• jacqulin
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I want to generate the report of accounts for a particular record type and store it in ftp location. This should be a dialy process. The report functionality in salesforce can only send it across as an Email. Can apex used for this? If so please send a sample code.





I want to know how do I get the list of the workflows other than the manual way. In other words, a report on the workflows and the respective fields. Everytime I need a detail it always happens that I open each workflow manually and there are almost 500 worfklows. I heard it can be done through API. But am not sure of what API is and how to use since it only shows XML codes. Please help.





I need to provide access to an individual list of users for an object. Some of these users should have read only access while other must have read\write.
I know access can be given using their profile.
But, I dont want rest of the users in the profile to view\edit the records.
So, I need to give access only to these users.
Please help me with the procedure of doing this in Salesforce.




Hi all,
I have got a problem. One of the users is not able to view a particular record though his profile has access to this record type.
He is able to view other records in same record type. On viewing this particular record it throws an error 'Insufficent privileges'. I tried the option of 'Share Rules'. But, as far as I know, share rules are used to share the record types such that users in the group can see the records which are created by anyone in the group. But, this will not stop a user from seeing a record type that has been assigned to his profile.
Can anyone provide other clues?

Hi All. I would like to know where does "sforce.connection.retrieve" gets the values from?
Is this value retrieved from the excel - connector?
The reason behind this is I have an s-control that checks whether two values are equal and update if they are not equal.
One of these value is the one retrieved using "sforce.connection.retrieve".
So, need to update the value.
It would be much helpful if I can get inputs from anyone. Below is the sample code.
var accrecord = sforce.connection.retrieve("BillingCity,BillingCountry,BillingState,BillingStreet,BillingPostalCode,ShippingCity,ShippingCountry,ShippingState,ShippingStreet, ShippingPostalCode", "Account",[rfqaccId])[0];


Hi All. I would like to know where does "sforce.connection.retrieve" gets the values from?
Is this value retrieved from the excel - connector?
The reason behind this is I have an s-control that checks whether two values are equal and update if they are not equal.
One of these value is the one retrieved using "sforce.connection.retrieve".
So, need to update the value.
It would be much helpful if I can get inputs from anyone. Below is the sample code.
var accrecord = sforce.connection.retrieve("BillingCity,BillingCountry,BillingState,BillingStreet,BillingPostalCode,ShippingCity,ShippingCountry,ShippingState,ShippingStreet, ShippingPostalCode", "Account",[rfqaccId])[0];
