• Victor Mitra 27
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We have a custom object called "X" and we have DocuSign linked to it. I need to customize a custom button so that it auto populates the DocuSign Envelope's Recipient section using a custom field called email in X Here is what I have done currently and what is the requirement
a. Name of the field in the custom object X is Email__c (type text)
b. I have kept the Add recipients section blank in the Docusign panel ,however in doing so I am loosing out on all the custom tags which I had set for the template.
c. I have created a custom button and the contents are

!URLFOR('/apex/dsfs__DocuSign_CreateEnvelope', null, [
SourceID = X.Id ,
CCRM = 'Decision Maker~Signer 1',
CCTM = 'Decision Maker~Signer',
DST = '873cd9f7-c905-4340-996e-e166e3594a1c',
**CRL = 'Email~' +X.Email__c ,**
OCO = 'Send',
LA = '0',
LF = '0',
OCO = 'Tag'

We have a custom object called "X" and we have DocuSign linked to it. I need to customize a custom button so that it auto populates the DocuSign Envelope's Recipient section using a custom field called email in X Here is what I have done currently and what is the requirement
a. Name of the field in the custom object X is Email__c (type text)
b. I have kept the Add recipients section blank in the Docusign panel ,however in doing so I am loosing out on all the custom tags which I had set for the template.
c. I have created a custom button and the contents are
{!URLFOR('/apex/dsfs__DocuSign_CreateEnvelope', null, [ SourceID = X.Id , CCRM = 'Decision Maker~Signer 1', CCTM = 'Decision Maker~Signer', DST = '873cd9f7-c905-4340-996e-e166e3594a1c', **CRL = 'Email~' +X.Email__c ,** OCO = 'Send', LA = '0', LF = '0', OCO = 'Tag' ] )}

Now the problem is
1)If I have the default recipient and role set here then the emails are being sent in the email id provided,but the requirement is to make it dynamic.
User-added image

2)If I am using the above code piece for the javascript button url then it is opening up the document where I am unable to create any custom tags and it is saying must select one recipient with name and email to send the mail\

Please help on it
Please help me on this urgently I have a field say "X__c" which is required on Opportunity Object only But during lead conversion (since this field is not present in leads and not required as well), it is preventing lead conversion to Opportunity. How do I make the field not required during lead conversion(so that no error is thrown at that time),but also make it a required field at the same time when this is blank when we are filling up rest of the details of the converted opportunity and saving the record??
Please help me on this urgently I have a field say "X__c" which is required on Opportunity Object only But during lead conversion (since this field is not present in leads and not required as well), it is preventing lead conversion to Opportunity. How do I make the field not required during lead conversion(so that no error is thrown at that time),but also make it a required field at the same time when this is blank when we are filling up rest of the details of the converted opportunity and saving the record??