• Arnaud Combes
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I would like to use the SOAP API of Salesforce (WSDL downloaded in Enterprise WSDL) and also call a SOAP function that I have created in APEX, buth for both, I have the issue : 
https://test.salesforce.com/services/Soap/class/test. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'https://myapp.com' is therefore not allowed access.
even though I have added "https://myapp.com" in CORS.

I manage to call the Salesforce SOAP API from SOAP UI but when I try to call this API from my website in Javascript/JQuery, I always have the issue.

Is it possible to call it from an external website ?

Thank you for your help.


I try to verify the login and password of a community user throw a Webservice, and I have some issues.

So first, I manage to check the login/password of a Salesforce user by using :
  1. the enterprise wsdl. I use the Login function to get a Session ID
  2. then I have created a SOAP webservice, and use OAuth authentification. I use the endpoint : https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token?grant_type=...

But when I enter a community user, it doesn't find the user. Is there anything to change ? I have tried the different link found on google but nothing worked. 

I hope my question is clear enough :)

Thank you !


I have created a webservice (SOAP) of an Apex class, and in this class I call Site.login :

String startUrl = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('startURL');
 return Site.login(username, password, startUrl);

The problem is that Site.login return NULL. 
I think that it is because "System.currentPageReference()" is maybe unknown as it is called from an external tool.

Is there a way to call this function from an external website ?

For information, I try to connect with a community account (with a Salesforce account it works)...

Thank you.


In my salesforce website, I make a redirection to another website and I would like to get it with JQUERY. The problem is that I have this error message :  'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' 
To avoid that, I need to add my website in Whitelist (CORS) but I can't because in Salesforce, it is possible to add a website in Whitelist only if it is in HTTPS, and not in HTTP.
Is there another way to do that ?



It's been 1 month I try to find a way to connect or just verify a username/password but from an external website and just with javascript. I have tried jsforce, but everything I find used node js. Is there something just in javascript ?

Thank you.



I'm trying to get salesforce data from my website with  SOQL query but I don't manage to do it.
For that I have tried all the JS libraries I have found like forcejs, but I always have some errors. Is there a library to do this ? And how can I do it ?

Thank you very much.



I have today a private website which need requires to login in order to access to the application.The login page is made in Saleforce (visualforce page), but today I would like to integrate this login inside multiple public website.
So in that public website, people will can connect and then will be redirected to the application.

Is it possible to do it ? Or the login page must be in a visualforce page ?

Thank you very much for your help.

Arnaud C.

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to create a report with some custom objects and I can't manage to do it, certainly because of an issue in my apex code...

To explain, I have created 3 custom objects : Quote, Items and Delivery.

The object « Quote » always has a record, and for 1 record in « Quote », there can be 0 to n records in Items and in Delivery.
So Quote is like a Parent with 2 children : Items ans Delivery.

I have added a lookup relation on Quote to Items and Delivery, and also created a Lookup on Items and Delivery to Quote.
Then I have created a new report, with Primary object : Quote, and in Edit layout, I have added fields of Items and Delivery thanks to « Add fields related via lookup ».

But now, when I run my report, it is empty… If I only display Quote fields I have some records, but when I add fields from Items or Delivery, I have no record in my report.

Maybe, I don’t insert data as it has to be done in Apex.
I do it like this : 

Quote__c insertQuote = new Quote__c();
insertQuote.ECOM_CustomerId__c = ‘abcd’;
insert insertQuote;
Item__c insertQuoteItem = new Item__c();
insertQuoteItem.Quantity__c = 1;
insertQuoteItem.Quote__r = insertQuote;
insert insertQuoteItem;

But on different forums, I see as I need to use Quote__r, and sometimes Quote__c = Id…
Is there something wrong ? I completely lost, and can’t see what is wrong !!

I just begin with salesforce, and even with the help I found on forums, I didn't manage to fix my issue.
Don't hesitate to ask me if it is not clear !
Thank you very much for you help.



I would like to use the SOAP API of Salesforce (WSDL downloaded in Enterprise WSDL) and also call a SOAP function that I have created in APEX, buth for both, I have the issue : 
https://test.salesforce.com/services/Soap/class/test. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'https://myapp.com' is therefore not allowed access.
even though I have added "https://myapp.com" in CORS.

I manage to call the Salesforce SOAP API from SOAP UI but when I try to call this API from my website in Javascript/JQuery, I always have the issue.

Is it possible to call it from an external website ?

Thank you for your help.


I'm trying to get salesforce data from my website with  SOQL query but I don't manage to do it.
For that I have tried all the JS libraries I have found like forcejs, but I always have some errors. Is there a library to do this ? And how can I do it ?

Thank you very much.



I have today a private website which need requires to login in order to access to the application.The login page is made in Saleforce (visualforce page), but today I would like to integrate this login inside multiple public website.
So in that public website, people will can connect and then will be redirected to the application.

Is it possible to do it ? Or the login page must be in a visualforce page ?

Thank you very much for your help.

Arnaud C.

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to create a report with some custom objects and I can't manage to do it, certainly because of an issue in my apex code...

To explain, I have created 3 custom objects : Quote, Items and Delivery.

The object « Quote » always has a record, and for 1 record in « Quote », there can be 0 to n records in Items and in Delivery.
So Quote is like a Parent with 2 children : Items ans Delivery.

I have added a lookup relation on Quote to Items and Delivery, and also created a Lookup on Items and Delivery to Quote.
Then I have created a new report, with Primary object : Quote, and in Edit layout, I have added fields of Items and Delivery thanks to « Add fields related via lookup ».

But now, when I run my report, it is empty… If I only display Quote fields I have some records, but when I add fields from Items or Delivery, I have no record in my report.

Maybe, I don’t insert data as it has to be done in Apex.
I do it like this : 

Quote__c insertQuote = new Quote__c();
insertQuote.ECOM_CustomerId__c = ‘abcd’;
insert insertQuote;
Item__c insertQuoteItem = new Item__c();
insertQuoteItem.Quantity__c = 1;
insertQuoteItem.Quote__r = insertQuote;
insert insertQuoteItem;

But on different forums, I see as I need to use Quote__r, and sometimes Quote__c = Id…
Is there something wrong ? I completely lost, and can’t see what is wrong !!

I just begin with salesforce, and even with the help I found on forums, I didn't manage to fix my issue.
Don't hesitate to ask me if it is not clear !
Thank you very much for you help.


Hello there,
I am developing a application for my company using flex and salesforce.com technologies. I have the below requirement: I need to be able to authenticate the user(sales force login id) from my website (developed using MXML and action scripts) and upon successful authentication, I should redirect them to my salesforce.com org home page (i.e., to the home tab and not to the login.salesforce.com page). If anyone has inputs or pointers on how to do this, can you pls share that with me ?

A B 
  • April 29, 2008
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