• itzmukeshy7
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I want to retrieve row data on click of remove button for custom HTML data table in Lightning Web Component(LWC). I am using custom HTML data table in LWC since LWC does not support displaying picklist values. Could someone please help me with the same.
Below is my code with screenshot:

    <lightning-card >
    <table class="slds-table slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_bordered slds-table_striped">
        <tr class="slds-line-height_reset">
            <th scope="col"><div class="slds-truncate">Actions</div></th>
            <th scope="col"><div class="slds-truncate">Id</div></th>
            <th scope="col"><div class="slds-truncate">Name</div></th>
            <th scope="col"><div class="slds-truncate">Type</div></th>
            <th scope="col"><div class="slds-truncate">Industry</div></th>

        <template for:each={sObjData} for:item="sobKey">
        <tr key={sobKey.Id}>
                <td><div><lightning-button variant="brand" label="Remove" title="Primary action" onclick={handleClick} class="slds-m-left_x-small"></lightning-button>
                    <div class="slds-select_container">
                    <select class="slds-select"  onchange={onValueSelection1}>
                    <option value="">{sobKey.Type}</option>
                    <!--iterate all picklist values from wrapper list using for:each loop-->
                    <template for:each={TypeValue.data} for:item="picklistItem">
                    <option key={picklistItem.svalue} value={picklistItem.svalue}>
                    <div class="slds-select_container">
                    <select class="slds-select"  onchange={onValueSelection1}>
                    <option value="">{sobKey.Industry}</option>
                    <!--iterate all picklist values from wrapper list using for:each loop-->
                    <template for:each={IndustryValues.data} for:item="picklistItem">
                    <option key={picklistItem.svalue} value={picklistItem.svalue}>

import { LightningElement,wire, api, track } from 'lwc';
import fetchsObjectData from '@salesforce/apex/lwcDemoController.fetchsObjectData';
import fetchPickListValue from '@salesforce/apex/lwcDemoController.fetchPickListValue';

export default class LwcPicklistDemo extends LightningElement {
@api objectName = 'Account';
@track sObjData= [];

    @wire(fetchsObjectData, {obName :'$objectName'} )
    wiredResult(result) { 
        if (result.data) {
            this.sObjData = result.data;

    @wire(fetchPickListValue, {objInfo: {'sobjectType' : 'Account'},
    picklistFieldApi: 'Industry'}) IndustryValues;
	@wire(fetchPickListValue, {objInfo: {'sobjectType' : 'Account'},
    picklistFieldApi: 'Type'}) TypeValue;

	// eslint-disable-next-line no-alert
	// eslint-disable-next-line no-alert
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert
        alert('Remove clicked');


public with sharing class lwcDemoController {

    @AuraEnabled(cacheable = true)
    public static List<SObject> fetchsObjectData(String obName){
        return database.query('SELECT ID, Name,Type,Industry FROM '+obName+' LIMIT 5');
    @AuraEnabled(cacheable = true)
    public static List < FetchValueWrapper > fetchPickListValue(sObject objInfo, string picklistFieldApi) {
        // Describe the SObject using its object type.
        Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objDescribe = objInfo.getSObjectType().getDescribe();
        // Get a map of fields for the SObject
        map < String, Schema.SObjectField > fieldMap = objDescribe.fields.getMap();
        // Get the list of picklist values for this field.
        list < Schema.PicklistEntry > values = fieldMap.get(picklistFieldApi).getDescribe().getPickListValues();
        // Create a list of wrapper to store picklist value/lable
        list < FetchValueWrapper > objWrapper = new list < FetchValueWrapper > ();
        for (Schema.PicklistEntry a: values) {
            FetchValueWrapper oFetchValueWrapper = new FetchValueWrapper();
            oFetchValueWrapper.slabel = a.getLabel();
            oFetchValueWrapper.svalue = a.getValue();
        return objWrapper;
 // wrapper class 
    public with sharing class FetchValueWrapper {
        @auraEnabled public string slabel {get;set;}
        @auraEnabled public string svalue {get;set;}

<aura:application extends="force:slds">

User-added image

Hi there,

So, I'm working on a batch apex which is supposed to read from a Custom_Object_A__c according to a given criteria, and update another Custom_Object_B__c.

The deal is that a long result set is returned when I query Custom_Object_A__c and I'm mapping the query results from Custom_Object_A__c into a List <String> which I use to query Custom_Object_B__c and instantiate it, so I can update the records that I need.

