• Casey Gehling
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  • Member since 2017

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I have created a number of field sets (some quite large) as a means of easily developing a large visualforce page with many different types of data. This has really sped up development, however, the ordering when outputting the fieldsets is problematic. We are looking for two columns to shorten certain sections, however, rather than outputting each field in a vertical fashion and proceeding to the second column after reaching half of the list, it just alternates columns. Something similar to:

1 2
3 4

When what we are actually looking for is:

1 3
2 4

Does anyone know how to achieve this using visualforce? It seems like controlling tab key order is similar to my issue, but physically arranging them in that fashion is the desired outcome. We really don't want to break up the fieldsets, and we also don't want to waste time rearranging the fieldsets to match the order we are looking for. Any input would be appreciated. 

My team is asking that I develop a visualforce page to be placed onto a standard page layout (we created a custom object, and they have been developing the page using standard drag and drop functionality). I have the form created, but they are not fond of the extra save button the visualforce page I created requires (due to obvious reasons.. it would be easy to forget to save that portion). Without rewriting the entire page to make it one visualforce page, is there anyway, using javascript or some other tool, we could ensure that the save button on my individual page gets clicked when the standard save button does? I realize we could use ajax/jquery to save the fields as they navigate them on my form, but the producers would really like to be able to format the text as they enter it, and events do not fire on rich text fields.