• Juan Manuel Triguero Piñero
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Hi everyone,

I've followed the instructions to export a community as a Lightning Bolt Solution which are described here:

I've created the template and added it to a package. Later, I've uploaded the package. I can install that package in another org, but when I try to create a new community using the template, I get the following error:

Error creating template:05jf4000000XZFqAAO Description:DML operation on setup object is not permitted after you have updated a non-setup object (or vice versa): ContentDocumentLink, original object: Site
Error: 629723056-22479 (-347409516)

I've also tried to export the package with Workbench and deploy it in the other org, but I get another error when it tries to deploy the CommunityTemplateDefinition component:

In field: defaultThemeDefinition - no CommunityThemeDefinition named [COMMUNITY_NAME] found

Any help is welcome.
In my org, I can create an Unmanaged Package, add components to it and upload it with the "Upload" button. Then I get a link to install it in any org.

But where is that package stored? Is it in my org or is it in Salesforce platform? So, if my org was deleted, would the package keep available through that link?

Thank you.