When I first run my batch I actually noticed a strange error message on dev console:

19:59:08:034 EXCEPTION_THROWN [69]|System.QueryException: expecting a colon, found '.'

So I decided to put a debug on my code to check the soql statement that is generated to query Custom_Object_B__c and I realized that 3 dots (...) have been added to the end of the dinamically generated list of Ids, and that might be the cause for the error I mentioned above.
Plus, as a matter of trial to figure out the cause for the error, I have put a LIMIT clause on the first query which generates the list FROM Custom_Object_A__c. I started limiting for the first 20 records and still got the error. Then I changed it to limit by 11 records and so the code ran successfully:

USER_DEBUG [67]|DEBUG|select Code__c, Record_Type__c from Custom_Object_B__c where Record_Type__c = 'Format' and StatusProcess__c = 'Processed'and Code__c IN ('CAE3PDU49372PRG_BTCH2',  'TEST_L0_81',  'ROS-0004',  'TestStagingNA1-5',  'TestStagingNA3-3',  'TEST_L0_90',  'CAE3PDU49372PRG15TEST',  'FAUST_12345',  'CAE3',  'CAE4', ...)

The character length for the dinamically generated query is 304 so this should not be the problem as salesforce states that character length limit for SOQL statemets is up to 100,000.
Still according to them, I may use 4,000 characters on SOQL WHERE clause.

Can anybody shed some light on it? Am I violating any other SOQL limit that could led to this behaviour?

Thanks in advance,
Note: as per my code all the rows are getting rendered, on clicking of the Edit button,but the requirement is ::
1)on  click of the Edit button, that particular row should have to change to input , how it can be acheived.
Controller : 
public class testingclass {

public string xmlstring{get;set;}
 public string testingval{get;set;}
 public List<string> lsttestingval{get;set;}
 public boolean  indexSel{get;set;}
 public boolean anyBooleanValue{get;set;}
 public testingclass(){
  anyBooleanValue =true;
  lsttestingval = new list<string>();
   public void edit(){
   anyBooleanValue =False;
   public void delet(){
V.f page:
<apex:page controller="testingclass">
<apex:form >
    <table style="width:100%">
<apex:variable var="cnt" value="{!0}" /> 
 <apex:repeat var="a" value="{!lsttestingval}"> 
      <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!anyBooleanValue}" >{!a}</apex:outputPanel>
      <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!!anyBooleanValue}" ><apex:inputText /></apex:outputPanel>
      <!--<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!!anyBooleanValue && cnt == !indexSel}"><apex:inputText value="{!a}"/></apex:outputPanel> --->
     <td><apex:commandbutton action="{!Edit}" value="Edit" /></td>
      <td><apex:commandbutton action="{!delet}" value="Delete" /></td>
      <apex:variable var="cnt" value="{!cnt+1}"/>

Before click on edit buttonAfter clicking on the Edit button//please provide me solution that only that particular rwo should have to render.. thnks in advance


I have an object that has Picklistfield  named  'Status' and I want that whenever the Status Picklist field values is 'Closed Filled' or 'Closed Not Approved' the Close Date field which is of Date type cannot be left blank.

My Logic which is not working is:

IF( ISPICKVAL( Status__c , 'Closed-Filled')  ||  ISPICKVAL( Status__c , 'Closed Not Approved') ,   IF( ISBLANK( Close_Date__c ) ,true, false),false)


I want to retrieve row data on click of remove button for custom HTML data table in Lightning Web Component(LWC). I am using custom HTML data table in LWC since LWC does not support displaying picklist values. Could someone please help me with the same.
Below is my code with screenshot:

    <lightning-card >
    <table class="slds-table slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_bordered slds-table_striped">
        <tr class="slds-line-height_reset">
            <th scope="col"><div class="slds-truncate">Actions</div></th>
            <th scope="col"><div class="slds-truncate">Id</div></th>
            <th scope="col"><div class="slds-truncate">Name</div></th>
            <th scope="col"><div class="slds-truncate">Type</div></th>
            <th scope="col"><div class="slds-truncate">Industry</div></th>

