i move this to production sandbox.

I am sure there should be a way to move a Topic from one Sanbox to another without having to manually create in the new Sanbox
I have data in the format", "", "", "2018.1.3", "2018.1.1", "2", "10", "1", "2018.5.3".

I want to sort them. Any ideas ???

I have a button on vf page which clicked opens Contact in a new SubTab.  See below

User-added image

Every time a new subatb is openned . I want to overrite the existing tab.

i am passing the SubTabID to override still it is not overriding :

 sforce.console.openSubtab(primaryTabId ,'003/e?retURL=%2F001g000001VnaTA&accid={!ct_SelectedContact.AccountId}', true,
                                     'New Contact', newtabID, openSuccess, null);

newtabID is the ID of the subtab to override
I have a page layout named "User_ContactLayout" for Contact object.  I want to open this as a tab on my service console on click of a button  on the visual force page.
I have a custom VF page on service cloud console. In case accidentally the tabs is closed , the unsaved data on the VF page gets lost.

So i need a pop up message when a tab is closed , requesting to save the data first.

How can i achieve this ? 
Hi All ,

I have SOSL a query with DATA CATEGORY filter that returns some 50 records 

Same SOSL query with no DATA CATEGORY filter returns about 20 records.

I was expecting the SOSL query with no DATA CATEGORY filter to return more number of records .

Can someone explain why the same SOSL query with filters applied returns more number of records