• Annette Bordeaux
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1)Today i tried to implement a game build file(.js,.wasm,.loader.js) on static resource.
2) i create lwc component to import that files,  and using the Process.all mathod for implement the script of that games page, and using the canvas of that html.
3)now that component load on community page, and when open that page, then i found its function of loader.js is not defined.
4) So the problem is how can implemet the function of loader.js is avalable in html of the game
Hi all:

I am trying to build a handicapping system for my clay target club. The requirement is to average the best 8 scores of everyone's last 20. There are 10 different games. 

The custom objects I've built are:

shooter__c - the individual's name + associated data
games__c - a listing of the 10 different games
rounds__c - looks up shooter and games, plus a field for their score. Diff__c is a formula field that subtracts their score from the perfect score.

For each individual, for each game, I would like to average the diff__c on the rounds__c object. I am currently doing this by manually flagging the most recent 20 and the subset of the best 8 and then filtering on those flags = y on my report.

I have two flags on the rounds__c object:
Most_recent_record__c which should be flagged if it is one of the twently most recent records as determined by the date__c field
Lowest_8__c which should be flagged if that score is one of the lowest 8 from the most recent 20. 

I'm not married to Apex updating those flags if there is another way, but I thought a trigger might be the best way about this. 

Thank you in advance!
Is there a trailhead that can help me make a game in my community. A math game that uses buttons. 
what should i learn after completing trailhead for salesforce administrator certification?
Hey all, I'm a newbie...and studying toward Develop certification (App and Platform 1) ... may take most of the Winter and Spring? Longer? Does anyone have an interest in joining up in a small study group ("Study Buddies")... we could setup weekly (?) Zoom meetings... discuss lessons learned...help learn, etc.  I was hoping for 3-5 of us? Thanks 