        <template for:each={sObjData} for:item="sobKey">
        <tr key={sobKey.Id}>
                <td><div><lightning-button variant="brand" label="Remove" title="Primary action" onclick={handleClick} class="slds-m-left_x-small"></lightning-button>
                    <div class="slds-select_container">
                    <select class="slds-select"  onchange={onValueSelection1}>
                    <option value="">{sobKey.Type}</option>
                    <!--iterate all picklist values from wrapper list using for:each loop-->
                    <template for:each={TypeValue.data} for:item="picklistItem">
                    <option key={picklistItem.svalue} value={picklistItem.svalue}>
                    <div class="slds-select_container">
                    <select class="slds-select"  onchange={onValueSelection1}>
                    <option value="">{sobKey.Industry}</option>
                    <!--iterate all picklist values from wrapper list using for:each loop-->
                    <template for:each={IndustryValues.data} for:item="picklistItem">
                    <option key={picklistItem.svalue} value={picklistItem.svalue}>

import { LightningElement,wire, api, track } from 'lwc';
import fetchsObjectData from '@salesforce/apex/lwcDemoController.fetchsObjectData';
import fetchPickListValue from '@salesforce/apex/lwcDemoController.fetchPickListValue';

export default class LwcPicklistDemo extends LightningElement {
@api objectName = 'Account';
@track sObjData= [];

    @wire(fetchsObjectData, {obName :'$objectName'} )
    wiredResult(result) { 
        if (result.data) {
            this.sObjData = result.data;

    @wire(fetchPickListValue, {objInfo: {'sobjectType' : 'Account'},
    picklistFieldApi: 'Industry'}) IndustryValues;
	@wire(fetchPickListValue, {objInfo: {'sobjectType' : 'Account'},
    picklistFieldApi: 'Type'}) TypeValue;

	// eslint-disable-next-line no-alert
	// eslint-disable-next-line no-alert
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert
        alert('Remove clicked');


public with sharing class lwcDemoController {

    @AuraEnabled(cacheable = true)
    public static List<SObject> fetchsObjectData(String obName){
        return database.query('SELECT ID, Name,Type,Industry FROM '+obName+' LIMIT 5');
    @AuraEnabled(cacheable = true)
    public static List < FetchValueWrapper > fetchPickListValue(sObject objInfo, string picklistFieldApi) {
        // Describe the SObject using its object type.
        Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objDescribe = objInfo.getSObjectType().getDescribe();
        // Get a map of fields for the SObject
        map < String, Schema.SObjectField > fieldMap = objDescribe.fields.getMap();
        // Get the list of picklist values for this field.
        list < Schema.PicklistEntry > values = fieldMap.get(picklistFieldApi).getDescribe().getPickListValues();
        // Create a list of wrapper to store picklist value/lable
        list < FetchValueWrapper > objWrapper = new list < FetchValueWrapper > ();
        for (Schema.PicklistEntry a: values) {
            FetchValueWrapper oFetchValueWrapper = new FetchValueWrapper();
            oFetchValueWrapper.slabel = a.getLabel();
            oFetchValueWrapper.svalue = a.getValue();
        return objWrapper;
 // wrapper class 
    public with sharing class FetchValueWrapper {
        @auraEnabled public string slabel {get;set;}
        @auraEnabled public string svalue {get;set;}

<aura:application extends="force:slds">

User-added image

Hi there,

So, I'm working on a batch apex which is supposed to read from a Custom_Object_A__c according to a given criteria, and update another Custom_Object_B__c.

The deal is that a long result set is returned when I query Custom_Object_A__c and I'm mapping the query results from Custom_Object_A__c into a List <String> which I use to query Custom_Object_B__c and instantiate it, so I can update the records that I need.

When I first run my batch I actually noticed a strange error message on dev console:

19:59:08:034 EXCEPTION_THROWN [69]|System.QueryException: expecting a colon, found '.'

So I decided to put a debug on my code to check the soql statement that is generated to query Custom_Object_B__c and I realized that 3 dots (...) have been added to the end of the dinamically generated list of Ids, and that might be the cause for the error I mentioned above.
Plus, as a matter of trial to figure out the cause for the error, I have put a LIMIT clause on the first query which generates the list FROM Custom_Object_A__c. I started limiting for the first 20 records and still got the error. Then I changed it to limit by 11 records and so the code ran successfully:

USER_DEBUG [67]|DEBUG|select Code__c, Record_Type__c from Custom_Object_B__c where Record_Type__c = 'Format' and StatusProcess__c = 'Processed'and Code__c IN ('CAE3PDU49372PRG_BTCH2',  'TEST_L0_81',  'ROS-0004',  'TestStagingNA1-5',  'TestStagingNA3-3',  'TEST_L0_90',  'CAE3PDU49372PRG15TEST',  'FAUST_12345',  'CAE3',  'CAE4', ...)

