• Geeta Kushwaha 15
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Showing below error when checking challege in Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist challenge 7. I have followed the steps as per the requirements. checked with new trailhead playground as well, but still showing same error.

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  • October 15, 2017
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Looks like Challenge 7 is not working for me.. I tried with 2 separated Playgrounds from the scratch and it still fails with weird error, even though I think I've done everything right. I have no idea what else I should try.

Error message:
There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: GFXKWRGA. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: BAD_REQUEST: Specify a valid value for the source parameter.

I keep getting the following error on Step 6:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Didn't find a Lightning app named Communications. This Lightning app must include the items that Paloma uses regularly. Paloma must be able to access the app.

I created the lightning app called "Communications" and assigned it to all profiles, I also set it as default but I'm still getting the error.Any ideas?


I started this new superbadge yesterday and I am wondering if there is an issue with step 7: Set up reporting for sales managers in Lightning Experience.

I believed to have done everything right () report was created, added to Account, Dashboard was created. But I received the following error: 
ERROR: The Opportunities Pipeline report must: 
        1. Display data for all time, 
        2. Show opportunities by stage, 
        3. Contain a funnel chart, 
        4. Provide the information required by the dashboard.
I am trying to understand it, but the requirements and point 4 in the error message makes it a little unspecific (I can dismiss error 1,2,3 easily)... What information do they want to show on the Dashboard? I created all 3 charts but I guess I am not displaying the correct metrics...    
  • September 06, 2017
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