• manis
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<apex:repeat value="{!mylist}" var="p">
<apex:inputcheckbox value="{!p.entrySelectedFM}" />

On the page is initially loaded, the above peice of block is rendered properly on the page. Also I am able to call some action function from the page. Once the action method is done i reRender the outputpanel which contains the above repeat. But on rerendeing the "entrySelectedFM" shows a message in log as below

22:39:50.132 (132898626)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|entrySelectedFM
22:39:50.134 (134807382)|VF_PAGE_MESSAGE|<apex:inputText> element value must resolve to a String type!

No other action method is called from the page after this reRender is done. Has anyone faced this issue before or let me know If you could give me some details on what could be cause for it. Any help appreciated.

  • June 25, 2014
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<apex:repeat value="{!mylist}" var="p">
<apex:inputcheckbox value="{!p.entrySelectedFM}" />

On the page is initially loaded, the above peice of block is rendered properly on the page. Also I am able to call some action function from the page. Once the action method is done i reRender the outputpanel which contains the above repeat. But on rerendeing the "entrySelectedFM" shows a message in log as below

22:39:50.132 (132898626)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|entrySelectedFM
22:39:50.134 (134807382)|VF_PAGE_MESSAGE|<apex:inputText> element value must resolve to a String type!

No other action method is called from the page after this reRender is done. Has anyone faced this issue before or let me know If you could give me some details on what could be cause for it. Any help appreciated.

  • June 25, 2014
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How to log in to d production .......???


comanly which sandboxesmostly   using  in realtime org?



what is mean by refresh in sand boxes??


plz let me know all .........its great help to me 

Hi all , 

 I have rest resource as follows

(Provider__c custome object contains first_name__c,last_name__c,provider_specilty__c fields)



@RestResource (urlMapping = '/Provider')
global with sharing class ProviderRestResource {
global class ProviderDetails{
String fName,lName,primarySpeciality;
global static List<ProviderDetails> getProviderDetails (){
List<ProviderDetails> pList = new List<ProviderDetails>();
for (Provider__c p : [select first_name__c,last_name__c from Provider__c ]){
ProviderDetails pd = new ProviderDetails();
pd.fName = p.first_name__c ;
pd.lName = p.last_name__c ;
return pList;
global static List<ProviderDetails> searchProviderDetails (String s){

List<ProviderDetails> pList = new List<ProviderDetails>();
for(Provider__c p : [select first_name__c,last_name__c,primary_specialty__c from Provider__c where first_name__c =: s]){
ProviderDetails pd = new ProviderDetails();
pd.primarySpeciality = p.primary_specialty__c ;
pd.fName = p.first_name__c ;
pd.lName = p.last_name__c ;
return pList;
public static testMethod void testProvider(){




In this am getting nearly 70% code coverage so please help in improving test method to get 100% code coverage.



Hi all,


I am required to create  a validation rule that will triggers the obligation to fill in certain fields.


So the case scenario is:


If field policy (lookup) is blank, then fields "policy number", "start date", "end date" are to be mandatory.


I have been trying to implement the following logic for the object case ( as these fields are part of it):


AND (ISBLANK (policy.name)),NOT (ISBLANK (policy.number)), NOT (ISBLANK...."


But it is not accepted in the syntax.


Would please someone help me on this :)?


Thank you!