The character length for the dinamically generated query is 304 so this should not be the problem as salesforce states that character length limit for SOQL statemets is up to 100,000.
Still according to them, I may use 4,000 characters on SOQL WHERE clause.

Can anybody shed some light on it? Am I violating any other SOQL limit that could led to this behaviour?

Thanks in advance,

I need to write an apex class that sums the Employees field on all accounts within a hierarchy and updates a custom field called "Total Hierarchy Employees" with the result on each account. For example:
  • Test Account 1 – 10 employees
    • Test Account 2 – 15 employees
    • Test Account 3 – 12 employees
The "Total Hierarchy Employees" field should read "37" on Test Account 1, 2, and 3.

I've gotten my apex class started, but I'm having trouble avoiding nesting loops and such. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
I created a visualforce and a apex class to display junction object child records on an account page. It is working as expected, but i was wonder how can update my apex class to allow the junction object child records to be updated from the account page? I'm not sure how to accomplish this so i am reaching out to the community to see if anyone could help me update my class to support this function. My VF page and class is below.

VF Page:
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="VF_SiteServicePartnerLandController" lightningStylesheets="true"  >

       th{ width: 50%;}       
    <apex:form > 

     <apex:pageBlock >
        <apex:pageBlockTable cellpadding="5" width="100%" columns="2" value="{!sspList}" var="item">
           <apex:column >
           <apex:outputField value="{!item.Supported_Trade__c}"/><br></br>
           <apex:outputLabel value=""><b>Service Partner Assigned to Site</b></apex:outputLabel><br></br>
                <apex:outputField value="{!item.Service_Partner__c}"/><br></br>
                <apex:outputLabel value=""><b>Service Partner Primary Contact</b></apex:outputLabel><br></br>
                <apex:outputField value="{!item.Primary_Field_Contact__c}"/><br></br>
                <apex:outputLabel value=""><b>Primary Field  Cell</b></apex:outputLabel><br></br>
                <apex:outputField value="{!item.Primary_Field_Mobile__c}"/><br></br>
                <apex:outputLabel value=""><b>Primary Field Email</b></apex:outputLabel><br></br>
                <apex:outputField value="{!item.Primary_Field_Email__c}"/><br></br>
                <apex:outputLabel value=""><b>Secondary Contact</b></apex:outputLabel><br></br>
                <apex:outputField value="{!item.Secondary_Field_Contact__c}"/><br></br>
                <apex:outputLabel value=""><b>Secondary Cell</b></apex:outputLabel><br></br>
                <apex:outputField value="{!item.Secondary_Field_Mobile__c}"/><br></br>
                <apex:outputField value="{!item.Secondary_Field_Email__c}"/>
           <apex:column >
           <apex:outputLabel value=""><b>Service Partner Owner</b></apex:outputLabel><br></br>
                <apex:outputField value="{!item.Service_Partner_Owner__c}"/><br></br>
                <apex:outputLabel value=""><b>Service Partner Owner Cell</b></apex:outputLabel><br></br>
                <apex:outputField value="{!item.Service_Partner_Owner_Mobile__c}"/><br></br>
                <apex:outputLabel value=""><b>Service Partner Main Phone</b></apex:outputLabel><br></br>
                <apex:outputField value="{!item.Service_Partner_Main_Phone__c}"/><br></br>
                <apex:outputLabel value=""><b>Service Partner Owner Email</b></apex:outputLabel><br></br>
                <apex:outputField value="{!item.Service_Partner_Owner_Email__c}"/><br></br>
                <apex:outputLabel value=""><b>Service Provider Start Date</b></apex:outputLabel><br></br>
                <apex:outputField value="{!item.Service_Partner_Start_Date__c}"/><br></br>
                <apex:outputLabel value=""><b>Service Provider End Date</b></apex:outputLabel><br></br>
                <apex:outputField value="{!item.Service_Partner_End_Date__c}"/>

