• Drisya D 13
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Did anyone know how we can show the percentage like below? 
Needed Format

Through Apex code, I have inserted records to ContentVersion  and ContentDocumentLink objects. The inserted files are available in 'Owned by me' section under 'Files'. Is there any way we can download multiple files at once, as I can see only download option corresponding to each image.
Lets say, OCE__Opt__c is my custom object and OCE__Signature__c is a Long Text Area field which captures signature. We have a requirement to show this field as an image in reports and also need an option to export the same. When I add this field in Report, it will show only the raw data. Its not displaying as an image. Does anyone have any idea how we can achieve this?

Is there any way to  find out  the history of permission sets assigned to a user?

Is there any way to  find out  the history of permission sets assigned to a user?
I have a requirement to update the address of an account in the Report. 
This address is suposed to the Billing and if it is not updated then shipping address. If both billing and shipping are not available then the address in the report should be blank.

Since this if condition logic is not possible in Report, i have created a bunch of formula fields. 
1. BillingAddress__c- Billing address Text formula field to concate all the billing address in one field-  .
2. ShippingAddress__c- Shipping address Text formula field to concate all the billing address in one field-.

Both the above fields are working fine.

3.DeliveryAddress__c- Text formula field to update the billing address and if it is blank shipping address to be updated else blank.
This field is used in report.
IF( NOT( ISBLANK(BillingAddress__c)) , BillingAddress__c, 
     IF(NOT( ISBLANK(ShippingAddress__c)), ShippingAddress__c, ' ')
IF(  ISBLANK(BillingAddress__c) , 
     IF( ISBLANK(ShippingAddress__c), ShippingAddress__c, ''), 

No syntax error and same result from both the above formulas.
the billing address is  updating in 3 field when it is not blank.
But when billing address is blank the shipping address is not blank, the filed update in 3 is not happening. 

i have used ISNULL() as well but no difference.

Is there anything that i'm missing?

I am a data analyst and trying to link the salesforce CaseID to the 'Notes' section. So far, I have tried to use the "parentid" column from the sf_note table and join with the case data but, it is returning 0 rows. I am tried the 'ContentNote' table but, the "id" column is not the common key as well.

Can someone please help me on "How to join" "Notes" section to the case section? I need to share this data with the text analytics team but there is no way I am able to join them.