Apex Class:
// Used on the account page updated 1-31-2020
Public Class VF_SiteServicePartnerLandController{
   private Account acc;
   public List<Site_Service_Partner__c> sspList {get;set;}
   public VF_SiteServicePartnerLandController(ApexPages.StandardController sp){
       acc = (Account)sp.getRecord();
       sspList = new List<Site_Service_Partner__c>();
       sspList = [SELECT Id,Name,Site_Account__c,Primary_Field_Contact__c,Service_Partner__c,
                  Service_Partner_Start_Date__c,Service_Partner_End_Date__c,Service_Partner_Main_Phone__c,Trade__c,Supported_Trade__c  FROM Site_Service_Partner__c WHERE Site_Account__c =: acc.Id AND Site_Account__r.Trade__c includes('Land') AND Service_Partner_Site_Status__c = 'Active' ];

    Set<Id> bidId = new  Set<Id>();  
    for(Site_Service_Partner__c bs:sspList){


  • February 05, 2020
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hi, I am facing another issue in custom template that.... i want to add <img> tag and the source of image is in custom label......i cant use custom label name to fetch the email( But when i am giving the link in src it is working)
I'm really new to Apex and coding in general, so I seem to get stuck while trying to retrieve an access token.
I still can't quite figure out the logic between how to send the request and how to retrieve the access token and how to make it all work.
public with sharing class CleverreachTest {
    String username = 'myemail';
    String password = 'mypass'; 
    String accesstoken;
    String instanceURL;
    String clientID = 'clientid' ;
    string clientSecret = 'clientsecret';
    public CleverreachTest(string username, string pwd, string clientId, string clientsecret)
        this.username = username;
        this.password = pwd;
        this.clientId = clientId;
        this.clientSecret = clientSecret;
    public void startAuth(){
        //Get the token
        Http httpCls = new Http();
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        request.setTimeout(2 * 60 * 1000);
        request.setHeader('Token', 'https://rest.cleverreach.com/oauth/token.php');
        request.setBody('grand_type=password' + 
                       '&client_id=' + clientId +
                       '&client_secret=' + clientSecret + 
                       '&username=' + username +
                       '&password=' + password);
        httpResponse response = httpCls.send(request);
        if(response.getStatusCode() == 200){
            system.debug('## Succesfully retrieving access token');
            map<string,Object> resultMap = (map<string,Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody());
            accesstoken = (String)resultMap.get('access_token');
            instanceURL = (String)resultMap.get('instance_url');
            system.debug('## Could not retrieve the access token');
            system.debug('## response status:' + response.getStatus());
            system.debug('## response message:' + response.getBody());


I'm trying to find out the row number for which the toggle was clicked but everything I did it is not working. 
<aura:iteration items="{!v.newWFs}" var="header" indexVar="rowIndex"> 
                                <tr aria-selected="false" class="slds-hint-parent"  id="{!rowIndex}">
                                    <td aura:id="submit" label="{!rowIndex}" data-value="{!rowIndex}" data-row-index="{!rowIndex}" onclick="{!c.toggle}">
                                        <span class="slds-assistive-text">Details    </span>
                                    </button> -->
                                        <div data-drag-id="{!rowIndex}">
                                            <aura:if isTrue="{!v.NewWFFilters}">
                                                    <lightning:icon id="{!rowIndex}" data-selected-Index="{!rowIndex}" iconName="utility:chevrondown" alternativeText="Workflows" size="x-small"/>
                                            <aura:if isTrue="{!not(v.NewWFFilters)}">
                                                    <lightning:icon id="{!rowIndex}" data-selected-Index="{!rowIndex}" iconName="utility:chevronright" alternativeText="Workflows" size="x-small"/>

    toggle : function(component, event, helper) {
        var rows = component.get("v.newWFs");
        rows[event.target.dataset.index].expanded = !rows[event.target.dataset.index].expanded;
        component.set("v.newWFs", rows);
        component.set("v.NewWFFilters", !component.get("v.NewWFFilters")); 


I would like to refresh the page when the check box is checked. Actually We are using ncino UI layout. I want to reload couple of times. 

Thank you.

I awant to validate the data in a editable data table cell change event


In JS file 
        console.log('Cell Data  : ' +JSON.stringify( event.detail.draftValues[0]));        

How to validate the above data and send an error message.
In the columns array i do have the column name type, lenght, so the validations that I am looking for is to check against the data type and length in the JS method.

Tahnk you



Is there any way to make LIKE operator work in a case sensitive way in SOQL? Please help.


